Lin Wan Er also same moved for­ward to meet some­body, dou­ble dag­ger terjemahan - Lin Wan Er also same moved for­ward to meet some­body, dou­ble dag­ger Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Lin Wan Er also same moved for­ward

Lin Wan Er also same moved for­ward to meet some­body, dou­ble dag­ger raises, „clang clang clang” three times re­sisted fiercely at­tack­ing of op­po­site party, the lon­g­leg lifted to the paper on the ab­domen of pic­ture demon is being one time tram­ples to strike, who once thinks that on the paper the at­tack speed of pic­ture demon cer­tainly, the left knee lifted quickly, „bang” col­li­sion opened the at­tack of Lin Wan Er, spun the body is a sharp knife blade sweeps away the at­tack.
The iron um­brella raises, the di­rect stan­dard keeps off this at­tack, the Lin Wan Er slip­ping sev­eral steps, puts to­gether the strength the words as if is also not the match of op­po­site party.
After one sec­ond, the iron um­brella re­ceives sud­denly, around the dou­ble dag­ger the danc­ing in the air snowflake, ices blade edge ma­neu­ver skill in ad­di­tion to hold, so long as the ice lives in match one time, Lin Wan Er was ca­pa­ble of end­ing on the paper the per­son giv­ing an open chal­lenge sta­tus of pic­ture demon.
Be­fore ad­vanc­ing the match body sud­denly, Lin Wan Er catches up to fiercely at­tack, the edges of var­i­ous god!
The edges of var­i­ous god first struck, has cho­sen the cun­ning angle of the right at­tack­ing, but on the paper the pic­ture demon beau­ti­ful eye swept, as if has un­der­stood clearly any­thing, the ex­trav­a­gant sword from the sky towed one hor­i­zon­tal, „clang” re­sist­ing in the dag­ger, the rapid left fist at­tacked, „bang” scat­tered, blue at­tack­ing and de­stroy­ing jumped suc­cess­fully, but at this mo­ment, Lin Wan Er sec­ond struck de­liv­ers as be­fore!
On the paper pic­ture demon stares, judges the angle that Lin Wan Er third strikes in­stan­ta­neously, elbow ver­ti­cal sec­tion, „bang” an at­tack above the shoul­der of Lin Wan Er, sharp knife blade again straight thrust, is a blue at­tack­ing and de­stroy­ing suc­cess, this lit­tle girl is not re­ally sim­ple, con­sec­u­tively for 2 times at­tacked and de­stroyed to the Lin Wan Er skill suc­cess­fully!
How­ever, in at­tack­ing and de­stroy­ing the suc­cess­ful in­stance, the Lin Wan Er being side­ways clash, „bang” lets on the paper the pic­ture demon body delay, the dou­ble dag­ger along with the ma­neu­ver of body, „ka” two cut­ting matches, di­rectly on pic­ture demon the armor of mump­ing the paper and mumped to pro­tect the body to scat­ter to­gether.
On the paper pic­ture demon was some­what anx­ious, the body roar­ing flame spurts to open sud­denly, Lin Wan Er next one strikes the straight thrust to fill the roar­ing flame body to this.
But after 0.1 sec­ond, Lin Wan Er sud­denly stopped the at­tack move­ment, lifted to draw out the iron um­brella hor­i­zon­tally above the shoul­der, at the same time, on the paper Beng San of pic­ture demon stature orig­i­nally in the roar­ing flame, that was one does sev­eral things at the same time, the true body sud­denly from air­borne plun­dered, both hands held up the sword rudely one time struck to cut­ting of Lin Wan Er!
Mars spat­ter in all di­rec­tions, Lin Wan Er draws back con­tin­u­ally.
On the paper pic­ture demon is puz­zled: „Your you can sen­tence my doing sev­eral things at the same time day un­ex­pect­edly in ad­vance!”
Say­ing, on the paper the pic­ture demon per­sonal ap­pear­ance vi­o­lent was walk­ing sud­denly, the charge skill locked the Lin Wan Er side open area, „brush­ing” plun­dered, was S level Lian Zhao launch!
„Clang clang clang”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Lin Wan Er also same moved for­ward to meet some­body, dou­ble dag­ger raises, „clang clang clang” three times re­sisted fiercely at­tack­ing of op­po­site party, the lon­g­leg lifted to the paper on the ab­domen of pic­ture demon is being one time tram­ples to strike, who once thinks that on the paper the at­tack speed of pic­ture demon cer­tainly, the left knee lifted quickly, „bang” col­li­sion opened the at­tack of Lin Wan Er, spun the body is a sharp knife blade sweeps away the at­tack.„Whish!”The iron um­brella raises, the di­rect stan­dard keeps off this at­tack, the Lin Wan Er slip­ping sev­eral steps, puts to­gether the strength the words as if is also not the match of op­po­site party.After one sec­ond, the iron um­brella re­ceives sud­denly, around the dou­ble dag­ger the danc­ing in the air snowflake, ices blade edge ma­neu­ver skill in ad­di­tion to hold, so long as the ice lives in match one time, Lin Wan Er was ca­pa­ble of end­ing on the paper the per­son giv­ing an open chal­lenge sta­tus of pic­ture demon.Be­fore ad­vanc­ing the match body sud­denly, Lin Wan Er catches up to fiercely at­tack, the edges of var­i­ous god!The edges of var­i­ous god first struck, has cho­sen the cun­ning angle of the right at­tack­ing, but on the paper the pic­ture demon beau­ti­ful eye swept, as if has un­der­stood clearly any­thing, the ex­trav­a­gant sword from the sky towed one hor­i­zon­tal, „clang” re­sist­ing in the dag­ger, the rapid left fist at­tacked, „bang” scat­tered, blue at­tack­ing and de­stroy­ing jumped suc­cess­fully, but at this mo­ment, Lin Wan Er sec­ond struck de­liv­ers as be­fore!„Puff!”„10821!”On the paper pic­ture demon stares, judges the angle that Lin Wan Er third strikes in­stan­ta­neously, elbow ver­ti­cal sec­tion, „bang” an at­tack above the shoul­der of Lin Wan Er, sharp knife blade again straight thrust, is a blue at­tack­ing and de­stroy­ing suc­cess, this lit­tle girl is not re­ally sim­ple, con­sec­u­tively for 2 times at­tacked and de­stroyed to the Lin Wan Er skill suc­cess­fully!How­ever, in at­tack­ing and de­stroy­ing the suc­cess­ful in­stance, the Lin Wan Er being side­ways clash, „bang” lets on the paper the pic­ture demon body delay, the dou­ble dag­ger along with the ma­neu­ver of body, „ka” two cut­ting matches, di­rectly on pic­ture demon the armor of mump­ing the paper and mumped to pro­tect the body to scat­ter to­gether.On the paper pic­ture demon was some­what anx­ious, the body roar­ing flame spurts to open sud­denly, Lin Wan Er next one strikes the straight thrust to fill the roar­ing flame body to this.But after 0.1 sec­ond, Lin Wan Er sud­denly stopped the at­tack move­ment, lifted to draw out the iron um­brella hor­i­zon­tally above the shoul­der, at the same time, on the paper Beng San of pic­ture demon stature orig­i­nally in the roar­ing flame, that was one does sev­eral things at the same time, the true body sud­denly from air­borne plun­dered, both hands held up the sword rudely one time struck to cut­ting of Lin Wan Er!„Bang!”„7311!”Mars spat­ter in all di­rec­tions, Lin Wan Er draws back con­tin­u­ally.On the paper pic­ture demon is puz­zled: „Your you can sen­tence my doing sev­eral things at the same time day un­ex­pect­edly in ad­vance!”Say­ing, on the paper the pic­ture demon per­sonal ap­pear­ance vi­o­lent was walk­ing sud­denly, the charge skill locked the Lin Wan Er side open area, „brush­ing” plun­dered, was S level Lian Zhao launch!„Clang clang clang”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Lin Wan Er juga sama bergerak maju untuk bertemu seseorang, belati ganda menimbulkan, "dentang dentang dentang" tiga kali menolak keras menyerang dari pihak lawan, longleg mengangkat ke kertas pada perut iblis gambar yang menjadi salah satu waktu menginjak-injak untuk menyerang, yang sekali berpikir bahwa di atas kertas kecepatan serangan setan gambar tentu, lutut kiri diangkat dengan cepat, "bang" tabrakan membuka serangan dari Lin Wan Er, berputar tubuh adalah pisau tajam menyapu serangan.
The besi payung menimbulkan, standar langsung membuat off serangan ini, Lin Wan Er tergelincir beberapa langkah, menempatkan bersama-sama kekuatan kata-kata seolah-olah juga tidak pertandingan partai yang berlawanan.
Setelah satu detik, payung besi menerima tiba-tiba, sekitar dua belati menari di kepingan salju udara, es pisau keterampilan manuver tepi selain terus, selama kehidupan es dalam pertandingan satu waktu, Lin Wan Er mampu berakhir pada kertas orang yang memberikan status tantangan terbuka dari setan gambar.
sebelum memajukan tubuh pertandingan tiba-tiba, Lin Wan Er menangkap sampai dengan sengit serangan, tepi berbagai dewa!
tepi berbagai dewa pertama melanda, telah memilih sudut licik hak menyerang, tapi di atas kertas gambar setan mata indah menyapu , seolah-olah telah memahami dengan jelas apa-apa, pedang mewah dari langit diderek satu horisontal, "dentang" menolak di belati, tinju kiri cepat menyerang, "bang" tersebar, menyerang biru dan menghancurkan melompat berhasil, tetapi pada saat ini, Lin wan Er kedua melanda memberikan seperti sebelumnya!
pada gambar kertas setan tatapan, hakim sudut yang Lin Wan Er serangan ketiga seketika, siku bagian vertikal, "bang" serangan atas bahu Lin Wan Er , tajam pisau pisau dorong lagi lurus, adalah menyerang biru dan menghancurkan kesuksesan, gadis kecil ini tidak benar-benar sederhana, berturut-turut selama 2 kali diserang dan dihancurkan dengan keterampilan Lin Wan Er berhasil!
Namun, dalam menyerang dan menghancurkan contoh sukses, Lin Wan Er sedang sideways bentrokan, "bang" memungkinkan di atas kertas gambar setan delay tubuh, belati ganda bersama dengan manuver tubuh, "ka" dua pertandingan pemotongan, langsung pada gambar setan armor dari mumping kertas dan mumped untuk melindungi tubuh untuk menyebarkan bersama-sama.
Di setan gambar kertas agak cemas, tubuh menderu api menyembur membuka tiba-tiba, Lin Wan Er berikutnya pemogokan dorong langsung untuk mengisi api tubuh menderu untuk ini.
Tapi setelah 0,1 detik, Lin Wan Er tiba-tiba berhenti gerakan serangan, mengangkat untuk menarik keluar payung besi horizontal di atas bahu, pada saat yang sama, di atas kertas Beng San gambar setan bertubuh awalnya di api menderu, itu salah satu melakukan beberapa hal pada saat yang sama, tubuh benar tiba-tiba dari udara dijarah, kedua tangan mengangkat pedang kasar satu waktu memukul untuk pemotongan Lin Wan Er!
Mars hujan rintik-rintik di semua arah, Lin Wan Er menarik kembali terus.
pada gambar kertas iblis yang bingung: "! Anda Anda dapat menghukum saya melakukan beberapa hal pada hari saat yang sama tiba-tiba di muka"
Mengatakan, di atas kertas gambar setan penampilan pribadi kekerasan sedang berjalan tiba-tiba, keterampilan biaya terkunci sisi daerah terbuka Lin Wan Er, "menyikat" dijarah, adalah tingkat S Lian Zhao meluncurkan!
"dentang dentang dentang"
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