Hydroelectric energy is just one of numerous sources of electricity ar terjemahan - Hydroelectric energy is just one of numerous sources of electricity ar Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Hydroelectric energy is just one of

Hydroelectric energy is just one of numerous sources of electricity around the world today while financing and funding hydropower project developments will be in demand well into the next century and beyond. This is because the world's needs will persist while we still have an abundance of running water. There are advantages to using this non-polluting power source. It is sustainable, renewable, clean and it controls the river's water flow and prevents or controls flood situations. Some disadvantages of damming rivers are that they can harm many life species that live in the vicinity, the land around the dam can be destroyed, and the action of
the turbines can kill fish and other wildlife.

We at EF123 provide financing for hydropower projects and funding hydroelectric energy developments. The very basics of producing electricity in this manner is that the river water is held back in a reservoir behind a dam. There is a controlled released of the water which rushes through the control gates, past the penstock which turns the turbine which turns the generator which generates electricity which goes to the transformer in the powerhouse. Then the transformer transforms the electricity into a usable, sellable form. The electricity then travels through the power lines and goes to electric meters of homes, factories and businesses. To submit for pre analysis of your hydroelectric energy ideas for financing hydropower development funding click here.

There is an increasing urgency related to the production of sustainable, renewable green energy throughout the world. Financing hydropower projects funding hydroelectric dam developments will continue to be a leading contributor to clean power of this type. Hydro contributes one fifth of the world's electricity production. EF123 offers a comprehensive range of services to developers, sponsors, utility companies, owners, lenders, investors, insurance companies in the efforts to promote the funding and financing of hydroelectric projects and hydropower developments. The historical significance of water as a resource to humanity can be evaluated by it's early uses of which was primarily for irrigation, turning mill stones for grinding grains, textile mills, and the powering of sawmills and other mechanical devices. Ancient Rome was among the first civilizations to employ the efficient use of taking energy from moving water such as water powered mills which produced flour from grains, and in the Far East, hydraulically operated pot wheel pumps raised water into irrigation ditches.

By providing financing for hydroelectric projects and funding hydropower developments we help capitalize on water as a sustainable, renewable green energy source. Hydro processes, wind and coal-fired power facilities produce electricity similarly to some extent. All three require a power source that turn a turbine. This turbine then turns a drive shaft in an electric generator which is the actual motor that produces electricity. A coal fired power plant uses steam, wind mills use the wind whereas a hydro plant uses moving water to turn the turbine. Electricity is the result for all. Water is among the top of the list of nature’s most precious resources. Life is impossible without it. We drink it, wash with it, use it in industry, irrigate crops and landscaping and thousands of other practical uses including power generation.An optimum dam site is one on a river that has a substantial drop in elevation. Few flatland regions offer acceptable terrain for hydro dams. The dam backs up and stores huge amounts of water in the reservoir it creates. Somewhere near the lower portion of the dam wall there is the water intake gate. Gravity pulls the water through the penstock or intake gate inside the dam. Towards the end of the penstock there is a turbine propeller, which is turned as the moving water passes through it. The turbine shaft spins the generator which produces the electricity. The electricity feeds the grid which supplies electricity to homes, businesses and factories it its market. The water then continues unpolluted past the dam into the river for use by water owners downstream.

One of the first steps in the process for the lender or investor's due diligence in hydropower funding and hydroelectric financing is to perform an in-depth analysis of the sponsor's business plan or proforma. They may even have to hire an independent contractor to conduct a feasibility or other study for the due diligence approval. These studies will analyze the environmental data as well as provide substantiation of the financial viability of the business plan. These reports will also spell out the technical, architectural design, financial and other aspects of the entire plan. These elements are very important to the source of capital in its evaluation of the total risk. The assets of the development may or may not be secured. Depending on the investor, there may or may not be a requirement of a lien on the facilities and real property. Other sources underwrite solely on the off take agreements or power purchase agreement ( PPA) secured by assignment of ongoing operating revenues and minimum capacity guarantees. Still some capital providers require liens on all personal property; and assignment of agreements and permits, including any letters of credit or performance guarantee bonds to which the sponsor is the beneficiary.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Hydroelectric energy is just one of numerous sources of electricity around the world today while financing and funding hydropower project developments will be in demand well into the next century and beyond. This is because the world's needs will persist while we still have an abundance of running water. There are advantages to using this non-polluting power source. It is sustainable, renewable, clean and it controls the river's water flow and prevents or controls flood situations. Some disadvantages of damming rivers are that they can harm many life species that live in the vicinity, the land around the dam can be destroyed, and the action of the turbines can kill fish and other wildlife. We at EF123 provide financing for hydropower projects and funding hydroelectric energy developments. The very basics of producing electricity in this manner is that the river water is held back in a reservoir behind a dam. There is a controlled released of the water which rushes through the control gates, past the penstock which turns the turbine which turns the generator which generates electricity which goes to the transformer in the powerhouse. Then the transformer transforms the electricity into a usable, sellable form. The electricity then travels through the power lines and goes to electric meters of homes, factories and businesses. To submit for pre analysis of your hydroelectric energy ideas for financing hydropower development funding click here.There is an increasing urgency related to the production of sustainable, renewable green energy throughout the world. Financing hydropower projects funding hydroelectric dam developments will continue to be a leading contributor to clean power of this type. Hydro contributes one fifth of the world's electricity production. EF123 offers a comprehensive range of services to developers, sponsors, utility companies, owners, lenders, investors, insurance companies in the efforts to promote the funding and financing of hydroelectric projects and hydropower developments. The historical significance of water as a resource to humanity can be evaluated by it's early uses of which was primarily for irrigation, turning mill stones for grinding grains, textile mills, and the powering of sawmills and other mechanical devices. Ancient Rome was among the first civilizations to employ the efficient use of taking energy from moving water such as water powered mills which produced flour from grains, and in the Far East, hydraulically operated pot wheel pumps raised water into irrigation ditches.By providing financing for hydroelectric projects and funding hydropower developments we help capitalize on water as a sustainable, renewable green energy source. Hydro processes, wind and coal-fired power facilities produce electricity similarly to some extent. All three require a power source that turn a turbine. This turbine then turns a drive shaft in an electric generator which is the actual motor that produces electricity. A coal fired power plant uses steam, wind mills use the wind whereas a hydro plant uses moving water to turn the turbine. Electricity is the result for all. Water is among the top of the list of nature’s most precious resources. Life is impossible without it. We drink it, wash with it, use it in industry, irrigate crops and landscaping and thousands of other practical uses including power generation.An optimum dam site is one on a river that has a substantial drop in elevation. Few flatland regions offer acceptable terrain for hydro dams. The dam backs up and stores huge amounts of water in the reservoir it creates. Somewhere near the lower portion of the dam wall there is the water intake gate. Gravity pulls the water through the penstock or intake gate inside the dam. Towards the end of the penstock there is a turbine propeller, which is turned as the moving water passes through it. The turbine shaft spins the generator which produces the electricity. The electricity feeds the grid which supplies electricity to homes, businesses and factories it its market. The water then continues unpolluted past the dam into the river for use by water owners downstream.One of the first steps in the process for the lender or investor's due diligence in hydropower funding and hydroelectric financing is to perform an in-depth analysis of the sponsor's business plan or proforma. They may even have to hire an independent contractor to conduct a feasibility or other study for the due diligence approval. These studies will analyze the environmental data as well as provide substantiation of the financial viability of the business plan. These reports will also spell out the technical, architectural design, financial and other aspects of the entire plan. These elements are very important to the source of capital in its evaluation of the total risk. The assets of the development may or may not be secured. Depending on the investor, there may or may not be a requirement of a lien on the facilities and real property. Other sources underwrite solely on the off take agreements or power purchase agreement ( PPA) secured by assignment of ongoing operating revenues and minimum capacity guarantees. Still some capital providers require liens on all personal property; and assignment of agreements and permits, including any letters of credit or performance guarantee bonds to which the sponsor is the beneficiary.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Energi listrik tenaga air adalah salah satu dari banyak sumber listrik di seluruh dunia saat ini sementara pembiayaan dan pendanaan PLTA perkembangan proyek akan permintaan baik ke abad berikutnya dan seterusnya. Hal ini karena kebutuhan dunia akan bertahan sementara kita masih memiliki banyak air. Ada keuntungan untuk menggunakan ini non-polusi sumber listrik. Hal ini berkelanjutan, terbarukan, bersih dan mengontrol aliran air sungai dan mencegah atau mengendalikan situasi banjir. Beberapa kelemahan dari sungai pembendungan adalah bahwa mereka dapat membahayakan banyak spesies hidup yang hidup di sekitarnya, tanah di sekitar bendungan dapat dihancurkan, dan aksi
turbin dapat membunuh ikan dan satwa liar lainnya. Kami di EF123 menyediakan pembiayaan untuk proyek-proyek pembangkit listrik tenaga air dan mendanai perkembangan energi listrik tenaga air. Dasar-dasar sangat menghasilkan listrik dengan cara ini adalah bahwa air sungai diadakan kembali reservoir belakang bendungan. Ada sebuah dikendalikan dirilis air yang bergegas melalui pintu gerbang kontrol, melewati penstock yang ternyata turbin yang mengubah generator yang menghasilkan listrik yang pergi ke trafo di pembangkit tenaga listrik tersebut. Kemudian transformator mengubah listrik menjadi bentuk sellable digunakan. Listrik kemudian berjalan melalui saluran listrik dan pergi ke meter listrik rumah, pabrik dan bisnis. Untuk mengirimkan untuk analisis pra ide energi listrik tenaga air untuk pembiayaan pembangunan PLTA pendanaan klik di sini. Ada urgensi meningkat terkait dengan produksi yang berkelanjutan, energi hijau terbarukan di seluruh dunia. Pembiayaan proyek-proyek pembangkit listrik tenaga air pendanaan perkembangan bendungan air akan terus menjadi kontributor utama untuk membersihkan kekuatan jenis ini. Hydro kontribusi seperlima dari produksi listrik dunia. EF123 menawarkan berbagai layanan yang komprehensif untuk pengembang, sponsor, perusahaan utilitas, pemilik, kreditur, investor, perusahaan asuransi dalam upaya untuk mempromosikan pendanaan dan pembiayaan proyek-proyek pembangkit listrik tenaga air dan tenaga air perkembangan. Signifikansi historis air sebagai sumber daya untuk kemanusiaan dapat dievaluasi dengan itu penggunaan awal yang terutama untuk irigasi, memutar pabrik batu untuk menggiling biji-bijian, pabrik tekstil, dan menyalakan sawmill dan perangkat mekanis lainnya. Kuno Roma adalah salah satu peradaban pertama yang menerapkan penggunaan efisien mengambil energi dari air yang bergerak seperti air bertenaga pabrik yang memproduksi tepung dari biji-bijian, dan di Timur Jauh, hidrolik dioperasikan pompa roda pot mengangkat air ke selokan irigasi. Dengan menyediakan pembiayaan untuk proyek listrik tenaga air dan perkembangan dana tenaga air kami membantu memanfaatkan air sebagai berkelanjutan, terbarukan sumber energi hijau. Hydro proses, angin dan fasilitas listrik tenaga batu bara menghasilkan listrik sama sampai batas tertentu. Ketiga membutuhkan sumber daya yang memutar turbin. Turbin ini kemudian berubah poros drive dalam sebuah generator listrik yang motor yang sebenarnya yang menghasilkan listrik. Sebuah pembangkit listrik berbahan bakar batubara menggunakan uap, pabrik angin menggunakan angin sedangkan pabrik hidro menggunakan air bergerak untuk memutar turbin. Listrik adalah hasil untuk semua. Air adalah di antara bagian atas daftar sumber daya alam yang paling berharga. Hidup ini tidak mungkin tanpa itu. Kami minum, mencuci dengan itu, menggunakannya dalam industri, mengairi tanaman dan lansekap dan ribuan kegunaan praktis lainnya termasuk tenaga generation.An situs bendungan optimal adalah salah satu di sungai yang memiliki penurunan substansial dalam elevasi. Beberapa daerah dataran menawarkan medan diterima untuk hydro bendungan. Bendungan punggung dan toko jumlah besar air di reservoir itu menciptakan. Suatu tempat di dekat bagian bawah dinding bendungan ada gerbang asupan air. Gravitasi menarik air melalui penstock atau gerbang asupan dalam bendungan. Menjelang akhir penstock ada baling-baling turbin, yang diaktifkan sebagai air bergerak melewati itu. Poros turbin berputar generator yang menghasilkan listrik. Listrik feed jaringan yang memasok listrik ke rumah-rumah, bisnis dan pabrik-pabrik itu pasarnya. Air kemudian terus tercemar melewati bendungan ke sungai untuk digunakan oleh pemilik air hilir. Salah satu langkah pertama dalam proses untuk pemberi pinjaman atau due diligence investor dalam pendanaan PLTA dan pembiayaan tenaga air adalah dengan melakukan analisis mendalam dari sponsor ini rencana bisnis atau proforma. Mereka bahkan mungkin harus menyewa kontraktor independen untuk melakukan kelayakan atau studi lainnya untuk persetujuan due diligence. Studi ini akan menganalisis data lingkungan serta memberikan pembuktian kelayakan keuangan dari rencana bisnis. Laporan-laporan ini juga akan menguraikan, desain arsitektur teknis, aspek keuangan dan lainnya dari seluruh rencana. Unsur-unsur ini sangat penting untuk sumber modal dalam evaluasi dari total risiko. Aset pembangunan mungkin atau mungkin tidak diamankan. Tergantung pada investor, mungkin atau mungkin tidak menjadi persyaratan dari lien pada fasilitas dan properti riil. Sumber-sumber lain menanggung hanya pada perjanjian off take atau kekuasaan perjanjian jual beli (PPA) dijamin dengan penugasan pendapatan usaha yang berkelanjutan dan jaminan kapasitas minimum. Masih beberapa penyedia modal memerlukan hak gadai atas semua properti pribadi; dan penugasan perjanjian dan izin, termasuk surat kredit atau jaminan kinerja obligasi yang sponsor adalah penerima.

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