Hasil (Inggris) 1:sincere love, though no longer together,sometimes ha terjemahan - Hasil (Inggris) 1:sincere love, though no longer together,sometimes ha Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Hasil (Inggris) 1:sincere love, tho

Hasil (Inggris) 1:
sincere love, though no longer together,
sometimes hatred present in the chest,
you'll never miss a
single day without a miss.
When you love, be honest with yourself.
be yourself, do not let them fall in love
with someone who
not you.
many women fall in love with the wrong
just as easily believe what she
said the man was the right thing.
Love is not just a word. love must be
shown in action
, because
love need something that can be trusted.
do not demand to be loved for what it is
if you still have recourse to someone who
loves you
love can accept the shortcomings. and
there love for each other
complement deficiencies.
not only happy and laughing, but tears of
and also a part of love.
sometimes you know that you are able to
avoid the pain
but you also realize that your love is more
meaningful than a sense of
nothing stronger than true love.
you must believe to understand each
and you must understand to each other
love is a feeling heart, which must
expressed by the heart, not only
with flattery or praise.
When you love someone,
Try to love his shortcomings, not
just change as you like.
Sometimes no matter how sick a person
hurt, you still survive, because it will be
more painful
if you lose it.
Love is something that is difficult to
Sometimes when you not pretend tuk
matter, will make you more
miss him.
do not ever lie to him that you love
.honesty may be painful, but
lies destroy everything.
when two heart
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Hasil (Inggris) 1:sincere love, though no longer together,sometimes hatred present in the chest,you'll never miss afixedsingle day without a miss.When you love, be honest with yourself.be yourself, do not let them fall in lovewith someone whonot you.many women fall in love with the wrongman,just as easily believe what shesaid the man was the right thing.Love is not just a word. love must beshown in action, becauselove need something that can be trusted.do not demand to be loved for what it isif you still have recourse to someone wholoves you.love can accept the shortcomings. andthere love for each othercomplement deficiencies.not only happy and laughing, but tears ofpainand also a part of love.sometimes you know that you are able toavoid the pain,but you also realize that your love is moremeaningful than a sense ofpain.nothing stronger than true love.you must believe to understand eachother,and you must understand to each otherbelieve.love is a feeling heart, which mustexpressed by the heart, not onlywith flattery or praise.When you love someone,Try to love his shortcomings, notjust change as you like.Sometimes no matter how sick a personhurt, you still survive, because it will bemore painfulif you lose it.Love is something that is difficult tocontrol.Sometimes when you not pretend tukmatter, will make you moremiss him.do not ever lie to him that you love.honesty may be painful, butlies destroy everything.when two heart
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Hasil (Inggris) 1:
cinta yang tulus, meski tak lagi bersama,
kadang-kadang kebencian hadir di dada,
Anda tidak akan pernah melewatkan
hari tanpa miss.
Ketika Anda mencintai, jujur dengan diri sendiri.
Menjadi diri sendiri, jangan biarkan mereka jatuh cinta
dengan seseorang yang
tidak Anda.
banyak wanita jatuh cinta dengan salah
seorang pria,
seperti mudah percaya apa yang dia
kata pria itu adalah hal yang benar.
cinta bukan hanya kata. cinta harus
ditunjukkan dalam tindakan
, karena
cinta butuh sesuatu yang bisa dipercaya.
tidak menuntut untuk dicintai apa adanya
jika Anda masih memiliki jalan lain untuk seseorang yang
mencintai Anda
cinta bisa menerima kekurangan. dan
ada cinta untuk satu sama lain
kekurangan pelengkap.
tidak hanya bahagia dan tertawa, tapi air mata
dan juga bagian dari cinta.
kadang-kadang Anda tahu bahwa Anda dapat
menghindari rasa sakit
tetapi Anda juga menyadari bahwa cinta Anda lebih
bermakna dari rasa
tidak lebih kuat dari cinta sejati.
Anda harus percaya untuk mengerti satu sama
dan Anda harus memahami satu sama lain
cinta adalah perasaan hati, yang harus
diungkapkan dengan hati, bukan hanya
dengan rayuan atau pujian.
Ketika Anda mencintai seseorang,
Cobalah untuk mencintai kekurangannya, tidak
hanya mengubah yang Anda inginkan.
Kadang-kadang tidak peduli seberapa sakit seseorang
terluka, Anda masih bertahan, karena akan
lebih menyakitkan
jika Anda kehilangan itu.
Cinta adalah sesuatu yang sulit untuk
Kadang-kadang ketika Anda tidak berpura-pura tuk
peduli, akan membuat Anda lebih
tidak pernah berbohong kepadanya bahwa Anda mencintai
.honesty mungkin menyakitkan, tapi
kebohongan menghancurkan segalanya.
ketika dua hati
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