A THEORY OF INTELLIGENCE AS PROCESSINGImplications for SocietyJoseph F terjemahan - A THEORY OF INTELLIGENCE AS PROCESSINGImplications for SocietyJoseph F Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan


Implications for Society
Joseph F. Fagan III
Case Western Reserve University
Defining intelligence as processing allows one to predict intelligence from infancy,
discover causes of mental retardation, test the intelligence of people with disabilities,
develop culture-fair tests of intelligence, and demonstrate that groups that differ
in IQ do not necessarily differ in intelligence. An early estimate of intellectual
disability allows a child to qualify quickly for remedial programs. Economic and
emotional benefits would ensue from discovering and eliminating the causes of a
small percentage of cases of mental retardation. The measurement of intelligence as
processing reveals intellectual strengths that may otherwise be masked by physical
or emotional disability or by cultural circumstances. Cultures may differ in the types
of knowledge their members have but not in how well they process. Cultures may
account for racial differences in IQ.
The purpose of this article is to consider the implications for society of
defining intelligence as processing. My belief is that controversy surrounding the
term intelligence has arisen and continues because intelligence has historically
been defined as how much one knows rather than as how well one processes. IQ
scores, by convention, are based on how much one knows relative to one's age
peers. My theoretical position (Fagan, 1992; Fagan & Haiken-Vasen, 1997) is that
intelligence is processing and that processing can be measured by performance on
certain elementary cognitive tasks. An IQ score, on the other hand, depends not
only on processing ability but on what one has been taught. To state my theory
briefly, as information is processed, the mind changes. That change is called
knowledge. Knowledge is a state of mind. How well we process depends on our
genetic plan and on the good or ill that the world has physically inflicted on our
brain. Culture provides us with information. What we know depends on how well
we process and on what our culture teaches us.
Defining intelligence as processing frees intelligence from its historic definition
as the score (IQ) on an intelligence test and makes intelligence an integral and
legitimate object of study across all areas of psychology and disciplines related to
psychology. Defining intelligence as processing has the additional practical advantage
of providing a common metric with which to study intelligence across
species. Most important for our present purposes, defining intelligence as processing
clarifies theoretical issues in the field of intelligence and, in so doing, may
change lives.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Implications for Society
Joseph F. Fagan III
Case Western Reserve University
Defining intelligence as processing allows one to predict intelligence from infancy,
discover causes of mental retardation, test the intelligence of people with disabilities,
develop culture-fair tests of intelligence, and demonstrate that groups that differ
in IQ do not necessarily differ in intelligence. An early estimate of intellectual
disability allows a child to qualify quickly for remedial programs. Economic and
emotional benefits would ensue from discovering and eliminating the causes of a
small percentage of cases of mental retardation. The measurement of intelligence as
processing reveals intellectual strengths that may otherwise be masked by physical
or emotional disability or by cultural circumstances. Cultures may differ in the types
of knowledge their members have but not in how well they process. Cultures may
account for racial differences in IQ.
The purpose of this article is to consider the implications for society of
defining intelligence as processing. My belief is that controversy surrounding the
term intelligence has arisen and continues because intelligence has historically
been defined as how much one knows rather than as how well one processes. IQ
scores, by convention, are based on how much one knows relative to one's age
peers. My theoretical position (Fagan, 1992; Fagan & Haiken-Vasen, 1997) is that
intelligence is processing and that processing can be measured by performance on
certain elementary cognitive tasks. An IQ score, on the other hand, depends not
only on processing ability but on what one has been taught. To state my theory
briefly, as information is processed, the mind changes. That change is called
knowledge. Knowledge is a state of mind. How well we process depends on our
genetic plan and on the good or ill that the world has physically inflicted on our
brain. Culture provides us with information. What we know depends on how well
we process and on what our culture teaches us.
Defining intelligence as processing frees intelligence from its historic definition
as the score (IQ) on an intelligence test and makes intelligence an integral and
legitimate object of study across all areas of psychology and disciplines related to
psychology. Defining intelligence as processing has the additional practical advantage
of providing a common metric with which to study intelligence across
species. Most important for our present purposes, defining intelligence as processing
clarifies theoretical issues in the field of intelligence and, in so doing, may
change lives.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Implikasi untuk Masyarakat
Joseph F. Fagan III
Case Western Reserve University
Mendefinisikan kecerdasan pengolahan memungkinkan seseorang untuk memprediksi kecerdasan dari bayi,
menemukan penyebab keterbelakangan mental, menguji kecerdasan penyandang cacat,
mengembangkan tes budaya adil intelijen, dan menunjukkan bahwa kelompok-kelompok yang berbeda
di IQ tidak selalu berbeda dalam kecerdasan. Perkiraan awal intelektual
cacat memungkinkan anak untuk memenuhi syarat dengan cepat untuk program remedial. Ekonomi dan
manfaat emosional akan terjadi dari menemukan dan menghilangkan penyebab dari
sebagian kecil dari kasus keterbelakangan mental. Pengukuran kecerdasan sebagai
pengolahan mengungkapkan kekuatan intelektual yang mungkin seharusnya dapat ditutupi oleh fisik
cacat atau emosional atau oleh keadaan budaya. Budaya mungkin berbeda dalam jenis
pengetahuan anggotanya memiliki tetapi tidak seberapa baik mereka proses. Budaya dapat
menjelaskan perbedaan rasial di IQ.
Tujuan artikel ini adalah untuk mempertimbangkan implikasi untuk masyarakat
mendefinisikan kecerdasan sebagai pengolahan. Keyakinan saya adalah bahwa kontroversi seputar
intelijen istilah telah muncul dan terus karena intelijen secara historis
telah didefinisikan sebagai seberapa banyak yang tahu bukan sebagai seberapa baik satu proses. IQ
skor, dengan konvensi, didasarkan pada berapa banyak yang tahu relatif terhadap usia seseorang
rekan-rekan. Posisi teoritis saya (Fagan, 1992; Fagan & Haiken-Vasen, 1997) adalah bahwa
kecerdasan adalah pengolahan dan pemrosesan yang dapat diukur dengan kinerja pada
tugas-tugas kognitif dasar tertentu. Skor IQ, di sisi lain, tidak tergantung
hanya pada kemampuan pengolahan tetapi pada apa yang telah diajarkan. Untuk menyatakan teori saya
secara singkat, sebagai informasi diproses, perubahan pikiran. Perubahan itu disebut
pengetahuan. Pengetahuan adalah keadaan pikiran. Seberapa baik kita memproses tergantung pada kami
rencana genetik dan orang yang baik atau buruk bahwa dunia telah fisik diderita kami
otak. Budaya memberi kita informasi. Apa yang kita ketahui tergantung pada seberapa baik
kita proses dan apa budaya kita mengajarkan kita.
kecerdasan Defining pengolahan membebaskan intelijen dari definisi bersejarah
sebagai nilai (IQ) pada tes kecerdasan dan membuat kecerdasan integral dan
objek yang sah dari studi di semua bidang psikologi dan disiplin yang berkaitan dengan
psikologi. Mendefinisikan kecerdasan pengolahan memiliki keuntungan praktis tambahan
menyediakan metrik umum yang dapat digunakan untuk mempelajari kecerdasan seluruh
spesies. Paling penting untuk tujuan kita sekarang, mendefinisikan kecerdasan sebagai pengolahan
menjelaskan isu-isu teoritis di bidang intelijen dan, dengan demikian, dapat
mengubah hidup.
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