Research on the meaning of life and work found that emergingadults hav terjemahan - Research on the meaning of life and work found that emergingadults hav Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Research on the meaning of life and

Research on the meaning of life and work found that emerging
adults have higher expectations of work than their parents
had and tend to change jobs to find work that is personally fulfilling
(Arnett, 2007; Chalofsky, 2003). They seem to want
work that is identity based and conforms to their own appraisal
of their talents and interests. This search tends to be enacted in
industrial societies that encourage youth to choose from a wide
variety of occupational possibilities (Coˆte´, 2006). Research
indicates the importance of meaning and a sense of a ‘‘calling’’
at work for emerging adults (i.e., work as inseparable from life and providing self-fulfillment). In samples of undergraduate
students, Steger and Dik (2009) found that finding meaning
in their careers satisfied their search for meaning in their lives.
Research with adults attests that not all individuals treat
work as a way to find meaning in their lives. A study with
working adults showed that only about a third saw their work
as a calling; for the others it was either a job with the requisite
financial rewards or a career as a path to higher social standing
and increased power (Wrzesniewski, McCauley, Rozin, &
Schwartz, 1997). These employees were quite decisive in the
three different ways they saw their work.
As noted previously, intimacy and love in close romantic
relationships are also considered a central domain of meaning
in life (Emmons, 1999; Wong & Fry, 1998). Frankl (1963), for
example, held that love is the highest goal to which one can
aspire and the only way for one to become fully aware of the
essence of another human being. Human development theories
(Colarusso & Nemiroff, 1981; Erikson, 1950, 1968) maintain
that the ability to engage in such deep and mutually gratifying
relationships in adulthood evinces psychosocial maturity and is
a key component of psychological growth (Ryff, 1989). Adopting
an evolutionary approach, Aron and Aron (2012) suggested
that because caring and being cared for in a variety of relationships
are closely associated with survival, we have evolved to
make caring for each other a central purpose in life.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Research on the meaning of life and work found that emerging
adults have higher expectations of work than their parents
had and tend to change jobs to find work that is personally fulfilling
(Arnett, 2007; Chalofsky, 2003). They seem to want
work that is identity based and conforms to their own appraisal
of their talents and interests. This search tends to be enacted in
industrial societies that encourage youth to choose from a wide
variety of occupational possibilities (Coˆte´, 2006). Research
indicates the importance of meaning and a sense of a ‘‘calling’’
at work for emerging adults (i.e., work as inseparable from life and providing self-fulfillment). In samples of undergraduate
students, Steger and Dik (2009) found that finding meaning
in their careers satisfied their search for meaning in their lives.
Research with adults attests that not all individuals treat
work as a way to find meaning in their lives. A study with
working adults showed that only about a third saw their work
as a calling; for the others it was either a job with the requisite
financial rewards or a career as a path to higher social standing
and increased power (Wrzesniewski, McCauley, Rozin, &
Schwartz, 1997). These employees were quite decisive in the
three different ways they saw their work.
As noted previously, intimacy and love in close romantic
relationships are also considered a central domain of meaning
in life (Emmons, 1999; Wong & Fry, 1998). Frankl (1963), for
example, held that love is the highest goal to which one can
aspire and the only way for one to become fully aware of the
essence of another human being. Human development theories
(Colarusso & Nemiroff, 1981; Erikson, 1950, 1968) maintain
that the ability to engage in such deep and mutually gratifying
relationships in adulthood evinces psychosocial maturity and is
a key component of psychological growth (Ryff, 1989). Adopting
an evolutionary approach, Aron and Aron (2012) suggested
that because caring and being cared for in a variety of relationships
are closely associated with survival, we have evolved to
make caring for each other a central purpose in life.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Penelitian tentang arti hidup dan bekerja menemukan bahwa muncul
dewasa memiliki harapan yang lebih tinggi dari pekerjaan dari orang tua mereka
telah dan cenderung mengganti pekerjaan untuk mencari pekerjaan yang secara pribadi memenuhi
(Arnett, 2007; Chalofsky, 2003). Mereka tampaknya ingin
pekerjaan yang berbasis identitas dan sesuai dengan penilaian mereka sendiri
bakat dan minat mereka. Pencarian ini cenderung berlaku dalam
masyarakat industri yang mendorong pemuda untuk memilih dari berbagai
berbagai kemungkinan kerja (Cote', 2006). Penelitian
menunjukkan pentingnya makna dan rasa dari '' memanggil ''
di tempat kerja untuk orang dewasa muncul (yaitu, bekerja sebagai tak terpisahkan dari kehidupan dan memberikan pemenuhan diri). Dalam sampel sarjana
siswa, Steger dan Dik (2009) menemukan bahwa menemukan makna
dalam karir mereka puas pencarian mereka untuk makna dalam hidup mereka.
Penelitian dengan orang dewasa membuktikan bahwa tidak semua orang memperlakukan
pekerjaan sebagai cara untuk menemukan makna dalam hidup mereka. Sebuah studi dengan
orang dewasa yang bekerja menunjukkan bahwa hanya sekitar sepertiga melihat pekerjaan mereka
sebagai suatu panggilan; untuk orang lain itu baik pekerjaan dengan syarat
imbalan keuangan atau karir sebagai jalan menuju status sosial yang lebih tinggi
dan meningkatkan daya (Wrzesniewski, McCauley, Rozin, &
Schwartz, 1997). Para karyawan ini cukup menentukan dalam
tiga cara yang berbeda mereka melihat pekerjaan mereka.
Seperti disebutkan sebelumnya, keintiman dan cinta dalam romantis dekat
hubungan juga dianggap sebagai domain pusat makna
hidup (Emmons, 1999; Wong & Fry, 1998). Frankl (1963), untuk
misalnya, diadakan bahwa cinta adalah tujuan tertinggi yang seseorang dapat
bercita-cita dan satu-satunya cara bagi seseorang untuk menjadi sepenuhnya sadar akan
esensi manusia lain. Teori pembangunan manusia
(Colarusso & Nemiroff, 1981; Erikson, 1950, 1968) mempertahankan
bahwa kemampuan untuk terlibat dalam seperti dalam dan saling memuaskan
hubungan di masa dewasa evinces kematangan psikososial dan
komponen kunci dari pertumbuhan psikologis (Ryff, 1989). Mengadopsi
pendekatan evolusioner, Aron dan Aron (2012) menyarankan
bahwa karena peduli dan dirawat di berbagai hubungan
yang terkait erat dengan kelangsungan hidup, kita telah berevolusi untuk
membuat merawat satu sama lain tujuan utama dalam hidup.
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