Trans­mits the tepid feel­ing, wears opens the snow white arm to grasp terjemahan - Trans­mits the tepid feel­ing, wears opens the snow white arm to grasp Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Trans­mits the tepid feel­ing, wear

Trans­mits the tepid feel­ing, wears opens the snow white arm to grasp me un­ex­pect­edly, the steam was say­ing with a smile near my ear: „Li Xiao Yao, don't you want to feel to wear princess's body? She is a princess, doesn't the princess of de­scen­dant of the im­pe­r­ial fam­ily, you want to hold? Come, I in you, so long as you take an oath to give loy­alty to me, I make you hold me.”
I am angry, the both arms shake to hit her sud­denly, is side­ways is an at­trac­tive side kicks, tram­ples her con­tin­u­ally to draw back sev­eral steps, gets angry: „The stature that shame like this do not wear, your this de­spi­ca­ble devil, tum­bled out the body that wore!”
She ac­tu­ally and does not care, stands up slowly, raises the long sword to say with a smile: „What's wrong, do you that trea­sure her body? Ha, Li Xiao Yao, will your this or­di­nary peo­ple un­der­stand that type joy­fully? You do not want me not to re­late, have this per­fect stature, I can re­cruit more god level pow­er­house, I can wait upon in their crotches per­sua­sively, I can make them enjoy my each inch flesh, this stature for me is only a human body, what kind, vi­tal­ity? Come, mas­sacres me, does not mas­sacre me, I make trial enjoy this body tonight, mak­ing him fully enjoy to be over­whelmed with emo­tion the taste of eclipse bone!”
Trial is rais­ing the golden long sword, said with a smile lightly: „Wears, did your agree make me prob­a­bly rec­om­pense fi­nally to look?”
Wears sneers: „Premise is, you can mas­sacre this Tian Ling Em­pire held the spear to say greatly again! So long as re­moves this per­son, Tian Ling Em­pire nu­mer­ous reg­i­ments com­mand def­i­nitely meet the in­ter­nal strife to be un­ceas­ing, when the time comes our cav­alry sol­diers tram­ple flat Tian Ling Em­pire sim­ply are easy as pie, on, mas­sacres Li Xiao Yao with me to­gether, mak­ing his soul for­ever stay in the storm pur­ga­tory!”
Looks to wear, my ag­grieved in the ex­treme, the tears al­most fell, this time, what I can make, what can I achieve to pro­tect once that em­pire princess?
About hun­dred star-level BOSS flushed to­gether, var­i­ous skill con­nec­tion, even if my re­sis­tance has pro­moted 30%, but HP rapidly falls, stuffy snort fell once more first-level, choice same place re­ac­ti­vat­ing, I do not dare dead in bat­tle as be­fore, if dies here, the over­lord cov­er­all will be very likely to fall one, the un­even words, my many ef­forts were in vain!
Must clash, here can only die!
Has pro­moted 60% at­trib­utes, the fly­ing speed also vi­o­lent in­creased, I turned around am a sword fierce storm anx­ious spin bang kill, twist to break to pieces the war armor of many dif­fer­ent demon com­man­der, es­caped, but trial and wore the keenly blow­ing to kill, they killed me to feel at ease as­suredly.
On the face of trial full is just, Ha Ha said with a smile: „Em­pire holds the spear greatly, do not walk, stands the just trial!”
I am burn­ing with anger, this so-called just trial, after to try me, again on the bed „trial” in the stature that does wear?
The ice pole ef­fect ice-bound was oc­cu­pied by many peo­ple, I al­ready ran out of the main hall, al­though be­hind also with dozens peo­ple, but flushed as be­fore, goes to the ferry to go back?
Not was too pos­si­ble, that cy­clopia per­son cer­tainly will not ferry first me, next, the ferry is too slow, may be killed on the ship. That can only fly from the space, is this air­borne giant shadow, what are these?
Steels one's heart, shoots up to the sky, flies!
No mat­ter these are any­thing, spells to try also to fly!
Ices the wing out­break, the whole per­son changed into ices the color ad­van­tage arrow to fire into the sky to­gether.
„Jie Jie”
Air­borne hears the cry­ing out strangely sound, my rashly raises the sword di­rectly is sword fierce storm, the flame of air­borne erup­tion makes me see the pre­sent all, that was one has the mon­sters of in­nu­mer­able ten­ta­cle, did not have th
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Trans­mits the tepid feel­ing, wears opens the snow white arm to grasp me un­ex­pect­edly, the steam was say­ing with a smile near my ear: „Li Xiao Yao, don't you want to feel to wear princess's body? She is a princess, doesn't the princess of de­scen­dant of the im­pe­r­ial fam­ily, you want to hold? Come, I in you, so long as you take an oath to give loy­alty to me, I make you hold me.”I am angry, the both arms shake to hit her sud­denly, is side­ways is an at­trac­tive side kicks, tram­ples her con­tin­u­ally to draw back sev­eral steps, gets angry: „The stature that shame like this do not wear, your this de­spi­ca­ble devil, tum­bled out the body that wore!”She ac­tu­ally and does not care, stands up slowly, raises the long sword to say with a smile: „What's wrong, do you that trea­sure her body? Ha, Li Xiao Yao, will your this or­di­nary peo­ple un­der­stand that type joy­fully? You do not want me not to re­late, have this per­fect stature, I can re­cruit more god level pow­er­house, I can wait upon in their crotches per­sua­sively, I can make them enjoy my each inch flesh, this stature for me is only a human body, what kind, vi­tal­ity? Come, mas­sacres me, does not mas­sacre me, I make trial enjoy this body tonight, mak­ing him fully enjoy to be over­whelmed with emo­tion the taste of eclipse bone!”Trial is rais­ing the golden long sword, said with a smile lightly: „Wears, did your agree make me prob­a­bly rec­om­pense fi­nally to look?”Wears sneers: „Premise is, you can mas­sacre this Tian Ling Em­pire held the spear to say greatly again! So long as re­moves this per­son, Tian Ling Em­pire nu­mer­ous reg­i­ments com­mand def­i­nitely meet the in­ter­nal strife to be un­ceas­ing, when the time comes our cav­alry sol­diers tram­ple flat Tian Ling Em­pire sim­ply are easy as pie, on, mas­sacres Li Xiao Yao with me to­gether, mak­ing his soul for­ever stay in the storm pur­ga­tory!”Looks to wear, my ag­grieved in the ex­treme, the tears al­most fell, this time, what I can make, what can I achieve to pro­tect once that em­pire princess?About hun­dred star-level BOSS flushed to­gether, var­i­ous skill con­nec­tion, even if my re­sis­tance has pro­moted 30%, but HP rapidly falls, stuffy snort fell once more first-level, choice same place re­ac­ti­vat­ing, I do not dare dead in bat­tle as be­fore, if dies here, the over­lord cov­er­all will be very likely to fall one, the un­even words, my many ef­forts were in vain!Must clash, here can only die!Has pro­moted 60% at­trib­utes, the fly­ing speed also vi­o­lent in­creased, I turned around am a sword fierce storm anx­ious spin bang kill, twist to break to pieces the war armor of many dif­fer­ent demon com­man­der, es­caped, but trial and wore the keenly blow­ing to kill, they killed me to feel at ease as­suredly.On the face of trial full is just, Ha Ha said with a smile: „Em­pire holds the spear greatly, do not walk, stands the just trial!”
I am burn­ing with anger, this so-called just trial, after to try me, again on the bed „trial” in the stature that does wear?
The ice pole ef­fect ice-bound was oc­cu­pied by many peo­ple, I al­ready ran out of the main hall, al­though be­hind also with dozens peo­ple, but flushed as be­fore, goes to the ferry to go back?
Not was too pos­si­ble, that cy­clopia per­son cer­tainly will not ferry first me, next, the ferry is too slow, may be killed on the ship. That can only fly from the space, is this air­borne giant shadow, what are these?
Steels one's heart, shoots up to the sky, flies!
No mat­ter these are any­thing, spells to try also to fly!
Ices the wing out­break, the whole per­son changed into ices the color ad­van­tage arrow to fire into the sky to­gether.
„Jie Jie”
Air­borne hears the cry­ing out strangely sound, my rashly raises the sword di­rectly is sword fierce storm, the flame of air­borne erup­tion makes me see the pre­sent all, that was one has the mon­sters of in­nu­mer­able ten­ta­cle, did not have th
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Mentransmisikan perasaan hangat, memakai membuka salju lengan putih untuk memahami saya tiba-tiba, uap mengatakan dengan senyum dekat telinga saya: "Li Xiao Yao, Anda tidak ingin merasa memakai tubuh putri? Dia adalah putri, tidak putri dari keturunan keluarga kekaisaran, Anda ingin terus? Ayo, aku di dalam kamu, selama Anda mengambil sumpah untuk memberikan loyalitas kepada saya, saya membuat Anda memegang saya. "
Aku marah, lengan kedua mengguncang memukulnya tiba-tiba, yang samping adalah tendangan sisi menarik, menginjak-injak dia terus untuk menarik kembali beberapa langkah, marah: "The perawakan yang malu seperti ini tidak memakai, Anda iblis hina ini, berhamburan keluar tubuh yang mengenakan!"
Dia benar-benar dan tidak peduli, berdiri perlahan, mengangkat pedang panjang untuk mengatakan dengan senyum: "Apa yang salah, apakah Anda bahwa harta tubuhnya? Ha, Li Xiao Yao, akan orang-orang biasa ini Anda memahami jenis yang dengan sukacita? Anda tidak ingin saya untuk tidak berhubungan, memiliki perawakan yang sempurna ini, saya dapat merekrut lebih tingkat dewa pembangkit tenaga listrik, aku bisa menunggu saat di selangkangan mereka persuasif, saya bisa membuat mereka menikmati saya setiap daging inci, tinggi badan ini bagi saya adalah hanya tubuh manusia , apa, vitalitas? Ayo, membantai saya, tidak pembantaian saya, saya membuat percobaan menikmati tubuh ini malam ini, membuatnya menikmati menjadi kewalahan dengan emosi rasa tulang gerhana "
Trial menaikkan pedang panjang emas, berkata sambil tersenyum ringan:" Wears ?, apakah Anda setuju membuat saya mungkin membalas akhirnya melihat "
Wears menyeringai:" Premise adalah, Anda dapat pembantaian ini Tian Ling Empire diadakan tombak mengatakan sangat lagi! Selama menghilangkan orang ini, Tian Ling Empire banyak resimen perintah pasti memenuhi perselisihan internal menjadi tak henti-hentinya, ketika saatnya tiba tentara kavaleri kami menginjak-injak datar Tian Ling Empire hanya yang mudah sekali, pada, membantai Li Xiao Yao dengan saya bersama-sama, membuat jiwanya selamanya tinggal di api penyucian badai! "
Terlihat memakai, saya dirugikan secara ekstrim, air mata hampir jatuh, kali ini, apa yang bisa saya buat, apa yang bisa saya capai untuk melindungi sekali bahwa kerajaan putri?
Tentang ratus bintang-tingkat BOSS memerah bersama-sama, berbagai koneksi keterampilan, bahkan jika resistance saya telah dipromosikan 30%, tapi HP cepat jatuh, mendengus pengap jatuh sekali lagi tingkat pertama, pilihan tempat yang sama mengaktifkan, saya tidak berani mati dalam pertempuran seperti sebelumnya, jika meninggal di sini, yang coverall tuan akan sangat mungkin untuk jatuh satu, kata-kata yang tidak rata, banyak usaha saya sia-sia!
harus bentrokan, di sini hanya bisa mati!
Apakah dipromosikan 60% atribut, kecepatan terbang juga kekerasan meningkat, saya berbelok di sekitar seorang sengit pedang badai cemas berputar Bang membunuh, memutar ke istirahat untuk potongan baju besi perang banyak komandan setan yang berbeda, melarikan diri, tetapi percobaan dan mengenakan tajam meniup untuk membunuh, mereka membunuh saya untuk merasa nyaman pasti.
di wajah sidang penuh hanya, ha ha berkata sambil tersenyum: "Empire memegang tombak sangat, tidak berjalan, berdiri hanya percobaan!"
saya terbakar amarah, disebut hanya uji coba ini, setelah mencoba saya, lagi di tempat tidur "trial" di perawakannya yang tidak pakai?
efek es kutub es terikat diduduki oleh banyak orang, saya sudah berlari keluar dari aula utama, meskipun di belakang juga dengan puluhan orang, tapi memerah seperti sebelumnya, pergi ke feri untuk pergi kembali?
tidak terlalu mungkin, bahwa cyclopia orang pasti tidak akan feri pertama saya, selanjutnya, feri terlalu lambat, mungkin dibunuh di kapal. Itu hanya bisa terbang dari ruang, adalah raksasa ini bayangan udara, apa ini?
Baja hati seseorang, tunas ke langit, lalat!
Tidak peduli ini adalah sesuatu, mantra untuk mencoba juga untuk terbang!
Es sayap wabah, seluruh orang berubah menjadi es keuntungan warna panah api ke langit bersama-sama.
"Jie Jie"
Airborne mendengar menangis anehnya suara, saya gegabah mengangkat pedangnya langsung adalah pedang badai ganas, nyala letusan udara membuat saya melihat saat ini semua, itu salah satu memiliki monster dari tentakel tak terhitung, tidak memiliki th
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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