In the final analysis, all aspects of risk management in a financial f terjemahan - In the final analysis, all aspects of risk management in a financial f Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

In the final analysis, all aspects

In the final analysis, all aspects of risk management in a financial firm are corporate
governance issues in that the Board has ultimate responsibility for the fortunes of a
company. The NR episode raises several questions regarding the role of the Board of NR,
and most especially the role of the non-executive Directors. In particular, to what extent
did the Board understand the implications of the bank’s strategy, and especially the risk
It is instructive to distinguish between formal, informal and market monitors of banks.
Formal monitors are those agencies which are given explicit responsibility for
supervision: in the case of the UK this includes the FSA, the BOE and bank Boards.
Informal monitors, on the other hand, include the media, consumers’ associations,
academic analysts, etc. Market monitors include rating agencies, other banks, bank
analysts, etc. While each group has a different focus, and may represent different
interests, they all in their own way perform monitoring or supervisory roles.
The wider question is two-fold: (1) whether the various supervisors/monitors of the bank
were conducting their formal or informal supervisory roles effectively, and (2) whether
they had sufficient information about the risk characteristics of the bank to make
informed judgements. The central point is that, while criticisms may focus on official
agencies (the FSA in particular), it is evident that there was a generalised failure of
monitoring and appreciation of the risks that NR was taking. In terms of the LPHI risk,
there seems to have been a collective disaster myopia.
There are some positive features to the NR affair. Firstly, it demonstrated the
importance of both banks and their supervisors considering the risk characteristics of
business models and undertaking robust stress-tests. Some business models are clearly
more vulnerable than others and most especially to some LPHI risks. Secondly, reform of
the DPS was needed because of its internal inconsistencies, and the NR affair performed
the useful role of bring this to the fore and to the public’s consciousness. Thirdly, it has
emphasised the importance of effective governance arrangements within financial firms.
Furthermore, the episode has brought two other central issues to the attention of the
public: the role of government and the possible underwriting of risks by the tax-payer,
and the general question of moral hazard.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
In the final analysis, all aspects of risk management in a financial firm are corporate governance issues in that the Board has ultimate responsibility for the fortunes of acompany. The NR episode raises several questions regarding the role of the Board of NR,and most especially the role of the non-executive Directors. In particular, to what extentdid the Board understand the implications of the bank’s strategy, and especially the riskcharacteristics? It is instructive to distinguish between formal, informal and market monitors of banks.Formal monitors are those agencies which are given explicit responsibility forsupervision: in the case of the UK this includes the FSA, the BOE and bank Boards.Informal monitors, on the other hand, include the media, consumers’ associations,academic analysts, etc. Market monitors include rating agencies, other banks, bankanalysts, etc. While each group has a different focus, and may represent differentinterests, they all in their own way perform monitoring or supervisory roles. The wider question is two-fold: (1) whether the various supervisors/monitors of the bankwere conducting their formal or informal supervisory roles effectively, and (2) whetherthey had sufficient information about the risk characteristics of the bank to makeinformed judgements. The central point is that, while criticisms may focus on officialagencies (the FSA in particular), it is evident that there was a generalised failure ofmonitoring and appreciation of the risks that NR was taking. In terms of the LPHI risk,there seems to have been a collective disaster myopia. POSITIVE OUTCOMESThere are some positive features to the NR affair. Firstly, it demonstrated the importance of both banks and their supervisors considering the risk characteristics ofbusiness models and undertaking robust stress-tests. Some business models are clearlymore vulnerable than others and most especially to some LPHI risks. Secondly, reform ofthe DPS was needed because of its internal inconsistencies, and the NR affair performed the useful role of bring this to the fore and to the public’s consciousness. Thirdly, it hasemphasised the importance of effective governance arrangements within financial firms. Furthermore, the episode has brought two other central issues to the attention of thepublic: the role of government and the possible underwriting of risks by the tax-payer,and the general question of moral hazard.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dalam analisis akhir, semua aspek manajemen risiko di perusahaan keuangan perusahaan
isu-isu pemerintahan di bahwa Dewan memiliki tanggung jawab utama untuk nasib sebuah
perusahaan. NR episode menimbulkan beberapa pertanyaan mengenai peran Dewan NR,
dan terutama peran Direksi non-eksekutif. Secara khusus, sejauh mana
itu Dewan memahami implikasi dari strategi bank, dan terutama risiko
Ini adalah pelajaran untuk membedakan antara formal, informal dan pasar monitor bank.
Monitor formal adalah mereka lembaga yang diberi tanggung jawab yang jelas untuk
pengawasan :. dalam kasus Inggris ini termasuk FSA, BOE dan Dewan Bank
monitor Informal, di sisi lain, termasuk media, asosiasi konsumen,
analis akademik, dll monitor Market termasuk lembaga pemeringkat, bank lain, Bank
analis , dll Sementara masing-masing kelompok memiliki fokus yang berbeda, dan dapat mewakili berbagai
kepentingan, mereka semua dengan cara mereka sendiri melakukan pemantauan atau pengawasan peran.
yang lebih luas yang dimaksud adalah dua kali lipat: (1) apakah pengawas berbagai / monitor bank
yang melakukan peran formal atau informal pengawasan secara efektif, dan (2) apakah
mereka memiliki informasi yang cukup tentang karakteristik risiko bank untuk melakukan
penilaian informasi. Titik sentral adalah bahwa, sementara kritik dapat fokus pada pejabat
lembaga (FSA khususnya), jelas bahwa ada kegagalan umum dari
pemantauan dan apresiasi dari risiko yang NR mengambil. Dalam hal risiko LPHI,
tampaknya telah miopia bencana kolektif.
Ada beberapa fitur positif untuk urusan NR. Pertama, menunjukkan
pentingnya kedua bank dan pengawas mereka mempertimbangkan karakteristik risiko
model bisnis dan usaha stres tes yang kuat. Beberapa model bisnis yang jelas
lebih rentan daripada yang lain dan terutama untuk beberapa risiko LPHI. Kedua, reformasi
DPS diperlukan karena inkonsistensi internal, dan urusan NR dilakukan
peran berguna membawa ini ke depan dan kesadaran publik. Ketiga, telah
menekankan pentingnya tata pemerintahan yang efektif dalam perusahaan keuangan.
Selain itu, episode telah membawa dua isu sentral lainnya untuk perhatian
publik: peran pemerintah dan kemungkinan underwriting risiko oleh pembayar pajak,
dan Pertanyaan umum moral hazard.
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