“Kyuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!”“Mu! Is it up to something?”“It’s bad to stay h terjemahan - “Kyuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!”“Mu! Is it up to something?”“It’s bad to stay h Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

“Kyuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!”“Mu! Is it u


“Mu! Is it up to something?”

“It’s bad to stay here, so I’ll break the wall!”

At the same time as the shout, Shin broke through the wall in the room and jumped outside.

Rionne followed soon after, and the breath of ice which the Gryphon released hit the building directly. The building was frozen in an instant.

The Gryphon seemed to have seen that Shin and Rionne escaped, as it turned its neck while breathing out ice in order to put them in the line of fire.

“That’s dangerous! We’re gonna jump!”

“Kyaa, what!?”

Shin carried Rionne and kicked through the air against the looming breath of ice.

He dodged the breath mid-air by a movement system martial arts skill 【Flying Shadow】, and jumped into the shadow of another building.

“It’s a ‘mowing down’ breath, huh? I’m sure there’s no such attack used by gryphons…”

“I-Is that so? Rather, Shin, I want you to lower me down now.”

Rionne said, while stuttering in Shin’s arm.

The current body pose of Rionne was commonly referred to as ‘holding the princess in one’s arms’ state.

“Ah sorry. It was emergency, so it was either this or I carry you under my arm.”

When Shin pulled Rionne’s arm and evaded the breath, he was able to hold her under his arm, but as expected that may be inappropriate for a princess, so he changed it.

“You really…so what would you do? We cannot go near it since it attacked as soon as we showed up.”

“That kind of attack is a breathing spell or magic power charge; there will be a cooldown-time when the attack is used somewhere, so we have no choice but to attack at once. I will take charge of the front, so aim for its back while hiding in the building, Rionne.”

Though it was a surprise attack, Shin knew the capture method of a Gryphon himself.

Even if he was directly hit with the breath, he shouldn’t be killed on the spot.

“Will you be alright?”

“Leave it to me. I don’t want to be hit, but I’ve a way even if I’m hit.”

The worrying Rionne nodded, and Shin stood up.

After seeing Rionne off, who was moving away from him, he jumped outside the building.


The Gryphon promptly shot its breath.

As if it knew Shin was there, its aim was accurate.

Shin bent over and evaded the breath coming straight at him, then started to run.

Though the Gryphon made a mowing down motion with its breath like it was natural, a similar attack wouldn’t become a threat to Shin.

Using both movement system martial arts skills 【Flying Shadow】 and 【Shukuchi】, Shin sometimes jumped over and dove under as he closed in upon the Gryphon without slowing down.

“Hey, hey I’m here. Where are you aiming at!?”

While exercising one of the taunt skills, 【Clown Noise】, Shin stirred up the Gryphon aloud.

Did the Gryphon determine that its breath wouldn’t hit as it saw Shin’s movements? The Gryphon aimed at Shin with its left foreleg. Shin then intercepted the talons made of ice with his『Kakura』. Taking advantage of his strength, from the lower position he hammered onto the lowered foreleg to reach a conclusion.


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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
“Kyuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!”“Mu! Is it up to something?”“It’s bad to stay here, so I’ll break the wall!”At the same time as the shout, Shin broke through the wall in the room and jumped outside.Rionne followed soon after, and the breath of ice which the Gryphon released hit the building directly. The building was frozen in an instant.The Gryphon seemed to have seen that Shin and Rionne escaped, as it turned its neck while breathing out ice in order to put them in the line of fire.“That’s dangerous! We’re gonna jump!”“Kyaa, what!?”Shin carried Rionne and kicked through the air against the looming breath of ice.He dodged the breath mid-air by a movement system martial arts skill 【Flying Shadow】, and jumped into the shadow of another building.“It’s a ‘mowing down’ breath, huh? I’m sure there’s no such attack used by gryphons…”“I-Is that so? Rather, Shin, I want you to lower me down now.”Rionne said, while stuttering in Shin’s arm.The current body pose of Rionne was commonly referred to as ‘holding the princess in one’s arms’ state.“Ah sorry. It was emergency, so it was either this or I carry you under my arm.”When Shin pulled Rionne’s arm and evaded the breath, he was able to hold her under his arm, but as expected that may be inappropriate for a princess, so he changed it.“You really…so what would you do? We cannot go near it since it attacked as soon as we showed up.”“That kind of attack is a breathing spell or magic power charge; there will be a cooldown-time when the attack is used somewhere, so we have no choice but to attack at once. I will take charge of the front, so aim for its back while hiding in the building, Rionne.”Though it was a surprise attack, Shin knew the capture method of a Gryphon himself.Even if he was directly hit with the breath, he shouldn’t be killed on the spot.“Will you be alright?”“Leave it to me. I don’t want to be hit, but I’ve a way even if I’m hit.”The worrying Rionne nodded, and Shin stood up.After seeing Rionne off, who was moving away from him, he jumped outside the building.“KyuAAAA!!”The Gryphon promptly shot its breath.As if it knew Shin was there, its aim was accurate.Shin bent over and evaded the breath coming straight at him, then started to run.Though the Gryphon made a mowing down motion with its breath like it was natural, a similar attack wouldn’t become a threat to Shin.Using both movement system martial arts skills 【Flying Shadow】 and 【Shukuchi】, Shin sometimes jumped over and dove under as he closed in upon the Gryphon without slowing down.“Hey, hey I’m here. Where are you aiming at!?”While exercising one of the taunt skills, 【Clown Noise】, Shin stirred up the Gryphon aloud.Apakah Gryphon menentukan bahwa napas yang tidak akan memukul ini melihat gerakan Shin? Gryphon bertujuan Shin dengan foreleg yang kiri. Shin kemudian dicegat cakar yang terbuat dari es dengan his『Kakura』. Mengambil keuntungan dari kekuatan-Nya, dari posisi rendah ia hammered ke foreleg diturunkan untuk mencapai suatu kesimpulan."Kyui!!""Wah!"
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Kyuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !!"

"Mu! Apakah itu sesuatu? "

" Ini buruk untuk tinggal di sini, jadi saya akan memecahkan dinding! "

Pada saat yang sama teriakan, Shin menerobos dinding di kamar dan melompat luar.

Rionne mengikuti setelahnya, dan napas es yang Gryphon dirilis memukul bangunan langsung. Bangunan ini dibekukan dalam sekejap.

The Gryphon tampaknya telah melihat bahwa Shin dan Rionne melarikan diri, ternyata lehernya saat bernapas keluar es untuk menempatkan mereka di garis api.

"Itu berbahaya! Kita akan melompat! "

" Kyaa, apa !? "

Shin dilakukan Rionne dan menendang melalui udara terhadap nafas menjulang es.

Dia mengelak nafas udara oleh sistem gerakan seni bela diri keterampilan 【Terbang Bayangan】, dan melompat ke dalam bayangan bangunan lain.

"Ini adalah 'memotong ke bawah' napas, ya? Saya yakin tidak ada serangan seperti yang digunakan oleh gryphons ... "

" I-Begitukah? Sebaliknya, Shin, aku ingin kau menurunkan saya turun sekarang. "

Kata Rionne, sementara gagap di lengan Shin.

Tubuh saat berpose dari Rionne itu sering disebut sebagai 'memegang putri dalam pelukan seseorang' negara.

" Ah maaf. Itu darurat, jadi itu baik ini atau saya membawa Anda di bawah lengan saya. "

Ketika Shin menarik lengan Rionne dan menghindari nafas, ia mampu menahan dirinya di bawah lengannya, tapi seperti yang diharapkan yang mungkin tidak pantas untuk seorang putri begitu, ia berubah.

"Anda benar-benar ... jadi apa yang akan Anda lakukan? Kita tidak bisa pergi dekat itu karena diserang segera setelah kami muncul ".

" Itu semacam serangan adalah mantra bernapas atau biaya kekuatan sihir; akan ada cooldown-saat serangan itu digunakan di suatu tempat, sehingga kita tidak punya pilihan selain menyerang sekaligus. Aku akan mengambil alih depan, sehingga tujuan untuk kembali sementara bersembunyi di dalam gedung, Rionne. "

Meskipun itu adalah serangan mendadak, Shin tahu metode capture dari Gryphon dirinya.

Bahkan jika dia langsung memukul dengan nafas, ia tidak harus tewas di tempat.

"Apakah Anda baik-baik saja?"

"Serahkan padaku. Saya tidak ingin terkena, tapi aku cara bahkan jika aku memukul. "

The Rionne mengkhawatirkan mengangguk, dan Shin berdiri.

Setelah melihat Rionne off, yang bergerak menjauh darinya, ia melompat di luar gedung .

"KyuAAAA !!"

The Gryphon segera ditembak napas.

Seolah-olah itu tahu Shin ada di sana, tujuannya adalah akurat.

Shin membungkuk dan menghindari nafas datang langsung ke arahnya, kemudian mulai berlari.

Meskipun Gryphon membuat memotong ke bawah gerak dengan napas seperti itu alami, serangan serupa tidak akan menjadi ancaman bagi Shin.

Menggunakan kedua sistem gerakan keterampilan seni bela diri 【terbang Bayangan】 dan 【Shukuchi】, Shin terkadang melompati dan burung merpati di bawah sambil menutup di atas Gryphon tanpa memperlambat.

"Hey, hey aku di sini. Di mana Anda bertujuan !? "

Sementara berolahraga salah satu keterampilan ejekan, 【Clown Kebisingan】, Shin menimbulkan Gryphon keras.

Apakah Gryphon menentukan bahwa napas yang tidak akan memukul karena melihat gerakan Shin? Gryphon bertujuan Shin dengan kaki depan kiri. Shin kemudian mencegat cakar yang terbuat dari es dengan nya 「Kakura」. Mengambil keuntungan dari kekuatannya, dari posisi yang lebih rendah ia dipalu ke kaki depan diturunkan untuk mencapai kesimpulan.

"Kyui !!"

"Whoa !!"
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