„Gen­eral, cold un­cul­ti­vated land was Dragon’s den in dan­ger?” One terjemahan - „Gen­eral, cold un­cul­ti­vated land was Dragon’s den in dan­ger?” One Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„Gen­eral, cold un­cul­ti­vated lan

„Gen­eral, cold un­cul­ti­vated land was Dragon’s den in dan­ger?” One of South Ko­rean deep pool full is on the face of full beard is hav­ing the ex­cited look: „Fi­nally was one's turn our palace guards to get rid?”
I nod: „You in­stantly the where­abouts wear your high­ness to make, at­tains the token im­me­di­ately to set out!”
„Yes, Gen­eral!”
The South Ko­rean deep pool rides to go, the speed is ex­tremely fast, less than 20 min­utes turned back, in the hand is grasp­ing a shin­ing token, said with a smile: „Wore your high­ness to pre­pare to make the sym­bol, Gen­eral, did we se­lect the sol­dier? How many mil­i­tary strength wants?”
My fa­mil­iar say­ing: „First bat­tal­ion and sec­ond bat­tal­ion of 2000 cav­alry sol­diers , the fifth, sixth, sev­enth bat­tal­ion of step shield sol­diers, se­lect in ad­di­tion im­me­di­ately neat, Song Fu­jiang please be re­spon­si­ble for the con­voy grain and fod­der mil­i­tary bag­gage rush­ing over, to cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den , I have been able with Frost say­ing that to op­por­tu­nity that the palace guard dis­plays, this war, is the first war after our palace guard en­tire armed forces, Xu Sheng can­not de­feat!”
„Yes, Gen­eral!”
Above the palace guard school ground, the armed sol­dier con­verges, soon after 5000 troops have se­lected neat, is sharp in palace guard, 2000 cav­alry sol­diers turn out in full strength, the other 3000 peo­ple are the blade shield sol­diers who the young bar­bar­ian com­poses, this was the sharpest lineup that at pre­sent 10,000 peo­ple of palace guards can go to bat­tle with.
After un­even troops, I stand up from fail­ure to ride the fly­ing sickle ar­mored war horse, draws out the Longchi sword, said in a low voice: „At­tacks, cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den!”
Cav­alry of one group of palace guards brushes the warhorse with the whip, an in­ter­mit­tent hoof­beat raises dust, 2000 cav­alry sol­diers cross, lat­ter con­ve­nient is one crowd raises the bar­bar­ian of blade shield to roar at­tack, they lost the home­land be­cause of the in­va­sion of dif­fer­ent demon, should also al­ready cav­ity anger have to speak out at heart, ac­tu­ally they are the same to hu­man­ity, guard the heart of home­land to be slightly rude.
5000 troops brought three days of dry ra­tions to leave Tian Ling Em­pire, di­rectly soared the child Wushan di­rec­tion, after we crossed child Wushan has pulled open with the trans­porta­tion troops very long-dis­tance range, the cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den war does not know whether was in dan­ger, more early ar­rived in any case is bet­ter.
I am lead­ing the palace guard to skice, in the guild chan­nel has ac­tu­ally broad­cast Li Mu voice: „You see not to have, new edi­tion has cleared after 5 hours, more­over this time does not main­tain clears the new edi­tion di­rectly!”
Lin Wan Er: „?”
I have been star­tled being star­tled: „What edi­tion?”
Li Mudao: „Edi­tion named ‚world all sol­dier’, the de­tail is the player can choose two line­ups, one is to con­tinue to be the ven­turer and mer­ce­nary sol­dier this class role, an­other can join the army, Tian Ling Em­pire, Ba Huang City, nine Licheng and every book city al­to­gether has 30 + reg­i­ments to es­tab­lish, each can join, the player can gain the mil­i­tary ap­point­ment in the army by the mer­i­to­ri­ous ser­vice, step by step up­ward crawls, from cor­po­ral, what long, hun­dred hus­bands as long as gen­eral, on gen­er­als, em­pire mar­shals and oth­ers . More­over, after join­ing the army, the player can re­ceive the pay and pro­vi­sions for the mil­i­tary in the quar­ter mas­ter of­fice every day, tem­porar­ily can con­firm the pay and pro­vi­sions for the mil­i­tary. Should be the gold coin and drugs and so on mil­i­tary sup­plies, or is the min­eral and herbal med­i­cine and so on ma­te­r­ial.”
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„Gen­eral, cold un­cul­ti­vated land was Dragon’s den in dan­ger?” One of South Ko­rean deep pool full is on the face of full beard is hav­ing the ex­cited look: „Fi­nally was one's turn our palace guards to get rid?”I nod: „You in­stantly the where­abouts wear your high­ness to make, at­tains the token im­me­di­ately to set out!”„Yes, Gen­eral!”The South Ko­rean deep pool rides to go, the speed is ex­tremely fast, less than 20 min­utes turned back, in the hand is grasp­ing a shin­ing token, said with a smile: „Wore your high­ness to pre­pare to make the sym­bol, Gen­eral, did we se­lect the sol­dier? How many mil­i­tary strength wants?”My fa­mil­iar say­ing: „First bat­tal­ion and sec­ond bat­tal­ion of 2000 cav­alry sol­diers , the fifth, sixth, sev­enth bat­tal­ion of step shield sol­diers, se­lect in ad­di­tion im­me­di­ately neat, Song Fu­jiang please be re­spon­si­ble for the con­voy grain and fod­der mil­i­tary bag­gage rush­ing over, to cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den , I have been able with Frost say­ing that to op­por­tu­nity that the palace guard dis­plays, this war, is the first war after our palace guard en­tire armed forces, Xu Sheng can­not de­feat!”„Yes, Gen­eral!”Above the palace guard school ground, the armed sol­dier con­verges, soon after 5000 troops have se­lected neat, is sharp in palace guard, 2000 cav­alry sol­diers turn out in full strength, the other 3000 peo­ple are the blade shield sol­diers who the young bar­bar­ian com­poses, this was the sharpest lineup that at pre­sent 10,000 peo­ple of palace guards can go to bat­tle with.After un­even troops, I stand up from fail­ure to ride the fly­ing sickle ar­mored war horse, draws out the Longchi sword, said in a low voice: „At­tacks, cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den!”Cav­alry of one group of palace guards brushes the warhorse with the whip, an in­ter­mit­tent hoof­beat raises dust, 2000 cav­alry sol­diers cross, lat­ter con­ve­nient is one crowd raises the bar­bar­ian of blade shield to roar at­tack, they lost the home­land be­cause of the in­va­sion of dif­fer­ent demon, should also al­ready cav­ity anger have to speak out at heart, ac­tu­ally they are the same to hu­man­ity, guard the heart of home­land to be slightly rude.5000 troops brought three days of dry ra­tions to leave Tian Ling Em­pire, di­rectly soared the child Wushan di­rec­tion, after we crossed child Wushan has pulled open with the trans­porta­tion troops very long-dis­tance range, the cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den war does not know whether was in dan­ger, more early ar­rived in any case is bet­ter.I am lead­ing the palace guard to skice, in the guild chan­nel has ac­tu­ally broad­cast Li Mu voice: „You see not to have, new edi­tion has cleared after 5 hours, more­over this time does not main­tain clears the new edi­tion di­rectly!”Lin Wan Er: „?”I have been star­tled being star­tled: „What edi­tion?”Li Mudao: „Edi­tion named ‚world all sol­dier’, the de­tail is the player can choose two line­ups, one is to con­tinue to be the ven­turer and mer­ce­nary sol­dier this class role, an­other can join the army, Tian Ling Em­pire, Ba Huang City, nine Licheng and every book city al­to­gether has 30 + reg­i­ments to es­tab­lish, each can join, the player can gain the mil­i­tary ap­point­ment in the army by the mer­i­to­ri­ous ser­vice, step by step up­ward crawls, from cor­po­ral, what long, hun­dred hus­bands as long as gen­eral, on gen­er­als, em­pire mar­shals and oth­ers . More­over, after join­ing the army, the player can re­ceive the pay and pro­vi­sions for the mil­i­tary in the quar­ter mas­ter of­fice every day, tem­porar­ily can con­firm the pay and pro­vi­sions for the mil­i­tary. Should be the gold coin and drugs and so on mil­i­tary sup­plies, or is the min­eral and herbal med­i­cine and so on ma­te­r­ial.”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Jenderal, tanah yang tidak digarap dingin den Dragon dalam bahaya?" Salah satu kolam yang dalam Korea Selatan penuh di muka jenggot penuh adalah memiliki tampilan bersemangat: "Akhirnya adalah seseorang mengubah penjaga istana untuk menyingkirkan?"
Aku mengangguk: " Anda langsung keberadaan memakai Mulia untuk membuat, mencapai token segera berangkat! "
" Ya, General! "
kolam renang yang mendalam Korea Selatan naik untuk pergi, kecepatan yang sangat cepat, kurang dari 20 menit berbalik, di tangan adalah memegang tanda bersinar, berkata sambil tersenyum: "Mengenakan Mulia untuk mempersiapkan untuk membuat simbol, General, yang kita pilih prajurit? Berapa banyak kekuatan militer ingin "?
Pepatah akrab saya:" batalion pertama dan Batalion kedua 2000 tentara kavaleri, kelima, keenam, batalion ketujuh tentara langkah perisai, pilih selain segera rapi, Lagu Fujiang silakan bertanggung jawab untuk biji-bijian konvoi dan pakan bagasi militer bergegas lebih, dingin tanah yang tidak digarap Dragon den, saya telah dapat dengan Frost mengatakan bahwa untuk kesempatan yang menampilkan pengawal istana, perang ini, adalah perang pertama setelah istana kami menjaga seluruh angkatan bersenjata, Xu Sheng tidak bisa mengalahkan! "
"Ya, General!"
di atas pengawal istana tanah sekolah, tentara bersenjata konvergen, segera setelah 5000 tentara telah dipilih rapi, tajam di pengawal istana, 2000 tentara kavaleri berubah dalam kekuatan penuh, 3000 orang lainnya adalah tentara pisau perisai siapa barbar muda menyusun, ini adalah lineup tajam bahwa saat ini 10.000 orang dari penjaga istana bisa pergi ke pertempuran dengan.
Setelah pasukan merata, aku berdiri dari kegagalan naik terbang sabit kuda perang lapis baja, menarik keluar pedang Longchi, kata dengan suara rendah: "! Serangan, tanah yang tidak digarap dingin Dragon den"
kavaleri dari satu kelompok penjaga istana sikat kuda perang dengan cambuk, sebuah hoofbeat intermiten menimbulkan debu, 2000 tentara kavaleri lintas, kedua nyaman adalah salah satu kerumunan menimbulkan barbar pisau melindungi mengaum serangan, mereka kehilangan tanah air karena invasi iblis yang berbeda, juga harus sudah rongga kemarahan harus berbicara di hati, sebenarnya mereka adalah sama untuk kemanusiaan, menjaga jantung tanah air menjadi sedikit kasar.
5000 tentara membawa tiga hari ransum kering untuk meninggalkan Tian Ling Empire, langsung melonjak anak Wushan arah, setelah kami menyeberangi anak Wushan telah ditarik terbuka dengan pasukan transportasi yang sangat rentang jarak jauh, tanah digarap perang den Dragon dingin tidak tahu apakah dalam bahaya , lebih awal tiba dalam hal apapun lebih baik.
saya memimpin pengawal istana untuk skice, dalam saluran serikat telah benar-benar disiarkan suara Li Mu: "Anda lihat tidak memiliki, edisi baru telah dibersihkan setelah 5 jam, apalagi saat ini tidak mempertahankan membersihkan edisi baru langsung "!
Lin Wan Er:" "?
saya telah terkejut sedang kaget:" Apa edisi "?
Li Mudao:" edisi bernama, dunia semua prajurit, detail adalah pemain dapat memilih dua formasi, satu adalah untuk terus menjadi venture dan tentara bayaran peran kelas ini, lain dapat bergabung dengan tentara, Tian Ling Empire, Ba Huang City, sembilan Licheng dan setiap kota buku sama sekali memiliki 30 + resimen untuk membangun, masing-masing dapat bergabung, pemain bisa mendapatkan pengangkatan militer di tentara oleh layanan berjasa, langkah demi langkah ke atas merangkak, dari kopral, apa yang panjang, seratus suami selama umum, pada jenderal, marsekal kerajaan dan lain-lain. Apalagi, setelah bergabung dengan tentara, pemain bisa menerima gaji dan ketentuan untuk militer dalam master kantor kuartal setiap hari, sementara dapat mengkonfirmasi membayar dan ketentuan untuk militer. Harus menjadi koin emas dan obat-obatan dan sebagainya perlengkapan militer, atau adalah mineral dan obat-obatan herbal dan sebagainya material. "
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