
Timed "Up & Go" Test: reliability i

Timed "Up & Go" Test: reliability in older people dependent in activities of daily living--focus on cognitive state
Ellinor Nordin, Erik Rosendahl and Lillemor Lundin-Olsson
Physical Therapy. 86.5 (May 2006): p646. From InfoTrac Humanities Collection 2017.
Copyright: COPYRIGHT 2006 American Physical Therapy Association, Inc.

Background and Purpose. It is unknown how cognitive impairment affects the reliability of Timed "Up & Go" Test (TUG) scores. The aim of the present study was to investigate the expected variability of TUG scores in older subjects dependent in activities of daily living (ADL) and with different levels of cognitive state. The hypothesis was that cognitive impairment would increase the variability of TUG scores. Subjects. Seventy-eight subjects with multiple impairments, dependent in ADL, and living in residential care facilities were included in this study. The subjects were 84.8 [+ or -] 5.7 (mean [+ or -] SD) years of age, and their Mini-Mental State Examination score was 18.7 [+ or -] 5.6. Methods. The TUG assessments were performed on 3 different days. Intrarater and interrater analyses were carried out. Results. Cognitive impairment was not related to the size of the variability of TUG scores. There was a significant relationship between the variability and the time taken to perform the TUG. The intraclass correlations were greater than .90 and were similar within and between raters. In repeated measurements at the individual level, an observed value of 10 seconds was expected to vary from 7 to 15 seconds and an observed value of 40 seconds was expected to vary from 26 to 61 seconds for 95% of the observations. Discussion and Conclusion. The measurement error of a TUG assessment is substantial for a frail older person dependent in ADL, regardless of the level of cognitive function, when verbal cuing is permitted during testing. The variability increases with the time to perform the TUG. Despite high intraclass correlation coefficients, the ranges of expected variability can be wide and are similar within and between raters. Physical therapists should be aware of this variability before they interpret the TUG score for a particular individual. [Nordin E, Rosendahl E, Lundin-Olsson L. Timed "Up & Go" Test: reliability in older people dependent in activities of daily living--focus on cognitive state. Phys Ther. 2006;86:646-655.]

Key Words: Cognition, Frailty, Geriatric assessment, Mobility, Reliability, Timed "Up & Go" Test, Variability.
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Various assessments of physical mobility and movement strategies are used in geriatric rehabilitation. Whether the purpose is screening, detecting a change in ability, or making predictions, methods that yield valid and reliable data are essential. In addition, when older people with cognitive and physical disabilities are assessed, it is also particularly important for the methods used in measurement to be applied easily.

The Timed "Up & Go" Test (TUG) (1) is a simple and inexpensive method that was developed to screen basic mobility. The TUG comprises basic everyday movements: stand up from a chair, walk 3 m, turn around, walk back, and sit down again. The outcome is the time taken to perform this sequence of movements. Within research, the use of the TUG has increased over the last few years, and it is recommended by the British Geriatrics Society, the American Geriatrics Society, and Nordic geriatricians when screening for risk of falling. (2,3) The TUG is reported to yield reliable and valid data for use in older people. (1,4-12) However, studies that have evaluated the reliability and validity of TUG scores have included mainly medically stable subjects with good or only mildly affected cognitive functions. To our knowledge, only 2 studies (13,14) have attempted to evaluate the effect of cognitive dysfunction on the performance of the TUG. Rockwood et al (13) found poor test-retest reliability; however, because the time interval between the measurements was 112 [+ or -] 72 (mean [+ or -] SD) days, this issue cannot be said to have been explored correctly. Thomas and Hagemana4 found excellent test-retest reliability; however, their sample of 9 subjects seems to be too small to draw conclusions regarding reliability. Therefore, it is still not known how the presence of cognitive impairment affects the reliability of TUG scores.

There is some support for the notion that cognitive impairment could have a negative influence on the reliability of geriatric assessments in older nursing home residents. (15) There is a known correlation between cognitive function and gait. Slower walking speed, decreased step length, increased double-support ratio, and step-to-step variability have been found more often in people with cognitive impairment than in older adults who are healthy. (16,17) This finding could be explained by a deterioration of cerebral integration and processing of sensory
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Timed "Up & Go" Test: reliability in older people dependent in activities of daily living--focus on cognitive stateEllinor Nordin, Erik Rosendahl and Lillemor Lundin-OlssonPhysical Therapy. 86.5 (May 2006): p646. From InfoTrac Humanities Collection 2017.Copyright: COPYRIGHT 2006 American Physical Therapy Association, Inc.http://ptjournal.apta.org/site/subscriptions/Abstract: Background and Purpose. It is unknown how cognitive impairment affects the reliability of Timed "Up & Go" Test (TUG) scores. The aim of the present study was to investigate the expected variability of TUG scores in older subjects dependent in activities of daily living (ADL) and with different levels of cognitive state. The hypothesis was that cognitive impairment would increase the variability of TUG scores. Subjects. Seventy-eight subjects with multiple impairments, dependent in ADL, and living in residential care facilities were included in this study. The subjects were 84.8 [+ or -] 5.7 (mean [+ or -] SD) years of age, and their Mini-Mental State Examination score was 18.7 [+ or -] 5.6. Methods. The TUG assessments were performed on 3 different days. Intrarater and interrater analyses were carried out. Results. Cognitive impairment was not related to the size of the variability of TUG scores. There was a significant relationship between the variability and the time taken to perform the TUG. The intraclass correlations were greater than .90 and were similar within and between raters. In repeated measurements at the individual level, an observed value of 10 seconds was expected to vary from 7 to 15 seconds and an observed value of 40 seconds was expected to vary from 26 to 61 seconds for 95% of the observations. Discussion and Conclusion. The measurement error of a TUG assessment is substantial for a frail older person dependent in ADL, regardless of the level of cognitive function, when verbal cuing is permitted during testing. The variability increases with the time to perform the TUG. Despite high intraclass correlation coefficients, the ranges of expected variability can be wide and are similar within and between raters. Physical therapists should be aware of this variability before they interpret the TUG score for a particular individual. [Nordin E, Rosendahl E, Lundin-Olsson L. Timed "Up & Go" Test: reliability in older people dependent in activities of daily living--focus on cognitive state. Phys Ther. 2006;86:646-655.]Key Words: Cognition, Frailty, Geriatric assessment, Mobility, Reliability, Timed "Up & Go" Test, Variability.Full Text: Various assessments of physical mobility and movement strategies are used in geriatric rehabilitation. Whether the purpose is screening, detecting a change in ability, or making predictions, methods that yield valid and reliable data are essential. In addition, when older people with cognitive and physical disabilities are assessed, it is also particularly important for the methods used in measurement to be applied easily.The Timed "Up & Go" Test (TUG) (1) is a simple and inexpensive method that was developed to screen basic mobility. The TUG comprises basic everyday movements: stand up from a chair, walk 3 m, turn around, walk back, and sit down again. The outcome is the time taken to perform this sequence of movements. Within research, the use of the TUG has increased over the last few years, and it is recommended by the British Geriatrics Society, the American Geriatrics Society, and Nordic geriatricians when screening for risk of falling. (2,3) The TUG is reported to yield reliable and valid data for use in older people. (1,4-12) However, studies that have evaluated the reliability and validity of TUG scores have included mainly medically stable subjects with good or only mildly affected cognitive functions. To our knowledge, only 2 studies (13,14) have attempted to evaluate the effect of cognitive dysfunction on the performance of the TUG. Rockwood et al (13) found poor test-retest reliability; however, because the time interval between the measurements was 112 [+ or -] 72 (mean [+ or -] SD) days, this issue cannot be said to have been explored correctly. Thomas and Hagemana4 found excellent test-retest reliability; however, their sample of 9 subjects seems to be too small to draw conclusions regarding reliability. Therefore, it is still not known how the presence of cognitive impairment affects the reliability of TUG scores.
There is some support for the notion that cognitive impairment could have a negative influence on the reliability of geriatric assessments in older nursing home residents. (15) There is a known correlation between cognitive function and gait. Slower walking speed, decreased step length, increased double-support ratio, and step-to-step variability have been found more often in people with cognitive impairment than in older adults who are healthy. (16,17) This finding could be explained by a deterioration of cerebral integration and processing of sensory
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Timed "Up & Go" Test: kehandalan dalam tergantung dalam kegiatan hidup sehari-hari orang tua - fokus pada negara kognitif
Ellinor Nordin, Erik Rosendahl dan Lillemor Lundin-Olsson
Terapi Fisik. 86,5 (Mei 2006): p646. Dari InfoTrac Humaniora Koleksi 2017.
Copyright: HAK CIPTA 2006 Amerika Terapi Fisik Association, Inc.

Latar Belakang dan Tujuan. Tidak diketahui bagaimana gangguan kognitif mempengaruhi keandalan Jangka waktu "Up & Go" Test (TUG) skor. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyelidiki variabilitas diharapkan skor TUG dalam mata pelajaran yang lebih tua tergantung di aktivitas sehari-hari (ADL) dan dengan berbagai tingkat negara kognitif. Hipotesis adalah bahwa penurunan kognitif akan meningkatkan variabilitas skor TUG. Subyek. Tujuh puluh delapan mata pelajaran dengan beberapa gangguan, tergantung di ADL, dan tinggal di fasilitas perawatan perumahan dilibatkan dalam penelitian ini. Subyek yang 84,8 [+ atau -] 5,7 (mean [+ atau -] SD) tahun, dan skor Mini-Mental State Examination mereka adalah 18,7 [+ atau -] 5.6. Metode. Pengkajian TUG dilakukan pada 3 hari yang berbeda. Intrarater dan interrater analisis dilakukan. Hasil. Gangguan kognitif tidak berhubungan dengan ukuran variabilitas skor TUG. Ada hubungan yang signifikan antara variabilitas dan waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk melakukan TUG tersebut. Korelasi intraclass lebih besar dari 0,90 dan setara dalam dan di antara penilai. Dalam pengukuran ulang pada tingkat individu, nilai yang diamati dari 10 detik diharapkan bervariasi 7-15 detik dan nilai yang diamati dari 40 detik diperkirakan bervariasi 26-61 detik untuk 95% dari pengamatan. Diskusi dan kesimpulan. Kesalahan pengukuran dari penilaian TUG substansial untuk bergantung pada ADL orang tua lemah, terlepas dari tingkat fungsi kognitif, ketika cuing verbal diizinkan selama pengujian. Variabilitas meningkat dengan waktu untuk melakukan TUG tersebut. Meskipun koefisien korelasi intraclass tinggi, rentang variabilitas diharapkan dapat menjadi lebar dan mirip dalam dan di antara penilai. Terapis fisik harus menyadari variabilitas ini sebelum mereka menafsirkan skor TUG untuk individu tertentu. [Nordin E, Rosendahl E, Lundin-Olsson L. Jangka waktu "Up & Go" Test: kehandalan dalam tergantung dalam kegiatan hidup sehari-hari orang tua - fokus pada negara kognitif. Phys Ther. 2006; 86:. 646-655]

Kata Kunci: Kognisi, Kelemahan, penilaian Geriatric, Mobility, Keandalan, Jangka waktu "Up & Go" Test, Variabilitas.
Full Text:

Berbagai penilaian mobilitas dan gerakan strategi fisik yang digunakan dalam rehabilitasi geriatri. Apakah tujuan tersebut skrining, mendeteksi perubahan dalam kemampuan, atau membuat prediksi, metode yang menghasilkan data yang valid dan handal sangat penting. Selain itu, ketika orang tua dengan cacat kognitif dan fisik yang dinilai, juga sangat penting untuk metode yang digunakan dalam pengukuran untuk diterapkan dengan mudah.

​​The Jangka waktu "Up & Go" Test (TUG) (1) adalah metode sederhana dan murah yang dikembangkan untuk menyaring mobilitas dasar. TUG terdiri gerakan sehari-hari dasar: berdiri dari kursi, berjalan 3 m, berbalik, berjalan kembali, dan duduk lagi. Hasilnya adalah waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk melakukan ini urutan gerakan. Dalam penelitian, penggunaan TUG telah meningkat selama beberapa tahun terakhir, dan dianjurkan oleh British Geriatrics Society, American Geriatrics Society, dan geriatricians Nordic ketika skrining untuk risiko jatuh. (2,3) TUG ini dilaporkan untuk menghasilkan data yang dapat diandalkan dan valid untuk digunakan pada orang tua. (1,4-12) Namun, studi yang telah dievaluasi keandalan dan validitas skor TUG telah mencantumkan terutama mata pelajaran stabil secara medis dengan fungsi kognitif yang baik atau hanya sedikit terpengaruh. Untuk pengetahuan kita, hanya 2 studi (13,14) telah berusaha untuk mengevaluasi efek disfungsi kognitif pada kinerja TUG tersebut. Rockwood et al (13) menemukan miskin keandalan tes-tes ulang; Namun, karena interval waktu antara pengukuran adalah 112 [+ atau -] 72 (mean [+ atau -] SD) hari, masalah ini tidak bisa dikatakan telah dieksplorasi dengan benar. Thomas dan Hagemana4 ditemukan baik keandalan tes-tes ulang; Namun, sampel mereka dari 9 mata pelajaran tampaknya terlalu kecil untuk menarik kesimpulan tentang keandalan. Oleh karena itu, masih belum diketahui bagaimana kehadiran gangguan kognitif mempengaruhi keandalan skor TUG.

Ada beberapa dukungan untuk gagasan bahwa penurunan kognitif dapat memiliki pengaruh negatif pada keandalan penilaian geriatri di penghuni panti yang lebih tua. (15) Ada korelasi yang dikenal antara fungsi kognitif dan kiprah. Kecepatan berjalan lambat, penurunan langkah panjang, peningkatan rasio ganda dukungan, dan variabilitas langkah-to-langkah telah ditemukan lebih sering pada orang dengan gangguan kognitif dibandingkan pada orang dewasa yang lebih tua yang sehat. (16,17) Temuan ini dapat dijelaskan oleh kemerosotan integrasi otak dan pengolahan sensorik
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