Peer-assessment reviewPeer-assessment is defined as the process of eva terjemahan - Peer-assessment reviewPeer-assessment is defined as the process of eva Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

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Peer-assessment review
Peer-assessment is defined as the process of evaluating the quality or success of the outcomes of a peer or peers (Topping,1998) and is followed by the provision of feedback (Van Den Berg et al., 2006). Whilst feedback is of great benefit to a student who wishes to improve, the evaluation process that a student must participate in to provide feedback is arguably themost important aspect of peer assessment. In evaluating a peer’s work, a student is exercising the skills required to examine their own work; peer assessment and self-assessment are thus intrinsically linked. There are many proponents of the importance of peer and self assessment.
Boud (1995) and McDonald and Boud (2003, p. 210) have argued that the development of these skills is of great importance, not just at isolated levels of a curriculum, but throughout all stages of education. Moreover, after a thorough review of the literature, Black and William (1998) posit that self assessment is ‘‘not an interesting option or luxury: it has to be seen as essential’’ (pp. 54–55). These opinions are held up in practice: Rust et al. (2003) and O’Donovan et al. (2004) have shown that students who had participated in a peer-assessment programme at the beginning of a course of study demonstrated an enhancement in performance over those who did not participate.
O’Donovan et al. (2004) report that by involving students in the marking process, they can expand the assessment of learning into an effective learning tool and generate a technique of assessment for learning. Peer and self-assessment techniques thus enable a student to become more autonomous in their learning and help to develop a student’s ability to identify their own learning needs (Brown and Knight, 1994; Elwood and Klenowski, 2002). The skills gained through peer and selfassessment are therefore crucial to the developing student as only through identifying their own learning needs can they efficiently improve and engage fully with education. Without such skills, a student’s attainment, in education and beyond, will suffer. Harlen (2007) describes the necessity of a student becoming responsible for their own learning due to the benefit it brings on their life after school and, more broadly, society as a whole. Candy et al. (1994) attest to the importance of peer and self-assessment in stating that diagnosis of educational needs is fundamental to successful lifelong learning. The benefits of peer-assessment techniques are also appreciated by the students receiving their education through such techniques. Bryant and Carless (2009) investigated the views of primary school students to peer-assessment and found that the facility to learn from each other whilst taking responsibility for their own work resulted in a very positive reception. Thestudents from this study were particularly aware of the advantages peer-assessment brought in identifying errors they were likely to make which could then be avoided in future exams. In a study into perceptions of secondary school students, Peterson and Irving (2008) discovered that students believed that the feedback provided through peer-assessment was a motivational tool that encouraged them to seek out new information to correct their errors. High school students are even aware of the broader benefits; White (2009) reports that students found peer-assessment a positive experience due to the opportunity to enhance skills which they believed were helpful for their future career. Perhaps most importantly, students find peer assessment fun (Peterson and Irving, 2008).The advantages that peer assessment brings to students are both numerous and significant; however, it has been argued that there are some potential issues that need consideration before implementation. A study by Wen and Tsai (2006) looked into university students’ attitudes towards peer assessment.
This investigation revealed that students had a generally positive attitude towards peer assessment; however, there was a lack of self-confidence with respect to marking their classmates’ work and, reciprocally, they were apprehensive about being criticised by their peers. These findings are supported in a study by Karaca (2009) into teacher trainees’ opinions of peer assessment in which it was suggested that students might not be capable of evaluating their peers effectively, leading to the generation of deleterious feedback. This study also indicated that students’ evaluations could be influenced by their social relationships with others in the class; friendly students would be prone to being too generous with positive feedback whilst rivalries enhanced the provision of negative feedback. A study by Ballantyne et al. (2002) has also reported that students can be apprehensive about peer-assessment due to it being excessively time-consuming.
Bostock (2000) and White (2009) have further investigated the potential problems in peer assessment. They assert that validity and reliability of assessment by students may be an issue as the feedback provided may not be accurate or valuable and even that students may not take the assessment process seriously. Moreover, they agree with Karaca (2009) that students may not be qualified enough to be able to evaluate each other and that students may be influenced by friendships and solidarity among themselves. Bostock (2000) and White (2009) also note that the lack of teacher input to the evaluation process may lead to students providing mis-information.
It has been found by Bryant and Carless (2009) that a student’s perception of peer assessment can differ depending on their language proficiency and that of their peer. Those students who were assessed by peers with greater language proficiency commented that it was difficult to assess their peer’s work due to the ability difference; contrariwise, more able students found that their peers could not provide useful feedback. Teachers were identified as a more reliable source of feedback.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Tinjauan rekan-penilaianRekan-penilaian didefinisikan sebagai proses mengevaluasi kualitas atau keberhasilan hasil dari rekan atau rekan-rekan (Topping, 1998) dan diikuti dengan penyediaan umpan balik (Van Den Berg et al., 2006). Sementara umpan balik sangat bermanfaat bagi siswa yang ingin memperbaiki, proses evaluasi yang mahasiswa harus berpartisipasi dalam untuk memberikan umpan balik ini bisa dibilang themost aspek penting dari rekan penilaian. Dalam mengevaluasi rekan kerja, seorang mahasiswa adalah berolahraga keterampilan yang diperlukan untuk memeriksa pekerjaan mereka sendiri; rekan penilaian dan penilaian diri sehingga intrinsik terkait. Ada banyak pendukung kepentingan rekan dan penilaian diri.Boud (1995) dan McDonald dan Boud (2003, MS 210) berpendapat bahwa pengembangan keterampilan ini sangat penting, bukan hanya pada tingkat yang terisolasi kurikulum, tetapi di seluruh semua tahap pendidikan. Selain itu, setelah Tinjauan menyeluruh dari literatur, hitam dan William (1998) menempatkan bahwa penilaian diri adalah '' tidak menarik pilihan atau mewah: itu harus dilihat sebagai esensial '' (ms. 54-55). Pendapat-pendapat tersebut merupakan mengangkat dalam praktek: karat et al. (2003) dan O'Donovan et al. (2004) telah menunjukkan bahwa siswa yang telah berpartisipasi dalam program peer-penilaian awal program studi menunjukkan peningkatan kinerja atas mereka yang tidak berpartisipasi.O’Donovan et al. (2004) report that by involving students in the marking process, they can expand the assessment of learning into an effective learning tool and generate a technique of assessment for learning. Peer and self-assessment techniques thus enable a student to become more autonomous in their learning and help to develop a student’s ability to identify their own learning needs (Brown and Knight, 1994; Elwood and Klenowski, 2002). The skills gained through peer and selfassessment are therefore crucial to the developing student as only through identifying their own learning needs can they efficiently improve and engage fully with education. Without such skills, a student’s attainment, in education and beyond, will suffer. Harlen (2007) describes the necessity of a student becoming responsible for their own learning due to the benefit it brings on their life after school and, more broadly, society as a whole. Candy et al. (1994) attest to the importance of peer and self-assessment in stating that diagnosis of educational needs is fundamental to successful lifelong learning. The benefits of peer-assessment techniques are also appreciated by the students receiving their education through such techniques. Bryant and Carless (2009) investigated the views of primary school students to peer-assessment and found that the facility to learn from each other whilst taking responsibility for their own work resulted in a very positive reception. Thestudents from this study were particularly aware of the advantages peer-assessment brought in identifying errors they were likely to make which could then be avoided in future exams. In a study into perceptions of secondary school students, Peterson and Irving (2008) discovered that students believed that the feedback provided through peer-assessment was a motivational tool that encouraged them to seek out new information to correct their errors. High school students are even aware of the broader benefits; White (2009) reports that students found peer-assessment a positive experience due to the opportunity to enhance skills which they believed were helpful for their future career. Perhaps most importantly, students find peer assessment fun (Peterson and Irving, 2008).The advantages that peer assessment brings to students are both numerous and significant; however, it has been argued that there are some potential issues that need consideration before implementation. A study by Wen and Tsai (2006) looked into university students’ attitudes towards peer assessment.This investigation revealed that students had a generally positive attitude towards peer assessment; however, there was a lack of self-confidence with respect to marking their classmates’ work and, reciprocally, they were apprehensive about being criticised by their peers. These findings are supported in a study by Karaca (2009) into teacher trainees’ opinions of peer assessment in which it was suggested that students might not be capable of evaluating their peers effectively, leading to the generation of deleterious feedback. This study also indicated that students’ evaluations could be influenced by their social relationships with others in the class; friendly students would be prone to being too generous with positive feedback whilst rivalries enhanced the provision of negative feedback. A study by Ballantyne et al. (2002) has also reported that students can be apprehensive about peer-assessment due to it being excessively time-consuming.Bostock (2000) and White (2009) have further investigated the potential problems in peer assessment. They assert that validity and reliability of assessment by students may be an issue as the feedback provided may not be accurate or valuable and even that students may not take the assessment process seriously. Moreover, they agree with Karaca (2009) that students may not be qualified enough to be able to evaluate each other and that students may be influenced by friendships and solidarity among themselves. Bostock (2000) and White (2009) also note that the lack of teacher input to the evaluation process may lead to students providing mis-information.It has been found by Bryant and Carless (2009) that a student’s perception of peer assessment can differ depending on their language proficiency and that of their peer. Those students who were assessed by peers with greater language proficiency commented that it was difficult to assess their peer’s work due to the ability difference; contrariwise, more able students found that their peers could not provide useful feedback. Teachers were identified as a more reliable source of feedback.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Peer-assessment ulasan
peer-assessment didefinisikan sebagai proses evaluasi kualitas atau keberhasilan hasil dari rekan atau teman sebaya (Topping, 1998) dan diikuti oleh pemberian umpan balik (Van Den Berg et al., 2006). Sementara umpan balik sangat bermanfaat untuk mahasiswa yang ingin meningkatkan, proses evaluasi yang seorang mahasiswa harus berpartisipasi dalam memberikan umpan balik ini bisa dibilang aspek penting themost dari penilaian sejawat. Dalam mengevaluasi kerja peer, seorang mahasiswa yang melaksanakan keterampilan yang dibutuhkan untuk memeriksa pekerjaan mereka sendiri; penilaian sejawat dan penilaian diri demikian intrinsik terkait. Ada banyak pendukung pentingnya rekan dan penilaian diri.
Boud (1995) dan McDonald dan Boud (2003, hal. 210) berpendapat bahwa perkembangan keterampilan ini sangat penting, tidak hanya pada tingkat terisolasi dari kurikulum, tetapi di semua tahapan pendidikan. Selain itu, setelah tinjauan menyeluruh dari literatur, Black dan William (1998) mengandaikan bahwa penilaian diri adalah '' bukanlah pilihan yang menarik atau mewah: itu harus dilihat sebagai penting '' (hlm 54-55.). Pendapat ini diadakan di praktek: Rust et al. (2003) dan O'Donovan et al. (2004) telah menunjukkan bahwa siswa yang telah berpartisipasi dalam program peer-assessment pada awal dari program studi menunjukkan suatu peningkatan dalam kinerja atas mereka yang tidak berpartisipasi.
O'Donovan et al. (2004) melaporkan bahwa dengan melibatkan siswa dalam proses penandaan, mereka dapat memperluas penilaian pembelajaran menjadi alat pembelajaran yang efektif dan menghasilkan teknik penilaian untuk pembelajaran. Mengintip dan teknik penilaian diri sehingga memungkinkan mahasiswa untuk menjadi lebih otonom dalam pembelajaran mereka dan membantu untuk mengembangkan kemampuan siswa untuk mengidentifikasi kebutuhan belajar mereka sendiri (Brown dan Knight, 1994; Elwood dan Klenowski, 2002). Keterampilan yang diperoleh melalui teman sebaya dan selfassessment karena itu penting untuk siswa berkembang sebagai hanya melalui identifikasi kebutuhan belajar mereka sendiri dapat mereka efisien meningkatkan dan terlibat sepenuhnya dengan pendidikan. Tanpa keterampilan tersebut, pencapaian siswa, pendidikan dan seterusnya, akan menderita. Harlen (2007) menggambarkan perlunya seorang mahasiswa menjadi bertanggung jawab untuk pembelajaran mereka sendiri karena manfaat itu membawa pada kehidupan mereka setelah sekolah dan, lebih luas, masyarakat secara keseluruhan. Permen dkk. (1994) membuktikan pentingnya sebaya dan penilaian diri dalam menyatakan bahwa diagnosis kebutuhan pendidikan merupakan dasar untuk belajar sepanjang hayat sukses. Manfaat dari teknik peer-assessment juga dihargai oleh para siswa menerima pendidikan mereka melalui teknik tersebut. Bryant dan Carless (2009) menyelidiki pandangan dari siswa sekolah dasar untuk rekan-penilaian dan menemukan bahwa fasilitas belajar dari satu sama lain sementara mengambil tanggung jawab atas pekerjaan mereka sendiri menghasilkan penerimaan yang sangat positif. Thestudents dari penelitian ini adalah sangat menyadari keuntungan peer-assessment dibawa dalam mengidentifikasi kesalahan mereka cenderung untuk membuat yang kemudian dapat dihindari di masa ujian. Dalam sebuah studi dalam persepsi siswa sekolah menengah, Peterson dan Irving (2008) menemukan bahwa siswa percaya bahwa umpan balik yang diberikan melalui peer-assessment adalah alat motivasi yang mendorong mereka untuk mencari informasi baru untuk memperbaiki kesalahan mereka. Siswa SMA bahkan menyadari manfaat yang lebih luas; Putih (2009) melaporkan bahwa siswa menemukan rekan-penilaian pengalaman positif karena kesempatan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan yang mereka percaya membantu untuk karir masa depan mereka. Mungkin yang paling penting, siswa menemukan penilaian sejawat menyenangkan (Peterson dan Irving, 2008) .suatu keuntungan yang mengintip penilaian membawa ke siswa keduanya banyak dan signifikan; Namun, telah berpendapat bahwa ada beberapa masalah potensial yang perlu dipertimbangkan sebelum pelaksanaan. . Sebuah studi oleh Wen dan Tsai (2006) melihat ke dalam sikap mahasiswa 'terhadap penilaian sejawat
investigasi ini mengungkapkan bahwa siswa memiliki sikap umumnya positif terhadap penilaian sejawat; Namun, ada kurangnya kepercayaan diri sehubungan dengan menandai pekerjaan teman sekelas mereka 'dan, timbal balik, mereka khawatir tentang dikritik oleh rekan-rekan mereka. Temuan ini didukung dalam sebuah studi oleh Karaca (2009) menjadi opini guru trainee 'dari penilaian sejawat di mana ia menyarankan bahwa siswa mungkin tidak mampu mengevaluasi rekan-rekan mereka secara efektif, yang mengarah ke generasi umpan balik merugikan. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa evaluasi siswa dapat dipengaruhi oleh hubungan sosial mereka dengan orang lain di kelas; siswa yang ramah akan rentan terhadap terlalu murah hati dengan umpan balik positif sementara persaingan ditingkatkan penyediaan umpan balik negatif. Sebuah studi oleh Ballantyne et al. (2002) juga melaporkan bahwa siswa dapat khawatir tentang peer-assessment karena itu menjadi berlebihan memakan waktu.
Bostock (2000) dan Putih (2009) telah diteliti lebih lanjut potensi masalah dalam penilaian rekan. Mereka menegaskan bahwa validitas dan reliabilitas penilaian oleh siswa dapat menjadi masalah sebagai umpan balik yang diberikan mungkin tidak akurat atau berharga dan bahkan siswa tidak dapat mengambil proses penilaian serius. Selain itu, mereka setuju dengan Karaca (2009) bahwa siswa mungkin tidak memenuhi syarat cukup untuk dapat mengevaluasi satu sama lain dan bahwa siswa dapat dipengaruhi oleh persahabatan dan solidaritas di antara mereka sendiri. Bostock (2000) dan Putih (2009) juga mencatat bahwa kurangnya masukan guru untuk proses evaluasi dapat menyebabkan siswa memberikan mis-informasi.
Telah ditemukan oleh Bryant dan Carless (2009) bahwa persepsi siswa tentang penilaian sejawat dapat berbeda tergantung pada kemampuan bahasa mereka dan bahwa dari rekan mereka. Mereka siswa yang dinilai oleh rekan-rekan dengan kemampuan bahasa yang lebih besar berkomentar bahwa itu sulit untuk menilai pekerjaan rekan mereka karena perbedaan kemampuan; sebaliknya, lebih mampu siswa menemukan bahwa rekan-rekan mereka tidak bisa memberikan umpan balik yang berguna. Guru diidentifikasi sebagai sumber yang lebih dapat diandalkan umpan balik.
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