commercial activities linked to the hegemony of post-Fordist corporate terjemahan - commercial activities linked to the hegemony of post-Fordist corporate Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

commercial activities linked to the

commercial activities linked to the hegemony of post-Fordist corporate capital. In his book Promotional Culture, Andrew Wernick argues that all manner of communication under the contemporary cultural conditions of promotionalism have as their function ‘some kind of self-advantaging. So, while current branding techniques may no longer attempt to persuade consumers directly, their function remains fundamentally persuasive; they work to colonise the lived experience of consumers in the interests of capital accumulation. Indeed, the finely calibrated practices of corporate branding express the self-advantaging values of capital most pointedly, inscribing these values directly into branded experience. As ‘managerial power becomes an immanent component of the very environment in which consumers act’ we are all, in some sense, ‘branded’ by the instrumental logics of corporate capitalist culture.

Andrew Wernick’s work on promotional culture provides a useful starting point for the exploration of self-branding. Promotionalism, Wernick argues, is a dominant contemporary cultural condition. A promotional message is a ‘complex of significations which at once represents (moves in place of), advocates (moves on behalf of), and anticipates (moves ahead of) the circulating entity . . . to which it refers’. Promotion entails a rearrangement of the relation between sign and referent; the sign comes to displace the material object to which it refers and, in this way, acquires a kind of agency. For Wernick promotion ‘is a mode of communication, a species of rhetoric. It is defined not by what it says but by what it does’. A culture marked by the ubiquity of promotional discourse is a truly postmodern one, signaled by a lack of trust in language. Here what matters most is not ‘meaning’ per se, or ‘truth’ or ‘reason’ (for these terms have been stripped of their referents and indentured into rhetorical service) but ‘winning’ – attention, emotional allegiance, and market share. Goods, corporations, and people are all implicated in promotionalism; not only are they commodified but they must also generate their own rhetorically persuasive meanings. They must become ‘commodity signs’, which ‘function in circulation both as . . . object(s)-to-be-sold and as the bearer(s) of a promotional message’
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
commercial activities linked to the hegemony of post-Fordist corporate capital. In his book Promotional Culture, Andrew Wernick argues that all manner of communication under the contemporary cultural conditions of promotionalism have as their function ‘some kind of self-advantaging. So, while current branding techniques may no longer attempt to persuade consumers directly, their function remains fundamentally persuasive; they work to colonise the lived experience of consumers in the interests of capital accumulation. Indeed, the finely calibrated practices of corporate branding express the self-advantaging values of capital most pointedly, inscribing these values directly into branded experience. As ‘managerial power becomes an immanent component of the very environment in which consumers act’ we are all, in some sense, ‘branded’ by the instrumental logics of corporate capitalist culture.Andrew Wernick’s work on promotional culture provides a useful starting point for the exploration of self-branding. Promotionalism, Wernick argues, is a dominant contemporary cultural condition. A promotional message is a ‘complex of significations which at once represents (moves in place of), advocates (moves on behalf of), and anticipates (moves ahead of) the circulating entity . . . to which it refers’. Promotion entails a rearrangement of the relation between sign and referent; the sign comes to displace the material object to which it refers and, in this way, acquires a kind of agency. For Wernick promotion ‘is a mode of communication, a species of rhetoric. It is defined not by what it says but by what it does’. A culture marked by the ubiquity of promotional discourse is a truly postmodern one, signaled by a lack of trust in language. Here what matters most is not ‘meaning’ per se, or ‘truth’ or ‘reason’ (for these terms have been stripped of their referents and indentured into rhetorical service) but ‘winning’ – attention, emotional allegiance, and market share. Goods, corporations, and people are all implicated in promotionalism; not only are they commodified but they must also generate their own rhetorically persuasive meanings. They must become ‘commodity signs’, which ‘function in circulation both as . . . object(s)-to-be-sold and as the bearer(s) of a promotional message’
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
kegiatan komersial terkait dengan hegemoni modal perusahaan pasca-Fordist. Dalam bukunya Budaya Promosi, Andrew Wernick berpendapat bahwa segala macam komunikasi di bawah kondisi budaya kontemporer promosionalisme memiliki sebagai fungsi mereka 'semacam self-advantaging. Jadi, sementara teknik branding yang saat ini mungkin tidak lagi berusaha untuk membujuk konsumen langsung, fungsi mereka tetap fundamental persuasif; mereka bekerja untuk menjajah pengalaman hidup konsumen dalam kepentingan akumulasi modal. Memang, praktik halus dikalibrasi branding perusahaan mengekspresikan nilai-nilai diri advantaging modal yang paling tajam, inscribing nilai-nilai ini secara langsung ke dalam pengalaman bermerek. Sebagai 'kekuatan manajerial menjadi komponen imanen sangat lingkungan di mana konsumen bertindak' kita semua, dalam arti, 'bermerek' dengan logika instrumental budaya kapitalis perusahaan. Pekerjaan Andrew Wernick pada budaya promosi menyediakan titik awal yang berguna untuk eksplorasi diri-branding. Promosionalisme, Wernick berpendapat, adalah kondisi budaya kontemporer yang dominan. Sebuah pesan promosi adalah 'kompleks signifikasi yang sekaligus mewakili (bergerak di tempat), pendukung (bergerak atas nama), dan mengantisipasi (bergerak menjelang) entitas yang beredar. . . yang mengacu '. Promosi memerlukan penyusunan kembali hubungan antara tanda dan acuannya; tanda datang untuk menggantikan objek material yang mengacu dan, dengan cara ini, memperoleh semacam lembaga. Untuk promosi Wernick 'adalah mode komunikasi, spesies retorika. Hal ini didefinisikan bukan dengan apa yang tertulis tetapi dengan apa yang dilakukannya. Budaya ditandai dengan mana-mana wacana promosi adalah salah satu yang benar-benar postmodern, ditandai dengan kurangnya kepercayaan dalam bahasa. Berikut apa yang paling penting adalah tidak 'berarti' per se, atau 'kebenaran' atau 'alasan' (untuk istilah ini telah dilucuti dari referen mereka dan kuli kontrak ke layanan retoris) tetapi 'menang' - perhatian, kesetiaan emosional, dan pangsa pasar. Barang, perusahaan, dan orang-orang yang terlibat dalam semua promosionalisme; tidak hanya mereka terkomodifikasi tetapi mereka juga harus menghasilkan sendiri arti retoris persuasif mereka. Mereka harus menjadi 'komoditas tanda-tanda', yang 'fungsi beredar baik sebagai. . . objek (s) -untuk-akan-dijual dan sebagai pembawa (s) dari pesan promosi '

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