Was destroyed?” Xiao Che frowned. Ever since he was a child, his grand terjemahan - Was destroyed?” Xiao Che frowned. Ever since he was a child, his grand Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Was destroyed?” Xiao Che frowned. E

Was destroyed?” Xiao Che frowned. Ever since he was a child, his grandfather and everybody else all said that he was born with a damaged Profound Vein. He even believed that himself when he got his memories of “rebirth” back since his memories included the mastering of all the medical books in during his lifetime.

But Xia Qingyue said he wasn’t born with a damage Profound Vein but instead it was damaged by an external force.

In truth, no one in the Xiao Clan had been able to see through this guise. Xia Qingyue had only looked at him within a few breaths of time and to her, that fact was as clear as crystal.

This woman….

“Yes.” Xiao Qingyue creased her eyebrows and gently spoke: “It was heavily damaged during your childhood and your family did not notice. Because of that, it was never repaired and now that you have already grown up the damaged Profound Vein has fully formed into it’s disabled state… and lost all hopes of repairment!!”

Xia Qingyue said that last statement with absolute confidence. If an adult’s Profound Vein became damaged, their power would leak but there were a variety of methods to repair that.

However, if the Profound Vein broke in the early stages of infancy, the growth of the vein would start from a bad foundation and will only become worse. At Xiao Che’s age, the vein had already become badly shaped so it was impossible for it to be repaired back to normal.

Xiao Che’s expression did not change and simply said: “That may not necessarily be true.”

Xia Qingyue gently inclined her head to glance at him: “Looks like you always had the notion of repairing your Profound Vein?”

“I’ll definitely fix it.” Xiao Che said blankly.

Xia Qingyue looked at him deeply. She saw not only confidence and arrogance but a deep layer of coldness in his eyes. She sighed in her heart and softly spoke: “The Profound Sky Continent is a big place with numerous amounts of talented people, perhaps there really may exist a person who can repair your damaged vein. I should not have said what I had said earlier with such assertion, you can just take it as my ignorance.

In those few words, Xiao Che’s impression of her improved dramatically. He hesitated, then asked: “The icy cold power you used earlier, what was that? I have never heard of anyone in Floating Cloud City with that skill. Your master is not a person from Floating Cloud City, am I right? Of course, it’s up to you whether or not you want to tell me.

Xia Qingyue was silent for a while and right when Xiao Che thought she would not answer, she calmly replied: “Frozen Cloud Arts.”

“Frozen Cloud Arts?” Xiao Che slightly shivered at the name as he felt a vague sense of familiarity. When he suddenly remembered the name of the concept, his paled and words uncontrollably escaped from his mouth: “Frozen Cloud Asgard !?!?”

Xia Qingyue tilted her beautiful head and looked at Xiao Che with a surprised expression. When he shouted out “Frozen Cloud Asgard”, Xiao Che had already lost his cool but in her eyes, he was still too calm. Even if the Lord of Floating Cloud City heard that name, his body will weaken and his legs would tremble in fright. She lightly said: “My master is indeed from Frozen Cloud Asgard so I can be regarded as a disciple of Frozen Cloud Asgard…. This fact, the only person in Floating Cloud City who knows of that is my father. You are the now the second. I tell you this…. because you are my husband now and this is the most basic of my respect for you.”

“……” Xiao Che’s racing heartbeat could not calm down. The words “Frozen Cloud Asgard burst into his heart like a huge bomb. Because it was the most powerful out of Blue Wind Empire’s four major Sects and also the holy land of that many yearn and long to be in. Even the Blue Wind Empire’s royalty must worship their transcendent existence annually!

Heavenly Sword Villa, Frozen Cloud Asgard, Xiao Sect, Burning Heaven Clan.

Out of the seven countries in Profound Sky Continent, the Blue Wind Empire was currently the smallest. Although they had the lowest overall strength, they have never been annexed by the other countries. A large part of the reason why was because of those four major sects. Those powers that be are not afraid of the Blue Wind Empire’s strength but instead fear the four major sects.

There is no doubt about the strength of those four major sects. The process in which they recruit disciples was very strict and they did not care about background in their selections. The most important thing they want in the end was talent. Everyone living in the Blue Wind Empire dream and aspire for that kind of great fortune. If you get into one of these major sects, even the lowest of disciples will bring honor and prosperity to their family. They would even be the guests of honor at court and be presented with the rank of a marquis.

No one of this little Floating Cloud City had ever heard of anyone being admitted into one of those major sects and no one would even dare dream about it. If the
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Was destroyed?” Xiao Che frowned. Ever since he was a child, his grandfather and everybody else all said that he was born with a damaged Profound Vein. He even believed that himself when he got his memories of “rebirth” back since his memories included the mastering of all the medical books in during his lifetime.But Xia Qingyue said he wasn’t born with a damage Profound Vein but instead it was damaged by an external force.In truth, no one in the Xiao Clan had been able to see through this guise. Xia Qingyue had only looked at him within a few breaths of time and to her, that fact was as clear as crystal.This woman….“Yes.” Xiao Qingyue creased her eyebrows and gently spoke: “It was heavily damaged during your childhood and your family did not notice. Because of that, it was never repaired and now that you have already grown up the damaged Profound Vein has fully formed into it’s disabled state… and lost all hopes of repairment!!”Xia Qingyue said that last statement with absolute confidence. If an adult’s Profound Vein became damaged, their power would leak but there were a variety of methods to repair that.However, if the Profound Vein broke in the early stages of infancy, the growth of the vein would start from a bad foundation and will only become worse. At Xiao Che’s age, the vein had already become badly shaped so it was impossible for it to be repaired back to normal.Xiao Che’s expression did not change and simply said: “That may not necessarily be true.”Xia Qingyue gently inclined her head to glance at him: “Looks like you always had the notion of repairing your Profound Vein?”“I’ll definitely fix it.” Xiao Che said blankly.Xia Qingyue looked at him deeply. She saw not only confidence and arrogance but a deep layer of coldness in his eyes. She sighed in her heart and softly spoke: “The Profound Sky Continent is a big place with numerous amounts of talented people, perhaps there really may exist a person who can repair your damaged vein. I should not have said what I had said earlier with such assertion, you can just take it as my ignorance.In those few words, Xiao Che’s impression of her improved dramatically. He hesitated, then asked: “The icy cold power you used earlier, what was that? I have never heard of anyone in Floating Cloud City with that skill. Your master is not a person from Floating Cloud City, am I right? Of course, it’s up to you whether or not you want to tell me.Xia Qingyue was silent for a while and right when Xiao Che thought she would not answer, she calmly replied: “Frozen Cloud Arts.”“Frozen Cloud Arts?” Xiao Che slightly shivered at the name as he felt a vague sense of familiarity. When he suddenly remembered the name of the concept, his paled and words uncontrollably escaped from his mouth: “Frozen Cloud Asgard !?!?”Xia Qingyue tilted her beautiful head and looked at Xiao Che with a surprised expression. When he shouted out “Frozen Cloud Asgard”, Xiao Che had already lost his cool but in her eyes, he was still too calm. Even if the Lord of Floating Cloud City heard that name, his body will weaken and his legs would tremble in fright. She lightly said: “My master is indeed from Frozen Cloud Asgard so I can be regarded as a disciple of Frozen Cloud Asgard…. This fact, the only person in Floating Cloud City who knows of that is my father. You are the now the second. I tell you this…. because you are my husband now and this is the most basic of my respect for you.”“……” Xiao Che’s racing heartbeat could not calm down. The words “Frozen Cloud Asgard burst into his heart like a huge bomb. Because it was the most powerful out of Blue Wind Empire’s four major Sects and also the holy land of that many yearn and long to be in. Even the Blue Wind Empire’s royalty must worship their transcendent existence annually!Heavenly Sword Villa, Frozen Cloud Asgard, Xiao Sect, Burning Heaven Clan.Out of the seven countries in Profound Sky Continent, the Blue Wind Empire was currently the smallest. Although they had the lowest overall strength, they have never been annexed by the other countries. A large part of the reason why was because of those four major sects. Those powers that be are not afraid of the Blue Wind Empire’s strength but instead fear the four major sects.There is no doubt about the strength of those four major sects. The process in which they recruit disciples was very strict and they did not care about background in their selections. The most important thing they want in the end was talent. Everyone living in the Blue Wind Empire dream and aspire for that kind of great fortune. If you get into one of these major sects, even the lowest of disciples will bring honor and prosperity to their family. They would even be the guests of honor at court and be presented with the rank of a marquis.No one of this little Floating Cloud City had ever heard of anyone being admitted into one of those major sects and no one would even dare dream about it. If the
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dihancurkan? "Xiao Che mengerutkan kening. Sejak ia masih kecil, kakek dan orang lain nya semua mengatakan bahwa ia lahir dengan Mendalam Vein rusak. Dia bahkan percaya bahwa dirinya sendiri ketika ia mendapat kenangan dari "kelahiran kembali" kembali sejak kenangan termasuk penguasaan semua buku medis di semasa hidupnya. Tapi Xia Qingyue mengatakan ia tidak dilahirkan dengan kerusakan Vein Mendalam tapi bukan itu rusak oleh kekuatan eksternal. Sebenarnya, tidak ada satu di Xiao Clan telah mampu melihat melalui kedok ini. Xia Qingyue hanya menatapnya dalam beberapa napas waktu dan dia, fakta bahwa itu sejelas kristal. Wanita ini .... "Ya." Xiao Qingyue berkerut alisnya dan lembut berbicara: "Ini rusak berat selama masa kanak-kanak Anda dan keluarga Anda tidak melihat. Karena itu, hal itu tidak pernah diperbaiki dan sekarang bahwa Anda telah tumbuh dengan rusak Mendalam Vein telah sepenuhnya dibentuk menjadi itu negara cacat ... dan kehilangan semua harapan perbaikan !! "kata Xia Qingyue bahwa pernyataan terakhir dengan keyakinan mutlak. Jika Vein Mendalam orang dewasa menjadi rusak, kekuatan mereka akan bocor tapi ada berbagai metode untuk memperbaiki itu. Namun, jika Mendalam Vein pecah pada tahap awal dari masa bayi, pertumbuhan vena akan mulai dari dasar yang buruk dan akan hanya menjadi lebih buruk. Pada usia Xiao Che, vena sudah menjadi buruk berbentuk sehingga tidak mungkin untuk itu harus diperbaiki kembali normal. Ekspresi Xiao Che tidak berubah dan hanya berkata: ". Itu belum tentu benar" Xia Qingyue lembut memiringkan kepala melirik padanya: "? Sepertinya Anda selalu memiliki gagasan memperbaiki Mendalam Vein Anda". "Saya pasti akan memperbaikinya" kata Xiao Che kosong. Xia Qingyue menatapnya dalam-dalam. Dia melihat tidak hanya percaya diri dan kesombongan tapi lapisan mendalam dingin di matanya. Dia menghela napas dalam hatinya dan lembut berbicara: "The Mendalam Sky Benua adalah tempat yang besar dengan jumlah banyak orang-orang berbakat, mungkin ada benar-benar mungkin ada orang yang dapat memperbaiki pembuluh darah yang rusak Anda. Aku seharusnya tidak mengatakan apa yang telah saya katakan sebelumnya dengan pernyataan tersebut, Anda hanya dapat menganggapnya sebagai kebodohan saya. Dalam beberapa kata, kesan Xiao Che nya meningkat secara dramatis. Dia ragu-ragu, lalu bertanya: "kekuatan dingin The es Anda digunakan sebelumnya, apa itu? Saya tidak pernah mendengar ada orang di Mengambang Cloud Kota dengan keterampilan itu. Master Anda bukan orang dari Terapung Cloud City, aku benar? . Tentu saja, itu terserah Anda apakah Anda ingin memberitahu saya Xia Qingyue terdiam beberapa saat dan tepat ketika Xiao Che pikir dia tidak akan menjawab, dia dengan tenang menjawab: "Frozen Cloud Arts." "Frozen Cloud Arts"? Xiao Che sedikit menggigil di nama karena ia merasa rasa samar keakraban. Ketika ia tiba-tiba teringat nama konsep, kata memucat dan nya tak terkendali lolos dari mulutnya: "Frozen Cloud Asgard!?!?" Xia Qingyue memiringkan kepalanya yang indah dan melihat Xiao Che dengan ekspresi terkejut. Ketika ia berteriak "Frozen Cloud Asgard", Xiao Che telah kehilangan keren, tapi di matanya, dia masih terlalu tenang. Bahkan jika Tuhan Floating Cloud Kota mendengar nama, tubuhnya akan melemah dan kakinya akan gemetar ketakutan. Dia ringan berkata: "Tuanku memang dari Frozen Cloud Asgard jadi saya dapat dianggap sebagai murid Beku Cloud Asgard .... Fakta ini, satu-satunya orang di Terapung Cloud Kota yang tahu itu adalah ayah saya. Anda adalah sekarang yang kedua. Aku mengatakan ini .... karena Anda adalah suami saya sekarang dan ini adalah yang paling dasar dari rasa hormat saya untuk Anda. "" ...... "Xiao Che balap detak jantung tidak bisa tenang. Kata-kata "Frozen Cloud Asgard meledak hatinya seperti bom besar. Karena itu yang paling kuat dari Blue Wind Empire empat Sekte utama dan juga tanah suci yang banyak merindukan dan panjang untuk berada di. Royalti Bahkan Blue Wind Kekaisaran harus menyembah keberadaan transenden mereka setiap tahun! Heavenly Sword Villa, Frozen Cloud Asgard, xiao Sekte, Membakar Surga Clan. Dari tujuh negara di Mendalam Sky Benua, Blue Angin Empire adalah saat yang terkecil. Meskipun mereka memiliki kekuatan terendah secara keseluruhan, mereka tidak pernah dicaplok oleh negara lain. Sebagian besar alasan mengapa adalah karena empat sekte utama. Mereka kekuasaan yang ada tidak takut kekuatan Blue Wind Kekaisaran melainkan takut empat sekte besar. Tidak ada keraguan tentang kekuatan dari keempat sekte besar. Proses di mana mereka merekrut murid sangat ketat dan mereka tidak peduli latar belakang dalam pilihan mereka. Hal yang paling penting yang mereka inginkan pada akhirnya adalah bakat. Semua orang yang tinggal dalam mimpi Blue Wind Empire dan bercita-cita untuk jenis keberuntungan yang besar. Jika Anda masuk ke salah satu dari ini sekte besar, bahkan yang terendah dari murid akan membawa kehormatan dan kemakmuran untuk keluarga mereka. Mereka bahkan akan menjadi tamu kehormatan di pengadilan dan disajikan dengan pangkat Marquis a. Tidak ada salah satu dari ini sedikit Mengambang Cloud Kota yang pernah mendengar ada orang yang mengaku menjadi salah satu sekte besar dan tidak ada yang berani bermimpi tentang hal itu . Jika

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