In reality, the people from the Heavenly Path League also had some com terjemahan - In reality, the people from the Heavenly Path League also had some com Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

In reality, the people from the Hea

In reality, the people from the Heavenly Path League also had some complaints stored in their hearts. Two hundred people had been sent to deal with the likes of Hua Ling. That was far too many than needed. It was just a waste of their time! However, since it was Li Xingyun who’d sent them, they didn’t dare to voice their complaints.

And when Li Hu split the spiritual stones that Nie Li had given him, all their pent-up complaints evaporated entirely.

Nie Li was indeed generous to give so many spiritual stones at once. When the stones were split among them, each person actually received fifty spiritual stones. Such a simple trip had earned them so much, so of course they were happy about it. Such a sum was actually even more than their monthly allowance. For just one trip, Young Master Nie Li had actually given out ten thousand spiritual stones!

Great heavens! Such wealth was simply too shocking!

Li Xingyun had sent two hundred people just to help Nie Li deal with Hua Ling and his men. Now, they were starting to see why Li Xingyun treated Nie Li with such value. This Young Master Nie Li definitely wasn’t a simple man! These people had spent years in the Draconic Ruins Realm and knew that such fortune was almost unheard of. All of them immediately withdrew their contempt and dissatisfied thoughts.

When they saw Nie Li fly over to the Ling Jade Deity’s Lake, Li Hu and the rest looked at Nie Li in confusion. What was he going to the Ling Jade Deity’s Lake for?

Although the Ling Jade Deity’s Lake did produce spiritual stones, it was only a few thousand, annually. Nie Li was able to shell out tens of thousands of spiritual stones in one go, so why would he bother with such a paltry sum of spiritual stones?

Xiao Yu and Lu Piao wanted to follow him, but Nie Li stopped them. They stood and watched as Nie Li reached the Ling Jade Deity’s Lake.

The Ling Jade Deity’s Lake.

Nie Li’s calves were submerged in water as he quickly wrote inscription patterns.

The inscription patterns fell, one after another.

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

The patterns blasted into the depths of the Deity’s Lake and caused the water to splash around. Nie Li’s mysterious inscription pattern arrays quickly gathered at the bottom of the Deity’s Lake. The entire lake started to shake intensely.

The inscription pattern array emitted a dazzling light. Then, in the depth of the lakes, a black shadow slowly floated up. Though the shadow was a little snake-like, it definitely wasn’t a snake.

This was the origin of the Deity’s Lake, the legendary Deity Root!

Mysterious things were born in the depths of the Draconic Ruins Realm, and this Deity Root was one of them. It’s said to possess intelligence and is deep underground, absorbing the essences between Heaven and Earth. After being nurtured that way for thousands of years, it would gradually amass a mountain of earth and slowly float into the sky, forming a Deity’s Lake. Then, it would produce spiritual stones and it grew from absorbing the ambient Heavenly Energy.

No one else knew about the existences of the Deity Roots, since they concealed themselves deep inside the earth and made themselves hard to find. When a Deity’s Lake dried up, the Deity Root would also disappear. The only way to remove a Deity Root from the earth was to use special inscription pattern arrays.

Nie Li extended his hand and grabbed the Deity Root. The root struggled, trying to escape.

Trying to run? Not so easy!

With a flick of his right hand, Nie Li threw it into the Myriad Miles Rivers and Mountains Painting.

The first Deity Root, captured!

The captured Deity Root would be nurtured within the Myriad Miles Rivers and Mountains Painting. Although the Ling Jade Deity’s Lake was nearly dried up, it was still better than nothing!

Nie Li flew back.

Li Hu saw Nie Li take something from the Deity’s Lake, but he couldn’t tell what it was.

Nie Li smiled as he arrived back. “Let’s go!”

The group returned.

After Nie Li and his group left,
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
In reality, the people from the Heavenly Path League also had some complaints stored in their hearts. Two hundred people had been sent to deal with the likes of Hua Ling. That was far too many than needed. It was just a waste of their time! However, since it was Li Xingyun who’d sent them, they didn’t dare to voice their complaints.And when Li Hu split the spiritual stones that Nie Li had given him, all their pent-up complaints evaporated entirely.Nie Li was indeed generous to give so many spiritual stones at once. When the stones were split among them, each person actually received fifty spiritual stones. Such a simple trip had earned them so much, so of course they were happy about it. Such a sum was actually even more than their monthly allowance. For just one trip, Young Master Nie Li had actually given out ten thousand spiritual stones!Great heavens! Such wealth was simply too shocking!Li Xingyun had sent two hundred people just to help Nie Li deal with Hua Ling and his men. Now, they were starting to see why Li Xingyun treated Nie Li with such value. This Young Master Nie Li definitely wasn’t a simple man! These people had spent years in the Draconic Ruins Realm and knew that such fortune was almost unheard of. All of them immediately withdrew their contempt and dissatisfied thoughts.When they saw Nie Li fly over to the Ling Jade Deity’s Lake, Li Hu and the rest looked at Nie Li in confusion. What was he going to the Ling Jade Deity’s Lake for?Although the Ling Jade Deity’s Lake did produce spiritual stones, it was only a few thousand, annually. Nie Li was able to shell out tens of thousands of spiritual stones in one go, so why would he bother with such a paltry sum of spiritual stones?Xiao Yu and Lu Piao wanted to follow him, but Nie Li stopped them. They stood and watched as Nie Li reached the Ling Jade Deity’s Lake.The Ling Jade Deity’s Lake.Nie Li’s calves were submerged in water as he quickly wrote inscription patterns.The inscription patterns fell, one after another.*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*The patterns blasted into the depths of the Deity’s Lake and caused the water to splash around. Nie Li’s mysterious inscription pattern arrays quickly gathered at the bottom of the Deity’s Lake. The entire lake started to shake intensely.The inscription pattern array emitted a dazzling light. Then, in the depth of the lakes, a black shadow slowly floated up. Though the shadow was a little snake-like, it definitely wasn’t a snake.This was the origin of the Deity’s Lake, the legendary Deity Root!Mysterious things were born in the depths of the Draconic Ruins Realm, and this Deity Root was one of them. It’s said to possess intelligence and is deep underground, absorbing the essences between Heaven and Earth. After being nurtured that way for thousands of years, it would gradually amass a mountain of earth and slowly float into the sky, forming a Deity’s Lake. Then, it would produce spiritual stones and it grew from absorbing the ambient Heavenly Energy.
No one else knew about the existences of the Deity Roots, since they concealed themselves deep inside the earth and made themselves hard to find. When a Deity’s Lake dried up, the Deity Root would also disappear. The only way to remove a Deity Root from the earth was to use special inscription pattern arrays.

Nie Li extended his hand and grabbed the Deity Root. The root struggled, trying to escape.

Trying to run? Not so easy!

With a flick of his right hand, Nie Li threw it into the Myriad Miles Rivers and Mountains Painting.

The first Deity Root, captured!

The captured Deity Root would be nurtured within the Myriad Miles Rivers and Mountains Painting. Although the Ling Jade Deity’s Lake was nearly dried up, it was still better than nothing!

Nie Li flew back.

Li Hu saw Nie Li take something from the Deity’s Lake, but he couldn’t tell what it was.

Nie Li smiled as he arrived back. “Let’s go!”

The group returned.

After Nie Li and his group left,
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Pada kenyataannya, orang-orang dari jalan Surgawi Liga juga memiliki beberapa keluhan yang tersimpan di dalam hati mereka. Dua ratus orang telah dikirim untuk menangani orang-orang seperti Hua Ling. Itu terlalu banyak dari yang dibutuhkan. Itu hanya membuang-buang waktu mereka! Namun, karena itu adalah Li Xingyun yang telah mengirim mereka, mereka tidak berani untuk menyuarakan keluhan mereka. Dan ketika Li Hu membagi batu spiritual yang diberikan Nie Li dia, semua keluhan mereka terpendam menguap seluruhnya. Nie Li adalah memang murah hati untuk memberikan begitu banyak batu spiritual sekaligus. Ketika batu-batu itu dibagi antara mereka, setiap orang benar-benar menerima lima puluh batu spiritual. Perjalanan sederhana seperti telah mendapatkan mereka begitu banyak, jadi tentu saja mereka senang tentang itu. Seperti penjumlahan sebenarnya bahkan lebih dari uang saku bulanan mereka. Untuk hanya satu perjalanan, Tuan Muda Nie Li telah benar-benar diberikan sepuluh ribu batu spiritual! Langit besar! Kekayaan seperti itu terlalu mengejutkan! Li Xingyun telah mengirimkan dua ratus orang hanya untuk membantu Nie Li menangani Hua Ling dan anak buahnya. Sekarang, mereka mulai melihat mengapa Li Xingyun diperlakukan Nie Li dengan nilai tersebut. Ini Tuan Muda Nie Li pasti bukan orang yang sederhana! Orang-orang ini telah menghabiskan bertahun-tahun di Draconic Reruntuhan Realm dan tahu bahwa keberuntungan seperti itu hampir tidak pernah terdengar. Semua dari mereka segera menarik penghinaan dan pikiran tidak puas. Ketika mereka melihat Nie Li terbang di atas ke Ling Jade Dewa Danau, Li Hu dan sisanya memandang Nie Li dalam kebingungan. Apa yang akan ke Ling Jade Dewa Danau untuk? Meskipun Ling Jade Dewa Danau lakukan menghasilkan batu spiritual, itu hanya beberapa ribu, setiap tahunnya. Nie Li mampu keluar puluhan ribu batu spiritual dalam satu pergi, jadi mengapa dia akan repot-repot dengan seperti jumlah yang sedikit batu spiritual? Xiao Yu dan Lu Piao ingin mengikutinya, tapi nie Li menghentikan mereka. Mereka berdiri dan menyaksikan Nie Li mencapai Ling Jade Dewa Danau. The Ling Jade Dewa Danau. Betis Nie Li terendam air karena ia cepat menulis pola prasasti. Pola prasasti jatuh, satu demi satu. * Boom! * * Boom! * * Boom! * pola meledak ke kedalaman Dewa Danau dan menyebabkan air untuk percikan di sekitar. Prasasti misterius array pola nie Li cepat berkumpul di bagian bawah Dewa Danau. Seluruh danau mulai bergetar intens. Array pola prasasti memancarkan cahaya menyilaukan. Kemudian, di kedalaman danau, bayangan hitam perlahan melayang. Meskipun bayangan itu seperti ular kecil, itu pasti tidak ular. Ini adalah asal-usul dari Dewa Danau, legendaris Dewa Akar! Hal Misterius lahir di kedalaman Draconic Ruins Realm, dan Akar Dewa ini salah satu dari mereka. Ini dikatakan memiliki kecerdasan dan jauh di bawah tanah, menyerap esensi antara langit dan bumi. Setelah dipelihara seperti itu selama ribuan tahun, secara bertahap akan mengumpulkan sebuah gunung bumi dan perlahan-lahan melayang ke langit, membentuk Dewa Danau. Kemudian, hal itu akan menghasilkan batu spiritual dan tumbuh dari menyerap Energi Surgawi ambien. Tak ada yang tahu tentang keberadaan dari Akar Dewa, karena mereka tersembunyi sendiri jauh di dalam bumi dan membuat diri mereka sulit untuk menemukan. Ketika Dewa Danau kering, Dewa Akar juga akan menghilang. Satu-satunya cara untuk menghapus Dewa Akar dari bumi adalah menggunakan special array pola prasasti. Nie Li mengulurkan tangannya dan meraih Dewa Akar. Akar berjuang, mencoba melarikan diri. Mencoba untuk menjalankan? Tidak begitu mudah! Dengan lambaian tangan kanannya, Nie Li melemparkannya ke dalam Myriad Miles Sungai dan Gunung Painting. Pertama Dewa Akar, ditangkap! Dewa Akar yang diambil akan dibina dalam Myriad Miles Sungai dan Pegunungan Lukisan. Meskipun Ling Jade Dewa Danau hampir kering, itu masih lebih baik daripada tidak! Nie Li terbang kembali. Li Hu melihat Nie Li mengambil sesuatu dari Dewa Danau, tapi dia tidak tahu apa itu. Nie Li tersenyum sambil tiba kembali. "Mari kita pergi!" Kelompok ini kembali. Setelah Nie Li dan kelompoknya kiri,

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