He is 25. In his youth he wanted to become a journalist, tried his hand in advertising but in a moment he decided to change his life dramatically. He finished the Drama School of the famous Spanish dancer Cristina Rota. He has played in nine films and several series since then. He has not received any high professional award yet but in the cinematographic environment he is believed to be an “eye-opener” and the “Spanish Romeo.” The multi-million army of young actor’s fans is increasing every time he appears on the screens.
On December 3, 2010 the film by Fernando Gonzalez Molina Three Meters above the Sky was first shown in Spain. Its effect was similar to the one of tsunami. The next day the actor Mario Casas Sierra who played the main role of impulsive, rebellious and freedom-loving Hache became the idol for the teenagers and youth. The older generation predicts that in the near future he will be as famous as Antonio Banderas. During the first week-end after the premiere the film Three Meters above the Sky collected 2,050,000 euros and 10,000,000 euros within a month and became the most successful film of 2010.
At first glance Three Meters… is a simple story of two young people of different social groups. According to the laws of society the pure, innocent and obedient schoolgirl Babi Alcazar should not have met biker Hugo Olivera nicknamed Hache who risks his life in never-ceasing fights and illegal motorcycle races everyday and spends his nights in dubious clubs having fun with accidental girls. However, the life is great because it refutes the rules created by people. Babi’s and Hache’s paths cross and they have a feeling that not everyone can experience. It catches them not on the hard soil we feel everyday under our feet but three meters above the sky. Its name is simple and moving: Love.
The movie will be shown in Ukraine since November 3, 2011. It does not matter how old you are: if you still can cry and laugh you should go and see this film. At least in order to recall that not only oligarchs, businessmen, politicians, gangsters, drug addicts and prostitutes the screens abound in exist in our life but ordinary young people like Babi and Hache who managed to go up three meters above the sky.
So, we would like you to meet the rising Spanish star Mario Casas. We talked last summer in a cozy cafe in the festival center of Karlovy Vary where the film by Fernando Gonzalez Molina Three Meters above the Sky was shown hors concours.
You made your cinema debut in 2006 in the film Summer Rain directed by the main Spanish macho Antonio Banderas. How did you feel at the shooting stage knowing that the film is directed by the brilliant actor popular around the world?
“I felt great! It was my first professional experience. And the most amazing one! I was only 18 and suddenly I found myself at my idol’s home. I could not even believe that it was happening with me. Actually, I was a kid and today I would have enjoyed speaking to Banderas in a different manner. By the way, we still keep in touch.”
There are nine full-length films and several popular series in your track record. However, you became really famous after the film by Fernando Gonzalez Molina Three Meters above the Sky. Did you feel the difference between being one of the actors and the best one?
“Except Three Meters above the Sky the science-fiction series The Ship was released in 2010 where I played the role of Ulises. Of course, it was a great success for me as an artist. In my opinion, the Three Meters... was successful because of the love and tenderness the film crew put into it. The media wrote that the film (Three Meters above the Sky is the remake of the Italian film of 2004 based on Federico Moccia’s novel) was created only in order to make money. However, it is not true! Neither I, nor the film director considered the money essential. The fact that we are going to start filming the second part at the end of this year is the evidence of this.”
Are you participating in any other projects today?
“I continue playing in The Ship. We are finishing the first season and have to start working on the second one. I am open for new offers. If the managers of the channel “Antena 3” broadcasting The Ship and “Glodomedia” producing it allow me combining the work on television with new cinema projects I will certainly consider them.”
You celebrated your 25th birthday in July. You are so young. Hasn’t the glory of the film Three Meters above the Sky turned your head?
“I was quite popular in my country before this film. However, after Three Meters… thousands of teenagers just went crazy. They pursue me in the streets. They say it is the best film they have seen! (Laughing.) But I hope I will not fall ill with star fever since the popularity and glory are not the values I consider to be essential in my life.”
So, what is essential for you may I ask?
“The real life for me is my family. My parents, brothers Oscar and Cristian (by the way, they are also actors) and my sister Sheila. We live in Madrid now but continue speaking Galician at home (I come from La Coruna) and often cook national dishes that remind us about our homeland. Then goes the rest: work, friends, etc.”
The young actor is often invited to work as a model: one can see his stylish photos in the famous Spanish and American glossies such as Vanity Fair, Mustang, Ragazza and Vanidid.
Mario Casas actively participates in the work of the famous opera singer Jose Carreras’ fund raising money for the researches of the children’s leukemia treatment.
Little is known about Casas’ love-life. After the film Three Meters above the Sky, of course, there was a talk about his relations with Maria Valverde who played the role of Babi. However, this information is unproved. However, the omnipresent paparazzi have recently caught Mario and Maria at the railway station in Seville where they started filming a movie about the confrontation between the policemen and drug dealers called Group 7 where the actor was offered one of the roles. The couple intimately talked waiting for the train to go to the beach. It looks like one of the most beautiful young Spanish actresses has won the heart of modern Romeo.
The most popular films Mario Casas played in: Summer Rain (directed by Antonio Banderas, 2006), Brain Drain (directed by Fernando Gonzalez Molina, 2009) and Sex, Parties and Lies (directed by Alfonso Albacete, 2009).
Mario Casas has recently received a prestigious award “Premios ACE” as the best actor and nominated to “Fotogramas de Plata” as the best film actor.
Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Dia adalah 25. Di masa mudanya dia ingin menjadi seorang wartawan, mencoba tangannya dalam iklan tapi di saat ia memutuskan untuk mengubah hidupnya secara dramatis. Ia menyelesaikan sekolah Drama penari Spanyol yang terkenal Cristina Rota. Ia telah bermain di sembilan film dan beberapa seri sejak itu. Dia belum menerima setiap putusan profesional yang tinggi belum tetapi dalam lingkungan sinematografi ia dipercaya sebagai "membuka mata" dan "Romeo Spanyol." Tentara multi-juta fans aktor muda meningkat setiap kali ia muncul di layar.Pada 3 Desember 2010 film oleh Fernando Gonzalez Molina tiga meter di atas langit pertama ditampilkan di Spanyol. Efek ini mirip dengan salah satu tsunami. Hari berikutnya aktor Mario Casas Sierra yang memainkan peran utama Joko hasryono impulsif, pemberontak dan mencintai kebebasan menjadi idola para remaja dan pemuda. Generasi tua memprediksi bahwa di masa mendatang ia akan yang terkenal seperti Antonio Banderas. Selama akhir pekan pertama setelah Premier film tiga meter di atas langit dikumpulkan 2,050,000 Euro dan Euro 10.000.000 dalam sebulan dan menjadi film paling sukses 2010.Pada awalnya sekilas tiga meter... adalah cerita sederhana dua orang-orang muda dari kelompok sosial yang berbeda. Menurut hukum masyarakat yang murni, tidak bersalah dan taat sekolahan Babi Alcazar tidak akan bertemu biker Hugo Olivera dijuluki Joko hasryono yang risiko hidupnya dalam perkelahian tidak pernah berhenti dan sepeda motor ilegal ras sehari-hari dan menghabiskan malam nya di klub-klub yang meragukan bersenang-senang dengan gadis-gadis yang disengaja. Namun, kehidupan besar karena itu membantah aturan-aturan yang dibuat oleh orang. Jalur babi di dan Joko hasryono 's cross dan mereka memiliki perasaan bahwa tidak semua orang bisa merasakan. Itu menangkap mereka tidak di tanah keras kita merasa sehari-hari di bawah kaki kita tapi tiga meter di atas langit. Namanya sederhana dan bergerak: cinta.Film akan ditampilkan di Ukraina sejak November 3, 2011. Tidak peduli berapa umurmu: jika Anda masih bisa menangis dan tertawa Anda harus pergi dan melihat film ini. Setidaknya untuk ingat bahwa tidak hanya oligarki, pengusaha, politisi, gangster, pecandu narkoba dan prostitusi layar berlimpah-limpah di ada dalam hidup kita tetapi orang-orang muda yang biasa seperti Babi dan Joko hasryono yang berhasil naik tiga meter di atas langit.Jadi, kita akan seperti Anda untuk memenuhi meningkatnya Spanyol bintang Mario Casas. Kami berbicara musim panas lalu di kafe yang sangat nyaman di festival pusat Karlovy Vary mana film oleh Fernando Gonzalez Molina tiga meter di atas langit ditunjukkan hors concours.***Anda membuat debut bioskop Anda pada tahun 2006 di film hujan musim panas yang disutradarai oleh utama Spanyol macho Antonio Banderas. Bagaimana perasaan Anda pada tahap menembak mengetahui bahwa film ini disutradarai oleh brilian aktor populer di seluruh dunia?"Saya merasa hebat! Itu adalah pengalaman profesional pertama saya. Dan yang paling menakjubkan! Aku hanya 18 dan tiba-tiba saya menemukan diri saya dirumah idola saya. Saya tidak bisa bahkan percaya bahwa hal itu terjadi dengan saya. Sebenarnya, saya masih kecil dan hari ini saya akan menikmati berbicara kepada Banderas dalam cara yang berbeda. By the way, kita masih tetap berhubungan."Ada sembilan full-length film dan beberapa seri populer di rekam jejak Anda. Namun, Anda menjadi benar-benar terkenal setelah film oleh Fernando Gonzalez Molina tiga meter di atas langit. Apakah Anda merasa perbedaan antara menjadi salah satu aktor dan yang terbaik?"Kecuali tiga meter di atas langit serial fiksi The Ship dirilis pada 2010 tempat saya bermain peran Ulises. Tentu saja, itu adalah sukses besar bagi saya sebagai seorang seniman. Menurut pendapat saya, tiga meter... itu berhasil karena cinta dan kelembutan kru film dimasukkan ke dalamnya. Media menulis bahwa film (tiga meter di atas langit adalah remake dari film Italia tahun 2004 yang berdasarkan novel Federico Moccia) diciptakan hanya untuk membuat uang. Namun, hal ini tidak benar! Baik saya, maupun sutradara film dianggap uang penting. Fakta bahwa kita akan dimulai syuting bagian kedua pada penghujung tahun ini adalah bukti dari ini."Apakah Anda berpartisipasi dalam proyek-proyek lain hari ini?"Aku terus bermain di The Ship. Kami sedang menyelesaikan musim pertama dan harus mulai bekerja pada kedua. Saya terbuka untuk penawaran baru. Jika para manajer saluran "Antena 3" Penyiaran The Ship dan "Glodomedia" menghasilkan itu memungkinkan saya menggabungkan pekerjaan di televisi dengan proyek-proyek bioskop baru saya akan mempertimbangkan mereka."Anda merayakan ulang tahun Anda 25 pada bulan Juli. Anda masih sangat muda. Belum kemuliaan film tiga meter di atas langit berubah kepala Anda?"Aku adalah cukup populer di negara saya sebelum film ini. Namun, setelah tiga meter... ribuan remaja hanya pergi gila. Mereka mengejar saya di jalanan. Mereka mengatakan itu adalah film terbaik yang mereka lihat! (Tertawa). Tapi saya harap saya tidak akan jatuh sakit dengan demam bintang karena popularitas dan kemuliaan tidak nilai-nilai yang saya anggap penting dalam hidup saya."Jadi, apa penting bagi Anda mungkin bertanya?"Kehidupan nyata bagi saya adalah keluarga saya. Orangtua saya, saudara Oscar dan Cristian (omong-omong, mereka adalah juga aktor) dan adik saya Sheila. Kami tinggal di Madrid sekarang tapi terus berbicara bahasa Galicia di rumah (saya berasal dari La Coruna) dan sering memasak hidangan nasional yang mengingatkan kita tentang tanah air. Kemudian pergi sisanya: bekerja, teman, dll. "Hari itu fakta FILEAktor muda sering diundang untuk bekerja sebagai model: satu dapat melihat foto-foto bergaya di glossies Spanyol dan Amerika terkenal seperti Vanity Fair, Mustang, Ragazza dan Vanidid.Mario Casas secara aktif berpartisipasi dalam karya terkenal opera penyanyi Jose Carreras penggalangan dana uang untuk penelitian-penelitian anak leukemia pengobatan.Little is known about Casas’ love-life. After the film Three Meters above the Sky, of course, there was a talk about his relations with Maria Valverde who played the role of Babi. However, this information is unproved. However, the omnipresent paparazzi have recently caught Mario and Maria at the railway station in Seville where they started filming a movie about the confrontation between the policemen and drug dealers called Group 7 where the actor was offered one of the roles. The couple intimately talked waiting for the train to go to the beach. It looks like one of the most beautiful young Spanish actresses has won the heart of modern Romeo.The most popular films Mario Casas played in: Summer Rain (directed by Antonio Banderas, 2006), Brain Drain (directed by Fernando Gonzalez Molina, 2009) and Sex, Parties and Lies (directed by Alfonso Albacete, 2009).Mario Casas has recently received a prestigious award “Premios ACE” as the best actor and nominated to “Fotogramas de Plata” as the best film actor.
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