How­ever the [Zhan Long] per­son has not begun, does not rep­re­sent o terjemahan - How­ever the [Zhan Long] per­son has not begun, does not rep­re­sent o Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

How­ever the [Zhan Long] per­son ha

How­ever the [Zhan Long] per­son has not begun, does not rep­re­sent oth­ers hand not to be in­ex­pen­sive, after sev­eral min­utes, Sen­nin­dani tak­ing a step of group team leader player armor en­tered in the wilder­ness, the foot steps on one pile of skele­tons, „” got a han­dle of han­dle flame tom­a­hawk sud­denly, Ha Ha says with a smile: „Damn, is Di­vine Tier, MLGBD, is the Di­vine Tier tom­a­hawk, strik­ing power upper limit bro­ken 5000, the fa­ther was de­vel­oped!”
I sud­denly one star­tled, Jian Feng Han also holds up the sword to turn around, is angry say­ing: „That per­son in Sen­nin­dani your you es­pe­cially gauze?! You think that the Di­vine Tier weapon so is easy to suc­ceed in ob­tain­ing? A bit faster stops, courts death!”
Yanzhao un­par­al­leled raises the long sword: „Pre­pares to de­fend! Also there is a man­power to be in­ex­pen­sive, did this grand­son, ir­ri­tate me duty well un­able the low­est bat­tle loss to com­plete?!”
How­ever, that the group team leader in Sen­nin­dani ac­tu­ally as be­fore makes an ef­fort is en­train­ing the tom­a­hawk, fi­nally, an­other of tom­a­hawk the arm that con­nects one bro­ken to decay, whooshes with one, at least three me­ters high heroic level bar­bar­ian com­bat gen­eral was en­trained, on the fa­cial cast that is dam­aged has writ­ten all over the anger, in his top of the head also blood red royal crown, with trem­bling, as if came from the sound of hell to roar: „Damn, dares to covet the day fire of this king, the boy, you must take the price to make repa­ra­tions with the life!”
The axe bran­dishes, is a flame axe cut down the ef­fect di­rectly, al­most cleft in two that group team leader, the big in­jury fig­ure flies, the peo­ple were star­tled un­able to speak
Strikes fa­tally! But even if fatal strikes, sit­u­a­tion that but this strik­ing power as be­fore ter­ri­fy­ing to let­ting the human is un­able to with­stand.
I have swept one hur­riedly, im­me­di­ately the at­tribute read of BOSS in the guild chan­nel, shouted to clear the way lowly: „A bit faster ties, comes in­ces­santly is BOSS so is def­i­nitely sim­ple!”
【The king of un­civ­i­lized na­tion­al­i­ties Lu Lin】( Im­mor­tal con­tin­u­ous rain step BOSS)
Level: 110
In­tro­duced: The king of un­civ­i­lized na­tion­al­i­ties, once south the main­land con­trol, Lu Lin had the tal­ent of in­born su­per­nat­ural power, 17 years old then be­come com­mand­ing of un­civ­i­lized na­tion­al­i­ties, the leader 4 ex­pe­di­tion wars, stilled south the main­land suc­ces­sively, mak­ing the foot­steps of bar­bar­ian bridge over the most main­land do­main, how­ever in the war of god demon, Lu Lin led the un­civ­i­lized na­tion­al­i­ties elite brave war­rior to at­tack the dif­fer­ent demon tribe, ac­tu­ally com­pletely hero­ically died in bat­tle, fi­nally the soul was built up, be­came dif­fer­ent demon
„Can­not see the strik­ing power, but is not def­i­nitely low!”
Li Muqing day dust sword, was say­ing: „We first do not pro­voke BOSS, the sur­round­ing un­civ­i­lized na­tion­al­i­ties sol­dier soon will be re­ac­ti­vated, these are our es­sen­tial tar­gets, the peo­ple in Sen­nin­dani have awak­ened BOSS, makes them re­sist the pe­riod of time first!”
I nod the ap­proval: „Dong Cheng and small dance, pre­pare to aid to at­tack BOSS at any time, all with the con­trol skill, how long can di­vert BOSS is how long, this BOSS could kill by our player!”
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
How­ever the [Zhan Long] per­son has not begun, does not rep­re­sent oth­ers hand not to be in­ex­pen­sive, after sev­eral min­utes, Sen­nin­dani tak­ing a step of group team leader player armor en­tered in the wilder­ness, the foot steps on one pile of skele­tons, „” got a han­dle of han­dle flame tom­a­hawk sud­denly, Ha Ha says with a smile: „Damn, is Di­vine Tier, MLGBD, is the Di­vine Tier tom­a­hawk, strik­ing power upper limit bro­ken 5000, the fa­ther was de­vel­oped!”I sud­denly one star­tled, Jian Feng Han also holds up the sword to turn around, is angry say­ing: „That per­son in Sen­nin­dani your you es­pe­cially gauze?! You think that the Di­vine Tier weapon so is easy to suc­ceed in ob­tain­ing? A bit faster stops, courts death!”Yanzhao un­par­al­leled raises the long sword: „Pre­pares to de­fend! Also there is a man­power to be in­ex­pen­sive, did this grand­son, ir­ri­tate me duty well un­able the low­est bat­tle loss to com­plete?!”How­ever, that the group team leader in Sen­nin­dani ac­tu­ally as be­fore makes an ef­fort is en­train­ing the tom­a­hawk, fi­nally, an­other of tom­a­hawk the arm that con­nects one bro­ken to decay, whooshes with one, at least three me­ters high heroic level bar­bar­ian com­bat gen­eral was en­trained, on the fa­cial cast that is dam­aged has writ­ten all over the anger, in his top of the head also blood red royal crown, with trem­bling, as if came from the sound of hell to roar: „Damn, dares to covet the day fire of this king, the boy, you must take the price to make repa­ra­tions with the life!”„Bang!”The axe bran­dishes, is a flame axe cut down the ef­fect di­rectly, al­most cleft in two that group team leader, the big in­jury fig­ure flies, the peo­ple were star­tled un­able to speak„71884!”Strikes fa­tally! But even if fatal strikes, sit­u­a­tion that but this strik­ing power as be­fore ter­ri­fy­ing to let­ting the human is un­able to with­stand.I have swept one hur­riedly, im­me­di­ately the at­tribute read of BOSS in the guild chan­nel, shouted to clear the way lowly: „A bit faster ties, comes in­ces­santly is BOSS so is def­i­nitely sim­ple!”【The king of un­civ­i­lized na­tion­al­i­ties Lu Lin】( Im­mor­tal con­tin­u­ous rain step BOSS)Level: 110At­tack:???De­fense:???HP:???Skill:???In­tro­duced: The king of un­civ­i­lized na­tion­al­i­ties, once south the main­land con­trol, Lu Lin had the tal­ent of in­born su­per­nat­ural power, 17 years old then be­come com­mand­ing of un­civ­i­lized na­tion­al­i­ties, the leader 4 ex­pe­di­tion wars, stilled south the main­land suc­ces­sively, mak­ing the foot­steps of bar­bar­ian bridge over the most main­land do­main, how­ever in the war of god demon, Lu Lin led the un­civ­i­lized na­tion­al­i­ties elite brave war­rior to at­tack the dif­fer­ent demon tribe, ac­tu­ally com­pletely hero­ically died in bat­tle, fi­nally the soul was built up, be­came dif­fer­ent demon„Can­not see the strik­ing power, but is not def­i­nitely low!”Li Muqing day dust sword, was say­ing: „We first do not pro­voke BOSS, the sur­round­ing un­civ­i­lized na­tion­al­i­ties sol­dier soon will be re­ac­ti­vated, these are our es­sen­tial tar­gets, the peo­ple in Sen­nin­dani have awak­ened BOSS, makes them re­sist the pe­riod of time first!”I nod the ap­proval: „Dong Cheng and small dance, pre­pare to aid to at­tack BOSS at any time, all with the con­trol skill, how long can di­vert BOSS is how long, this BOSS could kill by our player!”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Namun [Zhan Panjang] orang belum dimulai, tidak mewakili orang lain tangan tidak menjadi murah, setelah beberapa menit, Sennindani mengambil langkah tim pemimpin kelompok pemain lapis baja memasuki di padang gurun, langkah-langkah kaki di salah satu tumpukan kerangka, " "mendapat pegangan pegangan api tomahawk tiba-tiba, Ha Ha sambil tersenyum:"! Sialan, adalah Tier Ilahi, MLGBD, adalah tomahawk Tier Ilahi, mencolok listrik batas atas rusak 5000, ayah dikembangkan "
saya tiba-tiba salah satu kaget, Jian Feng Han juga memegang pedang untuk berbalik, marah pepatah: "orang itu di Sennindani Anda Anda terutama kasa ?! Anda berpikir bahwa Tier senjata Ilahi sehingga mudah untuk berhasil dalam memperoleh? Sedikit lebih cepat berhenti, pengadilan kematian "!
Yanzhao tak tertandingi menimbulkan pedang panjang:" Siapkan untuk membela! Juga ada tenaga kerja untuk menjadi murah, melakukan cucu ini, mengganggu saya tugas dengan baik dapat pertempuran kerugian terendah untuk menyelesaikan ?! "
Namun, bahwa pemimpin tim kelompok di Sennindani sebenarnya seperti sebelumnya membuat upaya yang entraining tomahawk, akhirnya, lain dari tomahawk lengan yang menghubungkan satu rusak membusuk, whooshes dengan satu, setidaknya tiga meter heroik tingkat barbar tempur umum itu tertahan, di cast wajah yang rusak telah menulis seluruh kemarahan, di atas nya kepala juga darah merah royal mahkota, dengan gemetar, seolah datang dari suara neraka mengaum: "Sialan, berani mengingini api hari raja ini, anak itu, Anda harus mengambil harga untuk membuat reparasi dengan kehidupan!"
"Bang! "
kapak mengacung-acungkan, adalah kapak api ditebang efek langsung, hampir sumbing dalam dua bahwa pemimpin tim kelompok, lalat angka cedera besar, orang-orang terkejut tidak dapat berbicara
" 71884 "
Pemogokan fatal! . Tetapi bahkan jika pemogokan fatal, situasi itu tapi kekuatan mencolok ini seperti sebelumnya menakutkan untuk membiarkan manusia tidak mampu untuk menahan
saya telah menyapu satu buru-buru, segera atribut baca dari BOSS dalam saluran serikat, berteriak untuk membersihkan jalan rendah: "A bit lebih cepat dasi, datang tak henti-hentinya adalah BOSS sehingga pasti sederhana "!
【raja kebangsaan tidak beradab Lu Lin】 (Immortal hujan terus menerus langkah BOSS)
level: 110
Attack: ???
Pertahanan: ???
HP: ???
Keterampilan: ???
Diperkenalkan: raja kebangsaan tidak beradab, sekali selatan kontrol daratan, Lu Lin memiliki bakat kekuatan supranatural bawaan, berusia 17 tahun yang menjadi komandan kebangsaan tidak beradab, pemimpin 4 perang ekspedisi, terhenti selatan daratan berturut-turut, membuat jejak jembatan barbar atas domain yang paling daratan, namun dalam perang dewa setan, Lu Lin memimpin pejuang pemberani kebangsaan tidak beradab elit untuk menyerang suku setan yang berbeda, benar-benar benar-benar heroik meninggal dalam pertempuran, akhirnya jiwa dibangun, menjadi setan yang berbeda
"tidak bisa melihat kekuatan mencolok, tapi tidak pasti rendah!"
Li Muqing pedang debu hari, berkata: "kami pertama tidak memprovokasi BOSS, kebangsaan tidak beradab sekitarnya tentara segera akan diaktifkan kembali, ini adalah target penting kami, orang di Sennindani telah terbangun BOSS, membuat mereka menolak periode waktu pertama "!
aku mengangguk persetujuan:" Dong Cheng dan tari kecil, mempersiapkan diri untuk membantu menyerang BOSS setiap saat, semua dengan keterampilan kontrol, berapa lama bisa mengalihkan BOSS adalah berapa lama, BOSS ini bisa membunuh oleh pemain kami! "
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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