Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
If the Tests on Completion are being unduly delayed by theEmployer, Sub-Clause 7.4 [Testing] (fifth paragraph)and/or Sub-Clause 10.3 [Interference with Tests onCompletion] shall be applicable.If the Tests on Completion are being unduly delayed by theContractor, the Engineer may by notice require theContractor to carry out the Tests within 21 days afterreceiving the notice. The Contractor shall carry out theTests on such day or days within that period as theContractor may fix and of which he shall give notice to theEngineer.If the Contractor fails to carry out the Tests on Completionwithin the period of 21 days, the Employer’s Personnelmay proceed with the Tests at the risk and cost of the Contractor. The Tests on Completion shall then be deemedto have been carried out in the presence of the Contractorand the results of the Tests shall be accepted as accurate.
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