It is illegal to hold two passports in Saudi Arabia. Second passports  terjemahan - It is illegal to hold two passports in Saudi Arabia. Second passports  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

It is illegal to hold two passports

It is illegal to hold two passports in Saudi Arabia. Second passports will be confiscated by the immigration authorities if they are discovered.

You should carry a photocopy of your passport for identification. Make sure you have included emergency contact details.

Anyone involved in a commercial dispute with a Saudi company or individual may be prevented from leaving the country pending resolution of the dispute. Government bodies often retain passports for official purposes; sponsors also sometimes retain passports, although this is illegal. The Saudi authorities have detained witnesses and victims of crimes.

Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia is a monarchy ruled by a king chosen from and by members of the Al Saud family. The king rules through royal decrees issued in conjunction with the Council of Ministers, and with advice from the Consultative Council. The king appoints members of both councils. Saudi interpretation of Islamic law is the basis of the authority of the monarchy and provides the foundation of the country's conservative customs and social practices. Saudi Arabia has a modern and well-developed infrastructure, and facilities for travelers are widely available.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
It is illegal to hold two passports in Saudi Arabia. Second passports will be confiscated by the immigration authorities if they are discovered. You should carry a photocopy of your passport for identification. Make sure you have included emergency contact details. Anyone involved in a commercial dispute with a Saudi company or individual may be prevented from leaving the country pending resolution of the dispute. Government bodies often retain passports for official purposes; sponsors also sometimes retain passports, although this is illegal. The Saudi authorities have detained witnesses and victims of crimes. Saudi ArabiaSaudi Arabia is a monarchy ruled by a king chosen from and by members of the Al Saud family. The king rules through royal decrees issued in conjunction with the Council of Ministers, and with advice from the Consultative Council. The king appoints members of both councils. Saudi interpretation of Islamic law is the basis of the authority of the monarchy and provides the foundation of the country's conservative customs and social practices. Saudi Arabia has a modern and well-developed infrastructure, and facilities for travelers are widely available.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Ini adalah ilegal untuk menahan dua paspor di Arab Saudi. Paspor kedua akan disita oleh pihak imigrasi jika mereka ditemukan. Anda harus membawa fotokopi paspor untuk identifikasi. Pastikan Anda telah memasukkan rincian kontak darurat. Siapa pun yang terlibat dalam sengketa komersial dengan perusahaan Saudi atau individu dapat dicegah meninggalkan resolusi negara tertunda sengketa. Badan pemerintah sering mempertahankan paspor untuk tujuan resmi; sponsor juga kadang-kadang mempertahankan paspor, meskipun ini adalah ilegal. Pemerintah Saudi memiliki saksi ditahan dan korban kejahatan. Arab Saudi Arab Saudi adalah monarki diperintah oleh seorang raja yang dipilih dari dan oleh anggota keluarga Al Saud. Raja memerintah melalui dekrit kerajaan yang dikeluarkan bersamaan dengan Dewan Menteri, dan dengan saran dari Dewan Konsultatif. Raja menunjuk anggota dari kedua dewan. Interpretasi Saudi hukum Islam adalah dasar dari otoritas monarki dan menyediakan dasar adat konservatif negara dan praktik sosial. Arab Saudi memiliki infrastruktur modern dan berkembang dengan baik, dan fasilitas untuk wisatawan yang banyak tersedia.

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