DESCRIPTION: The lesson plan gives pupils an opportunity to practise i terjemahan - DESCRIPTION: The lesson plan gives pupils an opportunity to practise i Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

DESCRIPTION: The lesson plan gives

DESCRIPTION: The lesson plan gives pupils an opportunity to practise issue analysis.
TEACHING TECHNIQUES: Issue analysis, class discussion.
GRADE LEVELS: Upper secondary.
OBJECTIVE: To give pupils practice analysing complex sustainability issues at the community level.
VOCABULARY: Spatial distribution, longevity, risk, unintended consequences.
MATERIALS: (1) Newspaper articles, brochures, and other publications on a local sustainability issue and (2) list of 13 issue analysis questions
TIME: Two class sessions (approximately 45 minutes to an hour each) separated by at least a day for pupils to complete the assignment as homework.
t The teacher selects an issue that the local community faces and prepares for issue analysis by collecting newspaper articles, brochures, etc. on the issues
t Teacher gives the assignment.
Assignment: You are working for the city government. An issue is on the city’s agenda for discussion and possible action in the coming months. From the list of 13 issue analysis questions, select the five most important to this issue and write a two-page brief for your supervisor that s/ he can discuss at the next staff meeting.
t Pupils read the published materials and then select the five questions they think are the most important.
t The teacher leads a discussion on which elements the pupils consider to be the most important and why.
t The pupils complete the assignment.
t The teacher reads the completed assignment and prepares a discussion on two or three of the 13 questions (e.g. what are the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed solutions?).
CLOSURE: What did you learn about the process of community issue investigation?
EVALUATION: Create a scoring guide or rubric and assess completed assignment using the scoring guide or rubric. (See “Assessing Pupil Learning with Rubrics” Brief in this series.)
EXTENSION: Invite an employee of the city government to talk to the class about the issue and to listen to the pupils’ interests and concerns.
In place of using a community issue for this assignment the teacher chooses a scenario or case study for the pupils to analyse. Please note that if the teacher selects a scenario that the pupil will have to use their imaginations or collect data from other sources rather than using locally-related facts to complete the assignment.
Scenario 1 – The city has been approached by a waste hauler from a wealthy country. The hauler has offered to pay the city $20,000 if they accept tons of electronic waste dumped on vacant land near the city dump.
Scenario 2 – The city would like to install a water purification plant for the city’s water system. Currently, the water in the system is not purified and many people get sick from it, especially infants, young children, and the elderly.
Scenario 3 – A real estate developer asks the city to purchase vacant property within the city limits to construct an office building. The neighbours oppose the idea because the land is the only nearby open space, which they use for recreation. However, the city needs money and is considering selling the land.
SAFETY: Not Applicable
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
DESCRIPTION: The lesson plan gives pupils an opportunity to practise issue analysis. TEACHING TECHNIQUES: Issue analysis, class discussion.GRADE LEVELS: Upper secondary.OBJECTIVE: To give pupils practice analysing complex sustainability issues at the community level.VOCABULARY: Spatial distribution, longevity, risk, unintended consequences.MATERIALS: (1) Newspaper articles, brochures, and other publications on a local sustainability issue and (2) list of 13 issue analysis questionsTIME: Two class sessions (approximately 45 minutes to an hour each) separated by at least a day for pupils to complete the assignment as homework. TEACHING SEQUENCE:t The teacher selects an issue that the local community faces and prepares for issue analysis by collecting newspaper articles, brochures, etc. on the issuest Teacher gives the assignment.Assignment: You are working for the city government. An issue is on the city’s agenda for discussion and possible action in the coming months. From the list of 13 issue analysis questions, select the five most important to this issue and write a two-page brief for your supervisor that s/ he can discuss at the next staff meeting. t Pupils read the published materials and then select the five questions they think are the most important. t The teacher leads a discussion on which elements the pupils consider to be the most important and why.t The pupils complete the assignment. t guru membaca tugas selesai dan mempersiapkan diskusi pada dua atau tiga pertanyaan 13 (misalnya apa Apakah keuntungan dan kerugian dari solusi yang diusulkan?). PENUTUPAN: Apa yang Anda Pelajari tentang proses investigasi masalah masyarakat? EVALUASI: Membuat panduan penilaian atau rubrik dan menilai tugas selesai menggunakan panduan penilaian atau rubrik. (Lihat "Menilai murid belajar dengan rubrik" singkat dalam seri ini).PERPANJANGAN: Mengundang karyawan pemerintah kota untuk berbicara ke kelas tentang masalah dan mendengarkan murid-murid kepentingan dan keprihatinan. TUGAS ALTERNATIF:Tempat menggunakan isu masyarakat untuk tugas ini guru memilih skenario atau studi kasus murid-murid untuk menganalisis. Harap dicatat bahwa jika guru memilih skenario bahwa murid harus menggunakan imajinasi mereka atau mengumpulkan data dari sumber lain daripada menggunakan fakta-fakta yang terkait secara lokal untuk menyelesaikan tugas. Skenario 1 – kota telah didekati oleh hauler limbah dari negara kaya. Hauler telah menawarkan untuk membayar kota $20.000 jika mereka menerima ton limbah elektronik yang dibuang di lahan kosong dekat sampah. Skenario 2-kota ingin menginstal tanaman purification air untuk sistem air kota. Saat ini, air dalam sistem tidak purified dan banyak orang bosan dari itu, terutama bayi, anak-anak, dan orang tua. Scenario 3 – A real estate developer asks the city to purchase vacant property within the city limits to construct an office building. The neighbours oppose the idea because the land is the only nearby open space, which they use for recreation. However, the city needs money and is considering selling the land. SAFETY: Not Applicable
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