The only person I have now is Rev.Paul Emmanuel  who is the pastor of  terjemahan - The only person I have now is Rev.Paul Emmanuel  who is the pastor of  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The only person I have now is Rev.P

The only person I have now is Rev.Paul Emmanuel  who is the pastor of ( Our Church ) here in the camp,he has been very nice to me since I came here but I am not living with him rather I live in the female's hostel  because the camp has two hostels one for men the other for women..
Please try to call by  2 GMT with The Pastor's Telephone number is:  (+221-777-740-704)when you call,tell him that you want to speak with me joy Doma ,so that he will send for me in the hostel.Please call me today,I love to hear your voice.
As a refugee here,I don't have any right or privilege to anything be it money or whatever because it is against the law of  this country.I want to go back to my studies because i only attended  my first year before the tragic incident that led to the death  of my parents took place.
Please listen to this,I have my late father's statement of account and death certificate here with me which I will send to you later,because when he was alive he deposited some amount of money in a  bank , which he used my name as the next of kin,the amount is $3.8M(Three Million Eight Hundred Thousand US Dollars).So I will like you to help me transfer this money to your account and from it you can send some money for me to get my traveling documents and air ticket to come over to meet with you.
I kept this secret to people in the camp here the only person  that knows about it is the Reverend because he is like a father  to me.So in the light of above i will like you to keep it to yourself and don't tell it to anyone for i am afraid of loosing my life and the money if people gets to know about it.Sir,I will like you to send me all the under-mentioned particulars,for me to know you more,and know whom I am dealing with.
Below here is what I need from
you so that I can Forward it  to the bank to start the processing of transfer  procedures with you as my representative :
(1) Full name
(2) country of residence & city
3) Phone Number
Remember,I am giving you all this information due to the trust I reposed in you.I love you because you are an honest and understanding person.You are truthful,full of vision and a hardworking person.Thanks for your sweet regards for me.You are a nice person,I love to meet you very soon.I will like you to call me,call around 2pm GMT.I want to hear your voice.
Have a nice day and think about me.
Awaiting to hear from you soonest 
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The only person I have now is Rev.Paul Emmanuel who is the pastor of ( Our Church ) here in the camp,he has been very nice to me since I came here but I am not living with him rather I live in the female's hostel because the camp has two hostels one for men the other for women..Please try to call by 2 GMT with The Pastor's Telephone number is: (+221-777-740-704)when you call,tell him that you want to speak with me joy Doma ,so that he will send for me in the hostel.Please call me today,I love to hear your voice.As a refugee here,I don't have any right or privilege to anything be it money or whatever because it is against the law of this country.I want to go back to my studies because i only attended my first year before the tragic incident that led to the death of my parents took place.Please listen to this,I have my late father's statement of account and death certificate here with me which I will send to you later,because when he was alive he deposited some amount of money in a bank , which he used my name as the next of kin,the amount is $3.8M(Three Million Eight Hundred Thousand US Dollars).So I will like you to help me transfer this money to your account and from it you can send some money for me to get my traveling documents and air ticket to come over to meet with you.I kept this secret to people in the camp here the only person that knows about it is the Reverend because he is like a father to me.So in the light of above i will like you to keep it to yourself and don't tell it to anyone for i am afraid of loosing my life and the money if people gets to know about it.Sir,I will like you to send me all the under-mentioned particulars,for me to know you more,and know whom I am dealing with.Below here is what I need fromyou so that I can Forward it to the bank to start the processing of transfer procedures with you as my representative :(1) Full name(2) country of residence & city3) Phone NumberRemember,I am giving you all this information due to the trust I reposed in you.I love you because you are an honest and understanding person.You are truthful,full of vision and a hardworking person.Thanks for your sweet regards for me.You are a nice person,I love to meet you very soon.I will like you to call me,call around 2pm GMT.I want to hear your voice.Have a nice day and think about me.Awaiting to hear from you soonest
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Satu-satunya orang yang saya miliki sekarang adalah Rev.Paul Emmanuel yang adalah pendeta dari (Gereja Our) di kamp, ​​ia telah sangat bagus untuk saya karena saya datang ke sini tapi saya tidak tinggal bersama dia, bukan saya tinggal di asrama betina karena kamp memiliki dua hostel untuk satu orang yang lainnya untuk perempuan ..
Silakan coba untuk memanggil dengan 2 GMT dengan nomor telepon Pendeta adalah: (+ 221-777-740-704) ketika Anda menelepon, katakan padanya bahwa Anda ingin berbicara dengan saya sukacita Doma, sehingga ia akan mengirim bagi saya di hostel.Please menelepon saya hari ini, saya senang mendengar suara Anda.
Sebagai seorang pengungsi di sini, saya tidak punya hak atau keistimewaan apa pun baik itu uang atau apa pun karena itu adalah melawan hukum country.i ini ingin kembali ke studi saya karena saya hanya dihadiri tahun pertama saya sebelum peristiwa tragis yang menyebabkan kematian orang tua saya berlangsung.
Tolong dengarkan ini, saya memiliki pernyataan almarhum ayah saya account dan kematian sertifikat disini dengan saya yang akan saya kirim ke nanti, karena saat dia masih hidup dia didepositkan sejumlah uang di bank, yang menggunakan nama saya sebagai keluarga terdekat, jumlahnya adalah $ 3,8 (Tiga Juta Delapan Ratus Ribu Dolar AS) Jadi saya akan seperti Anda untuk membantu saya mentransfer uang ke account Anda dan dari itu Anda dapat mengirim uang bagi saya untuk mendapatkan dokumen perjalanan dan tiket pesawat ke datang untuk bertemu dengan Anda.
Aku terus ini rahasia untuk orang-orang di kamp di sini satu-satunya orang yang tahu tentang hal itu adalah Pendeta karena ia adalah seperti seorang ayah untuk me.So dalam terang di atas saya akan seperti Anda untuk menyimpannya untuk diri sendiri dan tidak menceritakannya kepada siapa pun untuk saya takut kehilangan hidup saya dan uang jika orang mendapat tahu tentang it.Sir, saya akan seperti Anda untuk mengirim saya semua keterangan di bawah disebutkan, bagi saya untuk tahu lebih banyak, dan tahu siapa saya berurusan dengan.
Di bawah di sini adalah apa yang saya butuhkan dari
Anda sehingga saya dapat Teruskan ke bank untuk memulai pengolahan prosedur pengalihan dengan Anda sebagai wakil saya:
(1) Nama lengkap
(2) negara tempat tinggal & kota
3) Nomor Telepon
Ingat, saya memberikan semua informasi ini karena kepercayaan saya beristirahat di you.I mencintaimu karena Anda adalah seorang person.You jujur ​​dan memahami jujur, penuh visi dan person.Thanks pekerja keras untuk manis salam untuk saya.Anda yang bagus orang, saya senang bertemu dengan Anda sangat soon.i akan seperti Anda untuk menghubungi saya, memanggil sekitar 2 GMT.I ingin mendengar suara Anda.
Have a nice day dan berpikir tentang saya.
Menunggu untuk mendengar dari Anda cepat 
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