Computed tomography (CT) produces a digital tomographic image from dia terjemahan - Computed tomography (CT) produces a digital tomographic image from dia Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Computed tomography (CT) produces a

Computed tomography (CT) produces a digital tomographic image from diagnostic x-rays. The basic principle of CT involves digitizing an image received from a slit scan projection of the patient’s body and then backprojecting the image through mathematical algorithms. Although ct scanning is usually performed transversely, digital processing of information can produce sagittal and coronal sections. Because the CT x-ray beam is confined to a slit, much scatter radiation is eliminated from the image. The combination of the transverse sectioning procedure with slit scanning produces an image of significantly better quality than that available with other imaging methonds. Primarily the image differentiates various types of soft tissues (e.g gray matter, white matter, blood, tumor, cerebrospinal fluid, etc) when digital image data manipulation is added, CT provides more diagnostic information than any other ionizing radiation imaging modality.
as with other tomographic modalities, the terms “cut” and “slice” are used in clinical practice. Because these phrases can easily cause distress when overheard by a patient, the radiographer should strive to adhere to the term “section”, avoiding “cut” and “slice”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Computed tomography (CT) produces a digital tomographic image from diagnostic x-rays. The basic principle of CT involves digitizing an image received from a slit scan projection of the patient’s body and then backprojecting the image through mathematical algorithms. Although ct scanning is usually performed transversely, digital processing of information can produce sagittal and coronal sections. Because the CT x-ray beam is confined to a slit, much scatter radiation is eliminated from the image. The combination of the transverse sectioning procedure with slit scanning produces an image of significantly better quality than that available with other imaging methonds. Primarily the image differentiates various types of soft tissues (e.g gray matter, white matter, blood, tumor, cerebrospinal fluid, etc) when digital image data manipulation is added, CT provides more diagnostic information than any other ionizing radiation imaging with other tomographic modalities, the terms “cut” and “slice” are used in clinical practice. Because these phrases can easily cause distress when overheard by a patient, the radiographer should strive to adhere to the term “section”, avoiding “cut” and “slice”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Computed tomography (CT) menghasilkan gambar tomografi digital dari sinar-x diagnostik. Prinsip dasar CT melibatkan digitalisasi gambar yang diterima dari celah proyeksi scan tubuh pasien dan kemudian backprojecting gambar melalui algoritma matematika. Meskipun ct scan biasanya dilakukan melintang, pengolahan digital informasi dapat menghasilkan bagian sagital dan koronal. Karena CT sinar x-ray terbatas pada celah, banyak radiasi pencar dihilangkan dari gambar. Kombinasi prosedur sectioning melintang dengan celah scanning menghasilkan gambar kualitas secara signifikan lebih baik daripada yang tersedia dengan methonds pencitraan lainnya. Terutama gambar membedakan berbagai jenis jaringan lunak (misalnya materi abu-abu, materi putih, darah, tumor, cairan serebrospinal, dll) ketika manipulasi data citra digital yang ditambahkan, CT memberikan informasi lebih diagnostik daripada pengion pencitraan radiasi modalitas lainnya.
seperti dengan lainnya modalitas tomografi, istilah "cut" dan "slice" digunakan dalam praktek klinis. Karena frase ini dapat dengan mudah menyebabkan penderitaan ketika mendengar oleh pasien, radiografer harus berusaha untuk mematuhi istilah "bagian", menghindari "memotong" dan "slice"
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