Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Sandro, Rick dan Lisa melonjak ke depan dalam keprihatinan tetapi suaminya mendapat dia pertama, ia memiliki lengan pinggang menebal sebelum dia bisa berkedip."Apa salah?" Dia menuntut hoarsely. Theresa menyambar tangan yang bebas dalam kedua miliknya dan diperas mendesak sebagai seluruh tubuhnya bergetar dalam sakit sekali. Setelah saat kekal, rasa sakit berkurang dan memudar dan dia mendorong dia cara tegak, pertemuan Sandro's panik tatapan dengan yang panik sendiri."Ini adalah bayi..." dia berbisik ketakutan." Saya pikir bayi datang...""Tidak, tidak, tidak," telanjang panik dan ketakutan di matanya tidak mengurangi teror Theresa sendiri. "Dia tidak akan datang sekarang. Dia adalah hampir sebulan lebih awal! Apakah Anda yakin?""Saya telah kram sepanjang hari tapi saya pikir itu adalah akibat stres," Theresa mengerang setelah rasa sakit telah mereda. "Tapi sekarang saya pikir saya mengalami kontraksi.""Oke, tidak apa-apa," ia ditenangkan, secara otomatis pengumpulan tubuhnya gemetar ke pelukan. "Kami akan baik-baik saja. Kita harus mendapatkan Anda ke rumah sakit." Theresa telah berpendapat, memohon, cajoled, berusaha untuk alasan tetapi Sandro menolak titik kosong untuk menunda posisinya sebagai sang pelatih untuk Lisa. Pada akhirnya, Lisa hanya menolak untuk pergi ke rumah sakit dengan dirinya, berkata bahwa itu terbaik untuk Theresa agar pasangannya pembinaan asli dengannya. Terkejut dan terluka oleh apa yang ia rasakan adalah pengkhianatan dimaafkan, Theresa menolak untuk melihat, atau bahkan berbicara, sepupunya sementara Sandro menggiring dia keluar untuk mobil. Lisa tampaknya menjadi riang dan sengaja tidak menyadari Theresa menunjuk dan agak kekanak-kanakan, diam perawatan, menjanjikan bahwa dia dan Rick akan segera di rumah sakit."Dia melakukan apa yang dia pikir adalah terbaik, cara," Sandro berusaha menenangkan en-rute untuk rumah sakit. Dia hanya berbalik kepalanya dan menatap pada pemandangan lewat, takut dan marah dan tidak benar-benar dalam mood untuk merasa terhibur oleh-nya. "Dia tahu bahwa aku akan bersikeras dan kita akan memiliki hanya membuang-buang waktu berdebat futilely tentang hal itu.""Saya ingin seseorang saya dipercaya di sana dengan saya," Dia tiba-tiba berkata, menjaga mata terpaku di jalan depan. Dia tidak menanggapi bahwa tetapi dari sudut matanya dia melihat tangannya mengencangkan pada kemudi dan tahu bahwa dia telah mencetak hit langsung. Sisa perjalanan berlalu dengan cepat dan sebelum ia tahu itu dia sedang dirawat ke klinik bersalin elit pribadi bahwa Sandro telah diatur untuk bulan yang lalu. Ia punya hanya satu kontraksi en-rute tapi itu hampir telah dikirim Sandro jalan panik.Still it was hours before anything more interesting than that happened. The doctor confirmed that she was indeed in labour but reassured them that it was perfectly normal for women to go into labour a few weeks early. They were taking extra precautions because of her health issues during the pregnancy but for someone whose pregnancy had been fraught with drama, Theresa’s labour was pretty boring aside from the intense periods of pain. Her obstetrician monitored her condition carefully and weathered Sandro’s demanding, panicked questions with admirable calm. Her contractions seemed to leave Sandro more wrung out than they did her and he wasn’t dealing with it very well.About five hours after her admission Theresa found herself glaring up at her hovering husband in frustration.“For God’s sake, go and get yourself some coffee or something, you’re driving me up the wall!”“I won’t leave you. What if you have another contraction? What if your water breaks and they rush you into the delivery room? What if there are complications?” He asked hoarsely, his eyes dilating more with each anxious question. And Theresa rolled her eyes in exasperation.“I doubt any of those things will happen in the two minutes it would take you to leave the room and get a cup of coffee, Sandro,” she sighed impatiently.“They could,” he insisted stubbornly.“Unlikely.” He didn’t respond, merely continued to sit by her bedside. They were both silent for a few minutes.“Why are you here?” Theresa suddenly asked tiredly.“Because this is where I want to be,” he responded promptly and she squeezed her eyes shut.“Why do you want to be here?” She persisted.“You’re my wife, cara. You’re having my baby,” he reached out and covered one of her hands with his. “I belong here.”“You don’t belong here,” she whispered hoarsely.“I do.”“You have another life, a family that wants you to come home, a woman you love and who loves you. You don’t have to be here, Sandro,” she shook her head tiredly, tears seeping from beneath her eyelids.“I have this life, with you. It’s the only one that matters to me,” he insisted. “I have a wife who loved me once, and who maybe... someday, would dare to love and trust me again? I don’t have to be here... but I want to be here.”“Too many things have happened between us. More than two years of pain,” she whispered rawly and his hand contracted around hers. “I can’t go back to being the naive girl who loved you with all her heart.”“But maybe... the woman who replaced the girl could find a way to love the flawed man she’d once placed on a pedestal he had no business being on?”“You’ve hurt me so many times,” she confessed. Opening her eyes and meeting his gaze full on. He flinched slightly beneath the accusatory glare.“I know.”“In so many ways.”“I know.”“Why should I forgive you and love you again? Why should I open up my heart to a man who would probably crush it in the palms of his hands?”“You probably shouldn’t,” he smiled bitterly. “But I wish you would.”“I can’t,” she whispered, tears drenching her pale cheeks and he nodded slightly, reaching out to wipe at the tears.“I know,” he finally said again, before lapsing into silence.
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