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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Seagate Diagnostic Commands Upon power up, the drive will respond to a set of diagnostic command send through serial port. Because of the number of commands supported, the commands are broken up into ‘Levels’. Many, the progress may be sent over the serial port for number of bits written and read, and command such as read, write, seek, and error log manipulation are available at several different levels. Diagnostic commands are used in place of ATI scripts to do testing. While the drive is running these diagnostic commandshard/soft error rates, a number indicating the test currently being performed, and various information for status of the current test. The firmware consists of 2 flash codes and numerous supporting files. The two flash codes are known as factory code and customer code. The factory code contains all the serial port diagnostics command but no AT interface command. The customer code contains all AT interface command but minimal set of serial port diagnostics command. In the ‘Availability’ column, a ‘F’, ‘C’ and ‘B’ indicate the command is available at ‘Factory Code’, ‘Customer Code’ and ‘Both codes’ respectively. The following is a short list of some of the serial port commands: Level T - Certification Tests. Download code Start manufacturing test Set drive ‘Age’ Commands to read cert logs, read error logs, write test data to flash, etc. Level 1 - Memory Control Commands. Commands to display buffer, display memory, set memory, copy buffer to flash, read sysvars from disk, etc. Level 2 - Drive Level Commands A command to configure the cylinders, heads for testing, gives option for random cylinder/head and random data patterns Commands to set data patterns, perform ECC tests, manipulate the error log, dump the sequencer ram. Commands to do physical to logical conversion, assign skips and alternates, etc. Commands to spinup, spindown, seek, read, write, read long, write long, read compare, sleep, set retries, etc. Level 3 - Seeking Commands Display the zone table Motor acceleration test Measure head switch & settling times Display head offset Move actuator open loop Seek, seek physical, varying length seek test Latch test Display position of actuator Hysteresis test Latch Exerciser test Level 4 - Servo Tracking Commands Manipulate a skipped cylinder table Tracking error test Page 1 Display position error signal Zap servo burst Set servo offset Set/display tracking gain Send impulse to actuator Уровень 5. Используется только взаводских условиях Уровень 6 – Команды batch файлов Batch файлы для тестирования запусков-остановок, переключения головок, CSS, тестов 1, 2, 3 коррекции burts, files to test start-stop, head switch, CSS, 1,2,or 3 burst correction test, назначаемые тесты, тесты сравнения данных, возможность вводить различные batch файлы в RAM. Level 7 - Adaptive Control Commands Tune parameter control and display Diagnostic read track AGC gain control Perform VCO calibration for all zones Level 8 - Special Packwriter Commands - Servo diagnostic sub commands - Configuration commands - Lock spin external, spin speed adjust - Set actuator bias current Level 9 – Drive Level Command (Full-slipping Defect Management Mode) Beside the above nine levels of commands, there are two additional sets of commands, the On-line commands and Common commands. The main purpose of On-line command is to display varies type of status. Common command is use to ‘poke’ and ‘peek’ into memoery to allow access to registers, buffer memory and data memory. 2.1 ON-LINE COMMANDS The On-Line commands may be initiated at any time. For the Interface-specific commands, the Interface code must be present in the current memory map for successful execution; the General commands are always available. Interface-Specific Commands Command Description Availability ^E Interface State: Max C.H.S. / RW multiple block size / Current transfer mode settings B ^F Read Segment Record(s) B ^G Write Qu
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