Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Long, long ago, in the mountains of Switzerland, there lived a rich miller who was very mean. Even when people were starving and pleading for food, he would not help them. One cold winter’s day there was a knock on the mill door. “What do you want?” barked the miller. “Please, Sir, could you give me just one small bag of fl our?” pleaded a tiny man dressed in a red cap and little green suit. “We need it so badly.” “Buzz off!” shouted the miller. “I’ve no time for beggars!” As the dwarf began his long walk back to the mountains, he met a young boy carrying a bag of fl our in his arms. It was Peter, the miller’s son. “Take this,” he whispered, “but don’t let my father know I’ve given it to you.” The dwarf took the bag and tucked it inside his coat. “Thank you, young sir,” he said. “I’ll not forget your kindness.” Then he continued on his way. One spring morning, several months later, Peter was fi shing in a lake up in the mountains when he felt a strong pull on his line. He tugged and tugged, until suddenly, a little fi gure appeared out of the water. It was the dwarf! “Why, if it isn’t the miller’s son!” he said, drying himself on a huge leaf. “I’ve been having my annual bath in honour of the Great Day.” “Great Day?” asked Peter. “Didn’t you know? Today’s our Great Day of Feasts and Sports. Why don’t you come and join us? It’s great fun and there’s heaps to eat!” The dwarf dived into the long grass, and pulled out his red cap and green clothes. Then he led the way through a hollow tree trunk to a huge cave in the hillside. This was where all the mountainy people – the elves, the dwarfs and the fairies – make their home. In the huge cave hundreds of little folk dressed in gaily coloured clothes sat at long, low tables munching cake, jellies and ice-cream. And there were great bowls of fruit and tall jugs of juice. The dwarf banged on the table for silence. Immediately the chattering and music stopped. “Dwarfs, goblins, and fairies, this is Peter, the boy who gave us the bag of fl our last Winter. He’s here as my special guest for the Great Day!” The mountainy people clapped and cheered, as Peter sat down at the head table and began to eat, and eat … and eat. But, long before he had fi nished, the games began. There was hurdling over the benches and pole-vaulting over the tables. The leprechauns played and a big crowd gathered to watch the darts match played with goose feathers. Skittles were played with a marble and big fi r cones, and for javelin-throwing they used long twigs. Peter was invited to join in the fun, but refused politely. “I don’t really think it would be fair. After all, I’m so much bigger than you … and stronger.” “I wouldn’t count on that,” said a goblin – and he lifted up the bench, Peter and all! Si miller anak di terpesona seperti elf Berkuda tanpa pelana pada racing tikus, dan peri digunakan perahu kayu kecil untuk ras menuruni sungai kecil yang mengalir melalui gua. Dan sepanjang waktu ada kerdil melakukan handstand dan pengamatan, kadang-kadang untuk hadiah tetapi sebagian besar untuk bersenang-senang. Kemudian, setelah tarik ulur antara Goblin dan gremlins, semua orang berlari keluar ke puncak gunung dan kembali- dan jatuh kelelahan. Petrus mengambil jalan melalui tubuh sedikit lelah, merawat tidak untuk langkah di atas sayap peri. Dia merangkak keluar dari gua dan naik ke batang pohon kembali ke danau. Hanya ketika ia memungut tongkatnya shing fi ia mendengar suara Yesus memanggil. "Tunggu, Peter, menunggu untuk saya!" Ini adalah mountainy orang. "Anda akan pergi tanpa hadiah." "Hadiah? Tapi itu bukan ulang tahun saya." "Aku tahu itu tidak. Maksudku menyajikan Anda terima kasih. Anda memberi kami fl kami ketika kami sedang kelaparan, jadi silakan ini peluit untuk kebaikan Anda. Hanya pukulan keras tiga kali dan kami akan membawa Anda apa pun yang Anda inginkan." Kagum sekali ia telah melihat, Petrus bisa hampir fi nd kata mengucapkan terima kasih kepada laki-laki kecil. "Dan ini," kata kurcaci mengambil tas dari dalam mantelnya, "adalah fl tas kami untuk ayahmu." Saat matahari tenggelam, Peter mencapai pabrik, memberikan ayahnya tas dan mengatakan kepadanya bahwa dwarf telah memberikannya kepadanya. "Anda berarti Anda menyelinap keluar dan memberikan salah satu tas saya FL pengemis kami dengan sedikit?" berteriak si miller. Tetapi kemudian ia mengintip di dalam tas... dan menemukan seratus bersinar mutiara, dengan catatan: kami berharap hal ini membuat Anda bahagia tidak sedih, Mountainy rakyat kembali baik untuk buruk. Si miller merasa malu ia berjanji Petrus bahwa tidak pernah lagi akan ia berpaling siapa pun yang membutuhkan bantuan. Jadi, pernah setelah itu, ketika salju musim dingin pertama jatuh tinggi di pegunungan, semua orang-orang kecil mengunjungi teman-teman mereka, miller dan Petrus. Dan mereka selalu menemukan meja si miller yang sarat dengan makanan lezat.
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