hazard   1.0 Introduction The Health Safety and Environment manual out terjemahan - hazard   1.0 Introduction The Health Safety and Environment manual out Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

hazard 1.0 Introduction The Healt


1.0 Introduction
The Health Safety and Environment manual outlines the general structure of documents that contain the relevant requirements, standards and organizational measures with respect Health, Safety and environmental aspects related to the PKSPL - IPB organization.
The Manual has been developed to serve as a valuable reference to line management of PKSPL - IPB as well for the subcontractors engaged with PKSPL - IPB projects.
2.0 Scope
The scope of the HSE manual covers to entire operational areas. The guidelines listed in the manual are applicable to all employees employed by the company.
Items which are not included in the manual are:
Compliance with the provincial or territorial regulations. Before commencing project work in any provinces or territories a complete review of their legislation is required to ensure compliance.
Applicable local codes (municipal) which may apply. For all sites the operations manager must review local by-laws to ensure compliance before commencing project work.
Equipment Operations Manuals: Specific Operational Procedures for equipment are not included in this manual. This shall be available in the Equipment Management System Manual.

3.0 Company’s Health, Safety and Environmental Policy
PKSPL - IPB is committed to protect and safeguard all of its employees and those who are affected by its operations.
To achieve this objective the company will
• provide a safe working environment
• provide adequate training to all employees
• promote a positive safety attitude amongst employees
The employee shall be committed to:
• Follow company guideline at jobsites on safety.
• Undergo the training arranged by the company and follow the learning point
• Bring up ideas and suggestion to enhance safety in the worksite.
During all operations of the company, the first priority will be given to Safety.


Prof. Dr. Ir. Tridoyo Kusumastanto, MS

Signature: Dated: May 2007

3.1. Aims and objectives
In accordance with this policy, the company will actively seek to:
• Identify key objectives and targets for achievement within a specific period.
• Set performing standards for management actions, designed to initiate, develop, maintain and improve a positive health and safety culture in four key areas:
- Control, competence, communication and co-operation.
• Set performance standards for the control of risks which are based on hazard identification, and risk assessment, which take legal requirements as the minimum acceptable standards of performance, and which emphasize the elimination and control of these risks to a level as low as is reasonably practicable.
• Encourage open participation in HSE meetings by our workforce and promote a culture where our employees will take pride and responsibility in carrying out their work in a safe and environmentally friendly manner.
• Integrate risk management into everyday business and measure accomplishments in HSE.

The objective of the company is to provide and promote a safe workplace for its employees and all those who may be affected by its actions by provision of the following:
• A positive culture where management lead by example and HSE is given a high profile and commitment and HSE awareness is continuously increased.
• Training for all employees to enable them to work safely and securely.
• Regular audits and reviews of our HSE performance Attempt continuous improvement.
• Investigation of all accidents and near misses in an attempt to achieve a record of 0 accidents / million man-hours worked. This will be done by tracking the LTIF (Lost time incident frequency) and TRCF (total recordable cases frequency).
• Evaluation of risks by means of assessments and take steps to control the risks to a level as low as is reasonably practicable.
In order to evaluate the success of these objectives, and implement an environment for continuous improvement, a set of targets have been established to act as performance indicators, and these will be monitored periodically to ensure success.
4.1. Responsibilities
In order to achieve these objectives, employees at every level have an equal duty and responsibility to co-operate, exercise a high level of awareness and professionalism during the course of their work. They must adhere to the company’s and Client’s safety policies and procedures and respectfully follow the rules and regulations pertaining to their work.

Figure 1. Reporting Structure
Director/ secretary are responsible for causing the establishment of the PKSPL - IPB HSE management system based on the policies of the Company.
Director/ secretary are responsible and accountable for providing all necessary resources for creating the safe working environment for company and its employees.
The organization of HSE management shall be at the discretion of managing director. The organization may be changed if needed to achieve the desired objective.
The managing director may delegate the task of ensuring the compliance of HSE policies to a Head of General and HSE Division, however must remain ultimately responsible.
Head of General and HSE Division
Head of General and HSE Division is delegated by managing director to ensure the health, safety and environment policies and objective of the company are met.
Head of General and HSE Division shall ensure all operations are carried out in line with the HSE policies and objectives of the company.
It is the duty of the Head of General and HSE Division to ensure that key personnel in the job execution sites are with adequate experience and training.
Head of General and HSE Division shall co-ordinate with the revision of HSE systems and procedures in line with the corporate management decisions.
Head of General and HSE Division report to the director/secretary.
Project Manager
Operation superintendent is the company authorized representative for site integrity and responsible person job execution by following the company guidelines and procedures.
He is responsible for:
• Carry out company operations in accordance with company safety policies and procedures.
• Ensure site employees and contractor adheres to company safety rules and regulations.
• Responsible for implementing the company systems and procedures on HSE
• Main link between the management and the work force on safety.
• Ensure that properly trained personnel and appropriate equipment are used at the site.
• Ensure the required resources are available at site for the execution of the job.
• Report to the Head of General and HSE Division.
Safety Officer
The site safety officer is responsible for the effective implementation of the safety systems at the worksite. He shall advise the Project Manager on the suitability of the system to control the site activities.
He is responsible for:
• Co-ordination of training for all employees in the work site.
• Giving advice to the employees on safe working methods.
• Conduct the HSE Management meetings and record the minutes of meeting
• Maintain the meeting records and evaluate the effectiveness of tool box meetings.
• Maintain all HSE records
• Distribute control the HSE manual and system procedures documents.
• Conduct the audit as per this project HSE plan.
• Coordinate car close out and verification.
• Ensure all the sufficient safety equipment such as fire extinguishers re available sufficiently.

The responsibilities of supervisor are:
• Ensure operations executed under his supervision are carried out in accordance with safety plans and procedure.
• Make sure all the employees are wearing the required PPE and that it is suitable for the activities.
• Execute operating strictly following the PTW requirement.
• Conduct toolbox talks.
• Ensure all the employees working under him are fully conversant with emergency response procedures.
• Participate in all HSE meetings.
• Shall be well aware of special safety requirement of the jobs, company safety system and procedure.
The responsibilities of all employees are:
• To Understand and adhere to the safety policies of the company.
• Use all PPE’s provided by the company in accordance to the requirement of the operator.
• To take care of their safety and his co-workers in the worksite
• Report all near misses, incidents and accidents.
• Suggest ideas to improve HSE in his worksite.
• Keep track of their own training and copies of all relevant medical and training certificates. When refresher courses are required, they must bring this to the attention of their supervisor.
HSE Monthly Meetings
HSE monthly meetings will be attended by at least one senior representative .The responsibilities of the HSE monthly meetings will be as follows:
• For a senior representative to be available to the employees for HSE discussions To ensure full compliance with the policies and HSE agenda
• To inspect the base facilities at least monthly
• To meet quarterly to
• Review accident figures,
• Discuss any HSE business brought to their attention by employees,
• Assess the following month’s training needs
• The agenda, deliberations and minutes of this meeting will be recorded and documented and made available for external audit if required.
4.2. HSE functions and responsibilities
4.2.1. Formulation of corporate HSE policy
The responsibility for the formulation of up to date corporate HSE policy lies with the Director of PKSPL - IPB, with full support from the senior representatives.
4.2.2. Framing of HSE Management System, Plan and Procedures
The responsibility for the framing of the HSE management systems in place, the HSE plan and the HSE procedures lies with the Contract Representative. It is the function’s brief to write, implement and review the HSE policy whic
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
bahaya 1.0 pengenalan Manual kesehatan keamanan dan lingkungan menguraikan struktur umum dokumen yang mengandung persyaratan yang relevan, standar dan langkah-langkah organisasi dengan menghormati Kesehatan, keselamatan dan aspek lingkungan yang terkait dengan PKSPL - IPB organisasi.Manual telah dikembangkan untuk melayani sebagai referensi berharga pengelolaan baris PKSPL - IPB serta untuk subkontraktor yang terlibat dengan PKSPL - IPB proyek. 2.0 lingkupRuang lingkup HSE manual meliputi seluruh wilayah operasional. Pedoman yang tercantum dalam manual berlaku untuk semua karyawan yang dipekerjakan oleh perusahaan.Item yang tidak termasuk dalam manual adalah:Kepatuhan terhadap peraturan provinsi atau wilayah. Sebelum memulai pekerjaan proyek di Provinsi atau wilayah review lengkap dari undang-undang mereka diperlukan untuk memastikan kepatuhan.Berlaku lokal kode (kotamadya) yang mungkin berlaku. Untuk semua situs manajer operasi harus meninjau lokal oleh-hukum untuk memastikan kepatuhan sebelum memulai pekerjaan proyek.Manual operasi peralatan: Prosedur operasional yang khusus untuk peralatan tidak termasuk dalam manual ini. Ini akan tersedia dalam peralatan manajemen sistem Manual. 3.0 perusahaan Kesehatan, keselamatan dan lingkungan kebijakan PKSPL - IPB ini berkomitmen untuk menjaga dan melindungi semua karyawannya dan mereka yang dipengaruhi oleh operasinya. Untuk mencapai tujuan ini, perusahaan akan • provide a safe working environment • provide adequate training to all employees • promote a positive safety attitude amongst employees The employee shall be committed to:• Follow company guideline at jobsites on safety. • Undergo the training arranged by the company and follow the learning point • Bring up ideas and suggestion to enhance safety in the worksite. During all operations of the company, the first priority will be given to Safety. PKSPL - IPBProf. Dr. Ir. Tridoyo Kusumastanto, MSDirectorSignature: Dated: May 20073.1. Aims and objectives AimsIn accordance with this policy, the company will actively seek to: • Identify key objectives and targets for achievement within a specific period.• Set performing standards for management actions, designed to initiate, develop, maintain and improve a positive health and safety culture in four key areas:- Control, competence, communication and co-operation.• Set performance standards for the control of risks which are based on hazard identification, and risk assessment, which take legal requirements as the minimum acceptable standards of performance, and which emphasize the elimination and control of these risks to a level as low as is reasonably practicable. • Encourage open participation in HSE meetings by our workforce and promote a culture where our employees will take pride and responsibility in carrying out their work in a safe and environmentally friendly manner.• Integrate risk management into everyday business and measure accomplishments in HSE. Objectives The objective of the company is to provide and promote a safe workplace for its employees and all those who may be affected by its actions by provision of the following:• A positive culture where management lead by example and HSE is given a high profile and commitment and HSE awareness is continuously increased.• Training for all employees to enable them to work safely and securely.• Regular audits and reviews of our HSE performance Attempt continuous improvement.• Investigation of all accidents and near misses in an attempt to achieve a record of 0 accidents / million man-hours worked. This will be done by tracking the LTIF (Lost time incident frequency) and TRCF (total recordable cases frequency).• Evaluation of risks by means of assessments and take steps to control the risks to a level as low as is reasonably practicable. In order to evaluate the success of these objectives, and implement an environment for continuous improvement, a set of targets have been established to act as performance indicators, and these will be monitored periodically to ensure success. 4.0 HSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 4.1. ResponsibilitiesIn order to achieve these objectives, employees at every level have an equal duty and responsibility to co-operate, exercise a high level of awareness and professionalism during the course of their work. They must adhere to the company’s and Client’s safety policies and procedures and respectfully follow the rules and regulations pertaining to their work. Figure 1. Reporting StructureDirector/SecretaryDirector/ secretary are responsible for causing the establishment of the PKSPL - IPB HSE management system based on the policies of the Company.Director/ secretary are responsible and accountable for providing all necessary resources for creating the safe working environment for company and its employees.The organization of HSE management shall be at the discretion of managing director. The organization may be changed if needed to achieve the desired objective.The managing director may delegate the task of ensuring the compliance of HSE policies to a Head of General and HSE Division, however must remain ultimately responsible. Head of General and HSE Division Head of General and HSE Division is delegated by managing director to ensure the health, safety and environment policies and objective of the company are met.Head of General and HSE Division shall ensure all operations are carried out in line with the HSE policies and objectives of the company.It is the duty of the Head of General and HSE Division to ensure that key personnel in the job execution sites are with adequate experience and training.Head of General and HSE Division shall co-ordinate with the revision of HSE systems and procedures in line with the corporate management decisions.Head of General and HSE Division report to the director/secretary. Project ManagerOperation superintendent is the company authorized representative for site integrity and responsible person job execution by following the company guidelines and procedures.He is responsible for:• Carry out company operations in accordance with company safety policies and procedures.• Ensure site employees and contractor adheres to company safety rules and regulations.• Responsible for implementing the company systems and procedures on HSE• Main link between the management and the work force on safety.• Ensure that properly trained personnel and appropriate equipment are used at the site.• Ensure the required resources are available at site for the execution of the job.• Report to the Head of General and HSE Division. Safety OfficerThe site safety officer is responsible for the effective implementation of the safety systems at the worksite. He shall advise the Project Manager on the suitability of the system to control the site activities.He is responsible for:• Co-ordination of training for all employees in the work site. • Giving advice to the employees on safe working methods. • Conduct the HSE Management meetings and record the minutes of meeting • Maintain the meeting records and evaluate the effectiveness of tool box meetings. • Maintain all HSE records • Distribute control the HSE manual and system procedures documents. • Conduct the audit as per this project HSE plan. • Coordinate car close out and verification. • Ensure all the sufficient safety equipment such as fire extinguishers re available sufficiently. SupervisorThe responsibilities of supervisor are:• Ensure operations executed under his supervision are carried out in accordance with safety plans and procedure. • Make sure all the employees are wearing the required PPE and that it is suitable for the activities. • Execute operating strictly following the PTW requirement. • Conduct toolbox talks. • Ensure all the employees working under him are fully conversant with emergency response procedures. • Participate in all HSE meetings. • Shall be well aware of special safety requirement of the jobs, company safety system and procedure. Employees The responsibilities of all employees are:• To Understand and adhere to the safety policies of the company. • Use all PPE’s provided by the company in accordance to the requirement of the operator. • To take care of their safety and his co-workers in the worksite • Report all near misses, incidents and accidents. • Suggest ideas to improve HSE in his worksite. • Keep track of their own training and copies of all relevant medical and training certificates. When refresher courses are required, they must bring this to the attention of their supervisor. HSE Monthly MeetingsHSE monthly meetings will be attended by at least one senior representative .The responsibilities of the HSE monthly meetings will be as follows: • For a senior representative to be available to the employees for HSE discussions To ensure full compliance with the policies and HSE agenda • To inspect the base facilities at least monthly • To meet quarterly to • Review accident figures, • Discuss any HSE business brought to their attention by employees, • Assess the following month’s training needs • The agenda, deliberations and minutes of this meeting will be recorded and documented and made available for external audit if required. 4.2. HSE functions and responsibilities4.2.1. Formulation of corporate HSE policyThe responsibility for the formulation of up to date corporate HSE policy lies with the Director of PKSPL - IPB, with full support from the senior representatives. 4.2.2. Framing of HSE Management System, Plan and ProceduresThe responsibility for the framing of the HSE management systems in place, the HSE plan and the HSE procedures lies with the Contract Representative. It is the function’s brief to write, implement and review the HSE policy whic
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]

Bahaya 1.0 Pendahuluan Keselamatan Kesehatan dan Lingkungan pengguna menguraikan struktur umum dokumen yang berisi persyaratan yang relevan, standar dan langkah-langkah organisasi dengan hormat Kesehatan, Keselamatan dan aspek lingkungan yang berkaitan dengan PKSPL tersebut -. Organisasi IPB Manual telah dikembangkan untuk melayani sebagai referensi berharga untuk berbaris pengelolaan PKSPL - IPB juga untuk subkontraktor terlibat dengan PKSPL -. proyek IPB 2.0 Ruang Lingkup Ruang lingkup manual HSE mencakup ke seluruh wilayah operasional. Pedoman yang tercantum dalam manual ini berlaku untuk semua karyawan yang dipekerjakan oleh perusahaan. Produk yang tidak termasuk dalam manual adalah: Kepatuhan dengan peraturan provinsi atau wilayah. Sebelum memulai pekerjaan proyek di setiap provinsi atau wilayah review lengkap dari undang-undang mereka diperlukan untuk memastikan kepatuhan. Kode lokal Berlaku (kota) yang mungkin berlaku. Untuk semua situs manajer operasi harus meninjau lokal dengan mertua untuk memastikan kepatuhan sebelum memulai pekerjaan proyek. Peralatan Operasi manual: Prosedur Operasional khusus untuk peralatan tidak termasuk dalam manual ini. Ini harus tersedia dalam Alat Sistem Manajemen Manual. 3.0 Perusahaan Kesehatan, Keselamatan dan Kebijakan Lingkungan PKSPL - IPB berkomitmen untuk melindungi dan menjaga semua karyawan dan mereka yang terkena dampak operasinya. Untuk mencapai tujuan ini perusahaan akan • memberikan lingkungan kerja yang aman • memberikan pelatihan yang memadai kepada seluruh karyawan • mempromosikan sikap keselamatan positif antara karyawan Karyawan harus berkomitmen untuk:. • Ikuti pedoman perusahaan di jobsites pada keselamatan • Menjalani pelatihan diatur oleh perusahaan dan mengikuti titik pembelajaran • Bawalah . ide-ide dan saran untuk meningkatkan keselamatan di tempat kerja Selama semua operasi perusahaan, prioritas pertama akan diberikan kepada keselamatan. PKSPL - IPB Prof. Dr. Ir. Tridoyo Kusumastanto, MS Direktur Signature: Tanggal: Mei 2007 3.1. Tujuan dan sasaran Tujuan Sesuai dengan kebijakan ini, perusahaan akan secara aktif berusaha untuk:. • Mengidentifikasi tujuan dan sasaran utama untuk pencapaian dalam periode tertentu • Menetapkan standar berkinerja atas tindakan manajemen, yang dirancang untuk memulai, mengembangkan, memelihara dan meningkatkan kesehatan yang positif dan budaya keselamatan dalam empat bidang utama: -. Control, kompetensi, komunikasi dan kerjasama • Menetapkan standar kinerja untuk mengendalikan risiko yang didasarkan pada identifikasi bahaya, dan penilaian risiko, yang mengambil persyaratan hukum sebagai standar yang dapat diterima minimum kinerja , dan yang menekankan penghapusan dan pengendalian risiko ini ke tingkat serendah cukup praktis. • Mendorong partisipasi terbuka dalam pertemuan HSE oleh tenaga kerja kami dan mempromosikan budaya di mana karyawan kami akan bangga dan tanggung jawab dalam melaksanakan pekerjaan mereka dalam aman dan ramah lingkungan cara. • Mengintegrasikan manajemen risiko dalam bisnis sehari-hari dan mengukur prestasi di HSE. Tujuan Tujuan dari perusahaan adalah untuk menyediakan dan mempromosikan tempat kerja yang aman bagi karyawannya dan semua orang yang mungkin akan terpengaruh oleh tindakannya dengan penyediaan berikut:. • Budaya positif di mana manajemen memimpin dengan contoh dan HSE diberi profil tinggi dan komitmen dan kesadaran HSE terus meningkat. • Pelatihan bagi seluruh karyawan untuk memungkinkan mereka untuk bekerja dengan aman dan aman • audit reguler dan ulasan kinerja HSE kami mencoba perbaikan terus-menerus. • Investigasi dari semua kecelakaan dan nyaris dalam upaya untuk mencapai rekor 0 kecelakaan / juta jam bekerja. Ini akan dilakukan dengan melacak LTIF (Kehilangan waktu kejadian frekuensi) dan TRCF (total kasus recordable frekuensi). • Evaluasi risiko dengan cara penilaian dan mengambil langkah-langkah untuk mengendalikan risiko ke tingkat serendah cukup praktis. Dalam rangka untuk mengevaluasi keberhasilan tujuan tersebut, dan melaksanakan lingkungan untuk perbaikan terus-menerus, satu set target telah ditetapkan untuk bertindak sebagai indikator kinerja, dan ini akan dipantau secara berkala untuk memastikan keberhasilan. 4.0 HSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 4.1. Tanggung Jawab Dalam rangka mencapai tujuan tersebut, karyawan di setiap tingkatan memiliki tugas dan tanggung jawab yang sama untuk bekerja sama, latihan tingkat tinggi kesadaran dan profesionalisme selama pekerjaan mereka. Mereka harus mematuhi perusahaan dan Klien kebijakan dan prosedur keselamatan dan hormat mengikuti aturan dan peraturan yang berkaitan dengan pekerjaan mereka. Gambar 1. Struktur Pelaporan Direktur / Sekretaris Direktur / Sekretaris bertanggung jawab untuk menyebabkan pembentukan PKSPL tersebut - sistem manajemen IPB HSE berdasarkan pada kebijakan Perusahaan. Direktur / Sekretaris bertanggung jawab dan bertanggung jawab untuk menyediakan semua sumber daya yang diperlukan untuk menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang aman bagi perusahaan dan karyawannya. Organisasi manajemen HSE harus pada kebijaksanaan direktur. Organisasi dapat diubah jika diperlukan untuk mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan. The direktur dapat mendelegasikan tugas memastikan kepatuhan kebijakan HSE ke Kepala Divisi HSE Umum dan, namun harus tetap bertanggung jawab. Kepala Bagian Umum dan Divisi HSE Kepala Divisi HSE umum dan didelegasikan oleh direktur untuk menjamin kesehatan, keselamatan dan lingkungan kebijakan dan tujuan perusahaan terpenuhi. Kepala Bagian Umum dan Divisi HSE harus memastikan semua operasi dilakukan sejalan dengan kebijakan HSE dan tujuan perusahaan . Ini adalah tugas dari Divisi HSE Kepala Bagian Umum dan untuk memastikan bahwa personil kunci dalam pekerjaan situs eksekusi adalah dengan pengalaman yang memadai dan pelatihan. Kepala Bagian Umum dan Divisi HSE akan berkoordinasi dengan revisi sistem dan prosedur sesuai HSE . dengan keputusan manajemen perusahaan. Kepala Bagian Umum dan laporan Divisi HSE kepada direktur / sekretaris Project Manager Operasi pengawas adalah perusahaan resmi perwakilan untuk integritas situs dan eksekusi orang pekerjaan yang bertanggung jawab dengan mengikuti pedoman dan prosedur perusahaan. Dia bertanggung jawab untuk: • melaksanakan operasi perusahaan sesuai dengan kebijakan dan prosedur keselamatan perusahaan. • Pastikan karyawan situs dan kontraktor mematuhi peraturan keselamatan perusahaan dan peraturan. • Bertanggung jawab untuk menerapkan sistem perusahaan dan prosedur HSE Link • Main antara manajemen dan tenaga kerja pada keselamatan . • Pastikan bahwa personil terlatih dan peralatan yang sesuai digunakan di situs. • Pastikan sumber daya yang diperlukan tersedia di situs untuk pelaksanaan pekerjaan. • Laporan kepada Kepala Bagian Umum dan HSE Divisi. Safety Officer Petugas keamanan situs bertanggung jawab atas pelaksanaan yang efektif dari sistem keselamatan di tempat kerja. Dia akan menyarankan Manajer Proyek pada kesesuaian sistem untuk mengontrol kegiatan situs. Dia bertanggung jawab untuk:. • Koordinasi pelatihan untuk semua karyawan di tempat kerja • Memberikan saran kepada karyawan pada metode kerja yang aman. • Melakukan pertemuan Manajemen HSE dan mencatat risalah rapat • Menjaga catatan pertemuan dan mengevaluasi efektivitas pertemuan kotak alat. • Menjaga semua catatan HSE • Mendistribusikan kontrol HSE manual dan sistem prosedur dokumen. • Melakukan audit sesuai ini rencana HSE proyek . • Mengkoordinasikan mobil menutup dan verifikasi. • Pastikan semua peralatan keselamatan yang memadai seperti alat pemadam kebakaran kembali tersedia cukup. Pengawas Tanggung jawab pengawas adalah: • Pastikan operasi dilaksanakan di bawah pengawasannya dilakukan sesuai dengan rencana dan prosedur keselamatan. • Pastikan semua karyawan memakai APD diperlukan dan bahwa itu cocok untuk kegiatan. • Jalankan operasi ketat mengikuti persyaratan PTW. • Melakukan pembicaraan toolbox. • Pastikan semua karyawan yang bekerja di bawah dia sepenuhnya fasih dengan prosedur tanggap darurat. • . berpartisipasi dalam semua pertemuan HSE. • Akan menjadi sangat menyadari kebutuhan khusus keamanan pekerjaan, sistem keamanan perusahaan dan prosedur Karyawan Tanggung jawab semua karyawan adalah: • Untuk Memahami dan mematuhi kebijakan keamanan perusahaan. • Gunakan semua APD ini disediakan oleh perusahaan sesuai dengan kebutuhan operator. • Untuk menjaga keselamatan mereka dan rekan kerja di tempat kerja • Laporan semua rindu dekat, insiden dan kecelakaan. • Sarankan ide untuk meningkatkan HSE di tempat kerja nya. • Jauhkan track pelatihan dan salinan semua sertifikat medis dan pelatihan yang relevan mereka sendiri. Ketika kursus penyegaran yang diperlukan, mereka harus membawa ini ke perhatian atasan mereka. Pertemuan Bulanan HSE pertemuan bulanan HSE akan dihadiri oleh setidaknya satu tanggung jawab senior yang mewakili .suatu dari pertemuan bulanan HSE akan sebagai berikut: • Untuk seorang wakil senior akan tersedia untuk karyawan untuk diskusi HSE Untuk memastikan kepatuhan dengan kebijakan dan agenda HSE • Untuk memeriksa fasilitas pangkalan setidaknya bulanan • Untuk memenuhi kuartalan untuk • Ulasan angka kecelakaan, • Diskusikan setiap bisnis HSE dibawa ke perhatian mereka dengan karyawan, • Menilai kebutuhan pelatihan bulan berikutnya ini • Agenda, musyawarah dan menit dari pertemuan ini akan disimpan dan didokumentasikan dan tersedia untuk audit eksternal jika diperlukan. 4.2. Fungsi HSE dan tanggung jawab 4.2.1. Perumusan kebijakan HSE perusahaan Tanggung jawab untuk perumusan up to date perusahaan kebijakan HSE terletak pada Direktur PKSPL - IPB, dengan dukungan penuh dari perwakilan senior. 4.2.2. Framing Manajemen HSE Sistem, Rencana dan Prosedur Tanggung jawab untuk framing dari sistem manajemen HSE di tempat, rencana HSE dan prosedur HSE terletak dengan Perwakilan Kontrak. Ini adalah fungsi yang singkat untuk menulis, melaksanakan dan meninjau kebijakan HSE whic

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