„Ha-ha, right?”A Xu­anyuan Feng face is self-con­fi­dent, sticks out c terjemahan - „Ha-ha, right?”A Xu­anyuan Feng face is self-con­fi­dent, sticks out c Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„Ha-ha, right?”A Xu­anyuan Feng fac

„Ha-ha, right?”
A Xu­anyuan Feng face is self-con­fi­dent, sticks out chest, is car­ry­ing with the hand the long-bar­relled gun, quite some­what con­temp­tu­ously looked at Li Mu, sud­denly raises hand, the co­or­di­nated process shape en­ergy emerges as the times re­quire the wind­ing in his body week, seeps the body grad­u­ally, on the large screen also jumped out the skill name and ef­fect, Long Ji­ashu, the Holy Ghost first-or­der skill, sig­nif­i­cantly pro­motes the de­fen­sive power and re­sis­tance.
Xu­anyuan Feng's the armor of mump­ing also holds suc­cess­fully, this was de­cides to with a Li Mulai bat­tle of at­tri­tion.
No one has thought that is Xu­anyuan Feng of knight launches the at­tack, the di­rect charge has locked Li Mu, in the hand a long-bar­relled gun pen­du­lum, the stance proudly smiles: „Makes me have a look at [Zhan Long] loyal and heroic camp NO.1 fierce!”
Li Mu watches, the under foot fights the boots speed­ily side to move to the glide, di­rect MISS falls the charge ef­fect, turns around is im­pe­r­ial carte and tierce + sword air/Qi day­break, „clang clang” two, on the Xu­anyuan Feng's sin­cere iron armor spat­ter in all di­rec­tions Mars, al­though Li Mu strik­ing power is high, but met this in ad­di­tion to hold Long Ji­ashu the fel­low, ac­tu­ally ap­peared some in­juries low­ers
Xu­anyuan Feng is out of con­trol smiles, the iron spear hor­i­zon­tal is a swift and vi­o­lent counter-at­tack, shakes spa­tially punc­tures + the flame of rapid fire sud­denly, but on Li Mu also holds is mump­ing to pro­tect the body, can MISS fall 50% dam­ages, more­over Xu­anyuan Feng con­cen­trates on the de­fen­sive power, the at­tack will be doomed not to be high, fi­nally will not be very painful ap­pear­ance
Xu­anyuan Feng does not worry, his HP com­pared with Li Mugao, and knight own re­turn­ing blood ef­fect is also out­stand­ing, there­fore the iron spear con­tin­ues the thorn to strike, times con­sume Li Mu HP through Pu Gonglai.
Fight­ing with all might that Li Mu does not draw back, his out­put is higher , a pair of pupil is fix­ing the eyes on Xu­anyuan Feng's blood strip, he was wait­ing for that waited for the ap­pro­pri­ate op­por­tu­nity strikes to mas­sacre the match at one fell swoop.
„You, ended!”
When Li Mu HP only re­main­ing 25%, Xu­anyuan Feng can­not bear one drink greatly, the iron spear hit, „bang” re­pels Li Mu, si­mul­ta­ne­ously the iron bay­o­net en­ters the rock layer, shouted to clear the way lowly: „Earth­worm clashes!”
The sur­round­ing earth shiv­ers, a leader earth­worm break of rock, this is the piece within 20 yards kills the skill, when the light of earth­worm swal­lows Li Mu stature in­stan­ta­neously, above Xu­anyuan Feng spear blade edge reap­peared the fierce glow also to clash, he cal­cu­lated, Li Mu had one time to fill the op­por­tu­nity of blood bot­tle, must strike to mas­sacre him while this op­por­tu­nity di­rectly.
„Hong Hong”
In Long Yin­sheng, earth­worm light blots out the sky, form that let­ting the human is un­able to see Li Mu, at this mo­ment, in the de­tri­tus „bang” hears the im­pact noise sud­denly, graz­ing that Li Mu­jian blade edge hangs down, un­ex­pect­edly is the charge skill, hits to han­dle against Xu­anyuan Feng di­rectly, the dizzi­ness 1 sec­ond . More­over, rushes to Li Mu not to hang in the earth­worm, the body is reap­pear­ing to­gether the Ar­mour of dragon tur­tle en­ergy, that is the stunt of dragon tur­tle armor, sig­nif­i­cantly pro­motes the tough­ness, at this time fi­nally ap­plied.
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„Ha-ha, right?”A Xu­anyuan Feng face is self-con­fi­dent, sticks out chest, is car­ry­ing with the hand the long-bar­relled gun, quite some­what con­temp­tu­ously looked at Li Mu, sud­denly raises hand, the co­or­di­nated process shape en­ergy emerges as the times re­quire the wind­ing in his body week, seeps the body grad­u­ally, on the large screen also jumped out the skill name and ef­fect, Long Ji­ashu, the Holy Ghost first-or­der skill, sig­nif­i­cantly pro­motes the de­fen­sive power and re­sis­tance.Xu­anyuan Feng's the armor of mump­ing also holds suc­cess­fully, this was de­cides to with a Li Mulai bat­tle of at­tri­tion.„Brushes!”No one has thought that is Xu­anyuan Feng of knight launches the at­tack, the di­rect charge has locked Li Mu, in the hand a long-bar­relled gun pen­du­lum, the stance proudly smiles: „Makes me have a look at [Zhan Long] loyal and heroic camp NO.1 fierce!”Li Mu watches, the under foot fights the boots speed­ily side to move to the glide, di­rect MISS falls the charge ef­fect, turns around is im­pe­r­ial carte and tierce + sword air/Qi day­break, „clang clang” two, on the Xu­anyuan Feng's sin­cere iron armor spat­ter in all di­rec­tions Mars, al­though Li Mu strik­ing power is high, but met this in ad­di­tion to hold Long Ji­ashu the fel­low, ac­tu­ally ap­peared some in­juries low­ers„4123!”„5228!”Xu­anyuan Feng is out of con­trol smiles, the iron spear hor­i­zon­tal is a swift and vi­o­lent counter-at­tack, shakes spa­tially punc­tures + the flame of rapid fire sud­denly, but on Li Mu also holds is mump­ing to pro­tect the body, can MISS fall 50% dam­ages, more­over Xu­anyuan Feng con­cen­trates on the de­fen­sive power, the at­tack will be doomed not to be high, fi­nally will not be very painful ap­pear­ance„3912!”„4421!”Xu­anyuan Feng does not worry, his HP com­pared with Li Mugao, and knight own re­turn­ing blood ef­fect is also out­stand­ing, there­fore the iron spear con­tin­ues the thorn to strike, times con­sume Li Mu HP through Pu Gonglai.Fight­ing with all might that Li Mu does not draw back, his out­put is higher , a pair of pupil is fix­ing the eyes on Xu­anyuan Feng's blood strip, he was wait­ing for that waited for the ap­pro­pri­ate op­por­tu­nity strikes to mas­sacre the match at one fell swoop.„You, ended!”When Li Mu HP only re­main­ing 25%, Xu­anyuan Feng can­not bear one drink greatly, the iron spear hit, „bang” re­pels Li Mu, si­mul­ta­ne­ously the iron bay­o­net en­ters the rock layer, shouted to clear the way lowly: „Earth­worm clashes!”The sur­round­ing earth shiv­ers, a leader earth­worm break of rock, this is the piece within 20 yards kills the skill, when the light of earth­worm swal­lows Li Mu stature in­stan­ta­neously, above Xu­anyuan Feng spear blade edge reap­peared the fierce glow also to clash, he cal­cu­lated, Li Mu had one time to fill the op­por­tu­nity of blood bot­tle, must strike to mas­sacre him while this op­por­tu­nity di­rectly.„Hong Hong”In Long Yin­sheng, earth­worm light blots out the sky, form that let­ting the human is un­able to see Li Mu, at this mo­ment, in the de­tri­tus „bang” hears the im­pact noise sud­denly, graz­ing that Li Mu­jian blade edge hangs down, un­ex­pect­edly is the charge skill, hits to han­dle against Xu­anyuan Feng di­rectly, the dizzi­ness 1 sec­ond . More­over, rushes to Li Mu not to hang in the earth­worm, the body is reap­pear­ing to­gether the Ar­mour of dragon tur­tle en­ergy, that is the stunt of dragon tur­tle armor, sig­nif­i­cantly pro­motes the tough­ness, at this time fi­nally ap­plied.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Ha-ha, kan?"
Wajah Xuanyuan Feng adalah percaya diri, tongkat keluar dada, membawa dengan tangan gun laras panjang, cukup agak menghina memandang Li Mu, tiba-tiba mengangkat tangan, energi bentuk proses terkoordinasi muncul sebagai kali membutuhkan berliku dalam seminggu tubuhnya, merembes tubuh secara bertahap, pada layar besar juga melompat keluar nama skill dan efek, Long Jiashu, Roh Kudus orde pertama keterampilan, secara signifikan meningkatkan kekuatan pertahanan dan perlawanan.
Xuanyuan Feng baju besi dari mumping juga memegang berhasil, ini adalah memutuskan untuk dengan pertempuran Li Mulai dari gesekan.
Belum ada yang berpikir bahwa ini Xuanyuan Feng ksatria meluncurkan serangan, biaya langsung telah terkunci Li Mu, di tangan laras panjang pendulum gun, sikap bangga tersenyum: "! Membuat saya lihat di [Zhan panjang] setia dan heroik kamp NO.1 sengit"
Li Mu jam tangan, kaki bawah perkelahian sepatu cepat sisi untuk pindah ke luncur, LEWATKAN langsung jatuh efek biaya, ternyata sekitar adalah carte kekaisaran dan Tierce + pedang udara / Qi fajar, "dentang dentang" dua, pada Xuanyuan Feng tulus baju besi hujan rintik-rintik di semua arah Mars, meskipun Li Mu mencolok listrik tinggi, tapi bertemu ini selain untuk menahan panjang Jiashu sesama, sebenarnya muncul beberapa luka menurunkan
Xuanyuan Feng adalah dari senyum kontrol, besi tombak horizontal adalah sebuah serangan balik cepat dan kekerasan, getar tusukan spasial + api api cepat tiba-tiba, tetapi pada Li Mu juga memegang adalah mumping untuk melindungi tubuh, dapat LEWATKAN jatuh 50% kerusakan, apalagi Xuanyuan Feng konsentrat pada kekuatan pertahanan, serangan itu akan ditakdirkan untuk tidak tinggi, akhirnya tidak akan sangat menyakitkan penampilan
Xuanyuan Feng tidak khawatir, HP-nya dibandingkan dengan Li Mugao, dan ksatria sendiri efek mengembalikan darah ini juga luar biasa, oleh karena tombak besi terus duri untuk menyerang, kali mengkonsumsi Li Mu HP melalui Pu Gonglai .
Berkelahi dengan sekuat bahwa Li Mu tidak menarik kembali, output-nya lebih tinggi, sepasang pupil adalah memperbaiki mata di strip darah Xuanyuan Feng, dia sedang menunggu untuk itu menunggu serangan kesempatan yang tepat untuk pembantaian pertandingan pada satu jatuh menukik.
"Kamu, berakhir!"
Ketika Li Mu HP hanya tersisa 25%, Xuanyuan Feng tidak tahan satu minuman sangat, besi tombak hit, "bang" repels Li Mu, bersamaan bayonet besi memasuki lapisan batu, berteriak untuk menghapus cara rendahan: "! cacing tanah bentrokan"
The sekitarnya menggigil bumi, istirahat pemimpin cacing tanah batu, ini adalah bagian dalam 20 yard membunuh keterampilan, ketika cahaya cacing tanah menelan Li Mu bertubuh seketika, di atas Xuanyuan Feng tepi tombak pisau muncul kembali dengan cahaya sengit juga berbenturan, ia menghitung, Li Mu memiliki satu waktu untuk mengisi peluang botol darah, harus menyerang membantai dia sementara kesempatan ini secara langsung.
"Hong Hong"
Di Long Yinsheng, cacing tanah bercak cahaya keluar langit, bentuk yang membiarkan manusia tidak mampu untuk melihat Li Mu, pada saat ini, di detritus "bang" mendengar dampak kebisingan tiba-tiba, merumput bahwa Li Mujian tepi pisau menggantung, tiba-tiba adalah keterampilan biaya, hits untuk menangani melawan Xuanyuan Feng langsung, pusing yang 1 detik . Selain itu, bergegas untuk Li Mu tidak menggantung di cacing tanah, tubuh muncul kembali bersama Armour energi naga penyu, yang merupakan aksi dari armor dragon penyu, secara signifikan meningkatkan ketangguhan, saat ini akhirnya diterapkan.
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