Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Harus tahu ketika ia pertama kali melihat ini obat herbal di masa lalu, benar-benar terkejut, tapi juga berpikir itu adalah dunia Chi chung, setelah itu kelima-order alchemist master mengatakan kepadanya, ia jelas, penuh kekaguman bahwa pada waktu itu yang dikagumi."Ini Fang Hao, dia adalah pencapaian apapun, tiba-tiba dapat mengenali, sialan, sepertinya saya harus mengeluarkan beberapa metode benar!" Perasaan terdalam Fang Xuzhong lapangannya kuat, dia memiliki pikiran untuk fitnah partai yang berlawanan, Mei di ini Dao Alkimia divisi, reputasi menjadi sangat penting, sekarang di sekitar orang banyak, akan menyebar cepat atau lambat.Fang Xuzhong clenches gigi, akan menerima ini obat herbal mungkin pada saat ini, kata Meng Hao sekali lagi menyebar."Ini adalah obat herbal yang telah dicangkokkan, membuat saya melihat... Telah digunakan 19 berbeda obat herbal, cangkok itu, obat herbal ini 19, terpisah di air jatuh akar, Roh mimpi rumput, hari Yamaha, debu setiap bunga... " Meng Hao cahaya untuk membuka mulut, mengatakan bahwa 19 jamu sepenuhnya.Fang Xuzhong membuka mata sengit, sesak napas, tubuh bawah sadar langkah langkah langkah mundur beberapa langkah, mengungkapkan tidak bisa percaya bahwa ia harus menerima sebelum ini obat herbal, bahwa dua kata yang karena Meng Hao berbicara, berkata jawabannya, tapi dia tidak membayangkan, orang hadir, tiba-tiba...Actually this medicine the grass of grafting, completely said that his mind rumbling, these were he do not know the genuine and fake, only had to refine that fifth-order master alchemist of this medicinal herbs to judge.This is ... master alchemist not the secret of passing on!!„ Then, in the law of four seasons, inverts the Ying-Yang, one time grafts three types, until fuses completely completely after 19 medicinal herbs together, makes him not see Sun, making the gloom condense, therefore forms.This medicine, because of 19 drug efficacies, when refines medicinal pills, the change are more, common master alchemist feared that is unable to refine, only if gives you person of this medicinal herbs, has given you by it has revised pill formulas.Master Alchemist Fang, I said is right? ” Meng Hao smiles throughout, slowly to open mouth.His words said that all around was instantaneous, all people looked at first Fang Xuzhong, Fang Xuzhong there facial color changed once more, the mind was such as the thunder explodes, humming sound thundered, when body subconscious withdrawing, looked to Meng Hao, was similar to saw the evil spirit was the same, he opened the eye, the breath shortness.----------Yesterday four, were not bus permits, was only the apology, today the normal renewal, has a mind to erupt, may outside environment, the symbol be very slow, yesterday was 6 : 00 am, has written about around 8 : 00 pm.Except that eats meal at noon, has rejected all schoolmates' invitations, this finished.Today got up the evening ... Asked everybody to understand ...( To be continued..)
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