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Smart KeyboardPro / BetterKeyboard SkinsALL-IN-ONEPack!Requirements:All Androidversions, SmartKeyboard Proor BetterKeyboard. (Theskins couldwork for otherkeyboard apps.Just try!)Overview: All-in-One packwith skins forthe famousSmart KeyboardPro / BetterKeyboardandroidapplicationsfrom theofficial forumand AndroidMarket.Contains 197skins!!!(including NEWextra skins)After request ofthe users Idecided tocollect onceagain and re-upload all thekeyboard skinsin one pack,because someof my old fileswere deleted..Enjoy!The skins couldwork for otherkeyboard apps.Just try!How to install :1) downloadthe skins pack(. zip file ) orinstall as annormal app(.apk)copy thecorresponding .zip file/s toyour SD card ina directorynamed “skins”.You need tocreate this“skins”directory at theroot of your SDcard, it doesn’texit.2) You can do itdirectly fromyour phonewith a FileManager (like“Astro FileManager”),otherwise plugyour phone toyour computer,turn on USBstorage, andcopy the filefrom yourcomputer to theSD card (don’tforget to createthe “skins”directory if itdoesn’t exist).3) The skinshould appearat the end ofthe skin list inthe keyboardsettings.The skinsfolder youmake must bein the rootdirectory of thephone itself.Not in thesdcard folder oron your SDchip.–If it doesn’t,read theinstructionsagain as itmeans you didsomethingwrong!–I only collectthe skins.Thanks to theskiners for thehard work.This app hasNOadvertisementsMore Info:Code: http://
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