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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Dalam 11:5 Salomo berlanjut dengan dua analogi lain: "Hanya karena Anda tidak tahu jalan angin dan bagaimana tulang yang terbentuk di dalam rahim wanita hamil, 439 sehingga Anda tidak tahu aktiviti Tuhan yang membuat segala sesuatu." 440Life tidak dapat diprediksi dan misterius. Salomo mengatakan kehidupan adalah seperti angin. Angin beroperasi dalam kedaulatannya. Manusia tidak dapat membuat atau mengontrol, untuk angin tidak terlihat dan tidak diketahui. Kita merasakan kehadirannya dengan effects.441 yang demikian, kita tidak dapat mengerti bagaimana Allah membentuk tulang di dalam rahim. Ini adalah jauh melampaui pengertian kami, jadi kita harus mengambil ini dengan iman. Namun, dalam melakukannya, kami mematuhi opsi paling cerdas yang tersedia bagi kita. Hal ini jelas bahwa pembentukan tubuh manusia tidak terjadi dengan sendirinya. Ilmuwan Fred Hoyle mengatakan ini akan mirip dengan tornado di rongsokan mengambil semua potongan-potongan logam berbaring dan mengubahnya menjadi Boeing 747.442 Jadi, tentu saja, karena kita tidak dapat mengetahui aktivitas Allah, kita mengambil dalam iman bahwa ia adalah orang yang membuat segala sesuatu.There are many times when we look at things that go on in the world and we don’t have a clue as to what God is doing. But we have to trust Him because He is the one who makes and sustains all things. Too many Christians freeze because they don’t know what God wants them to do. They suffer from a paralysis of analysis. When facing a decision in their lives, they want God to tell them exactly what their choices should be. Does God have to tell you what to do? Will God tell you what to do? There is a difference between right or wrong decisions and right or left decisions. In the Bible, the will of God always refers to moral choices—decisions where one path leads to sin and the other to righteousness. For these right or wrong decisions, we can know the will of God. It’s found in the Bible. We need to pray and pursue the path of righteousness. For right or left decisions, God is under no obligation to reveal His plan to us. More than likely, He will not. That’s why in Ecclesiastes Solomon says you just have to be bold and act. Too often, Christians are looking for a no-fault deal. We try to do insider-trading with God to get some information that will show us which choice is best for us. But God doesn’t do insider-trading. He does not reveal His plan to men. In the Bible, there are men who wanted someone to tell them the future. Basically, they wanted someone to be their fortune-teller.443 God won’t tell you your fortune; He has already told you your duty. Don’t call a 900 number to find God’s will. Don’t turn everything into a mystical decision about what you “feel” God wants you to do. If it’s a right or left decision, pray about it and then boldly follow your heart.444Bagian kita menutup dalam 11:6 dengan "Jadi apa:" "Menabur di pagi hari dan jangan idle445 di malam hari, karena Anda tidak tahu apakah pagi atau malam menabur akan berhasil, 446 atau apakah keduanya sama-sama akan baik." Salomo isu perintah: "menabur benih Anda," yang digunakan secara metafora memberikan (Lihat 2 Korintus 9:6). Ia ingin kita memiliki keyakinan dan meninggalkan hasil kepada Tuhan. Kunci bagian ini terdapat di dalam 11:6, "Jangan siaga." 447 istilah "pagi" dan "malam" membentuk merism (kiasan menggunakan dua kutub ekstrem mencakup segala sesuatu di antara) yang menjelaskan "dari pagi sampai malam." Intinya bukanlah bahwa petani harus menanam di dua kali dalam sehari (pagi dan sore), tetapi bahwa ia harus menanam sepanjang hari (i.e., dari pagi sampai malam).448 yang adalah apa yang Salomo akan miliki untuk kita. Untuk mewakili Allah dalam semua yang kita lakukan, dengan semua yang kita miliki. Jangan bermain aman-mengambil risiko.What types of risks can you take? There are many possibilities. One of my best friends left Portland and planted a church in Charlotte, NC, because the Lord led him to do so. Similarly, Lori’s cousin gave up a great forestry job in Alaska to move to North Carolina. Is the Lord leading you to a move of some kind? Theo and Myra Yu have two brilliant daughters, Apphia and Avonlea, who have opted to leave the security of their home to go to college halfway across the United States. Two families in our church recently adopted children from other parts of the world. Several of our young people have decided to go into military service. Some of our young couples are stepping out in faith and choosing a one-income home. Some of the busiest people in our church have committed themselves to ministry when there is no time available in their schedule. Some of our people are sharing their faith with others. They risk persecution, loneliness, and demotion.Actor John Wayne (1907–1979) once said, “Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway.”449 So how will you step out in faith today? What will you do in an attempt to stop playing it safe? Will you take some risks for the kingdom of God?Danny Cox, a former jet pilot turned business leader, tells his readers in Seize the Day that when jet fighters were first invented, they “flew much faster than their propeller predecessors.” So pilot ejection became a more sophisticated process. Theoretically, of course, all a pilot needed to do was push a button, clear the plane, then roll forward out of the seat so the parachute would open.But there was a problem that popped up during testing. Some pilots, instead of letting go, would keep a grip on the seat. The parachute would remain trapped between the seat and the pilot’s back. The engineers went back to the drawing board and came up with a solution. The new design called for a two-inch webbed strap. One end attached to the front edge of the seat, under the pilot. The other end attached to an electronic take-up reel behind the headrest. Two seconds after ejection, the electronic take-up reel would immediately take up the slack and force the pilot forward out of his seat, thus freeing the parachute. Bottom line? Jet fighter pilots needed that device to launch them out of their chairs. The question is, “What will it take to launch us out of ours?”450
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