Element grading systems were developed primarily for built and landsca terjemahan - Element grading systems were developed primarily for built and landsca Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Element grading systems were develo

Element grading systems were developed primarily for built and landscape heritage and do not translate easily to assessing archaeological resources. For example, sites of archaeological significance may have high degrees of deposit intactness and research potential but not much original fabric and they usually
contain the remains multiple phases of occupation at a site. They can rarely be easily interpreted without further work. Many will need detailed historical research, followed by careful excavation and analysis to identify and express their stories.

A specific grading or ranking is yet to be developed for historical archaeological resources, but those above may assist with providing a useful context and structure for grading heritage values for complex sites or places.
Misunderstanding of the suggested use of these kinds of ranking to assess the individual elements of a place as a contribution to its heritage value has led to the inaccurate but widespread use of invented terms such as high-Local or low- State significance. One explanation for the use of such terms is confusion
between the terminology for the overall assessment levels (State and local) and the above kind of tabulated grading system for elements of individual places. Another explanation may be that prior to the amendment of the Heritage Act in 1998 a three tiered heritage classification system existed in NSW:
• Local;
• Regional; and
• State.
This three tired system was used extensively in the Heritage Studies conducted in most Local Government Areas throughout NSW, as well as in conservation management plans, heritage impact assessment documents and planning instruments – Local Environmental Plans and Regional Environmental Plans.
It is likely that in some instances practitioners are expressing a view through the assessment process that there are some items or places which may be of significance to a community broader than a local government area, but that these items may not reach the State heritage significance threshold.

Nevertheless, terms such as high, medium or low significance or High-State and Low-Local significance are inaccurate and reflect an inappropriate use of the previously published guidelines issued
following the 1998 amendments to the Heritage Act, 1977. Use of these kinds of terms effectively creates six potential levels of heritage assessment, when only two levels exist in the NSW system as administered under the Heritage Act.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Element grading systems were developed primarily for built and landscape heritage and do not translate easily to assessing archaeological resources. For example, sites of archaeological significance may have high degrees of deposit intactness and research potential but not much original fabric and they usuallycontain the remains multiple phases of occupation at a site. They can rarely be easily interpreted without further work. Many will need detailed historical research, followed by careful excavation and analysis to identify and express their stories.A specific grading or ranking is yet to be developed for historical archaeological resources, but those above may assist with providing a useful context and structure for grading heritage values for complex sites or places.Misunderstanding of the suggested use of these kinds of ranking to assess the individual elements of a place as a contribution to its heritage value has led to the inaccurate but widespread use of invented terms such as high-Local or low- State significance. One explanation for the use of such terms is confusionbetween the terminology for the overall assessment levels (State and local) and the above kind of tabulated grading system for elements of individual places. Another explanation may be that prior to the amendment of the Heritage Act in 1998 a three tiered heritage classification system existed in NSW:• Local;• Regional; and• State.This three tired system was used extensively in the Heritage Studies conducted in most Local Government Areas throughout NSW, as well as in conservation management plans, heritage impact assessment documents and planning instruments – Local Environmental Plans and Regional Environmental Plans.It is likely that in some instances practitioners are expressing a view through the assessment process that there are some items or places which may be of significance to a community broader than a local government area, but that these items may not reach the State heritage significance threshold.Nevertheless, terms such as high, medium or low significance or High-State and Low-Local significance are inaccurate and reflect an inappropriate use of the previously published guidelines issuedfollowing the 1998 amendments to the Heritage Act, 1977. Use of these kinds of terms effectively creates six potential levels of heritage assessment, when only two levels exist in the NSW system as administered under the Heritage Act.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Sistem penilaian Elemen dikembangkan terutama untuk membangun dan warisan lansekap dan tidak menerjemahkan dengan mudah untuk menilai sumber daya arkeologi. Misalnya, situs penting arkeologi mungkin memiliki derajat yang tinggi keutuhan deposito dan potensi penelitian tapi tidak banyak kain asli dan mereka biasanya
mengandung tetap beberapa tahapan pekerjaan di sebuah situs. Mereka jarang dapat dengan mudah ditafsirkan tanpa pekerjaan lebih lanjut. Banyak yang memerlukan penelitian sejarah rinci, diikuti oleh penggalian yang cermat dan analisis untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengekspresikan cerita mereka. Sebuah gradasi tertentu atau peringkat yang belum dikembangkan untuk sumber daya sejarah arkeologi, tapi yang di atas dapat membantu dengan menyediakan konteks yang berguna dan struktur untuk kadar warisan Nilai untuk situs yang kompleks atau tempat. Kesalahpahaman penggunaan yang disarankan dari jenis peringkat untuk menilai unsur-unsur individual dari tempat sebagai kontribusi terhadap nilai warisan telah menyebabkan penggunaan yang tidak akurat tetapi luas istilah diciptakan seperti high-lokal atau rendah - signifikansi Negara. Satu penjelasan untuk penggunaan istilah tersebut adalah kebingungan antara istilah untuk tingkat keseluruhan penilaian (negara bagian dan lokal) dan jenis di atas sistem penilaian ditabulasi untuk elemen tempat individu. Penjelasan lain mungkin bahwa sebelum amandemen UU Warisan Budaya di 1998 tiga sistem klasifikasi warisan berjenjang ada di NSW: • Daerah; • Daerah; dan . • Negara tiga sistem lelah ini digunakan secara luas dalam Studi Heritage dilakukan di sebagian Wilayah Pemerintah Daerah di seluruh NSW, serta dalam rencana pengelolaan konservasi, dokumen penilaian dampak warisan dan instrumen perencanaan - Rencana Lingkungan Daerah dan Rencana Lingkungan Daerah. Hal ini kemungkinan bahwa dalam beberapa kasus praktisi mengekspresikan pandangan melalui proses penilaian bahwa ada beberapa item atau tempat yang mungkin penting untuk masyarakat luas dari wilayah pemerintah lokal, tetapi barang-barang tersebut tidak mencapai ambang batas signifikansi warisan Negara. Namun demikian , istilah-istilah seperti signifikansi tinggi, sedang atau rendah atau tinggi-Negara dan signifikansi rendah lokal tidak akurat dan mencerminkan penggunaan yang tidak tepat pedoman diterbitkan sebelumnya dikeluarkan setelah 1998 amandemen UU Warisan, 1977. Penggunaan jenis-jenis istilah efektif menciptakan enam tingkat potensi penilaian warisan, ketika hanya dua tingkat yang ada dalam sistem NSW yang diberikan di bawah Undang-Undang Warisan.

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