Chapter 167 – Seen it allYe Ziyun was wearing a near transparent silk  terjemahan - Chapter 167 – Seen it allYe Ziyun was wearing a near transparent silk  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Chapter 167 – Seen it allYe Ziyun w

Chapter 167 – Seen it all

Ye Ziyun was wearing a near transparent silk over her body, like hair flowing down. The beautiful shape of her chest can be vaguely seen. The silk only covered down to her upper thigh, her slender legs were completely exposed, giving off an alluring feeling.

Xiao Ning’er, who was on the bed, exclaimed, covering her chest. However, her slender palms couldn’t conceal her impressive figure, causing anyone who saw to imagine even more.

Ye Ziyun’s face was cold while she stared at Nie Li, Xiao Ning’er was shy and lowered her head, a layer of red covering her face.

“Aha, it seems that I came at the wrong time, sorry about that……” said Nie Li with an embarrassed smile. He turned around and quickly left.

“Nie Li, who allowed you in here? Get out!” coldly snorted Ye Ziyun. Her anger continued to increase as she moved her right hand. She then sent an ice spear towards Nie Li.

Feeling the temperature of the room drop by a lot, Nie Li immediately slipped out and closed the door.


The ice spear exploded, making a layer of frost cover the room.

Seeing Ye Ziyun’s angry expression, Xiao Ning’er let out a light smile. She looked towards the direction of the door. Nie Li’s heated gaze did indeed cause her to be a little shy; however, she didn’t like the idea of losing. Between her and Ye Ziyun, who attracted Nie Li’s attention more?

“That fella has always been doing whatever he wanted without bounds like this, he really has to be taught a lesson.” Ye Ziyun said, fuming. Her face was red all the way to her neck. Not mention Xiao Ning’er’s current state, even her body was only slightly covered. Although she was wearing clothes, it’s nearly transparent silk. Not to mention how lit up Nie Li’s thieving eyes were, she was completely seen by Nie Li.

“Nie Li mustn’t have done it on purpose. It’s probably because he’s worried about us, that’s why he charged in so anxiously.” Xiao Ning’er said, pursing her lips.

“Ning’er, you have yet to be married to Nie Li and yet you’re already defending him. Won’t you be bullied to death by him in the future?” said Ye Ziyun, pouting with dissatisfaction.

Hearing Ye Ziyun’s words, a trace of sadness flashed across Xiao Ning’er’s eyes. Marry Nie Li? Is she really a match for Nie Li? Nie Li has such extraordinary talent, only Ye Ziyun, this heavenly blessed girl, can be a match for him. What is she? How can the Winged Dragon Family be compared to the Snow Wind Family?

Suddenly seeing Xiao Ning’er becoming silent, not knowing why, Ye Ziyun felt her heart slightly pained. Although Xiao Ning’er is icy cold and gave others the feeling of being unable to get close to her, the truth is her heart is fiery. Once she liked someone, she will become exceptionally tender and gentle. She’ll be anxious to give them everything she has. She is different from Xiao Ning’er. As the daughter of the City Lord, she bears many responsibilities. She has to accomplish those first before she can think about her own feelings.

Based on this matter alone, she is not worthy of Nie Li.

In the yard, Nie Li’s mind was still flashing with the earlier scene. The two beautiful ladies, together. No wonder they’re considered the two most beautiful goddesses in Glory City in the future. Barging into the room this time, even if he was to be bashed up, it’d be worth it.

In his previous life, if it wasn’t for Glory City being destroyed, a useless and poor kid like Nie Li would never enter into the eyes of the goddess, Ye Ziyun. After experiencing life and death in his previous life, upon rebirth, Nie Li’s feelings for Ye Ziyun were absolutely unshakable.

As for Ning’er…

In his previous life, Nie Li didn’t have any interaction with her. He only felt pity for her. An accident arising from many causes. Nie Li has changed Xiao Ning’er’s life. He also felt confused on how he should face Ning’er’s feelings.

Except, Nie Li is born open-minded. Matters that couldn’t be resolved now, will be left to the future.

Nie Li sat cross-legged in the yard and continued to refine his soul force. After reaching 2-star Gold rank, Nie Li obtained more insight. Every single organism has a soul. The soul force in this word is left behind after death by various organisms. His soul realm has a strong attraction towards the surrounding soul forces. The more one enters into a battlefield kind of area, the faster their cultivating speed will be.

However, he has to be careful to prevent an accident, like what happened before, from happening again.

When it was close to evening, Ye Ziyun walked out from her room.

“Ziyun.” Nie Li waved his hand, a little embarrassed as he greeted Ye Ziyun.

Ye Ziyun had a cold face. Nie Li still thought that Ye Ziyun was mad about the earlier matter so he can only continue to smile. Seeing Ye Ziyun is nothing much, since they have already done much more in the future; however, seeing Xiao Ning’er is still his wrong.

Ye Ziyun coldly l
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Chapter 167 – Seen it allYe Ziyun was wearing a near transparent silk over her body, like hair flowing down. The beautiful shape of her chest can be vaguely seen. The silk only covered down to her upper thigh, her slender legs were completely exposed, giving off an alluring feeling.Xiao Ning’er, who was on the bed, exclaimed, covering her chest. However, her slender palms couldn’t conceal her impressive figure, causing anyone who saw to imagine even more.Ye Ziyun’s face was cold while she stared at Nie Li, Xiao Ning’er was shy and lowered her head, a layer of red covering her face.“Aha, it seems that I came at the wrong time, sorry about that……” said Nie Li with an embarrassed smile. He turned around and quickly left.“Nie Li, who allowed you in here? Get out!” coldly snorted Ye Ziyun. Her anger continued to increase as she moved her right hand. She then sent an ice spear towards Nie Li.Feeling the temperature of the room drop by a lot, Nie Li immediately slipped out and closed the door.*Pa!*The ice spear exploded, making a layer of frost cover the room.Seeing Ye Ziyun’s angry expression, Xiao Ning’er let out a light smile. She looked towards the direction of the door. Nie Li’s heated gaze did indeed cause her to be a little shy; however, she didn’t like the idea of losing. Between her and Ye Ziyun, who attracted Nie Li’s attention more?“That fella has always been doing whatever he wanted without bounds like this, he really has to be taught a lesson.” Ye Ziyun said, fuming. Her face was red all the way to her neck. Not mention Xiao Ning’er’s current state, even her body was only slightly covered. Although she was wearing clothes, it’s nearly transparent silk. Not to mention how lit up Nie Li’s thieving eyes were, she was completely seen by Nie Li.
“Nie Li mustn’t have done it on purpose. It’s probably because he’s worried about us, that’s why he charged in so anxiously.” Xiao Ning’er said, pursing her lips.

“Ning’er, you have yet to be married to Nie Li and yet you’re already defending him. Won’t you be bullied to death by him in the future?” said Ye Ziyun, pouting with dissatisfaction.

Hearing Ye Ziyun’s words, a trace of sadness flashed across Xiao Ning’er’s eyes. Marry Nie Li? Is she really a match for Nie Li? Nie Li has such extraordinary talent, only Ye Ziyun, this heavenly blessed girl, can be a match for him. What is she? How can the Winged Dragon Family be compared to the Snow Wind Family?

Suddenly seeing Xiao Ning’er becoming silent, not knowing why, Ye Ziyun felt her heart slightly pained. Although Xiao Ning’er is icy cold and gave others the feeling of being unable to get close to her, the truth is her heart is fiery. Once she liked someone, she will become exceptionally tender and gentle. She’ll be anxious to give them everything she has. She is different from Xiao Ning’er. As the daughter of the City Lord, she bears many responsibilities. She has to accomplish those first before she can think about her own feelings.

Based on this matter alone, she is not worthy of Nie Li.

In the yard, Nie Li’s mind was still flashing with the earlier scene. The two beautiful ladies, together. No wonder they’re considered the two most beautiful goddesses in Glory City in the future. Barging into the room this time, even if he was to be bashed up, it’d be worth it.

In his previous life, if it wasn’t for Glory City being destroyed, a useless and poor kid like Nie Li would never enter into the eyes of the goddess, Ye Ziyun. After experiencing life and death in his previous life, upon rebirth, Nie Li’s feelings for Ye Ziyun were absolutely unshakable.

As for Ning’er…

In his previous life, Nie Li didn’t have any interaction with her. He only felt pity for her. An accident arising from many causes. Nie Li has changed Xiao Ning’er’s life. He also felt confused on how he should face Ning’er’s feelings.

Except, Nie Li is born open-minded. Matters that couldn’t be resolved now, will be left to the future.

Nie Li sat cross-legged in the yard and continued to refine his soul force. After reaching 2-star Gold rank, Nie Li obtained more insight. Every single organism has a soul. The soul force in this word is left behind after death by various organisms. His soul realm has a strong attraction towards the surrounding soul forces. The more one enters into a battlefield kind of area, the faster their cultivating speed will be.

However, he has to be careful to prevent an accident, like what happened before, from happening again.

When it was close to evening, Ye Ziyun walked out from her room.

“Ziyun.” Nie Li waved his hand, a little embarrassed as he greeted Ye Ziyun.

Ye Ziyun had a cold face. Nie Li still thought that Ye Ziyun was mad about the earlier matter so he can only continue to smile. Seeing Ye Ziyun is nothing much, since they have already done much more in the future; however, seeing Xiao Ning’er is still his wrong.

Ye Ziyun coldly l
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Bab 167 - Dilihat semuanya Ye Ziyun mengenakan sutra transparan dekat tubuhnya, seperti rambut mengalir. Bentuk indah dadanya dapat samar-samar terlihat. Sutra hanya menutupi ke paha atas, kaki ramping benar-benar terkena, memberikan off perasaan memikat. Xiao Ning'er, yang berada di tempat tidur, berseru, menutupi dadanya. Namun, telapak ramping tidak bisa menyembunyikan sosok yang mengesankan, menyebabkan siapa pun yang melihat membayangkan bahkan lebih. Wajah Ye Ziyun adalah dingin sementara dia menatap Nie Li, Xiao Ning'er pemalu dan menunduk, lapisan penutup merah wajahnya. "Aha, tampaknya bahwa saya datang pada waktu yang salah, maaf tentang itu ......" kata Nie Li dengan senyum malu. Dia berbalik sekitar dan dengan cepat meninggalkan. "Nie Li, yang mengizinkan Anda di sini? Keluar! "Dingin mendengus Ye Ziyun. Kemarahannya terus meningkat saat ia pindah tangan kanannya. Dia kemudian mengirim tombak es terhadap Nie Li. Merasa suhu drop kamar oleh banyak, Nie Li segera menyelinap keluar dan menutup pintu. * Pa! * Es tombak meledak, membuat lapisan es menutupi ruangan. Seeing ekspresi marah Ye Ziyun ini, Xiao Ning'er mengeluarkan senyum cahaya. Dia tampak menuju ke arah pintu. Tatapan dipanaskan nie Li memang menyebabkan dia menjadi pemalu sedikit; Namun, dia tidak menyukai gagasan kehilangan. Antara dia dan Ye Ziyun, yang menarik perhatian Nie Li lebih? "Fella Itu selalu melakukan apa pun yang ia inginkan tanpa batas seperti ini, dia benar-benar harus diberi pelajaran." Kata Ye Ziyun, marah. Wajahnya merah semua jalan ke lehernya. Tidak menyebutkan keadaan saat Xiao Ning'er ini, bahkan tubuhnya hanya sedikit tertutup. Meskipun ia mengenakan pakaian, itu sutra hampir transparan. Belum lagi bagaimana menyala mata pencuri Nie Li yang, dia benar-benar terlihat oleh Nie Li. "Nie Li harus tidak melakukannya dengan sengaja. Itu mungkin karena dia khawatir tentang kami, itu sebabnya ia dikenakan dalam begitu cemas. "Kata Xiao Ning'er, mengerucutkan bibirnya. " Ning'er, Anda belum akan menikah dengan Nie Li dan belum Anda sudah membela dirinya. Tidak akan Anda diganggu sampai mati oleh dia di masa depan? "Kata Ye Ziyun, cemberut dengan ketidakpuasan. Dengan kata Mendengar Ye Ziyun ini, jejak kesedihan melintas di mata Xiao Ning'er ini. Menikah Nie Li? Apakah dia benar-benar cocok untuk Nie Li? Nie Li memiliki bakat yang luar biasa seperti itu, hanya Ye Ziyun, gadis ini surgawi diberkati, dapat menjadi cocok untuk dia. Apa dia? Bagaimana bisa bersayap Naga Keluarga dibandingkan dengan Salju Angin Family? Tiba-tiba melihat Xiao Ning'er menjadi diam, tidak tahu mengapa, Ye Ziyun merasa hatinya sedikit sedih. Meskipun Xiao Ning'er adalah es dingin dan memberi orang lain perasaan tidak mampu untuk mendapatkan dekat dengannya, kebenaran adalah hatinya berapi-api. Begitu dia menyukai seseorang, dia akan menjadi sangat lembut dan lembut. Dia akan ingin memberi mereka segala yang dia punya. Dia berbeda dari Xiao Ning'er. Sebagai putri dari Tuhan City, ia menanggung banyak tanggung jawab. Dia harus menyelesaikan mereka terlebih dahulu sebelum dia dapat berpikir tentang perasaannya sendiri. Berdasarkan hal ini saja, dia tidak layak Nie Li. Di halaman, pikiran Nie Li masih berkedip dengan adegan sebelumnya. Dua wanita cantik, bersama-sama. Tidak heran mereka dianggap dua dewi yang paling indah di Glory Kota di masa depan. Menerobos ke dalam ruangan saat ini, bahkan jika ia akan dihancurkan, itu akan sia-sia. Dalam kehidupan sebelumnya, jika bukan karena Glory Kota dihancurkan, anak tidak berguna dan miskin seperti Nie Li takkan masuk ke dalam mata dewi, Ye Ziyun. Setelah mengalami hidup dan mati di kehidupan sebelumnya, pada kelahiran kembali, perasaan Nie Li untuk Ye Ziyun yang benar-benar tak tergoyahkan. Adapun Ning'er ... Dalam kehidupan sebelumnya, Nie Li tidak memiliki interaksi dengan dia. Ia hanya merasa kasihan padanya. Kecelakaan yang timbul dari berbagai penyebab. Nie Li telah mengubah hidup Xiao Ning'er ini. Dia juga merasa bingung tentang bagaimana ia harus menghadapi perasaan Ning'er ini. Kecuali, Nie Li lahir berpikiran terbuka. Hal-hal yang tidak bisa diselesaikan sekarang, akan diserahkan kepada masa depan. Nie Li duduk bersila di halaman dan terus menyempurnakan kekuatan jiwanya. Setelah mencapai Bintang 2 peringkat Emas, Nie Li diperoleh wawasan. Setiap organisme tunggal memiliki jiwa. Kekuatan jiwa dalam kata ini ditinggalkan setelah kematian oleh berbagai organisme. Alam jiwanya memiliki daya tarik yang kuat terhadap kekuatan jiwa sekitarnya. Semakin seseorang masuk menjadi semacam medan perang dari daerah, semakin cepat kecepatan budidaya mereka akan. Namun, ia harus berhati-hati untuk mencegah kecelakaan, seperti yang terjadi sebelumnya, terjadi lagi. Ketika itu dekat dengan malam, Ye Ziyun berjalan keluar dari kamarnya. "Ziyun." Nie Li melambaikan tangannya, sedikit malu karena ia disambut Ye Ziyun. Ye Ziyun memiliki wajah dingin. Nie Li masih berpikir bahwa Ye Ziyun marah tentang hal sebelumnya sehingga ia hanya bisa terus tersenyum. Melihat Ye Ziyun ada banyak, karena mereka telah melakukan lebih banyak di masa depan; Namun, melihat Xiao Ning'er masih nya yang salah. Ye Ziyun dingin l

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