Another wave of scuffles occurred. One of the young men coldly and vic terjemahan - Another wave of scuffles occurred. One of the young men coldly and vic Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Another wave of scuffles occurred.

Another wave of scuffles occurred. One of the young men coldly and viciously kicked at the blue-clothed young man’s lower abdomen. The back of the latter’s body immediately began to curl up. Despite the four young men seeing that he had no ability to retaliate, they did not show even the slightest sign of stopping. Four legs moved together. In a tricky and vicious manner, they violently kicked at the blue-clothed young man’s body.

“Bang, bang, bang…”

The feet, which contained a ferocious force, were about the land on the blue-clothed young man’s body, when a black shadow suddenly flashed past. After which, it collided firmly with the four feet. Four horrible shrieks were immediately emitted. The four of them hugged their thighs and rolled painfully on the ground.

After the black shadow pushed the four people back, it turned into a large, black ruler that was inserted into the hard ground. The blue-clothed young man hugged his lower abdomen, and stood up with great difficulty. His expression was somewhat pale as he cupped his hands toward the black-robed young man, who had his back facing him, “Mister, thank you very much.”

“Xiao Ning, you have a lot less vigor compared to when I last saw you two years ago.” The black-robed young man slowly turned around. He looked at the blue-clothed young man, whose face was stunned at seeing the former, while speaking with a faint smile.

Xiao Ning. This blue-clothed young man was actually Xiao Ning, who had some grudge with Xiao Yan at the Xiao clan back then!

“You… you are Xiao Yan?” Xiao Ning’s face was completely full as he eyed that face which he had not seen for two years. He finally recovered a long while later, but still had difficulty believing the situation.

“I thought that you would not recognize me.” Xiao Yan laughed. Although he had some grudges with this fellow, whom he did not really see eye to eye with when they were a younger, the current him was no longer that impulsive child he had been back then. Those things had naturally vanished long ago. Moreover, no matter what happened, the person in front of him had a thread of blood relation to him.

“How can I forget. Younger cousin Xiao Yan…”

Xiao Ning let out a bitter laughter. He eyed Xiao Yan in front of him, feeling a complicated emotion. Now that he had muddled about on the outside for two years, he was similarly no longer a child. Only in the outside world, which contained all sorts of people, did he feel that those experiences in the clan back then were the most precious memories within his heart. No matter how one put it, one’s kin was ultimately a little closer to oneself.

“Older cousin Xiao Ning.” Seeing the apologetic smile Xiao Ning gave him, Xiao Yan also smiled. He patted the latter’s shoulders.

“These fellows?” Xiao Yan turned his gaze toward the four people rolling on the ground and asked.

“Isn’t it still because of Xun Er? These fellows know about our relationship and keep trying all sorts of means to get news about Xun Er from me. It is really too troublesome. However, they don’t dare to attack me at the academy. Today, when I came out to buy something, I coincidentally ended up being seen by these fellows.” Xiao Ning was somewhat helpless. From the looks of it, it appeared that this was not the first time that this had happened.

Xiao Yan could only laugh bitterly when he heard this. It really was true that beauty was a source of trouble. It was likely that the girl had now truly lost the innocence she had back then?

“Hee hee, Xun Er is very outstanding. A woman undergoes many changes when she grows up. She is now even more beautiful. There have been an unknown number of people who had fallen for her during these two years. I think that you will also be shocked when you meet see her again.” Xiao Ning said with a laugh.

“How much can a child change?” Xiao Yan shook his head and laughed softly. When he said such aged words, he forgot that he was also merely eighteen years old.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Another wave of scuffles occurred. One of the young men coldly and viciously kicked at the blue-clothed young man’s lower abdomen. The back of the latter’s body immediately began to curl up. Despite the four young men seeing that he had no ability to retaliate, they did not show even the slightest sign of stopping. Four legs moved together. In a tricky and vicious manner, they violently kicked at the blue-clothed young man’s body.“Bang, bang, bang…”The feet, which contained a ferocious force, were about the land on the blue-clothed young man’s body, when a black shadow suddenly flashed past. After which, it collided firmly with the four feet. Four horrible shrieks were immediately emitted. The four of them hugged their thighs and rolled painfully on the ground.After the black shadow pushed the four people back, it turned into a large, black ruler that was inserted into the hard ground. The blue-clothed young man hugged his lower abdomen, and stood up with great difficulty. His expression was somewhat pale as he cupped his hands toward the black-robed young man, who had his back facing him, “Mister, thank you very much.”“Xiao Ning, you have a lot less vigor compared to when I last saw you two years ago.” The black-robed young man slowly turned around. He looked at the blue-clothed young man, whose face was stunned at seeing the former, while speaking with a faint smile.Xiao Ning. This blue-clothed young man was actually Xiao Ning, who had some grudge with Xiao Yan at the Xiao clan back then!“You… you are Xiao Yan?” Xiao Ning’s face was completely full as he eyed that face which he had not seen for two years. He finally recovered a long while later, but still had difficulty believing the situation.“I thought that you would not recognize me.” Xiao Yan laughed. Although he had some grudges with this fellow, whom he did not really see eye to eye with when they were a younger, the current him was no longer that impulsive child he had been back then. Those things had naturally vanished long ago. Moreover, no matter what happened, the person in front of him had a thread of blood relation to him.“How can I forget. Younger cousin Xiao Yan…”Xiao Ning let out a bitter laughter. He eyed Xiao Yan in front of him, feeling a complicated emotion. Now that he had muddled about on the outside for two years, he was similarly no longer a child. Only in the outside world, which contained all sorts of people, did he feel that those experiences in the clan back then were the most precious memories within his heart. No matter how one put it, one’s kin was ultimately a little closer to oneself.“Older cousin Xiao Ning.” Seeing the apologetic smile Xiao Ning gave him, Xiao Yan also smiled. He patted the latter’s shoulders.“These fellows?” Xiao Yan turned his gaze toward the four people rolling on the ground and asked.“Isn’t it still because of Xun Er? These fellows know about our relationship and keep trying all sorts of means to get news about Xun Er from me. It is really too troublesome. However, they don’t dare to attack me at the academy. Today, when I came out to buy something, I coincidentally ended up being seen by these fellows.” Xiao Ning was somewhat helpless. From the looks of it, it appeared that this was not the first time that this had happened.Xiao Yan could only laugh bitterly when he heard this. It really was true that beauty was a source of trouble. It was likely that the girl had now truly lost the innocence she had back then?“Hee hee, Xun Er is very outstanding. A woman undergoes many changes when she grows up. She is now even more beautiful. There have been an unknown number of people who had fallen for her during these two years. I think that you will also be shocked when you meet see her again.” Xiao Ning said with a laugh.“How much can a child change?” Xiao Yan shook his head and laughed softly. When he said such aged words, he forgot that he was also merely eighteen years old.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Gelombang lain bentrokan terjadi. Salah satu pemuda dingin dan kejam menendang perut pria muda biru-berpakaian lebih rendah. Bagian belakang tubuh yang terakhir segera mulai meringkuk. Meskipun empat pemuda melihat bahwa ia tidak memiliki kemampuan untuk membalas, mereka tidak menunjukkan bahkan sedikitpun tanda berhenti. Empat kaki bergerak bersama-sama. Dengan cara yang rumit dan setan, mereka hebat menendang tubuh pemuda biru-berpakaian ini. "Bang, Bang, bang ..." The kaki, yang berisi kekuatan ganas, sekitar tanah pada tubuh pemuda biru-berpakaian, saat bayangan hitam tiba-tiba melintas melewati. Setelah itu, ia bertabrakan tegas dengan empat kaki. Empat jeritan mengerikan segera dipancarkan. Empat dari mereka memeluk paha mereka dan berguling menyakitkan di tanah. Setelah bayangan hitam mendorong empat orang kembali, itu berubah menjadi, penguasa hitam besar yang dimasukkan ke dalam tanah yang keras. Pemuda biru-berpakaian memeluk perut bagian bawah, dan berdiri dengan susah payah. Ekspresinya agak pucat saat ia menangkupkan tangannya ke arah pemuda berjubah hitam, yang memiliki punggungnya menghadap ke arahnya, "Pak, terima kasih banyak." "Xiao Ning, Anda memiliki banyak kurang semangat dibandingkan dengan ketika saya melihat lalu Anda dua tahun yang lalu. "pemuda berjubah hitam perlahan berbalik. Dia menatap pemuda biru-berpakaian, yang wajahnya tertegun saat melihat mantan, saat berbicara dengan senyum samar. Xiao Ning. Pemuda biru-berpakaian ini sebenarnya Xiao Ning, yang memiliki beberapa dendam dengan Xiao Yan di klan Xiao saat itu! "Anda ... Anda Xiao Yan?" Wajah Xiao Ning benar-benar penuh saat ia menatap wajah yang ia tidak melihat selama dua tahun. Dia akhirnya pulih lama kemudian, namun masih mengalami kesulitan percaya situasi. "Saya berpikir bahwa Anda tidak akan mengenali saya." Xiao Yan tertawa. Meskipun ia memiliki dendam dengan orang ini, yang ia tidak benar-benar melihat mata ke mata dengan ketika mereka masih muda, saat ini dia tidak lagi bahwa anak impulsif ia telah kembali kemudian. Hal-hal yang alami menghilang lama. Selain itu, tidak peduli apa yang terjadi, orang di depannya memiliki benang hubungan darah dengannya. "Bagaimana saya bisa melupakan. Adik sepupu Xiao Yan ... " Xiao Ning mengeluarkan tawa pahit. Dia menatap Xiao Yan di depannya, merasakan emosi yang rumit. Sekarang bahwa ia telah kacau tentang di luar selama dua tahun, ia sama tidak lagi seorang anak. Hanya di dunia luar, yang berisi segala macam orang, dia merasa bahwa pengalaman-pengalaman di klan saat itu adalah kenangan yang paling berharga dalam hatinya. Tidak peduli bagaimana seseorang meletakkannya, kerabat seseorang pada akhirnya sedikit lebih dekat dengan diri sendiri. "Sepupu tua Xiao Ning." Melihat senyum minta maaf Xiao Ning memberinya, Xiao Yan juga tersenyum. Dia menepuk bahu yang terakhir. "Orang-orang ini?" Xiao Yan mengalihkan pandangannya ke arah empat orang berguling-guling di tanah dan bertanya. "Apakah tidak masih karena Xun Er? Orang-orang ini tahu tentang hubungan kami dan terus mencoba segala macam cara untuk mendapatkan berita tentang Xun Er dari saya. Ini benar-benar terlalu merepotkan. Namun, mereka tidak berani menyerang saya di akademi. Hari ini, ketika saya keluar untuk membeli sesuatu, saya kebetulan akhirnya terlihat oleh orang-orang ini. "Xiao Ning agak tak berdaya. Dari tampak itu, tampak bahwa ini bukan pertama kalinya bahwa ini telah terjadi. Xiao Yan hanya bisa tertawa getir saat mendengar ini. Itu benar-benar benar bahwa kecantikan adalah sumber masalah. Itu mungkin bahwa gadis itu sekarang benar-benar hilang kepolosan dia saat itu? "Hee hee, Xun Er sangat luar biasa. Seorang wanita mengalami banyak perubahan saat ia besar nanti. Dia sekarang bahkan lebih indah. Ada jumlah yang tidak diketahui orang-orang yang telah jatuh untuknya selama dua tahun ini. Saya berpikir bahwa Anda juga akan terkejut ketika Anda bertemu melihatnya lagi. "Kata Xiao Ning sambil tertawa. " Berapa banyak yang dapat mengubah seorang anak? "Xiao Yan menggeleng dan tertawa pelan. Ketika ia mengatakan kata-kata yang berusia seperti itu, dia lupa bahwa dia juga lama hanya delapan belas tahun.

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