Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
"Kita akan apa?" Saya bertanya lagi, tidak cukup percaya apa yang baru saja ia katakan."Kita akan bioskop," ia berkata dan kemudian dengan cepat ditambahkan, "Semacam.""Bagaimana kita semacam pergi ke bioskop?" Saya duduk tegak di tempat tidur dan ditonton ketika dia mulai menyeret melalui banyak tas yang ia bawa."Yah, jelas, Dr Marcus akan mengerutkan kening saya penculikan Anda dan membawa Anda ke sebuah film yang nyata," katanya, menarik keluar apa yang tampak seperti mini DVD player dan pengaturan di meja baki kayu saya.Ia posisi itu terhadap dinding, Memancing tepat."Sejak malam di teater itu keluar, saya menarik beberapa string dan berhasil meminjam proyektor digital kecil ini manis dari Departemen Pemasaran, berkat kebaikan oleh HR. Jadi, malam ini, kami akan menonton film pilihan Anda pada layar besar- atau sebagai besar seperti yang kita dapat membuat itu, "tambahnya.Ia membalik saklar, dan alun-alun putih terang yang muncul di dinding kosong di hadapanku."Oh my gosh, Apakah Anda bergurau?" Saya hampir menjerit.Setelah ia selesai mendirikan proyektor, ia berbalik dan tersenyum. "Aku tahu itu tidak cukup nomor tujuh puluh satu, tapi saya pikir kita bisa menghitung sebagai pengganti sampai kami mengelola untuk membuat Anda keluar dari perusahaan ini. Kemudian, kita bisa mendapatkan Anda untuk teater yang sebenarnya, dan Anda bisa menyeberang itu dari daftar Anda."Itu sempurna.""Baik, tetapi saya belum selesai," katanya, bergerak di seluruh kamar untuk tas kertas dari toko kelontong lokal. "Apa teater palsu akan lengkap tanpa popcorn? Aku punya semacam tawar dari bagian organik dan muncul di rumah. Itu mungkin akan rasa seperti kotoran, tapi setidaknya Anda dapat memakannya. Juga, aku punya Anda M & M's dan puding, tentu saja."Ia dibawa tas besar dan upended itu di tempat tidur, menyebabkan saya tertawa. Pra-muncul popcorn dalam kantong plastik serta besar tas M & M's-polos dan kacang — dan banyak puding datang jatuh keluar."Kau gila," kataku."Saya pernah mendengar bahwa banyak hari ini. Jadi, apa Apakah Anda ingin menonton, malaikat?"Ia berlari kembali ke tas hitam yang telah diadakan proyektor dan dihapus laptop hitam ramping. Logo rumah sakit sedikit ditempelkan ke atas. Rupanya, kebaikan dalam HR juga termasuk sebuah laptop."Saya tidak tahu. Apa yang pilihan saya?""Yah, aku mengambil kebebasan memintanya Grace apa yang favorit Anda, dan dia mengajukan diri untuk membawa beberapa selama istirahat makan siang," katanya, menarik keluar sebuah kasus yang diisi dengan DVD "Dia juga melemparkan beberapa ekstra. Memilih apa pun yang Anda inginkan."Aku membuka kulit kasus diisi penuh dengan DVD, dan aku tidak terkejut melihat bahwa rahmat telah mendorong beku dalam slot plastik pertama. Aku mendengus dan pindah, kewalahan oleh Grace's kemurahan hati. Dia berhasil untuk mengumpulkan semua favorit yang terkenal seperti Ferris Bueller's Day Off dan Dirty Dancing serta orang lain aku sudah sekarat untuk melihat tetapi belum berhasil melihat dulu.“This one,” I said, pointing to my selection.“I don’t think I’ve ever seen it. Have you?” he asked, sliding the shiny disk out of its clear plastic home.I shook my head, and he set everything up before joining me back on the bed. I began scooting over to give him more room on my small twin-sized hospital mattress, but he just pulled me back over before pulling the covers over my bare legs. Then, he grabbed a bag of popcorn for us to share.“So, my little bookworm picks a movie about the world’s most famous playwright,” he said.The opening title of Shakespeare in Love scrolled across the screen—or wall.“It’s all fiction, I’m sure, but I like the idea of him basing some of his most famous works on his own life.”Jude was right. The popcorn wasn’t fantastic, but I was used to eating bland food. A couple of M&M’s and a few kernels of popcorn made a good combination, and soon, I was engrossed in the dramatic life of William Shakespeare.Gwyneth Paltrow’s character, Viola had bound herself, dressing like a man to cover her high-society female form, so she could act in Romeo and Juliet. When her deceit is discovered, a fiery love scene quickly follows.My eyes wandered over to the curve of Jude’s strong jaw. He’d shaved since this morning. When he’d kissed me, I’d touched his jaw where my eyes now lingered, loving the raw, masculine feel of his unshaven skin against mine. It was so foreign and unlike anything I’d ever experienced, and I yearned for more.“You’re not watching the movie anymore,” Jude whispered.“Yes, I am,” I answered, quickly glancing back up to the movie.William was unwrapping the binding from Viola’s body as she turned and laughed. He was completely enraptured by her, watching her, as she spun playfully until he finally dropped the last of the cloth and took her into his arms.“No, you were staring at me.” His tone was hushed as the love scene played on.My breath hitched the moment I felt his finger brush against the fabric covering my collarbone, and I shivered as he brushed away loose strands of my hair.“What were you thinking about?” he asked softly. I turned to find his intense gaze settled on mine.“When you kissed me this morning,” I replied, completely forgetting about the movie playing before us. My eyes shifted to his beautiful full lips, and I felt my tongue dart out to wet my own.“Would you like me to kiss you again, Lailah?”“Yes,” I answered, the soft sound coming out more like a plea.“Here?”The pad of his thumb caressed the sensitive pink flesh of my lower lip as he hovered above me. He didn’t wait for an answer, and his mouth descended upon mine. Soft and gentle, he kissed me with aching tenderness that made my heart leap. His arms moved to cradle my body, and he pulled me closer. Then, I felt the warmth of his hand move to my neck.“How about here?” he murmured against the hollow of my throat.Rather than answer, I turned my head, exposing more skin. His head moved downward, and his tongue licked a scorching path across my ivory flesh. As his hand neared the hem of my shirt, my breath caught, and his fingers halted.His eyes met mine. “You just tensed up. Did I make you uncomfortable?”I shook my head, but my dismissal of the situation didn’t go unnoticed.He quickly sat up. “Lailah,” he pleaded, “talk to me.”I rubbed my hands together, avoiding his gaze. “I’m severely scarred,” I finally admitted.Will he look at me differently now that he knows?I was different though. He’d always known that.But now that he knew I have physical proof, will it change how he looks at me? Will there be pity in his eyes or sorrow in the way he views my situation?I’d seen the sad, empathetic looks from everyone else since the day I was born. I’d gotten the shoulder pats and stray tears from those who thought I’d been given the short end at life.Will he join them once he sees the jagged scar running down my chest?When he didn’t respond, I gathered the courage for a brief glance at him, and I was met with a penetrating warm gaze.“We all have scars, Lailah. Some are just more visible than others.”“What are your scars, Jude?” I asked, surprised and scared by my own words.His eyes unfocused for a brief moment as if he’d lost focus with reality. When he finally snapped back, he gave a faint smile. “I’m hiding in plain sight, remember? I’m the estranged heir to a multibillion-dollar fortune. Can’t get much more scarred than that.”My eyes wandered over his inked forearms. The swirling black patterns seemed to have no direction, no purpose. They just meandered down his arms without end.
Did he really ink his skin and change his appearance to disappear from society? Or was he trying to disappear from himself?
“Will you show me?” he asked hesitantly, his voice cutting through my thoughts like a knife.
My hands went to the lower hem of my T-shirt, and I took a deep breath of air, squeezing my eyes shut. I never wore a button-down or a V-neck, so in order to show him, I had to show him all of me.
Warm hands covered mine, and I opened my eyes to find his milky-green irises.
“Let me help you.” His fingers grazed my sides as he took the fabric in his hands before lifting my shirt over my head.
My heart beat faster, and I took several slow breaths to steady it. As soon as the fabric cleared my head, I instinctually moved to cover the pink line between my breasts that I’d had since birth. The same scar had been enlarged and modified with each surgery, growing along with me as I aged.
“Don’t cover yourself,” Jude said softly, pulling my hands away from my body. “You’re beautiful.”
His eyes were everywhere, and that astonished me. When I was shirtless, my scar always took center stage. It screamed for attention. Even medically trained doctors were drawn to it.
The moment Jude’s eyes fell on my half-naked body, he saw me, just me. He didn’t see my scar or a broken girl with no hope for the future. He saw me, and in his eyes, I saw passion and heat, no sorrow or pity.
“You’re beautiful,” he repeated, tracing his fingers over the pink skin.
My eyes fluttered close, and I moaned when his tongue traced the edge of my bra, leaving a wet trail across my breast and up to my mouth. Our legs and bodies quickly intertwined as our kiss intensified. His tongue tangled with mine, over and over, as I moved against him. I felt him harden against me, and rather than blush, I kissed him again, finally understanding what it felt like to use this womanly body I’d been given. His wandering touch slowed, and his frenzied kiss began to fade until he pulled back entirely.
“We need to slow down,” he said, smoothing back a few wild wisps of my hair, as he gently smiled down at me.
I nodded, dodging his green gaze, as I searched for my shirt.
“Lailah, look at me.”
I didn’t. I just continued my hunt until gentle fingers turned my head.
“What did I say? Tell me what I did wrong.”
“Would you have stopped if I were anyone else, Jude?” I asked, folding my hands over my plain white cotton bra.
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