Validation of the revised sport motivation scale (SMS-II)Luc G. Pellet terjemahan - Validation of the revised sport motivation scale (SMS-II)Luc G. Pellet Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Validation of the revised sport mot

Validation of the revised sport motivation scale (SMS-II)

Luc G. Pelletier a, *, Meredith A. Rocchi a, Robert J. Vallerand b, Edward L. Deci c, Richard M. Ryan c

a University of Ottawa, 136 Jean Jacques Lussier, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1N 6N5

b Université du Quebec à Montreal, P.O Box 8888, Station Centre Ville, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3C 3P8

c University of Rochester, 355 Meliora Hall, Rochester 14627, NY, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:

Received 30 May 2012 Received in revised form 9 December 2012 Accepted 9 December 2012

Available online 25 December 2012


Sport motivation scale


Scale validation

Self-determination theory

Integrated regulation

a b s t r a c t

Objectives: Although the Sport Motivation Scale (SMS), published in 1995, has demonstrated validity and reliability in multiple studies, the scale has received some criticisms leading to revisions herein described. The objective of the present studies was to examine the construct validity and reliability of a revised scale sport motivation scale (SMS-II).

Design: Two studies were conducted using distinct samples of athletes. Study 1 examined adult athletes participating in a variety of sports and Study 2 examined youth basketball players and swimmers. Method: In Study 1 the SMS-II was introduced and featured various item content changes, a reduced number of items per subscale, the addition of an integrated regulation subscale, and the introduction of a single intrinsic motivation subscale to replace the three intrinsic motivation subscales in the SMS. Relations of SMS-II subscales with each other and with expected outcomes supported the new scale’s validity. In Study 2, the structure of the SMS-II and its relations with outcomes were further examined. Results: Results of factor analyses, tests for internal consistency, and correlations among the different subscales and between the subscales and several outcomes of interest, supported the validity of the SMS-II.

Conclusions: Discussion focuses on the need for measurement improvement, and potential future directions for SMS-II research.

2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Regular play and practice of sport activities is associated with a number of positive outcomes, including increased fitness, increased vitality, increased self-esteem, and reduced serious illness (Bouchard, Blair, & Haskell, 2007; Pelletier, Vallerand, & Sarrazin, 2007). Although most people are aware, to some extent, of the positive outcomes associated with sport activity, many people discontinue their sport participation every year (Sarrazin, Boiché, & Pelletier, 2007). Accordingly, a significant amount of research has been conducted on motivation in sport for the purpose of understanding why some athletes show an enduring desire to pursue their sport, whereas others quit or lose interest.

In the view of Self-Determination Theory (SDT), motivation for sport is a complex phenomenon, with most athletes having multiple motives for engagement. Athletes can be motivated by external factors such as rewards, evaluations, pressure from parents

* Corresponding author. School of Psychology, University of Ottawa, 136 Jean Jacques Lussier, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1N 6N5. Tel.: þ1 613 562 5800/5745; fax: þ1 613 562 5147.

E-mail addresses: (L.G. Pelletier), (M.A. Rocchi), (R.J. Vallerand), (E.L. Deci), (R.M. Ryan).

1469-0292/$ e see front matter 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

or coaches, or by opinions they believe others may have of them (Ryan & Deci, 2007). They can also be moved by interest, curiosity, and a desire for mastery and improvement. SDT provides a comprehensive framework for understanding both the extrinsic and intrinsic motivations that can maintain sport participation, and how various motives are differently associated with sport engage-ment and the benefits derived from it (Hagger & Chatzisarantis, 2007; Standage & Ryan, 2012; Vallerand, 2007). Intrinsic motiva-tion refers to doing something because it is inherently interesting or enjoyable, and extrinsic motivation refers to doing something as a mean to an end because it leads to a separable outcome (Deci & Ryan, 2000).

Self-determination theory

SDT is a theory of motivation that is built on the organismic assumption that humans have innate tendencies to move in directions of greater self-regulation, competence, and integration in action. These actualizing and integrative processes are depen-dent on the support and fulfilment of three basic psychological needs: competence, relatedness, and autonomy (Deci & Ryan,

330 L.G. Pelletier et al. / Psychology of Sport and Exercise 14 (2013) 329e341

1985a). The need for competence
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Validation of the revised sport motivation scale (SMS-II)Luc G. Pelletier a, *, Meredith A. Rocchi a, Robert J. Vallerand b, Edward L. Deci c, Richard M. Ryan ca University of Ottawa, 136 Jean Jacques Lussier, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1N 6N5b Université du Quebec à Montreal, P.O Box 8888, Station Centre Ville, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3C 3P8c University of Rochester, 355 Meliora Hall, Rochester 14627, NY, United States a r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received 30 May 2012 Received in revised form 9 December 2012 Accepted 9 December 2012Available online 25 December 2012Keywords:Sport motivation scaleInternalizationScale validationSelf-determination theoryIntegrated regulation a b s t r a c tObjectives: Although the Sport Motivation Scale (SMS), published in 1995, has demonstrated validity and reliability in multiple studies, the scale has received some criticisms leading to revisions herein described. The objective of the present studies was to examine the construct validity and reliability of a revised scale sport motivation scale (SMS-II).Design: Two studies were conducted using distinct samples of athletes. Study 1 examined adult athletes participating in a variety of sports and Study 2 examined youth basketball players and swimmers. Method: In Study 1 the SMS-II was introduced and featured various item content changes, a reduced number of items per subscale, the addition of an integrated regulation subscale, and the introduction of a single intrinsic motivation subscale to replace the three intrinsic motivation subscales in the SMS. Relations of SMS-II subscales with each other and with expected outcomes supported the new scale’s validity. In Study 2, the structure of the SMS-II and its relations with outcomes were further examined. Results: Results of factor analyses, tests for internal consistency, and correlations among the different subscales and between the subscales and several outcomes of interest, supported the validity of the SMS-II.Conclusions: Discussion focuses on the need for measurement improvement, and potential future directions for SMS-II research.2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Regular play and practice of sport activities is associated with a number of positive outcomes, including increased fitness, increased vitality, increased self-esteem, and reduced serious illness (Bouchard, Blair, & Haskell, 2007; Pelletier, Vallerand, & Sarrazin, 2007). Although most people are aware, to some extent, of the positive outcomes associated with sport activity, many people discontinue their sport participation every year (Sarrazin, Boiché, & Pelletier, 2007). Accordingly, a significant amount of research has been conducted on motivation in sport for the purpose of understanding why some athletes show an enduring desire to pursue their sport, whereas others quit or lose interest.In the view of Self-Determination Theory (SDT), motivation for sport is a complex phenomenon, with most athletes having multiple motives for engagement. Athletes can be motivated by external factors such as rewards, evaluations, pressure from parents* Corresponding author. School of Psychology, University of Ottawa, 136 Jean Jacques Lussier, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1N 6N5. Tel.: þ1 613 562 5800/5745; fax: þ1 613 562 5147.E-mail addresses: (L.G. Pelletier), (M.A. Rocchi), (R.J. Vallerand), (E.L. Deci), (R.M. Ryan).1469-0292/$ e see front matter 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. or coaches, or by opinions they believe others may have of them (Ryan & Deci, 2007). They can also be moved by interest, curiosity, and a desire for mastery and improvement. SDT provides a comprehensive framework for understanding both the extrinsic and intrinsic motivations that can maintain sport participation, and how various motives are differently associated with sport engage-ment and the benefits derived from it (Hagger & Chatzisarantis, 2007; Standage & Ryan, 2012; Vallerand, 2007). Intrinsic motiva-tion refers to doing something because it is inherently interesting or enjoyable, and extrinsic motivation refers to doing something as a mean to an end because it leads to a separable outcome (Deci & Ryan, 2000).Self-determination theorySDT is a theory of motivation that is built on the organismic assumption that humans have innate tendencies to move in directions of greater self-regulation, competence, and integration in action. These actualizing and integrative processes are depen-dent on the support and fulfilment of three basic psychological needs: competence, relatedness, and autonomy (Deci & Ryan, 330 L.G. Pelletier et al. / Psychology of Sport and Exercise 14 (2013) 329e341 1985a). The need for competence
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Validasi direvisi olahraga motivasi skala (SMS-II)

Luc G. Pelletier sebuah, *, Meredith A. Rocchi sebuah, Robert J. Vallerand b, Edward L. Deci c, Richard M. Ryan c

University of Ottawa, 136 Jean Jacques Lussier, Ottawa, Ontario, Kanada, K1N 6N5

b Université du Quebec à Montreal, PO Box 8888, Station Centre Ville, Montreal, Quebec, Kanada, H3C 3P8

c University of Rochester, 355 Meliora Hall, Rochester 14.627, NY, Amerika Serikat

a rticleinfo

sejarah Pasal:

Diterima 30 Mei 2012 Diterima dalam bentuk direvisi 9 Desember 2012 Diterima 9 Desember 2012

Tersedia online 25 Desember 2012


Sport skala motivasi


skala validasi

penentuan nasib sendiri teori

regulasi Terpadu

sebuah bstract

Tujuan: Meskipun skala Sport Motivasi (SMS ), yang diterbitkan pada tahun 1995, telah menunjukkan validitas dan reliabilitas dalam beberapa penelitian, skala telah menerima beberapa kritik yang mengarah ke revisi disini dijelaskan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji validitas konstruk dan reliabilitas dari skala skala motivasi olahraga direvisi (SMS-II).

Desain: Dua penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan sampel yang berbeda dari atlet. Belajar 1 diperiksa atlet dewasa berpartisipasi dalam berbagai olahraga dan mempelajari 2 diperiksa pemain basket muda dan perenang. Metode: Dalam studi 1 SMS-II diperkenalkan dan menampilkan berbagai perubahan konten item, berkurangnya jumlah item per subskala, penambahan regulasi subskala terpadu, dan pengenalan subskala motivasi intrinsik tunggal untuk menggantikan tiga sub-skala motivasi intrinsik dalam SMS. Hubungan SMS-II sub skala satu sama lain dan dengan hasil yang diharapkan didukung validitas skala baru. Dalam studi 2, struktur SMS-II dan hubungan dengan hasil yang lebih diperiksa. Hasil: Hasil faktor analisis, tes untuk konsistensi internal, dan korelasi antara sub-skala yang berbeda dan antara sub-skala dan beberapa hasil yang menarik, mendukung validitas SMS-II.

Kesimpulan: Diskusi berfokus pada kebutuhan untuk perbaikan pengukuran, dan potensi arah masa depan untuk SMS-II penelitian.

2012 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved.

bermain reguler dan praktek kegiatan olahraga dikaitkan dengan sejumlah hasil positif, termasuk peningkatan kebugaran, vitalitas meningkat, peningkatan harga diri, dan mengurangi penyakit serius (Bouchard , Blair, & Haskell, 2007; Pelletier, Vallerand, & Sarrazin, 2007). Meskipun kebanyakan orang sadar, sampai batas tertentu, dari hasil positif yang terkait dengan aktivitas olahraga, banyak orang menghentikan partisipasi olahraga mereka setiap tahun (Sarrazin, Boiché, & Pelletier, 2007). Dengan demikian, sejumlah besar penelitian telah dilakukan pada motivasi dalam olahraga untuk tujuan memahami mengapa beberapa atlet menunjukkan keinginan abadi untuk mengejar olahraga mereka, sedangkan yang lain berhenti atau kehilangan minat.

Dalam pandangan Teori Penentuan Nasib Sendiri (SDT), motivasi untuk olahraga adalah fenomena yang kompleks, dengan sebagian besar atlet memiliki beberapa motif keterlibatan. Atlet dapat termotivasi oleh faktor eksternal seperti imbalan, evaluasi, tekanan dari orang tua

* Sesuai penulis. Sekolah Psikologi, University of Ottawa, 136 Jean Jacques Lussier, Ottawa, Ontario, Kanada K1N 6N5. Tel .: TH1 613 562 5800/5745; fax: TH1 613 562 5147.

alamat E-mail: (LG Pelletier), (MA Rocchi), (RJ Vallerand), deci @ psikologi. (EL Deci), (RM Ryan).

1469-0292 / $ e melihat hal depan 2012 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved.

atau pelatih, atau dengan opini mereka percaya orang lain mungkin memiliki dari mereka (Ryan & Deci, 2007). Mereka juga dapat dipindahkan dengan bunga, rasa ingin tahu, dan keinginan untuk penguasaan dan perbaikan. SDT menyediakan kerangka kerja yang komprehensif untuk memahami kedua ekstrinsik dan motivasi intrinsik yang dapat mempertahankan partisipasi olahraga, dan bagaimana berbagai motif yang berbeda terkait dengan olahraga terlibat-ment dan manfaat yang diperoleh dari itu (Hagger & Chatzisarantis, 2007; Standage & Ryan, 2012; Vallerand, 2007). Intrinsik Motiva-tion mengacu melakukan sesuatu karena secara inheren menarik atau menyenangkan, dan motivasi ekstrinsik mengacu pada melakukan sesuatu dengan tujuan untuk mengakhiri karena itu mengarah ke hasil yang dipisahkan (Deci & Ryan, 2000).

Teori penentuan nasib sendiri

SDT adalah teori motivasi yang dibangun di atas asumsi organismik bahwa manusia memiliki kecenderungan bawaan untuk bergerak dalam arah pengaturan diri yang lebih besar, kompetensi, dan integrasi dalam tindakan. Proses-proses aktualisasi dan integratif yang tergantung pada pe-penyok pada dukungan dan pemenuhan tiga kebutuhan psikologis dasar: kompetensi, keterkaitan, dan otonomi (Deci & Ryan,

. 330 LG Pelletier et al / Psikologi Olahraga dan Latihan 14 (2013) 329e341

1985a) . Kebutuhan kompetensi
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