In an article named

In an article named "Reconfiguring

In an article named "Reconfiguring the higher education value chain", after a short review on value chain
concept, the authors tried to redefine the value driving activities for higher education includes: Student enrolments,
Research grants and publications, Teaching and learning training, Research training and development services,
Technology, Student’s evaluation of teaching, and Visibility. This paper represented the reconfigured value chain in
higher education. The reconfigured model captures the increasing significance of support services, the emerging
trend of teaching and learning (in large part independent of the physical presence, i.e. reducing level of contact),
technology as an enabler as well as a creator of cost advantage and enhanced efficiency; and the formalisation of
marketing and sales services. The activities identified have a structure and are capable of being outsourced (figure
3). Therefore, this study has revisited Porter’s value chain analysis and extended its application to the higher
education sector (Pathak & Pathak, 2010)
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
In an article named "Reconfiguring the higher education value chain", after a short review on value chain concept, the authors tried to redefine the value driving activities for higher education includes: Student enrolments, Research grants and publications, Teaching and learning training, Research training and development services, Technology, Student’s evaluation of teaching, and Visibility. This paper represented the reconfigured value chain in higher education. The reconfigured model captures the increasing significance of support services, the emerging trend of teaching and learning (in large part independent of the physical presence, i.e. reducing level of contact), technology as an enabler as well as a creator of cost advantage and enhanced efficiency; and the formalisation of marketing and sales services. The activities identified have a structure and are capable of being outsourced (figure 3). Therefore, this study has revisited Porter’s value chain analysis and extended its application to the higher education sector (Pathak & Pathak, 2010)
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dalam sebuah artikel yang bernama "Rekonfigurasi semakin tinggi pendidikan rantai nilai", setelah review singkat dari rantai nilai
konsep, penulis mencoba untuk mendefinisikan kegiatan nilai mengemudi untuk pendidikan tinggi meliputi: pendaftaran mahasiswa,
hibah penelitian dan publikasi, Pengajaran dan pelatihan pembelajaran, Penelitian pelatihan dan pengembangan,
teknologi, evaluasi Mahasiswa mengajar, dan Visibility. Makalah ini mewakili rantai nilai ulang di
pendidikan tinggi. Model ulang menangkap makna peningkatan layanan dukungan, yang muncul
tren belajar mengajar (sebagian besar independen dari kehadiran fisik, yaitu mengurangi tingkat kontak),
teknologi sebagai enabler serta pencipta keunggulan biaya dan meningkatkan efisiensi ; dan formalisasi
pemasaran dan layanan penjualan. Kegiatan diidentifikasi memiliki struktur dan mampu sedang outsourcing (gambar
3). Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini telah ditinjau analisis rantai nilai Porter dan diperpanjang aplikasi untuk tinggi
sektor pendidikan (Pathak & Pathak, 2010)
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