Headache & MigraineNewer The­o­ries on HeadacheHeadache, or migraine i terjemahan - Headache & MigraineNewer The­o­ries on HeadacheHeadache, or migraine i Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Headache & MigraineNewer The­o­ries

Headache & Migraine

Newer The­o­ries on Headache

Headache, or migraine is the most com­mon neu­ro­logic prob­lem of human beings. Many headache suf­fer­ers do not know that what they have is migraine. I believe that any­one with nor­mal brain anatomy who has a headache spon­ta­neously, with­out a blow to the head, is hav­ing “migraine”. So, migraine is not only a severe, uni­lat­eral, throb­bing headache with nau­sea, sen­si­tiv­ity to bright light and visual symp­toms. Migraine can also be a small “sinus headache” in the face or just a feel­ing of neck ten­sion. The pain that accom­pa­nies migraine can be severe, but it can also be mild. It can be episodic, last­ing for hours, or it can be there daily, year after year. The pain may be in the head, the face, or in the neck. Fre­quently daily neck pain patients visit the chiropractor’s office. The face pain patients visit the aller­gist. But they don’t have “sinus headache”, or “a pinched nerve”, they really have migraine. Migraine can cause dizzi­ness or ver­tigo, visual dis­tur­bances, numb­ness, even dif­fi­culty con­cen­trat­ing or get­ting words out. Only a small per­cent­age of migraine suf­fer­ers have these extra symp­toms, most just have headaches.

Every­thing in this hand­out applies only to a per­son who has had a CT scan of the head that shows that the brain is nor­mal. There is no dif­fer­ence between the head pain caused by a brain tumor and a headache from a migraine gene. Every­one with severe or fre­quent headaches must have a CT scan of the head before assum­ing that their headaches are “migraine”.

Migraine is a hyper excitabil­ity of the head pain sys­tem.The early the­o­ries about migraine called it a “vas­cu­lar” headache. That is because the early med­i­cines that helped migraine also con­stricted the blood ves­sels. Recently we’ve learned that the blood ves­sel con­stric­tion is really a side issue. The head pain sys­tem is a small stripe at the back of the low­est por­tion of the brain called the “brain stem”. (See below to learn more about the spe­cific anatomy and the genes that pro­duce migraine.) That stripe is sup­posed to switch “on” only when we get hit in the head. Migraine suf­fer­ers have a genetic dis­or­der that makes the head pain cen­ter turn “on” too eas­ily, it turns on with­out a blow to the head. Often, when the brain stem “pain cen­ter” is turned “on” other nearby groups of cells turn on also pro­duc­ing light sen­si­tiv­ity, nau­sea, dizzi­ness and confusion.

The con­cept of migraine as a hyper excitabil­ity of the head pain sys­tem is not widely rec­og­nized. Most physi­cians have a very nar­row view of migraine. They tend to call our less severe headaches “ten­sion headaches”, or “stress headaches”. They were taught that pent-up anx­i­ety or ten­sion causes con­trac­tion of the mus­cles in the neck and scalp, which makes our head hurt. In real­ity these headaches are also migraine, just mild migraine.

Migraine comes in many forms. The headache loca­tion and sever­ity can vary, some­times it is a mild, gen­er­al­ized headache, other times it is pierc­ing and behind one eye. Some­times all the symp­toms of migraine occur together caus­ing severe dis­abil­ity. Most peo­ple who have not expe­ri­enced a full-blown migraine do not under­stand the dis­abling nature of this syn­drome, it is not just pain. Dur­ing a severe migraine most of our brain cells are not able to func­tion normally.

What should you do once you rec­og­nize you have migraine? All the treat­ments for migraine change the chem­istry of the brain, whether that treat­ment is a med­ica­tion, a daily exer­cise pro­gram, or a vit­a­min to improve your sleep. The med­ica­tions fall gen­er­ally into two cat­e­gories: episodic med­ica­tions, taken only at the time of the headache, and pre­ven­ta­tive med­ica­tions that are taken daily. The type of treat­ment you should use depends on the sever­ity and the fre­quency of your headaches.

There are fac­tors that deter­mine migraine fre­quency such as sleep dis­or­ders and men­strual hor­mone fluc­tu­a­tions. There are also com­mon “trig­gers”; storms that cause baro­met­ric pres­sure changes, monosodium glu­ta­mate (a fla­vor enhancer), exer­cise, espe­cially in teenagers, and some med­ica­tions. If sev­eral ”trig­ger fac­tors” hap­pen at once, the migraine cen­ter switches on and a migraine results. Most peo­ple who have a headache every day on awak­en­ing have a sleep dis­or­der. The most com­mon cause of this sleep prob­lem is vit­a­min D deficiency.

What about sleep? Most peo­ple who have daily headache have a sleep dis­or­der that is caus­ing their headaches to appear daily. Sleep­ing is not sim­ply lying down and becom­ing uncon­scious. There are spe­cific phases of sleep that we must achieve in order to repair. With­out nightly repair and regen­er­a­tion of the chem­i­cals we need to feel good, the head pain sys­tem can be “on” every morn­ing when we wake up. The daily pre­ven­ta­tive med­ica­tions attempt to dupli­cate the chem­i­cals we are lack­ing, and we can use them to make the headaches bet­ter, but the best fix of all is to improve the sleep so we make our own chem­i­cals. Most peo­ple who have sleep dis­or­ders have vit­a­min D and sec­ondary B vit­a­min defi­cien­cies that cause their sleep to be inter­rupted or not restora­tive, i.e. they sleep but still feel tired. Patients with vit­a­min D and B defi­cien­cies often have body pain in addi­tion to daily headache.

How can you pre­vent your migraines? If you have not had your vit­a­min D level checked ask your doc­tor to check your Vit­a­min D25OH level and your Vit­a­min B12 level. Don’t let them tell you they are “nor­mal”, ask for the num­ber. We make vit­a­min D from sun expo­sure so your level in the fall should be 70– 80 ng/ml, your level at the end of win­ter should never fall below 50. For ques­tions about Vit­a­min D defi­ciency and doses go to www.vitamindcouncil.org. Most daily headache suf­fer­ers have both vit­a­min D and sec­ondary B defi­cien­cies. The B12 defi­ciency comes from the vit­a­min D defi­ciency. Your B12 should be >500. If it is not, in addi­tion to vit­a­min D take 1000 mcg vit­a­min B12 pill per day. The shots of B12 are not bet­ter than the pills. Usu­ally a large dose B com­plex such as B 50 is needed for 3 months to regen­er­ate the nor­mal intesti­nal bac­te­ria that usu­ally make our B vit­a­mins. (See vit­a­min D sec­tion or sleep sec­tion for details.) All of these are over the counter sup­ple­ments. Once you hit the right vit­a­min D level and your brain has all the vit­a­mins it needs your sleep will start to nor­mal­ize you will wake rested and your headaches will improve. It is not vit­a­min pills that fix the headaches, it is nor­mal sleep that fixes the headaches and because repair takes time it hap­pens slowly over weeks to months. If you’re still not sleep­ing after 1 month check your D level again and try a sleep med­i­cine. Unfor­tu­nately some peo­ple do these things and still have headaches; they’re the ones who will ben­e­fit from a pre­ven­tive medication.

Most pre­ven­ta­tive med­ica­tions were first used for other rea­sons, such as blood pres­sure con­trol or seizure con­trol. Most have been found to be effec­tive for migraine by acci­dent. Most of the med­ica­tions work on “chan­nels” that allow charged ions such as Cal­cium, Ca+ or Sodium, Na+, to move in and out of the brain cells. Some of the pre­ven­tive med­ica­tions that are com­monly used include ver­a­pamil, zon­isamide, val­proate, top­i­ra­mate, pro­pra­nolol and atenolol.

What about foods that trig­ger migraine? MSG, monosodium glu­ta­mate is very com­mon in pre­pared foods, even canned soup and bouil­lon cubes. It is often in foods that are labelled “smokey” or bar­beque or “Cajun”, usu­ally salty foods, not sweet foods. Look for MSG in any food that you have had in the 6 hours before your bad headaches.

Why are migraines worse around the men­strual cycle or menopause in women? The ovaries pro­duce estro­gen and prog­es­terone, the hor­mones respon­si­ble for the men­strual cycle. The brain tells the ovaries to make these hor­mones. It does this using “releas­ing hor­mone”, a chem­i­cal that is released from the brain into the blood to talk to the ovaries. Releas­ing hor­mone is also a neu­ro­trans­mit­ter; it affects brain cells as well ovary cells. High releas­ing hor­mone lev­els make the migraine cen­ter more hyper excitable, often lead­ing to sleep inter­rup­tion as well. This can lead to monthly headaches in young women and daily headache in women going through menopause.

What do I use if I have a headache once a week or once a month? The over the counter headache med­ica­tions work for most peo­ple with mild headaches. If they are not work­ing then talk to your doc­tor about some­thing stronger. Usu­ally that will be a med­ica­tion called a “trip­tan”, (zolmatrip­tan, naratrip­tan, eletrip­tan, suma­trip­tan, almotrip­tan, frova­trip­tan, riza­trip­tan) one of 7 med­ica­tions that are spe­cific migraine med­i­cines. They work on sero­tonin recep­tors, they are not pain reliev­ers, they are much more effec­tive for the treat­ment of all types of headaches than the OTC medications.

How to use the trip­tans: All of the “trip­tans” are med­i­cines that act on the migraine “pain cen­ter” to make the brain chem­istry go back to nor­mal. They work bet­ter if taken at the begin­ning of the headache, and a big­ger dose will be needed if the headache is already bad. If the trip­tans don’t work for you it usu­ally means that either you took it too late or your brain chem­istry is so out of kil­ter that a daily pre­ven­ta­tive med­ica­tion will be needed before the trip­tans will work for you.

SGom­i­nak 10/2013

Read more on Migraines
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Sakit kepala & migrain

baru The­o­ries pada sakit kepala

sakit kepala atau migrain adalah masalah neu­ro­logic yang paling com­mon manusia. Banyak penderita sakit kepala tidak tahu bahwa apa yang mereka miliki adalah migrain. Saya percaya bahwa siapa pun dengan anatomi otak nor­mal yang memiliki sakit kepala spon­ta­neously, tanpa pukulan ke kepala, adalah memiliki "migrain". Jadi, migrain tidak hanya berat, uni­lat­eral, throb­Bing sakit kepala dengan nau­sea, sen­si­tiv­ity untuk symp­toms cahaya dan visual yang cerah. Migrain juga dapat menjadi kecil "sinus sakit kepala" di wajah atau hanya feel­ing ten­sion leher. Rasa sakit yang accom­pa­nies migrain dapat berat, tetapi juga dapat ringan. Dapat episodik, last­ing jam, atau dapat menjadi tidak setiap hari, tahun demi tahun. Rasa sakit mungkin di kepala, wajah, atau di leher. Pasien sakit leher sehari-hari sering mengunjungi kantor chiropractor. Pasien sakit wajah kunjungi aller­gist. Tetapi mereka tidak memiliki "sakit kepala", atau "saraf terjepit", mereka benar-benar memiliki migrain. Migrain dapat menyebabkan dizzi­ness atau ver­tigo, visual dis­tur­bances, numb­ness, dif­fi­culty bahkan con­cen­trat­ing atau mendapatkan kata. Hanya per­cent­age kecil dari penderita migrain yang memiliki symp­toms tambahan ini, paling hanya memiliki sakit kepala.

semua yang di hand­out ini hanya berlaku untuk orang yang telah memiliki CT scan kepala yang menunjukkan bahwa otak nor­mal. Ada tidak ada perbedaan antara rasa sakit kepala yang disebabkan oleh tumor otak dan sakit kepala dari gen migrain. Semua orang dengan sakit kepala parah atau fre­quent harus CT scan kepala sebelum assum­ing bahwa sakit kepala mereka adalah "migrain".

migrain adalah excitabil­ity hiper dari sistem nyeri kepala.The­o­ries awal tentang migrain menyebutnya "vas­cu­lar" sakit kepala. Hal ini karena obat awal yang membantu migrain juga con­stricted ves­sels darah. Baru-baru ini kami telah mempelajari bahwa darah ves­sel con­stric­tion adalah benar-benar masalah-masalah. Nyeri kepala sistem adalah garis kecil di bagian belakang por­tion low­est otak yang disebut "batang otak". (Lihat di bawah untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang anatomi spe­cific dan gen yang pro­duce migrain.) Garis bahwa sup­posed beralih "pada" hanya ketika kita mendapatkan memukul di kepala. Penderita migrain memiliki dis­or­der genetik yang membuat cen­ter sakit kepala yang menghidupkan "pada" terlalu mudah, itu berubah tanpa pukulan ke kepala. Sering kali, batang otak "rasa sakit cen­ter" diaktifkan "" lain terdekat Rombongan sel menghidupkan juga pro­duc­ing cahaya sen­si­tiv­ity, nau­sea, dizzi­ness, dan kebingungan.

Con­cept migrain sebagai hyper excitabil­ity dari sistem nyeri kepala tidak banyak rec­og­nized. Physi­cians kebanyakan memiliki pemandangan yang sangat nar­row migrain. Mereka cenderung untuk panggilan kita kurang sakit kepala "ten­sion sakit kepala parah", atau "sakit kepala stres". Mereka diajarkan bahwa terpendam anx­i­ety atau ten­sion menyebabkan con­trac­tion mus­cles di leher dan kulit kepala, yang membuat sakit kepala kita. Dalam real­ity ini sakit kepala yang juga migrain, migrain hanya ringan.

migrain datang dalam berbagai bentuk. Sakit kepala ultra-Cool dan sever­ity dapat bervariasi, some­times itu adalah ringan, gen­er­al­ized sakit kepala, kali lain itu adalah pierc­ing dan di belakang satu mata. Some­Times semua symp­toms migrain terjadi bersama caus­ing dis­abil­ity parah. Kebanyakan orang yang tidak memiliki expe­ri­enced full-blown migrain tidak under­stand sifat dis­abling syn­drome ini, tidak hanya sakit. Selama migrain parah sebagian besar sel-sel otak kita tidak mampu fungsi biasanya.

apa yang harus Anda lakukan setelah Anda rec­og­nize Anda memiliki migrain? Semua perawatan untuk migrain mengubah chem­istry otak, Apakah itu pengobatan adalah obat, pro­gram exer­cise harian atau vitamin untuk meningkatkan tidur Anda. Obat gen­er­ally jatuh ke dalam dua cat­e­gories: obat episodik, diambil hanya pada saat pusing, dan pre­ven­ta­tive obat yang diambil setiap hari. Jenis pengobatan yang harus Anda gunakan tergantung pada sever­ity dan fre­quency Anda sakit kepala.

Ada faktor yang menentukan migrain fre­quency seperti tidur dis­or­ders dan fluc­tu­a­tions men­strual hormon. Ada juga com­mon "trig­gers"; badai yang menyebabkan baro­met­ric pres­sure perubahan, monosodium glu­ta­mate (penambah fla­vor), exer­cise, espe­cially pada remaja, dan beberapa obat. Jika sev­eral "trig­ger perpindahan" hap­pen sekaligus, migrain cen­ter switch dan migrain hasil. Kebanyakan orang yang memiliki sakit kepala setiap hari pada awak­en­ing memiliki dis­or­der tidur. Paling com­mon penyebab masalah tidur ini adalah vitamin D kekurangan.

apa tentang tidur? Kebanyakan orang yang memiliki sakit kepala harian memiliki tidur dis­or­der yang adalah caus­ing sakit kepala mereka muncul setiap hari. Sleep­ing tidak cukup berbaring dan becom­ing uncon­scious. Terdapat spe­cific fasa tidur yang harus kita capai dalam rangka untuk memperbaiki. Tanpa malam perbaikan dan regen­er­a­tion dari chem­i­cals yang kita perlu merasa baik, rasa sakit pada kepala sistem dapat "pada" setiap pagi ketika kami bangun. Obat pre­ven­ta­tive harian berusaha duplikat chem­i­cals kami lack­ing, dan kita dapat menggunakannya untuk membuat sakit kepala yang lebih baik, tetapi perbaikan terbaik dari semua adalah untuk meningkatkan tidur jadi kami membuat chem­i­cals kita sendiri. Kebanyakan orang yang memiliki tidur dis­or­ders memiliki vitamin D dan sec­ondary vitamin B defi­cien­cies yang menyebabkan tidur mereka untuk menjadi inter­rupted atau tidak restora­tive, yaitu mereka tidur tapi masih merasa lelah. Pasien dengan vitamin D dan B defi­cien­cies sering memiliki nyeri tubuh di addi­tion untuk sehari-hari kepala.

Bagaimana Anda dapat mencegah migrain Anda? Jika Anda tidak punya Anda vitamin D tingkat diperiksa meminta Anda doc­tor untuk memeriksa tingkat vitamin D25OH Anda dan tingkat vitamin B12. Jangan biarkan mereka memberitahu Anda bahwa mereka "nor­mal", meminta nomor. Kami membuat vitamin D dari eksposur matahari sehingga tingkat Anda di musim gugur harus 70– 80 ng/ml, tingkat Anda pada akhir musim dingin tidak pernah harus turun di bawah 50. Untuk pertanyaan tentang vitamin D defi­ciency dan dosis pergi ke www.vitamindcouncil.org. Kebanyakan penderita sakit kepala harian memiliki vitamin D dan sec­ondary B defi­cien­cies. B12 defi­ciency berasal dari vitamin D defi­ciency. B12 Anda harus mengatakan 500. Jika tidak, dalam addi­tion untuk vitamin D mengambil pil vitamin B12 mcg 1000 setiap hari. Tembakan B12 tidak lebih baik daripada pil. Biasanya dosis besar B com­plex seperti B 50 diperlukan selama 3 bulan untuk regen­er­ate bakteri intesti­nal nor­mal yang biasanya membuat vitamin B kami. (Lihat sec­tion vitamin D atau tidur sec­tion untuk rincian.) Semua ini dapat melalui counter sup­ple­ments. Setelah Anda mencapai tingkat tepat vitamin D dan otak Anda memiliki semua vitamin yang dibutuhkan tidur Anda akan mulai nor­mal­ize Anda akan bangun ia berhenti dan sakit kepala Anda akan meningkatkan. Ianya tidak pil vitamin yang memperbaiki sakit kepala, itu tidur nor­mal yang perbaikan sakit kepala dan karena perbaikan waktu itu hap­pens perlahan-lahan selama minggu ke bulan. Jika Anda tidak masih sedang sleep­ing setelah 1 bulan memeriksa tingkat D Anda lagi dan mencoba med­i­cine tidur. Unfor­Tu­nately beberapa orang melakukan hal ini dan masih memiliki sakit kepala; merekalah yang akan keuntungan dari obat pre­ven­tive.

kebanyakan obat pre­ven­ta­tive yang pertama kali digunakan untuk alasan lain, seperti pres­sure darah kontrol atau kejang kontrol. Sebagian telah ditemukan untuk menjadi efektif untuk migrain oleh acci­dent. Sebagian besar obat bekerja pada "chan­nels" yang memungkinkan bermuatan ion seperti Cal­cium, Ca atau natrium, Na, bergerak masuk dan keluar dari sel-sel otak. Beberapa obat pre­ven­tive yang rawon digunakan meliputi ver­a­pamil, zon­isamide, val­proate, top­i­ra­mate, pro­pra­nolol dan atenolol.

Apa tentang makanan yang trig­ger migrain? MSG, monosodium glu­ta­mate sangat com­mon dalam pre­pared makanan, bahkan kaleng sup dan batu bouil­lon. Hal ini sering dalam makanan yang diberi label "smokey" atau bar­beque atau "Cajun", makanan biasanya asin, makanan tidak manis. Cari MSG dalam makanan yang Anda miliki dalam 6 jam sebelum Anda sakit kepala buruk.

Mengapa Apakah migrain lebih buruk di seluruh siklus men­strual atau menopause dalam perempuan? Ovarium pro­duce estro­gen dan prog­es­terone, hormon respon­si­ble untuk siklus men­strual. Otak memberitahu indung telur untuk membuat hormon ini. Hal ini menggunakan "releas­ing hormon", chem­i­cal yang dirilis dari otak ke dalam darah untuk berbicara dengan ovarium. Releas­ing hormon ini juga neu­ro­trans­mit­ter; itu mempengaruhi sel-sel otak sebagai baik sel-sel dari ovarium. Tinggi releas­ing hormon lev­els membuat migrain cen­ter lebih hiper bersemangat, sering lead­ing tidur inter­rup­tion juga. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan sakit kepala bulanan dalam perempuan muda dan sakit kepala yang sehari-hari pada wanita yang mengalami menopause.

apa yang saya gunakan jika saya punya sakit kepala sekali seminggu atau sekali per bulan? Atas counter obat sakit kepala bekerja untuk kebanyakan orang dengan sakit kepala ringan. Jika mereka tidak bekerja kemudian berbicara dengan doc­tor Anda tentang some­thing yang kuat. Biasanya yang akan menjadi obat yang disebut "trip­tan" (zolmatrip­tan, naratrip­tan, eletrip­tan, suma­trip­tan, almotrip­tan, frova­trip­tan, riza­trip­tan) salah satu obat 7 yang obat migrain spe­cific. Mereka bekerja pada sero­tonin recep­tors, mereka tidak reliev­ers sakit, mereka jauh lebih efektif untuk pengobatan semua jenis sakit kepala dari obat OTC.

cara menggunakan trip­tans: "trip­tans" semua obat yang bertindak pada migrain "rasa sakit cen­ter" untuk membuat otak chem­istry kembali ke nor­mal. Mereka bekerja bet­ter jika diambil pada begin­ning pusing, dan dosis big­ger akan diperlukan jika sakit kepala sudah buruk. Jika trip­tans tidak bekerja untuk Anda biasanya berarti bahwa Anda mengkonsumsinya terlambat atau chem­istry otak Anda tidak begitu kil­ter bahwa obat pre­ven­ta­tive sehari-hari akan diperlukan sebelum trip­tans akan bekerja untuk Anda.

SGom­i­nak 10/2013

Baca lebih di migrain
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Headache & Migraine

Newer The­o­ries on Headache

Headache, or migraine is the most com­mon neu­ro­logic prob­lem of human beings. Many headache suf­fer­ers do not know that what they have is migraine. I believe that any­one with nor­mal brain anatomy who has a headache spon­ta­neously, with­out a blow to the head, is hav­ing “migraine”. So, migraine is not only a severe, uni­lat­eral, throb­bing headache with nau­sea, sen­si­tiv­ity to bright light and visual symp­toms. Migraine can also be a small “sinus headache” in the face or just a feel­ing of neck ten­sion. The pain that accom­pa­nies migraine can be severe, but it can also be mild. It can be episodic, last­ing for hours, or it can be there daily, year after year. The pain may be in the head, the face, or in the neck. Fre­quently daily neck pain patients visit the chiropractor’s office. The face pain patients visit the aller­gist. But they don’t have “sinus headache”, or “a pinched nerve”, they really have migraine. Migraine can cause dizzi­ness or ver­tigo, visual dis­tur­bances, numb­ness, even dif­fi­culty con­cen­trat­ing or get­ting words out. Only a small per­cent­age of migraine suf­fer­ers have these extra symp­toms, most just have headaches.

Every­thing in this hand­out applies only to a per­son who has had a CT scan of the head that shows that the brain is nor­mal. There is no dif­fer­ence between the head pain caused by a brain tumor and a headache from a migraine gene. Every­one with severe or fre­quent headaches must have a CT scan of the head before assum­ing that their headaches are “migraine”.

Migraine is a hyper excitabil­ity of the head pain sys­tem.The early the­o­ries about migraine called it a “vas­cu­lar” headache. That is because the early med­i­cines that helped migraine also con­stricted the blood ves­sels. Recently we’ve learned that the blood ves­sel con­stric­tion is really a side issue. The head pain sys­tem is a small stripe at the back of the low­est por­tion of the brain called the “brain stem”. (See below to learn more about the spe­cific anatomy and the genes that pro­duce migraine.) That stripe is sup­posed to switch “on” only when we get hit in the head. Migraine suf­fer­ers have a genetic dis­or­der that makes the head pain cen­ter turn “on” too eas­ily, it turns on with­out a blow to the head. Often, when the brain stem “pain cen­ter” is turned “on” other nearby groups of cells turn on also pro­duc­ing light sen­si­tiv­ity, nau­sea, dizzi­ness and confusion.

The con­cept of migraine as a hyper excitabil­ity of the head pain sys­tem is not widely rec­og­nized. Most physi­cians have a very nar­row view of migraine. They tend to call our less severe headaches “ten­sion headaches”, or “stress headaches”. They were taught that pent-up anx­i­ety or ten­sion causes con­trac­tion of the mus­cles in the neck and scalp, which makes our head hurt. In real­ity these headaches are also migraine, just mild migraine.

Migraine comes in many forms. The headache loca­tion and sever­ity can vary, some­times it is a mild, gen­er­al­ized headache, other times it is pierc­ing and behind one eye. Some­times all the symp­toms of migraine occur together caus­ing severe dis­abil­ity. Most peo­ple who have not expe­ri­enced a full-blown migraine do not under­stand the dis­abling nature of this syn­drome, it is not just pain. Dur­ing a severe migraine most of our brain cells are not able to func­tion normally.

What should you do once you rec­og­nize you have migraine? All the treat­ments for migraine change the chem­istry of the brain, whether that treat­ment is a med­ica­tion, a daily exer­cise pro­gram, or a vit­a­min to improve your sleep. The med­ica­tions fall gen­er­ally into two cat­e­gories: episodic med­ica­tions, taken only at the time of the headache, and pre­ven­ta­tive med­ica­tions that are taken daily. The type of treat­ment you should use depends on the sever­ity and the fre­quency of your headaches.

There are fac­tors that deter­mine migraine fre­quency such as sleep dis­or­ders and men­strual hor­mone fluc­tu­a­tions. There are also com­mon “trig­gers”; storms that cause baro­met­ric pres­sure changes, monosodium glu­ta­mate (a fla­vor enhancer), exer­cise, espe­cially in teenagers, and some med­ica­tions. If sev­eral ”trig­ger fac­tors” hap­pen at once, the migraine cen­ter switches on and a migraine results. Most peo­ple who have a headache every day on awak­en­ing have a sleep dis­or­der. The most com­mon cause of this sleep prob­lem is vit­a­min D deficiency.

What about sleep? Most peo­ple who have daily headache have a sleep dis­or­der that is caus­ing their headaches to appear daily. Sleep­ing is not sim­ply lying down and becom­ing uncon­scious. There are spe­cific phases of sleep that we must achieve in order to repair. With­out nightly repair and regen­er­a­tion of the chem­i­cals we need to feel good, the head pain sys­tem can be “on” every morn­ing when we wake up. The daily pre­ven­ta­tive med­ica­tions attempt to dupli­cate the chem­i­cals we are lack­ing, and we can use them to make the headaches bet­ter, but the best fix of all is to improve the sleep so we make our own chem­i­cals. Most peo­ple who have sleep dis­or­ders have vit­a­min D and sec­ondary B vit­a­min defi­cien­cies that cause their sleep to be inter­rupted or not restora­tive, i.e. they sleep but still feel tired. Patients with vit­a­min D and B defi­cien­cies often have body pain in addi­tion to daily headache.

How can you pre­vent your migraines? If you have not had your vit­a­min D level checked ask your doc­tor to check your Vit­a­min D25OH level and your Vit­a­min B12 level. Don’t let them tell you they are “nor­mal”, ask for the num­ber. We make vit­a­min D from sun expo­sure so your level in the fall should be 70– 80 ng/ml, your level at the end of win­ter should never fall below 50. For ques­tions about Vit­a­min D defi­ciency and doses go to www.vitamindcouncil.org. Most daily headache suf­fer­ers have both vit­a­min D and sec­ondary B defi­cien­cies. The B12 defi­ciency comes from the vit­a­min D defi­ciency. Your B12 should be >500. If it is not, in addi­tion to vit­a­min D take 1000 mcg vit­a­min B12 pill per day. The shots of B12 are not bet­ter than the pills. Usu­ally a large dose B com­plex such as B 50 is needed for 3 months to regen­er­ate the nor­mal intesti­nal bac­te­ria that usu­ally make our B vit­a­mins. (See vit­a­min D sec­tion or sleep sec­tion for details.) All of these are over the counter sup­ple­ments. Once you hit the right vit­a­min D level and your brain has all the vit­a­mins it needs your sleep will start to nor­mal­ize you will wake rested and your headaches will improve. It is not vit­a­min pills that fix the headaches, it is nor­mal sleep that fixes the headaches and because repair takes time it hap­pens slowly over weeks to months. If you’re still not sleep­ing after 1 month check your D level again and try a sleep med­i­cine. Unfor­tu­nately some peo­ple do these things and still have headaches; they’re the ones who will ben­e­fit from a pre­ven­tive medication.

Most pre­ven­ta­tive med­ica­tions were first used for other rea­sons, such as blood pres­sure con­trol or seizure con­trol. Most have been found to be effec­tive for migraine by acci­dent. Most of the med­ica­tions work on “chan­nels” that allow charged ions such as Cal­cium, Ca+ or Sodium, Na+, to move in and out of the brain cells. Some of the pre­ven­tive med­ica­tions that are com­monly used include ver­a­pamil, zon­isamide, val­proate, top­i­ra­mate, pro­pra­nolol and atenolol.

What about foods that trig­ger migraine? MSG, monosodium glu­ta­mate is very com­mon in pre­pared foods, even canned soup and bouil­lon cubes. It is often in foods that are labelled “smokey” or bar­beque or “Cajun”, usu­ally salty foods, not sweet foods. Look for MSG in any food that you have had in the 6 hours before your bad headaches.

Why are migraines worse around the men­strual cycle or menopause in women? The ovaries pro­duce estro­gen and prog­es­terone, the hor­mones respon­si­ble for the men­strual cycle. The brain tells the ovaries to make these hor­mones. It does this using “releas­ing hor­mone”, a chem­i­cal that is released from the brain into the blood to talk to the ovaries. Releas­ing hor­mone is also a neu­ro­trans­mit­ter; it affects brain cells as well ovary cells. High releas­ing hor­mone lev­els make the migraine cen­ter more hyper excitable, often lead­ing to sleep inter­rup­tion as well. This can lead to monthly headaches in young women and daily headache in women going through menopause.

What do I use if I have a headache once a week or once a month? The over the counter headache med­ica­tions work for most peo­ple with mild headaches. If they are not work­ing then talk to your doc­tor about some­thing stronger. Usu­ally that will be a med­ica­tion called a “trip­tan”, (zolmatrip­tan, naratrip­tan, eletrip­tan, suma­trip­tan, almotrip­tan, frova­trip­tan, riza­trip­tan) one of 7 med­ica­tions that are spe­cific migraine med­i­cines. They work on sero­tonin recep­tors, they are not pain reliev­ers, they are much more effec­tive for the treat­ment of all types of headaches than the OTC medications.

How to use the trip­tans: All of the “trip­tans” are med­i­cines that act on the migraine “pain cen­ter” to make the brain chem­istry go back to nor­mal. They work bet­ter if taken at the begin­ning of the headache, and a big­ger dose will be needed if the headache is already bad. If the trip­tans don’t work for you it usu­ally means that either you took it too late or your brain chem­istry is so out of kil­ter that a daily pre­ven­ta­tive med­ica­tion will be needed before the trip­tans will work for you.

SGom­i­nak 10/2013

Read more on Migraines
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