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Selasa, 24 Desember 2013
journal of capacity of calorimeter
The Capacity of Calorimeter
Dwi Rika Nur R (133184028)
Ana Maryana (133184049)
Physics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, The State University of Surabaya
Basic Physics Laboratory, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, The State University of Surabaya
Have been done the the experiment about the capacity of calorimeter on November 8th , 2013in laboratory ofBasic physics I UNESA . the purposes of the capacity of calorimeter experiment is to understanding about the concept of Black Principle and the thermodynamic 0th laws (equilibrium temperature ) and can determine the capacity of calorimeter by using black’s Principle and equilibrium temperature . the method’s that we useis weight the mass of water (m2) which have temperature t2. then heated the water which have mass as m1 until the temperature t1 > t2 . then mix m1 with m2 in calorimeter until have equilibrium temperature. From the result of the experiment was found that the capacity of calorimeter equal to (24.062 ± 1.359) kal/ºC with uncertainly successively equal to 5.65% and certainly successively equal to 94.35% the result doesn’t match with the theoretical. Based on theoretical the value of capacity calorimeter from aluminium material is equal (24.86 kal /ºC.) this is because of some factors like room temperature (when we do the experiment the room temperature equal 31 ºC) , air pressure 726.5 mmHg , and difficulty while moving the water from heating vessel into calorimeter so that unstable temperature and lost many calor, thermometers were used to measure the temperature when the steady state has not been in a normal state, the difficulty of knowing the state of equilibrium, so that when the temperature measured by the state of the system is not truly balanced the heat absorbed by the thermometer and stirrer was not measured and inaccurate when do the experiment .
I. Motivation
The Capacity of Calorimeter is the value of heat that required to increase the temperature of one degree celcius unit . That value is equal to the specific heat of calorimeter if the calorimeter materials known, and to determine the capacity of calorimeter can be done by two ways there is , once if the materials of the calorimeter is known ,the calculation can measured drained water of calorimeter with calorimeter specific heat of the material and also can determine by the application of balck’s principle if the type of calorimeter materials unknown .
Therefore we do the capacity of calorimeter experiment is to understanding about thermodynamics 0th laws and to determine the value of capacity of calorimeter.
II. Theory
Caloriemeter is a tool that used to measure the calor capacity which involved in a reaction . calor is a energy that moves due to the difference temperature .
The structure of the calorimeter is , on base of calorimer was given a cork wedge . principally, between the inner of calorimeter (small vessel) and the outer of calorimeter (bigger vessel) is limited by materials that isolator ( adiabatic) . then have cover which have two a hole that placed thermometer and stirrer.
“ if on adiabatic condition is mixed to kind of a substance which have different initial temperature , then at equilibrium condition many heat is released by the substance were first high temperature , becomes equal with with the heat amount that absorbed by the substance is the temperature at first – initially low.” This statement is sounds black principle . where at the heat displacement is applies the law of conservation of energy .
The meant of the capacity of calorimeter is the amount of heat that needed to increase temperature of one degree unit of the calorimeter . If the material of the calorimeter is known, which meant the price of water is equal to the heat capacity of the calorimeter. Because the material calorimeter is usually often unknown (heat type is unknown), the price of water calorimeter is often determined using the principle of de with Black.
Heat release = heat recieve
Qrelease = Qrecieve
m1.c1.(T1-Ta) = m2.c2.(Ta-T2)
if the value of c is known , so the value of the another c can determine by the black principle . Measurement principle is called the principle of calorimetry measurements . While the tools used to determine the specific heat of substances is based on the principle of the calorimeter is called calorimetry .
In each calorimeter heat capacity is usually known called " Price Water Calorimeter " ( Ha ) , which is a product of the mass of the calorimeter with the kind of heat . Thus , the heat absorbed by the calorimeter can be formulated :
Qk = Or Qk = Ha
Ha = mk.Ck
Heat is one of type of temometrik properties . For the temperature interval is not too large , usually c can be considered kostan , so that if a body of mass m , specific heat c and the temperature of the material is T1, the T2 increase in its temperature heat required for :
Q = m.c.(T2-T1)
When an object with a certain temperature is approximated with other objects where the temperature is lower, then in a certain time interval, the temperature of both the object will be the same or equilibrium. This occurs because the higher-temperature objects provide heat to a lower temperature object. Based on the law of conservation of energy the same amount of heat released by the amount of heat received by the object at a lower temperature (Principle Black). A number of the known mass of water, heated and reaches a high temperature, put in a calorimeter that it has been filled in the low-temperature water, and the water mass has been weighed. In this case, cold water and calorimeter are two objects that will receive the same temperature heat from hot water.
Suppose the mass m1 of water with a temperature of T1 inserted into the calorimeter which has been filled with water with a temperature of mass m2 T2, if T1> T2 then, after the transfer of heat to achieve thermal equilibrium applies:
Heat recieve = Heat release
m1.cair.(T1-Ta) = (mkal.ckal + m2.cair) (Ta-T2)
Because liquid (specific heat of natural water ) = 1 , mkal.ckal = H, so the capacity of calorimeter can calculated used this equation .
H = [m1(T1-Ta) – m2(Ta-T2)] / (Ta-T2)
with :
m1 = mass of water which have temperature T1
m2 = mass of water which have temperature T2
Ta = fnal temperature (Equilibrium temperature)
III. Methods of Experiment
A. Design for Experiment
1. Weight the water as m2
2. Then measure the temperature m2
3. Heating batch water balance mass (m1) in metal vessel until the temperature t1 > t2 .
4. Mix the m1 and m2 in calorimeter
B. Tools and Materials
1. Calorimeter
2. Termometer
3. Balance
4. Vessel glass
5. Metal Vessel
6. Stove
7. Pure Water
C. Variable are used
Independent Variable : m1 and t1
Dependent Variable : ta
Controls Variable : m2 and t2
D. Procedures
1. Put the water balance mass (m2) into calorimeter , then measure the temperature (t2) .
2. Heating batch water balance mass (m1) in metal vessel until the temperature t1 > t2 .
3. Then quickly pour the water heated into calorimeter filled the coler water.
4. While stir slowly and note the temperature until get temperature not change anymre (fixed). The fixed temperature is final temperature / equilibrium temperature (ta) .
5. Repeating the experiment sometimes (10 times) with variation different mass and temperature .
IV. Data and Analysis
A. Data
The data was obtained during the experiment are :
B. Analysis
From the data experiment by using equation :
Was got the capacity of calorimeter .
Capacity of Calorimeter
(Kal/ ⁰C)
Then by using the deviation standart obtained the capacity of calorimeter equal to ( 24.062 ± 1.359 ) kal/0C with uncertainly successively 5.65% and certainty successively 94.35% .
Based on theory the value of capacity of calorimeter (the material of calorimeter is aluminium) is determine by the this equation H = Mk . Ck , with that equation shows that the value of calorimeter theoretically is 24.86 kal/0C.
V. Discussion
From the experiment that we have done the result of capacity of calorimeter equal to ( 24.062 ± 1.359 ) kal/0C with uncertainly successively 5.65%. that value is different with theory, theoritically the value of the capacity of calorimeter equal to 24.86 kal/0C .
the result wasn’t satisfied and didn’t really correct because of some factors. There are :
· thermometers were used to measure the temperature when the steady state has not been in a normal state,
· inaccuracy observers
· the difficulty of knowing the state of equilibrium, so that when the temperature measured by the state of the system is not truly balanced
· the heat absorbed by the thermometer and stirrer was not measured.
· difficulty while moving the water from heating vessel into calorimeter so that unstable temperature and lost many calor .
VI. Conclusion
Experiment to determine the capacity f calorimeter by using principle of black and equilibrium temperature was obtained the following result .
· The capacity of cal
Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
KerajaanHari Selasa, 24 Desember 2013Jurnal kapasitas kalorimeterKapasitas kalorimeterDwi Rika Nur R (133184028) Ana Maryana (133184049)Fisika Departemen, Fakultas Matematika dan ilmu pengetahuan alam, Universitas Negeri SurabayaLaboratorium fisika dasar, Fakultas Matematika dan ilmu pengetahuan alam, Universitas Negeri SurabayaABSTRAK Telah dilakukan percobaan tentang kapasitas kalorimeter pada 8 November 2013 di ofBasic laboratorium fisika saya UNESA. keperluan kapasitas kalorimeter percobaan adalah untuk pemahaman tentang konsep prinsip hitam dan hukum termodinamika 0 (keseimbangan suhu) dan dapat menentukan kapasitas kalorimeter dengan menggunakan prinsip black dan keseimbangan suhu. metode yang kami useis berat massa air (m2) yang memiliki suhu t2. kemudian dipanaskan air yang memiliki massa sebagai m1 sampai suhu t1 > t2. kemudian campuran m1 dengan m2 di kalorimeter sampai memiliki keseimbangan suhu. Dari hasil percobaan ditemukan bahwa kapasitas kalorimeter sama (24.062 ± 1.359) kal/ºC dengan uncertainly berturut-turut sama dengan 5.65% dan tentu saja berturut-turut sama dengan 94.35% hasilnya tidak sesuai dengan teori. Berdasarkan teori nilai kapasitas kalorimeter dari bahan aluminium sama (24.86 kal /ºC.) ini adalah karena beberapa faktor seperti suhu kamar (ketika kita melakukan percobaan ºC 31 sama suhu kamar), udara pressure 726.5 mmHg, dan kesulitan saat bergerak air dari Penghangat Ruangan kapal ke kalorimeter jadi yang tidak stabil suhu dan kehilangan banyak calor, termometer yang digunakan untuk mengukur suhu ketika kesetimbangan sudah dalam keadaan normal, kesulitan untuk mengetahui keadaan kesetimbangan, sehingga Kapan suhu diukur oleh negara sistem yang tidak benar-benar seimbang panas yang diserap oleh termometer dan pengaduk tidak diukur dan tidak akurat ketika melakukan percobaan.I. motivasi Kapasitas kalorimeter adalah nilai panas yang dibutuhkan untuk meningkatkan suhu satu derajat celcius unit. Nilai sama dengan panas spesifik kalorimeter jika bahan kalorimeter dikenal, dan untuk menentukan kapasitas kalorimeter dapat dilakukan dengan dua cara yang ada, sekali jika bahan kalorimeter dikenal, perhitungan dapat diukur air dikeringkan kalorimeter dengan panas spesifik kalorimeter materi dan juga dapat menentukan dengan penerapan prinsip hitam di jika jenis kalorimeter bahan-bahan yang tidak diketahui. Oleh karena itu kita lakukan kapasitas kalorimeter percobaan adalah pemahaman tentang hukum-hukum 0 termodinamika dan untuk menentukan nilai kapasitas kalorimeter.II. teori Caloriemeter adalah alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur kapasitas calor yang terlibat dalam reaksi. calor adalah energi yang bergerak karena perbedaan suhu. Struktur kalorimeter adalah, pada dasar calorimer diberi irisan gabus. pada prinsipnya antara batin kalorimeter (kapal kecil) dan luar dari kalorimeter (lebih besar kapal) dibatasi oleh bahan isolator itu (adiabatic). kemudian memiliki penutup yang memiliki dua lubang yang ditempatkan termometer dan pengaduk. "jika kondisi adiabatic yang adalah campuran untuk jenis zat yang memiliki suhu awal yang berbeda, maka keseimbangan kondisi panas banyak dirilis oleh bahan yang pertama suhu tinggi, menjadi setara dengan dengan jumlah panas yang diserap oleh substansi adalah suhu di pertama-awalnya rendah." Pernyataan ini adalah prinsip suara hitam. mana panas perpindahan adalah berlaku hukum konservasi energi. Berarti kemampuan kalorimeter adalah jumlah panas yang dibutuhkan untuk meningkatkan suhu unit satu derajat kalorimeter. Jika bahan kalorimeter dikenal, yang berarti harga air sama dengan kapasitas panas kalorimeter. Karena bahan kalorimeter biasanya sering tidak diketahui (tipe panas tidak diketahui), harga air kalorimeter sering ditentukan menggunakan prinsip de dengan hitam. Panaskan rilis = panas menerimaQrelease = QrecieveM1.C1.(T1-Ta) = m2.c2.(Ta-T2) Jika nilai c dikenal, sehingga nilai c lain dapat menentukan dengan prinsip hitam. Prinsip pengukuran disebut prinsip pengukuran kalorimetri. Sementara alat yang digunakan untuk menentukan panas spesifik zat ini didasarkan pada prinsip kalorimeter disebut kalorimetri. Dalam setiap kalorimeter kapasitas panas biasanya dikenal disebut "harga air kalorimeter" (Ha), yang merupakan produk massa kalorimeter dengan jenis panas. Dengan demikian, panas yang diserap oleh kalorimeter dapat dirumuskan:QK = atau Qk = HadenganHa = mk.CK Panas adalah salah satu jenis temometrik properti. Untuk suhu interval tidak terlalu besar, biasanya c dapat dianggap sebagai kostan, sehingga jika tubuh massa m, panas spesifik c dan suhu materi T1, T2 kenaikan suhu panas yang diperlukan untuk: Q = m.c.(T2-T1) Ketika sebuah objek dengan suhu tertentu diperkirakan dengan benda lain dimana suhu lebih rendah, maka dalam interval waktu tertentu, suhu dari kedua objek akan sama atau keseimbangan. Hal ini terjadi karena objek suhu yang lebih tinggi memberikan panas ke objek suhu rendah. Berdasarkan hukum konservasi energi sama jumlah panas yang dirilis oleh jumlah panas yang diterima oleh objek pada suhu yang lebih rendah (prinsip hitam). Sejumlah dikenal massa air, dipanaskan dan mencapai suhu tinggi, dimasukkan ke dalam kalorimeter yang telah diisi di air suhu rendah, dan air massa telah ditimbang. Dalam kasus ini, air dingin dan kalorimeter adalah dua objek yang akan menerima panas suhu sama dari air panas. Misalkan m1 massa air dengan suhu T1 dimasukkan ke dalam kalorimeter yang telah diisi dengan air dengan suhu massa m2 T2, jika T1 > T2 kemudian, setelah transfer panas untuk mencapai kesetimbangan termal berlaku:Panas menerima = panas rilisM1.cair.(T1-Ta) = (mkal.ckal + m2.cair) (Ta-T2)Karena cairan (panas spesifik air alami) = 1, mkal.ckal = H, sehingga kapasitas kalorimeter dapat dihitung menggunakan persamaan ini.H = [m1(T1-Ta)-m2(Ta-T2)] / (Ta-T2)dengan:M1 = massa air yang memiliki suhu T1m2 = massa air yang memiliki suhu T2Ta = fnal suhu (temperatur keseimbangan)III. metode percobaanA. desain untuk percobaan1. berat air sebagai m22. kemudian mengukur suhu m23. Penghangat Ruangan batch air keseimbangan massa (m1) dalam wadah logam sampai suhu t1 > t2.4. mix m1 dan m2 di kalorimeterB. alat dan bahan1. kalorimeter2. Termometer3. saldo4. kapal kaca5. logam kapal6. kompor7. jaringan air bersihC. variabel yang digunakanVariabel independen: m1 dan t1Variabel dependen: taVariabel kontrol: m2 dan t2D. prosedur1. Masukkan air keseimbangan massa (m2) ke dalam kalorimeter, kemudian mengukur suhu (t2).2. Penghangat Ruangan batch air keseimbangan massa (m1) dalam wadah logam sampai suhu t1 > t2.3. kemudian dengan cepat menuangkan air dipanaskan ke kalorimeter diisi air coler.4. sementara Aduk perlahan-lahan dan catatan suhu sampai mendapatkan suhu tidak mengubah anymre (tetap). Suhu tetap adalah akhir temperatur / suhu keseimbangan (ta).5. mengulangi percobaan kadang-kadang (10 kali) dengan variasi berbeda massa dan suhu.IV. Data dan analisisA. dataData yang diperoleh selama percobaan adalah:Exp (m1±0.01)Gram (t1±1)⁰C (m2±0.01)Gram (t2±1)⁰C (ta±1)⁰C1 43.87 73 17.70 29 512 48.25 71 17.70 29 523 61.42 59 17.70 29 464 60.54 66 17.70 29 515 29.99 75 17.70 29 486 28.00 70 17.70 29 477 54.03 64 17.70 29 508 38.51 70 17.70 29 489 50.22 59 17.70 29 4710 50.59 70 17.70 29 51B. Analysis From the data experiment by using equation :Was got the capacity of calorimeter .Exp Capacity of Calorimeter(Kal/ ⁰C)1 26.172 22.163 29.274 23.575 24.926 18.077 27.808 26.899 15.7810 25.99 Then by using the deviation standart obtained the capacity of calorimeter equal to ( 24.062 ± 1.359 ) kal/0C with uncertainly successively 5.65% and certainty successively 94.35% . Based on theory the value of capacity of calorimeter (the material of calorimeter is aluminium) is determine by the this equation H = Mk . Ck , with that equation shows that the value of calorimeter theoretically is 24.86 kal/0C. V. Discussion From the experiment that we have done the result of capacity of calorimeter equal to ( 24.062 ± 1.359 ) kal/0C with uncertainly successively 5.65%. that value is different with theory, theoritically the value of the capacity of calorimeter equal to 24.86 kal/0C . the result wasn’t satisfied and didn’t really correct because of some factors. There are :· thermometers were used to measure the temperature when the steady state has not been in a normal state,· pengamat ketidaktepatan· kesulitan untuk mengetahui keadaan kesetimbangan, sehingga Kapan suhu diukur oleh negara sistem tidak benar-benar seimbang· panas yang diserap oleh termometer dan pengaduk tidak diukur.· kesulitan saat bergerak air dari Penghangat Ruangan kapal ke kalorimeter jadi yang tidak stabil suhu dan kehilangan banyak calor.VI. kesimpulanPercobaan untuk menentukan kapasitas f kalorimeter dengan menggunakan prinsip hitam dan keseimbangan suhu diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut.· Kapasitas cal
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