Color preferencesGreen, Black, BlueNotesThis is less of a logo and mor terjemahan - Color preferencesGreen, Black, BlueNotesThis is less of a logo and mor Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Color preferencesGreen, Black, Blue

Color preferences
Green, Black, Blue
This is less of a logo and more of a custom family crest, therefore i would like the background that all of this sits on to be a shield with maybe the john deere logo on the top of the shield where normally a helmet might go on a family crest, the deere jumping, if that can be done not sure if that would be allowed copyright wise. I have a lot of things i want included in it that are very specific. The crest should be a capital G with in an extremely watered down old english, not too complex like old english just a little complex. I want to have a peppermint plant intermingling with the G and it needs to be peppermint, in bloom, and must also have the root system showing as well that part is very important. In the background I would like to see a fairly young 7 year old filbert orchard. on the right side I want a grass seed plant known as fescue with seed on it, and on the left hand side a bundle of wheat plants. The latin phrase; sic fecit Deus agricola should be prominently displayed near the top, perhaps on a ribbon of some kind, the latin phrase; nemo me impune lacessit should be on the logo but slightly obscure and not the easiest to pick out.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Color preferences
Green, Black, Blue
This is less of a logo and more of a custom family crest, therefore i would like the background that all of this sits on to be a shield with maybe the john deere logo on the top of the shield where normally a helmet might go on a family crest, the deere jumping, if that can be done not sure if that would be allowed copyright wise. I have a lot of things i want included in it that are very specific. The crest should be a capital G with in an extremely watered down old english, not too complex like old english just a little complex. I want to have a peppermint plant intermingling with the G and it needs to be peppermint, in bloom, and must also have the root system showing as well that part is very important. In the background I would like to see a fairly young 7 year old filbert orchard. on the right side I want a grass seed plant known as fescue with seed on it, and on the left hand side a bundle of wheat plants. The latin phrase; sic fecit Deus agricola should be prominently displayed near the top, perhaps on a ribbon of some kind, the latin phrase; nemo me impune lacessit should be on the logo but slightly obscure and not the easiest to pick out.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Preferensi warna
Hijau, Hitam, Biru
ini kurang dari logo dan lebih dari lambang keluarga kustom, karena itu saya ingin latar belakang bahwa semua ini duduk di menjadi perisai dengan mungkin John Deere logo di bagian atas perisai di mana biasanya helm mungkin pergi pada lambang keluarga, yang Deere melompat, jika itu bisa dilakukan tidak yakin apakah itu akan diizinkan cipta bijaksana. Saya memiliki banyak hal yang saya ingin termasuk di dalamnya yang sangat spesifik. Puncak harus G modal dalam sangat dipermudah tua Inggris, seperti tua Inggris hanya sedikit rumit tidak terlalu rumit. Saya ingin memiliki tanaman peppermint pembauran dengan G dan perlu peppermint, mekar, dan juga harus memiliki sistem akar yang menunjukkan juga bagian yang sangat penting. Di latar belakang saya ingin melihat cukup muda 7 tahun Filbert tua kebun. di sisi kanan saya ingin tanaman benih rumput yang dikenal sebagai fescue dengan benih di atasnya, dan di sisi kiri seikat tanaman gandum. Ungkapan latin; sic fecit Deus agricola harus ditampilkan secara jelas di dekat bagian atas, mungkin pada pita dari beberapa jenis, frase latin; Nemo me impune lacessit harus pada logo tapi sedikit jelas dan tidak mudah untuk memilih. Industri Pertanian

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