„Where?” My ex­cited road.Frost puts out a hand a fig­ure of south­wes terjemahan - „Where?” My ex­cited road.Frost puts out a hand a fig­ure of south­wes Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„Where?” My ex­cited road.Frost put

„Where?” My ex­cited road.
Frost puts out a hand a fig­ure of south­west di­rec­tion, said: „On ice hot plain, every book city W by S 15 de­grees, about 200 kilo­me­ters about, there has pro­duced to the re­sponse of tyrant aura, my thought passed through the space to look, there should be a city, you most lead some peo­ple to go, has the per­son who fought the soul frag­ment not to be def­i­nitely weak.”
I am wild with joy, smile the nod: „OK, I un­der­stood!”
Said good­bye to Frost, im­me­di­ately sum­moned the city panel, re­turned to my den every book city di­rectly! The over­lord cov­er­all too was for me im­por­tant, for after all this set of equip­ment Lian Yimo kings have mas­sa­cred, more­over Q Sword in col­lect­ing 190 lev­els of two star mag­i­cal in­stru­ment Ten­g­long cov­er­alls, Jian Feng Han in col­lect­ing 190 lev­els of two star mag­i­cal in­stru­ment hot soul cov­er­alls, I can­not fall be­hind, be­fore wip­ing tea equip­ment and Level gets up, our three peo­ple com­peted for the throne of Chi­nese war zone first close com­bat de­part­ment.
Ap­pears in every book city, above the dragon nest that dis­tant place stands tall and erect trans­mits in­ter­mit­tent Long Yin, that as if in the voice of hatch­ing crag dragon, the sad­dle horse of crag dragon cav­alry, al­though is not the real dragon, but can be in­cluded within the ranks of low-or­der dragon ab­solutely, oth­er­wise the at­tribute will not be strong, but the flame hawk in hawk nest also mul­ti­plied, every book city was at the stage of rest­ing lives to rest up, the mil­i­tary strength was ris­ing again rapidly.
Has a look at Cooldown, is around 4 : 00 o'clock at night, no mat­ter, col­lected the first frag­ment to say first again that I have not wanted to wait.
Non-stop flies the fire god moun­tain range, under the moun­tain range, bar­racks piece by piece con­tin­u­ally in groups, here is the bar­rack site of palace guard, after fir­ing off the coun­try to fight, I arranged Han Yuan, Xiao Li et al. to lead the palace guard to be sta­tioned here, did not move into every book city, re­duced the eco­nomic pres­sures of every book city to a cer­tain ex­tent, set aside some re­sources to re­cruit Flame Hawk Archers and crag dragon cav­alry, this was also good.
„On does the gen­eral, you come back?”
A mes­sen­ger sees me, ex­cep­tion­ally ex­cited say­ing with a smile, wants to come is my this com­mands the bar­rack of too long not chap­ter of palace guard, he so will be ex­cited, the nod said: „Small this goes to the armed forces ac­count to in­form Han Yuan, Xiao Li and other gen­er­als to go!”
I shake the head: „Does not use, I go!”
The low go, falls to the ground in armed forces front, puts out a hand to lift the cur­tain screen of tent, im­me­di­ately is sit­ting there Han Yuan, Xiao who Li, Long Xing, Xia Ye and other mil­i­tary of­fi­cers drinks wine to eat the meat stares, af­ter­ward Han Yuan grins to say with a smile: „Gen­eral, how you come back not to know meet­ing one, our elder brother sev­eral, Ha Ha”
I am some­what speech­less: „In mil­i­tary com­pound can not drink, has this stip­u­la­tion as if worked out very for a long time?”
The South Ko­rean deep pool said: „This is not the war comes to an end, Tian Ling Em­pire can have long Cooldown rest stage, oth­er­wise our broth­ers sev­eral do not dare hur­riedly!”
I raise the eye­brow say­ing: „Mil­i­tary order is the mil­i­tary order, in mil­i­tary com­pound can not drink wine, this is the steel and iron prin­ci­ple! Comes the human, here all par­tic­i­pates in mil­i­tary of­fi­cer every­one who drinks wine pun­ish­ing by re­duc­tion in pay for three months, takes down!”
Xiao Li stands up, said re­spect­fully: „Yes, I and oth­ers sin­cerely record cer­tainly!”
Long Xing, Xia Ye also with deep ven­er­a­tion, stand up: „Gen­eral, this time comes to pun­ish me in­ces­santly and other salary?”
Looked in their sev­eral most lower one is also in a star god level BOSS share I
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„Where?” My ex­cited road.Frost puts out a hand a fig­ure of south­west di­rec­tion, said: „On ice hot plain, every book city W by S 15 de­grees, about 200 kilo­me­ters about, there has pro­duced to the re­sponse of tyrant aura, my thought passed through the space to look, there should be a city, you most lead some peo­ple to go, has the per­son who fought the soul frag­ment not to be def­i­nitely weak.”I am wild with joy, smile the nod: „OK, I un­der­stood!”Said good­bye to Frost, im­me­di­ately sum­moned the city panel, re­turned to my den every book city di­rectly! The over­lord cov­er­all too was for me im­por­tant, for after all this set of equip­ment Lian Yimo kings have mas­sa­cred, more­over Q Sword in col­lect­ing 190 lev­els of two star mag­i­cal in­stru­ment Ten­g­long cov­er­alls, Jian Feng Han in col­lect­ing 190 lev­els of two star mag­i­cal in­stru­ment hot soul cov­er­alls, I can­not fall be­hind, be­fore wip­ing tea equip­ment and Level gets up, our three peo­ple com­peted for the throne of Chi­nese war zone first close com­bat de­part­ment.„Brushes!”Ap­pears in every book city, above the dragon nest that dis­tant place stands tall and erect trans­mits in­ter­mit­tent Long Yin, that as if in the voice of hatch­ing crag dragon, the sad­dle horse of crag dragon cav­alry, al­though is not the real dragon, but can be in­cluded within the ranks of low-or­der dragon ab­solutely, oth­er­wise the at­tribute will not be strong, but the flame hawk in hawk nest also mul­ti­plied, every book city was at the stage of rest­ing lives to rest up, the mil­i­tary strength was ris­ing again rapidly.Has a look at Cooldown, is around 4 : 00 o'clock at night, no mat­ter, col­lected the first frag­ment to say first again that I have not wanted to wait.Non-stop flies the fire god moun­tain range, under the moun­tain range, bar­racks piece by piece con­tin­u­ally in groups, here is the bar­rack site of palace guard, after fir­ing off the coun­try to fight, I arranged Han Yuan, Xiao Li et al. to lead the palace guard to be sta­tioned here, did not move into every book city, re­duced the eco­nomic pres­sures of every book city to a cer­tain ex­tent, set aside some re­sources to re­cruit Flame Hawk Archers and crag dragon cav­alry, this was also good.„On does the gen­eral, you come back?”A mes­sen­ger sees me, ex­cep­tion­ally ex­cited say­ing with a smile, wants to come is my this com­mands the bar­rack of too long not chap­ter of palace guard, he so will be ex­cited, the nod said: „Small this goes to the armed forces ac­count to in­form Han Yuan, Xiao Li and other gen­er­als to go!”I shake the head: „Does not use, I go!”„Yes!”The low go, falls to the ground in armed forces front, puts out a hand to lift the cur­tain screen of tent, im­me­di­ately is sit­ting there Han Yuan, Xiao who Li, Long Xing, Xia Ye and other mil­i­tary of­fi­cers drinks wine to eat the meat stares, af­ter­ward Han Yuan grins to say with a smile: „Gen­eral, how you come back not to know meet­ing one, our elder brother sev­eral, Ha Ha”I am some­what speech­less: „In mil­i­tary com­pound can not drink, has this stip­u­la­tion as if worked out very for a long time?”The South Ko­rean deep pool said: „This is not the war comes to an end, Tian Ling Em­pire can have long Cooldown rest stage, oth­er­wise our broth­ers sev­eral do not dare hur­riedly!”I raise the eye­brow say­ing: „Mil­i­tary order is the mil­i­tary order, in mil­i­tary com­pound can not drink wine, this is the steel and iron prin­ci­ple! Comes the human, here all par­tic­i­pates in mil­i­tary of­fi­cer every­one who drinks wine pun­ish­ing by re­duc­tion in pay for three months, takes down!”Xiao Li stands up, said re­spect­fully: „Yes, I and oth­ers sin­cerely record cer­tainly!”Long Xing, Xia Ye also with deep ven­er­a­tion, stand up: „Gen­eral, this time comes to pun­ish me in­ces­santly and other salary?”Looked in their sev­eral most lower one is also in a star god level BOSS share I
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
. "? Mana" Saya senang jalan
Frost menempatkan tangan sosok arah barat daya, mengatakan: "Pada ice polos panas, setiap buku kota W oleh S 15 derajat, sekitar 200 kilometer sekitar, ada telah menghasilkan respon dari tiran aura , pikiran saya melewati ruang untuk melihat, harus ada sebuah kota, Anda yang paling menyebabkan beberapa orang untuk pergi, memiliki orang yang berjuang fragmen jiwa untuk tidak pasti lemah ".
saya liar dengan sukacita, tersenyum mengangguk:" OK, aku mengerti! "
kata selamat tinggal kepada Frost, segera memanggil panel kota, kembali ke ruang saya setiap kota buku langsung! The coverall tuan juga adalah bagi saya penting, untuk setelah semua ini set peralatan Lian Yimo raja telah dibantai, apalagi Q Pedang dalam mengumpulkan 190 tingkat dua instrumen magis Tenglong baju bintang, Jian Feng Han dalam mengumpulkan 190 tingkat dua instrumen magis bintang panas baju jiwa, saya tidak bisa jatuh di belakang, sebelum menyeka peralatan teh dan Tingkat bangun, kami tiga orang bersaing untuk tahta zona perang Cina pertama dekat departemen tempur.
Muncul di setiap kota buku, di atas sarang naga yang tempat yang jauh berdiri tinggi dan tegak mengirimkan intermiten panjang Yin, yang seolah-olah suara menetas tebing naga, kuda pelana karang naga kavaleri, meskipun tidak naga nyata, tetapi dapat dimasukkan dalam jajaran low-order naga benar-benar, jika tidak . atribut tidak akan kuat, tapi elang api di sarang elang juga dikalikan, setiap kota buku itu pada tahap istirahat hidup untuk beristirahat, kekuatan militer meningkat lagi dengan cepat
telah melihat Cooldown, sekitar 4: 00 jam di malam hari, tidak peduli, mengumpulkan fragmen pertama yang mengatakan pertama lagi bahwa saya tidak ingin menunggu.
Non-stop memiliki pegunungan api dewa, di bawah pegunungan, barak sepotong demi sepotong terus-menerus dalam kelompok, di sini adalah situs barak penjaga istana, setelah menembakkan negara untuk melawan, saya mengatur Han Yuan, Xiao Li et al. untuk memimpin pengawal istana untuk ditempatkan di sini, tidak bergerak ke setiap kota buku, mengurangi tekanan ekonomi dari setiap kota buku sampai batas tertentu, menyisihkan sumber daya untuk merekrut api Elang Pemanah dan karang naga kavaleri, ini juga baik.
"pada tidak umum, Anda kembali?"
seorang utusan melihat saya, sangat bersemangat mengatakan dengan senyum, ingin datang adalah saya ini perintah barak dari terlalu lama tidak bab pengawal istana, ia jadi akan bersemangat, anggukan kata : "Kecil ini pergi ke angkatan bersenjata akun untuk menginformasikan Han Yuan, Xiao Li dan jenderal lain untuk pergi!"
aku menggeleng kepala: "! Apakah tidak menggunakan, aku pergi"
! "Ya"
The rendah pergi, jatuh ke tanah di depan angkatan bersenjata, menempatkan tangan untuk mengangkat layar tirai tenda, segera duduk di sana Han Yuan, Xiao yang Li, Long Xing, Xia Ye dan perwira militer minuman lain anggur untuk makan tatapan daging, kemudian Han Yuan menyeringai ke mengatakan dengan senyum: "General, bagaimana Anda kembali tidak tahu bertemu satu, kakak kami beberapa, Ha Ha"
saya agak berkata-kata: "Dalam kompleks militer tidak bisa minum, memiliki ketentuan ini seolah-olah bekerja dengan sangat untuk waktu yang lama waktu "?
kolam renang dalam Korea Selatan mengatakan:" ini bukan perang berakhir, Tian Ling Empire dapat memiliki tahap istirahat istirahat panjang, jika saudara kita beberapa tidak berani buru-buru "!
aku mengangkat alis berkata:" order Militer adalah perintah militer, di kompleks militer tidak bisa minum anggur, ini adalah prinsip baja dan besi! ! Datang manusia, di sini semua berpartisipasi dalam militer perwira semua orang yang minum menghukum anggur oleh penurunan gaji selama tiga bulan, dibutuhkan turun "
Xiao Li berdiri, kata hormat:" Ya, saya dan orang lain dengan tulus record pasti "!
Panjang Xing, Xia Ye juga dengan penghormatan yang mendalam, berdiri: "General, kali ini hadir untuk menghukum saya tak henti-hentinya dan gaji lainnya?"
Tampak di mereka beberapa yang paling rendah satu ini juga di bintang dewa tingkat BOSS share I
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