of corporate governance on equity prices and the distribution of retur terjemahan - of corporate governance on equity prices and the distribution of retur Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

of corporate governance on equity p

of corporate governance on equity prices and the distribution of returns is an important issue in corporate finance. There are a number of factors widely known to influence the quality of corporate governance, including board structure, ownership structure, executive compensation, and anti-takeover provisions.
Corporate risk and governance
Why might there be a negative relation between corporate governance and risk?
Strong governance should lead to fewer missed opportunities and fewer negative net
present value projects. Strong governance should lead to less misleading or self-serving 205 statements by managers to the press or in financial statements and other filings. Strong
governance should lead to greater transparency and/or credibility of the firm. All of this
should increase the amount of reliable information available and reduce uncertainty in
the market. This should reduce the market’s perceived risk of the firm.
Perhaps less obvious is why there might be a positive relation between corporate governance and risk. Strong governance should result in managers assuming an appropriate level of risk for the firm. This is the view of Litov et al. (2006), who assert that greater governance reduces private benefits. This may force conservative managers, more interested in increasing the stability of their personal cash flows rather than the volatility associated with potential future gains, to take on greater risk than they otherwise would, to the benefit of all shareholders. One example would be a manager who prefers to have little to no debt. While this diminishes the likelihood of bankruptcy, interference by creditors, and risk of cash flows, it results in an under-levered firm that does not benefit from a greater interest tax shield. Litov et al. (2006) also point out that banks, unions, and the government may constrain risk. Well-diversified shareholders would benefit from a higher degree of leverage and risk. In addition, when stronger corporate governance is characterized by fewer takeover defenses, it may result in such firms being in play to potential acquirers, which may also increase the volatility of returns, but to the benefit of shareholders. Such a relationship is consistent with Ferreira and Laux (2005), who find that a firm’s idiosyncratic risk decreases as its insulation from takeovers increases.
Despite the research that has been done on the relationship among corporate value, corporate governance, and corporate risk, limited analysis has been done specifically attempting to investigate the relationship between corporate risk and corporate governance, the latter of which is measured by the widely acknowledged governance index constructed by Gompers et al. The purpose of this research is to further explore the specific nexus between corporate risk and corporate governance. More specifically, the implied volatility of stock prices is incorporated as a forward-looking measure of firm risk. While the variance of past stock prices is often used as a measure of risk, it provides no information to the market about expected future volatility. One is left assuming that past volatility perfectly predicts future volatility. Changes in corporate governance that result in lower perceived risk will not affect past volatility. Implied volatility, however, is the market’s assessment of future volatility and is a more appropriate measure.
Data for the study are from OptionMetrics and RiskMetrics as well as Compustat. Using a sample of 6,176 biannual firm-year observations spanning 1998-2006, we relate the implied volatility to a number of variables designed to capture the relationship with corporate governance as measured by the Gomper’s index. The model also includes a number of variables to control for other firm-specific factors. The empirical results suggest that dictatorship firms (as defined by Gompers (2003)) are less risky than non-dictatorship firms. Democracy firms are riskier than non-democracy firms.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
corporate governance pada harga ekuitas dan distribusi kembali merupakan masalah penting dalam keuangan perusahaan. Ada sejumlah faktor yang dikenal untuk mempengaruhi kualitas tata kelola perusahaan, termasuk papan struktur, struktur kepemilikan, kompensasi eksekutif dan anti-pengambilalihan ketentuan.
perusahaan risiko dan tata kelola
Mengapa tidak mungkin suatu hubungan yang negatif antara risiko dan tata kelola perusahaan?
tata kelola yang kuat harus menyebabkan lebih sedikit kesempatan yang hilang dan lebih sedikit negatif bersih
hadir nilai proyek. Tata Kelola yang kuat harus menyebabkan kurang menyesatkan atau melayani diri sendiri pernyataan 205 oleh Manajer pers atau laporan keuangan dan pengajuan lainnya. Kuat
pemerintahan harus mengarah pada lebih transparansi dan/atau kredibilitas perusahaan. Semua ini
harus meningkatkan jumlah informasi yang dapat diandalkan tersedia dan mengurangi ketidakpastian dalam
pasar. Ini seharusnya mengurangi risiko dirasakan pasar perusahaan.
mungkin kurang jelas adalah mengapa mungkin ada hubungan yang positif antara risiko dan tata kelola perusahaan. Tata Kelola yang kuat akan menghasilkan manajer asumsi tingkat risiko yang sesuai untuk perusahaan. Ini adalah tampilan dari Litov et al. (2006), yang menyatakan bahwa pemerintahan yang lebih besar mengurangi manfaat pribadi. Ini mungkin akan memaksa manajer konservatif, lebih tertarik dalam meningkatkan stabilitas arus kas pribadi mereka daripada volatilitas yang terkait dengan potensi keuntungan masa depan, untuk mengambil risiko yang lebih besar daripada yang mereka dinyatakan akan, untuk kepentingan semua pemegang saham. Salah satu contoh akan menjadi seorang manajer yang lebih suka untuk memiliki sedikit atau tidak ada utang. Sementara ini mengurangi kemungkinan kepailitan, gangguan oleh kreditor, dan risiko arus kas, hasilnya di bawah levered perusahaan yang tidak menguntungkan dari perisai pajak bunga lebih besar. Litov et al. (2006) juga menunjukkan bahwa banks, Serikat pekerja, dan pemerintah mungkin membatasi risiko. Pemegang saham baik diversifikasi akan mendapat manfaat dari tingkat leverage dan risiko yang lebih tinggi. Selain itu, ketika kuat corporate governance dilandasi oleh pertahanan pengambilalihan yang lebih sedikit, ini dapat mengakibatkan perusahaan seperti itu dalam bermain untuk acquirers yang potensial, yang dapat juga meningkatkan volatilitas kembali, tetapi untuk kepentingan pemegang saham. Hubungan seperti ini konsisten dengan Ferreira dan Laux (2005), yang menemukan bahwa perusahaan istimewa risiko mengecil dengan isolasi dari pengambilalihan meningkat.
meskipun penelitian yang telah dilakukan pada hubungan antara nilai perusahaan, tata kelola perusahaan dan perusahaan risiko, terbatas analisis telah dilakukan secara khusus berusaha untuk menyelidiki hubungan antara perusahaan risiko dan tata kelola perusahaan, yang diukur oleh indeks secara luas diakui pemerintahan yang dibangun oleh Gompers et al. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk lebih menjelajahi nexus tertentu antara perusahaan risiko dan tata kelola perusahaan. Lebih khusus lagi, tersirat volatilitas harga saham dimasukkan sebagai ukuran forward-looking risiko perusahaan. Sementara varians dari masa lalu harga saham sering digunakan sebagai ukuran risiko, menyediakan ada informasi pasar tentang volatilitas masa depan yang diharapkan. Salah satu yang tersisa dengan asumsi bahwa masa lalu volatilitas sempurna memprediksi masa depan volatilitas. Perubahan dalam tata kelola perusahaan yang mengakibatkan resiko dirasakan tidak akan mempengaruhi masa lalu volatilitas. Tersirat volatilitas, namun, penilaian pasar volatilitas masa depan dan adalah lebih sesuai ukuran.
Data untuk studi yang dari OptionMetrics dan RiskMetrics serta Compustat. Menggunakan sampel 6,176 pengamatan perusahaan tahun dua kali setahun mencakup 1998-2006, kita berhubungan volatilitas yang tersirat sejumlah variabel yang dirancang untuk menangkap hubungan dengan tata kelola perusahaan sebagai diukur oleh indeks Gomper. Model ini juga mencakup sejumlah variabel kontrol untuk faktor-faktor khusus perusahaan lain. Hasil empiris menunjukkan kediktatoran perusahaan (seperti yang didefinisikan oleh Gompers (2003)) kurang berisiko daripada perusahaan-perusahaan non-kediktatoran. Perusahaan demokrasi berisiko daripada perusahaan-perusahaan non-demokrasi.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
of corporate governance on equity prices and the distribution of returns is an important issue in corporate finance. There are a number of factors widely known to influence the quality of corporate governance, including board structure, ownership structure, executive compensation, and anti-takeover provisions.
Corporate risk and governance
Why might there be a negative relation between corporate governance and risk?
Strong governance should lead to fewer missed opportunities and fewer negative net
present value projects. Strong governance should lead to less misleading or self-serving 205 statements by managers to the press or in financial statements and other filings. Strong
governance should lead to greater transparency and/or credibility of the firm. All of this
should increase the amount of reliable information available and reduce uncertainty in
the market. This should reduce the market’s perceived risk of the firm.
Perhaps less obvious is why there might be a positive relation between corporate governance and risk. Strong governance should result in managers assuming an appropriate level of risk for the firm. This is the view of Litov et al. (2006), who assert that greater governance reduces private benefits. This may force conservative managers, more interested in increasing the stability of their personal cash flows rather than the volatility associated with potential future gains, to take on greater risk than they otherwise would, to the benefit of all shareholders. One example would be a manager who prefers to have little to no debt. While this diminishes the likelihood of bankruptcy, interference by creditors, and risk of cash flows, it results in an under-levered firm that does not benefit from a greater interest tax shield. Litov et al. (2006) also point out that banks, unions, and the government may constrain risk. Well-diversified shareholders would benefit from a higher degree of leverage and risk. In addition, when stronger corporate governance is characterized by fewer takeover defenses, it may result in such firms being in play to potential acquirers, which may also increase the volatility of returns, but to the benefit of shareholders. Such a relationship is consistent with Ferreira and Laux (2005), who find that a firm’s idiosyncratic risk decreases as its insulation from takeovers increases.
Despite the research that has been done on the relationship among corporate value, corporate governance, and corporate risk, limited analysis has been done specifically attempting to investigate the relationship between corporate risk and corporate governance, the latter of which is measured by the widely acknowledged governance index constructed by Gompers et al. The purpose of this research is to further explore the specific nexus between corporate risk and corporate governance. More specifically, the implied volatility of stock prices is incorporated as a forward-looking measure of firm risk. While the variance of past stock prices is often used as a measure of risk, it provides no information to the market about expected future volatility. One is left assuming that past volatility perfectly predicts future volatility. Changes in corporate governance that result in lower perceived risk will not affect past volatility. Implied volatility, however, is the market’s assessment of future volatility and is a more appropriate measure.
Data for the study are from OptionMetrics and RiskMetrics as well as Compustat. Using a sample of 6,176 biannual firm-year observations spanning 1998-2006, we relate the implied volatility to a number of variables designed to capture the relationship with corporate governance as measured by the Gomper’s index. The model also includes a number of variables to control for other firm-specific factors. The empirical results suggest that dictatorship firms (as defined by Gompers (2003)) are less risky than non-dictatorship firms. Democracy firms are riskier than non-democracy firms.
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