It is not able not to pay attention, Heaven can also be said as the br terjemahan - It is not able not to pay attention, Heaven can also be said as the br Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

It is not able not to pay attention

It is not able not to pay attention, Heaven can also be said as the breakthrough, but ten heavy day of that is peak, was doomed nobody to break through peak that again.
In Sect, presented such disciple, even if nine source Paragon, must care.
The Headmaster old man first Divine Sense sweeps away, but quick hesitates, faintly somewhat guess at the same time, is bringing strangely, has taken back the vision.
That gold robe youth as well as Shajiu Dong, have hesitated, some are indefinite.
Only then their several people can see clue, as for other nine source Paragon, is called Fang Mu Chosen to ninth at this moment, has been full of the interest.
However thinks ninth that the opposite party is, that is the influences of nine this evil stars, other Paragon take back the vision immediately, no longer has the slight interest to Fang Mu.
Or does not dare to have too many interests.
The boundless faction in this has surmounted in beforehand reacted, Fang Mu this name, became a legend, at this moment when this ninth, the sound of cheering, the excited sound, continuously, shakes the heavens moves, Yan Er there also excited shouting.
When entire ninth is in cheers the inspired condition, the Meng Hao form, appears when tower of boundless stage, after tenth had ended, he became nine boundless stages first, founded ten heavy days, at this moment goes out, looks in all people that he as if stood in ten heavy space.
The form like the immortal, the clothing floats, the long hair sways, his gaining ground slowly, was looking to Vault of Heaven flickers, the entire Vault of Heaven dark clouds, the tumbling, erupts loudly unceasingly.
Meanwhile, these ten heavy days of boundless stage, starts dissipation one after another, first what diverges is the single layer day, along with diverging, Dao Light condenses from this single layer day, directly soars Meng Hao, integrates Meng Hao within the body instant.
The Meng Hao innermost feelings move, integrates the instance in within the body in this Dao Light, his clear feeling, first in oneself within the body nine mark, the naked eye condensed one unexpectedly obviously.
„Is the good fortune of this boundless stage, when finishing, will give Meng Hao one time” looking pensive, the double day, the tertiary day, the fourth heavy day of dissipation one after another, changed to the light, directly soars Meng Hao.
Integration of that Dao Light, Meng Hao rouses together, his pleasantly surprised seeing, the own first mark, at this moment still in accelerating to condense, until Heaven, the tenth heavy day also diverges, became the light, when integrates Meng Hao within the body, Meng Hao body rumbling reacted.
Finally, his breathes deeply, in the item is bringing wild with joy, the first mark in his within the body nine Heaven Sealing marks, condensed at this moment about 30%!!
May also not waits for Meng Hao to observe too for a long time, almost while these ten heavy day of dissipations, in the dark clouds of sky, sudden thunder, rumbling eruption.
Hundred, thousand, ten thousand!
The boundless thunder, falls loudly, brings to kill certainly, is having the deconstruction, directly soars Meng Hao to come, midair that seven source Paragon et al., have not continued to help one another, since Meng Hao came out, moreover this Lightning Tribulation comes for Meng Hao obviously, then needed Meng Hao to pass finally.
Along with their retreats, Meng Hao here gains ground, in the eye the fine glow dodges, under audiences of ninth disciple, his body bang, departs from boundless stage directly, kills on own initiative to Lightning Tribulation!
His form soars to the heavens, is bringing dauntlessly, is bringing sneering, even also despises with the provocation, integrates in his tall and straight stature, shoots up to the sky.
This, by the under ninth innumerable disciples, was witnessed completely, reflected completely in the pupil, deep brand mark in soul.
At this moment, Meng Hao in these Chosen, in its form are bringing overbearingly, that is one type making widely known that lets their hearts in this moment reacted!
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Ianya tidak tidak mampu membayar perhatian, surga juga dapat dikatakan sebagai terobosan, tetapi sepuluh hari yang berat itu adalah puncak, tak ada yang ditakdirkan untuk menerobos puncak itu lagi.Dalam sekte, disajikan murid tersebut, bahkan jika sembilan sumber Paragon, harus peduli.Orang tua kepala sekolah arti ilahi yang pertama menyapu, tapi cepat pun yang canggung, samar-samar agak menebak pada saat yang sama, membawa Anehnya, telah diambil kembali visi.Bahwa pemuda emas jubah serta Shajiu Dong, ragu-ragu, beberapa tidak terbatas.Hanya kemudian mereka beberapa orang dapat melihat petunjuk, untuk sumber lain sembilan Paragon, dipanggil Fang Mu dipilih untuk kesembilan pada saat ini, telah penuh bunga.Namun berpikir kesembilan bahwa partai yang berlawanan, itu adalah pengaruh sembilan bintang kejahatan ini, lain Paragon mengambil kembali visi segera, tidak lagi memiliki minat sedikit untuk Fang Mu.Atau tidak berani memiliki terlalu banyak kepentingan.Faksi yang tak terbatas dalam hal ini telah diatasi dalam sebelumnya bereaksi, Fang Mu nama ini, menjadi legenda, pada saat ini ketika ini kesembilan, bunyi sorak-sorai, suara bersemangat, terus menerus, getar langit bergerak, Yan Er ada juga bersemangat berteriak.Ketika seluruh kesembilan berada dalam sorak-sorai kondisi terinspirasi, bentuk Meng Hao, muncul ketika Menara tahap terbatas, setelah kesepuluh telah berakhir, ia menjadi sembilan tak terbatas tahap pertama didirikan pada sepuluh hari yang berat, pada saat ini keluar, tampak pada semua orang bahwa ia seolah-olah berdiri dalam sepuluh ruang berat.The form like the immortal, the clothing floats, the long hair sways, his gaining ground slowly, was looking to Vault of Heaven flickers, the entire Vault of Heaven dark clouds, the tumbling, erupts loudly unceasingly.Meanwhile, these ten heavy days of boundless stage, starts dissipation one after another, first what diverges is the single layer day, along with diverging, Dao Light condenses from this single layer day, directly soars Meng Hao, integrates Meng Hao within the body instant.The Meng Hao innermost feelings move, integrates the instance in within the body in this Dao Light, his clear feeling, first in oneself within the body nine mark, the naked eye condensed one unexpectedly obviously.„Is the good fortune of this boundless stage, when finishing, will give Meng Hao one time” looking pensive, the double day, the tertiary day, the fourth heavy day of dissipation one after another, changed to the light, directly soars Meng Hao.Integration of that Dao Light, Meng Hao rouses together, his pleasantly surprised seeing, the own first mark, at this moment still in accelerating to condense, until Heaven, the tenth heavy day also diverges, became the light, when integrates Meng Hao within the body, Meng Hao body rumbling reacted.Finally, his breathes deeply, in the item is bringing wild with joy, the first mark in his within the body nine Heaven Sealing marks, condensed at this moment about 30%!!Mei juga tidak menunggu Meng Hao untuk mengamati terlalu lama, hampir sementara ini sepuluh hari berat dissipations, di awan gelap langit, tiba-tiba Guntur, gemuruh letusan.Seratus ribu, sepuluh ribu!Guntur tak terbatas, jatuh keras, membawa untuk membunuh tentu saja, memiliki dekonstruksi, menjulang langsung Meng Hao akan datang, udara sumber itu tujuh Paragon et al., tidak terus membantu satu sama lain, karena Meng Hao keluar, apalagi Tribulasi petir ini datang untuk Meng Hao jelas, maka diperlukan Meng Hao untuk lulus akhirnya.Bersama dengan mereka retret, Meng Hao di sini perolehan tanah, di mata denda cahaya dodges, di bawah penonton dari murid kesembilan, bang tubuh Nya, berangkat dari tak terbatas panggung langsung, membunuh inisiatif sendiri untuk kesengsaraan petir!Bentuk menjulang ke langit, membawa dauntlessly, membawa mencibir, bahkan juga membenci dengan provokasi, terintegrasi dalam kedudukannya yang tinggi dan lurus, tunas ke langit.Ini, oleh di bawah kesembilan murid yang tak terhitung, adalah benar-benar menyaksikan, sepenuhnya tercermin dalam murid, tanda dalam merek dagang dalam jiwa.Saat ini, Meng Hao dalam pilihan ini, dalam bentuk yang membawa overbearingly, itu adalah satu jenis membuat dikenal secara luas yang memungkinkan hati mereka di saat ini bereaksi!Bertanya
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