and others. Within the group there is more understanding and acceptanc terjemahan - and others. Within the group there is more understanding and acceptanc Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

and others. Within the group there

and others. Within the group there is more understanding and acceptance of
who others are. Members become more appreciative of themselves as they are,
and they move toward self-direction. They empower themselves in new ways,
and they increasingly trust themselves. The members become more creative
because they are willing to accept their own uniqueness. They become more
empathic, accepting, and congruent in their relationships with others, and in
doing so engage in more meaningful relationships (Cain, 2010).
Person-Centered Expressive Arts
in Groups*
Natalie Rogers, daughter of Carl Rogers, expanded on her father’s theory of
creativity using the expressive arts to enhance personal growth for individuals
and groups. Group facilitators, counselors, and psychotherapists trained in
person-centered expressive arts offer their clients or groups the opportunity to
create movement, visual art, journal writing, and sound and music to express
their feelings and gain insight from these activities (N. Rogers, 1993).
Expressive arts therapy is a multimodal approach integrating mind, body,
emotions, and spiritual inner resources through the use of various art forms—
movement, drawing, painting, sculpting, writing, music, and improvisation—
in a supportive setting for the purpose of growth and healing. This therapy is
in addition to talking about feelings. Any art form generated from deep emotions
aids in the process of self-discovery, and the raw and spontaneous
product—as is—is part of the therapeutic process. This therapy is not about
creating a “pretty” picture, a dance ready for the stage, or a poem written and
rewritten to perfection.
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
dan lain-lain. Dalam kelompok ada lebih pengertian dan penerimaanyang lain. Anggota menjadi lebih menghargai diri mereka sendiri karena mereka,dan mereka bergerak menuju arah diri. Mereka memberdayakan diri mereka dalam cara yang baru,dan mereka semakin percaya diri. Anggota menjadi lebih kreatifkarena mereka bersedia menerima keunikan mereka sendiri. Mereka menjadi lebihempatik, menerima dan kongruen dalam hubungan mereka dengan orang lain, dan dalammelakukan begitu terlibat dalam hubungan yang lebih berarti (kain, 2010).Orang-berpusat seni ekspresifdalam kelompok *Natalie Rogers, putri dari Carl Rogers, diperluas pada teori ayahnyakreativitas menggunakan seni ekspresif untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan pribadi bagi individudan kelompok. Kelompok fasilitator, konselor dan psikoterapis dilatih dalamorang-berpusat seni ekspresif menawarkan klien mereka atau kelompok kesempatan untukmembuat gerakan, seni visual, menulis jurnal, dan suara dan musik untuk mengekspresikanperasaan mereka dan mendapatkan wawasan dari kegiatan ini (N. Rogers, 1993).PRINSIP-PRINSIP TERAPI SENI EKSPRESIFTerapi seni ekspresif adalah pendekatan multimodal mengintegrasikan pikiran, tubuh,emosi, dan rohani dalam daya melalui berbagai bentuk seni —gerakan, Gambar, lukisan, patung, menulis, musik, dan improvisasi —dalam suasana yang mendukung untuk tujuan pertumbuhan dan penyembuhan. Terapi iniSelain berbicara tentang perasaan. Setiap bentuk seni yang dihasilkan dari dalam emosiBantu dalam proses penemuan diri, dan mentah dan spontanproduk-sebagai-adalah bagian dari proses terapi. Terapi ini bukanlah tentangmenciptakan sebuah gambar "cantik", tari siap untuk tahap, atau sebuah puisi yang ditulis danditulis ulang untuk kesempurnaan.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
and others. Within the group there is more understanding and acceptance of
who others are. Members become more appreciative of themselves as they are,
and they move toward self-direction. They empower themselves in new ways,
and they increasingly trust themselves. The members become more creative
because they are willing to accept their own uniqueness. They become more
empathic, accepting, and congruent in their relationships with others, and in
doing so engage in more meaningful relationships (Cain, 2010).
Person-Centered Expressive Arts
in Groups*
Natalie Rogers, daughter of Carl Rogers, expanded on her father’s theory of
creativity using the expressive arts to enhance personal growth for individuals
and groups. Group facilitators, counselors, and psychotherapists trained in
person-centered expressive arts offer their clients or groups the opportunity to
create movement, visual art, journal writing, and sound and music to express
their feelings and gain insight from these activities (N. Rogers, 1993).
Expressive arts therapy is a multimodal approach integrating mind, body,
emotions, and spiritual inner resources through the use of various art forms—
movement, drawing, painting, sculpting, writing, music, and improvisation—
in a supportive setting for the purpose of growth and healing. This therapy is
in addition to talking about feelings. Any art form generated from deep emotions
aids in the process of self-discovery, and the raw and spontaneous
product—as is—is part of the therapeutic process. This therapy is not about
creating a “pretty” picture, a dance ready for the stage, or a poem written and
rewritten to perfection.
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