I shake the head de­ci­sively: „No, we have a look, not to need first  terjemahan - I shake the head de­ci­sively: „No, we have a look, not to need first  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I shake the head de­ci­sively: „No,

I shake the head de­ci­sively: „No, we have a look, not to need first Cooldown to show the strength again to the demon moun­tain, has a look army how the tem­ple knight group and ris­ing sun such as the blood deals with the demon moun­tain!”
Was say­ing, sud­denly the dis­tant place re­ver­ber­ates the deaf­en­ing crackle of gun­fire, orig­i­nally was Wang Zecheng has or­dered be­hind hot axe armed forces to start to launch Long Jing ar­tillery, Long Jing ar­tillery total 100 + of hot axe armed forces, this time have also brought about 50, but the fire­power was as be­fore as­ton­ish­ing, the shock-wave of Long Jing ar­tillery erupted in the crowd of ham­mer of trade union god of thun­der, roasted red the shield and armor of rewiring knight, sub­se­quently its ripped be­comes the frag­ment, but at the same time, the demon moun­tain sud­denly has also drawn out the long-bar­relled gun, the spear blade edge will have lifted up high going against, shouted to clear the way loudly: „Ger­man brave war­riors from high­est heaven city, at­tacks to me, breaks through their de­fense lines!”
Un­ex­pect­edly, the demon moun­tain at­tacks un­ex­pect­edly on own ini­tia­tive, the hot crag ar­tillery that even comes was use­less, such leads the heavy cav­alry to start to at­tack the ris­ing sun such as the po­si­tion of blood and hot axe armed forces, was not only the ham­mer of trade union god of thun­der, Xia Huo­jun who the demon moun­tain brought sur­passed the heavy cav­alry of 2 W + per­son also one and starts the charge, the mo­men­tum was as­ton­ish­ing!
The warhorse hit a ris­ing sun sud­denly such as the shield of blood player, the demon moun­tain has re­lied on the as­ton­ish­ing strength to push di­rectly into, in the hand the lance wielded sud­denly, un­ex­pect­edly has car­ried over an en­ergy brac­ing cold of pro­ces­sion of lanterns, „whish” has swept the crowd, about 50 yards player was under an im­pact on in­jure, im­me­di­ately demon moun­tain be­hind one named „eter­nal wa­ter­wheel” 166 lev­els of swords­men were the player ad­vance to go for­ward rapidly, the sword light flowed swiftly to fall, cut down long-dis­tance sword air/Qi to cut again, the di­rect sec­ond killed one group of peo­ple, the sword blade edge re­volves, „clang” in­ge­nious at­tack­ing and de­stroy­ing. Tom­a­hawk pro­jec­tion pre­lude that you catch cold, af­ter­ward is 13 lev­els of dou­ble hit, will catch cold for you di­rectly cut­ting away.
Wang Zecheng is angry: „Idle, hav­ing the human to block!”
Was in a rage idly brings one crowd of ice to ride to launch the at­tack spirit, in the hand the sword blade edge reap­peared the sword wheel to cut + sword air/Qi day­break the dual skill corona, but the demon moun­tain cor­ners of the mouth raised, did not at­tack, drew the warhorse reins to walk the po­si­tion to make way, made one named „ocean waves” the Ger­man beau­ti­ful women rode the warhorse seam pro­tec­tor, the shield raise have eaten the idle two at­tacks, two in­jury digit spat­tered in all di­rec­tions, the idle com­plex­ion in­stan­ta­neous was pale
Close not bro­ken against at­tack in­jury, but this Ger­man beau­ti­ful woman rapid one time shakes spa­tially punc­tures sud­denly, punc­tured idly has reached as high as 1.7 W HP, this at­tack and de­fense at­tribute con­trast was not pro­por­tional com­pletely.
„I came!”
The ocean waves be­hind a crazy sol­dier pro­gresses to come, in the hand the tom­a­hawk reap­pears in­cor­rupt­ible, laughs is sweep­ing away, rides the con­tin­ual back­lash that one crowd of ice surges spirit, was hor­ri­ble to look , the de­fense that the ice rides spirit is no doubt good, but after bump­ing into this rank the strik­ing power, un­ex­pect­edly shak­ing drew back by the pure strength.
At­tracts an cold air/Qi „by” us who dis­tant place ob­served, Li Mu said in con­ster­na­tion: „demon moun­tain group of peo­ple, strive to excel”
Yue Qing Qian nods, said on and on: „demon m
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Aku menggelengkan kepala tegas: "Tidak, kita lihat, tidak perlu pertama Cooldown untuk menunjukkan kekuatan lagi untuk Gunung setan, memiliki tentara yang melihat bagaimana Kaabah ksatria group dan rising sun seperti darah mengisahkan Gunung setan!""Um!"Berkata, tiba-tiba tempat jauh bergema derak memekakkan telinga tembakan, awalnya Wang Zecheng telah memerintahkan di balik Angkatan bersenjata kapak panas untuk memulai untuk memulai panjang Jing artileri, artileri Jing panjang total 100 + panas Angkatan bersenjata kapak, kali ini juga membawa sekitar 50, tapi senjata adalah sebagai sebelum menakjubkan, gelombang kejut panjang Jing artileri meletus dalam kerumunan Hammer buruh Allah Guntur , panggang merah shield dan armor rewiring knight, kemudian yang robek menjadi fragmen, tapi pada saat yang sama, setan Gunung tiba-tiba memiliki juga ditarik keluar senapan berlaras panjang, ujung pisau tombak akan telah mengangkat tinggi akan melawan, berteriak untuk membersihkan jalan keras: "Jerman prajurit yang berani dari surga tertinggi kota, serangan kepadaku, menembus garis pertahanan mereka!"Un­ex­pect­edly, the demon moun­tain at­tacks un­ex­pect­edly on own ini­tia­tive, the hot crag ar­tillery that even comes was use­less, such leads the heavy cav­alry to start to at­tack the ris­ing sun such as the po­si­tion of blood and hot axe armed forces, was not only the ham­mer of trade union god of thun­der, Xia Huo­jun who the demon moun­tain brought sur­passed the heavy cav­alry of 2 W + per­son also one and starts the charge, the mo­men­tum was as­ton­ish­ing!„Bang!”The warhorse hit a ris­ing sun sud­denly such as the shield of blood player, the demon moun­tain has re­lied on the as­ton­ish­ing strength to push di­rectly into, in the hand the lance wielded sud­denly, un­ex­pect­edly has car­ried over an en­ergy brac­ing cold of pro­ces­sion of lanterns, „whish” has swept the crowd, about 50 yards player was under an im­pact on in­jure, im­me­di­ately demon moun­tain be­hind one named „eter­nal wa­ter­wheel” 166 lev­els of swords­men were the player ad­vance to go for­ward rapidly, the sword light flowed swiftly to fall, cut down long-dis­tance sword air/Qi to cut again, the di­rect sec­ond killed one group of peo­ple, the sword blade edge re­volves, „clang” in­ge­nious at­tack­ing and de­stroy­ing. Tom­a­hawk pro­jec­tion pre­lude that you catch cold, af­ter­ward is 13 lev­els of dou­ble hit, will catch cold for you di­rectly cut­ting away.Wang Zecheng is angry: „Idle, hav­ing the human to block!”Was in a rage idly brings one crowd of ice to ride to launch the at­tack spirit, in the hand the sword blade edge reap­peared the sword wheel to cut + sword air/Qi day­break the dual skill corona, but the demon moun­tain cor­ners of the mouth raised, did not at­tack, drew the warhorse reins to walk the po­si­tion to make way, made one named „ocean waves” the Ger­man beau­ti­ful women rode the warhorse seam pro­tec­tor, the shield raise have eaten the idle two at­tacks, two in­jury digit spat­tered in all di­rec­tions, the idle com­plex­ion in­stan­ta­neous was pale„6112!”„5324!”Close not bro­ken against at­tack in­jury, but this Ger­man beau­ti­ful woman rapid one time shakes spa­tially punc­tures sud­denly, punc­tured idly has reached as high as 1.7 W HP, this at­tack and de­fense at­tribute con­trast was not pro­por­tional com­pletely.„I came!”The ocean waves be­hind a crazy sol­dier pro­gresses to come, in the hand the tom­a­hawk reap­pears in­cor­rupt­ible, laughs is sweep­ing away, rides the con­tin­ual back­lash that one crowd of ice surges spirit, was hor­ri­ble to look , the de­fense that the ice rides spirit is no doubt good, but after bump­ing into this rank the strik­ing power, un­ex­pect­edly shak­ing drew back by the pure strength.At­tracts an cold air/Qi „by” us who dis­tant place ob­served, Li Mu said in con­ster­na­tion: „demon moun­tain group of peo­ple, strive to excel”Yue Qing Qian nods, said on and on: „demon m
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Aku menggeleng yang tegas: "Tidak, kami melihat-lihat, tidak perlu Cooldown pertama yang menunjukkan kekuatan lagi ke gunung setan, memiliki tentara tampilan bagaimana kelompok ksatria kuil dan matahari terbit seperti penawaran darah dengan gunung setan ! "
" Um! "
Apakah mengatakan, tiba-tiba tempat yang jauh bergema derak memekakkan telinga tembakan, awalnya Wang Zecheng telah memerintahkan belakang angkatan bersenjata kapak panas untuk mulai meluncurkan Long Jing artileri, Long Jing artileri Total 100 + angkatan bersenjata kapak panas , kali ini juga membawa sekitar 50, tapi senjata itu seperti sebelumnya menakjubkan, shock-gelombang Long Jing artileri meletus di kerumunan palu dewa serikat buruh guntur, panggang merah perisai dan baju besi dari rewiring ksatria, kemudian yang robek menjadi fragmen, tetapi pada saat yang sama, gunung setan tiba-tiba juga ditarik keluar pistol laras panjang, tepi tombak pisau akan mengangkat tinggi akan melawan, berteriak untuk membersihkan jalan keras: "prajurit pemberani Jerman dari tertinggi kota surga, serangan kepada saya, menerobos garis pertahanan mereka! "
Tanpa diduga, serangan setan gunung tiba-tiba atas inisiatif sendiri, yang karang artileri panas yang bahkan datang tidak berguna, seperti memimpin kavaleri berat untuk mulai menyerang matahari terbit seperti posisi darah dan kapak panas angkatan bersenjata, tidak hanya palu dewa serikat buruh guntur, Xia Huojun yang gunung setan membawa melampaui kavaleri berat 2 W + orang juga satu dan mulai biaya, momentum itu menakjubkan!
" Bang! "
kuda perang itu menghantam matahari terbit tiba-tiba seperti perisai pemain darah, gunung setan telah mengandalkan kekuatan menakjubkan untuk mendorong langsung ke dalam, di tangan tombak memegang tiba-tiba, tanpa diduga telah melakukan lebih dari energi menguatkan dingin prosesi lentera, "whish" telah menyapu kerumunan, sekitar 50 yard pemain berada di bawah berdampak pada melukai, segera setan gunung di belakang satu bernama "kincir air yang kekal" 166 tingkat pedang adalah muka pemain untuk maju cepat, cahaya pedang mengalir cepat jatuh, mengurangi jarak jauh pedang udara / Qi untuk memotong lagi, kedua langsung dibunuh sekelompok orang, tepi pisau pedang berputar, "dentang" menyerang cerdik dan menghancurkan. Tomahawk proyeksi awal bahwa Anda masuk angin, sesudahnya yaitu 13 tingkat hit ganda, akan menangkap dingin untuk Anda langsung memotong.
Wang Zecheng marah: "! Idle, memiliki manusia untuk memblokir"
Apakah dengan marah iseng membawa salah satu kerumunan es naik untuk meluncurkan semangat serangan, di tangan tepi pedang pisau muncul kembali roda pedang untuk memotong + pedang udara / Qi fajar korona keterampilan ganda, tapi sudut setan gunung mulut mengangkat, tidak menyerang, menarik tali kekang kuda perang berjalan posisi untuk membuat jalan, membuat satu bernama "gelombang laut" wanita cantik Jerman naik pelindung kuda perang jahitan, kenaikan perisai makan yang menganggur dua serangan, dua cedera digit terpercik ke segala arah, corak menganggur seketika pucat
" 6112! "
" 5324! "
Tutup tidak rusak terhadap cedera serangan, namun wanita cantik Jerman ini cepat satu waktu getar spasial tusukan tiba-tiba, tertusuk iseng telah mencapai setinggi 1,7 W HP, serangan dan atribut pertahanan ini kontras tidak proporsional sepenuhnya.
" aku datang! "
gelombang laut di belakang seorang prajurit gila berlangsung untuk datang, di tangan tomahawk muncul kembali fana, tertawa adalah menyapu, naik tendangan terus-menerus bahwa salah satu kerumunan es lonjakan semangat, mengerikan untuk melihat, pertahanan bahwa es naik semangat tidak diragukan lagi baik, tapi setelah menabrak peringkat ini kekuatan mencolok, tiba-tiba gemetar mundur oleh kekuatan murni.
menarik udara dingin / Qi "oleh" kita yang tempat yang jauh diamati, kata Li Mu dalam ketakutan: "gunung setan sekelompok orang, berusaha untuk unggul "
Yue Qing Qian mengangguk, kata dan terus:" setan m
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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