it was the sound of laughter and children’s voices that caught my atte terjemahan - it was the sound of laughter and children’s voices that caught my atte Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

it was the sound of laughter and ch

it was the sound of laughter and children’s voices that caught my attention. Curious, I materialized in my old bedroom and went out into the hallway to peer over the railing by the grand staircase. The voices had come from the Great Hall, where the house tours gathered. Yes, there were two children scampering about, to the distraction of their parents. An older boy and a tousled haired little toddler who reminded me of my own daughter at that age.
“No, no Alicia. Don’t touch,” her mother agonized at the little girl flung herself onto a rocker by the fireplace.
Alicia. No wonder I had felt compelled to return. There was an Alicia in this house again. How appropriate. There had been an Alicia in every generation of our family from the 1600s to the present. We’d called my little Alicia “Timmie”, I reminisced.
The tour began, and I followed them eagerly, floating down the stairs and hovering in the grandmother’s hallway. Little Alicia was swung up into her father’s arms as the group moved into the library next door. Looking over his shoulder, the tousle-haired youngster saw me. She lifted her hand to me. “Hi!” she piped.
“Hi back,” I returned solemnly. Her father glanced vaguely around, but did not see who his child was addressing. I grinned conspiratorally at the little toddler and winked. She tried to wink back, blinking her blue eyes several times in rapid succession, her face crinkling with the effort. I chuckled softly and followed the group into the dining room.
I swished passed Alicia’s mother and went through the butler’s pantry into the kitchen. Behind me, Alicia’s mother shivered and asked: “Is there a draft in here?” I looked at the picture of my little Timmie on the back of the stove. Yes, this little Alicia resembled her. I perched myself on a table in the corner of the room and listened as the tour guide discussed Father’s obsession with southern biscuits and showed everyone the huge bin of coffee. Alicia waved a hand at me from her father’s shoulder. “Lady,” she said very clearly to her mother, pointing at me. Her mother looked straight at me, seeing nothing but the table. Alicia’s brother turned my way and squinted very hard, as if he might be able to make out my outline if he stared hard enough. I smiled at him.
I floated up and up through the ceiling then and settled myself in the little toy room on the upper landing, waiting for Alicia to come upstairs. I heard her little voice insisting that her father put her “down”. Then the sound of little feet chugging mightily as she climbed the steps. With a smile, the woman looking into the toy room moved aside so Alicia and her brother could take a look. I couldn’t resist. “Peek-a-boo!” I called, appearing suddenly around the doorway. Alicia laughed in delight. “Peek-boo!” she giggled, hiding her eyes behind her hands. Obediently, her big brother did the same. He obviously loved this tiny moppet.
“Come on Peek-a-Boo,” Alicia’s father said indulgently, picking her up again and taking her with him up to the second floor hallway. I went to stand by the grand staircase again, watching the tourists move in and out of the guest rooms. Alicia waved to me as they entered my room, then around to my parents bedroom and out past the bath to the game room. Father had loved playing billiards with his guests, I mused with a smile, touching one of the balls with the tip of my finger. Beside me, the tour guide was telling the visitors about our buffalo herd. Father had been very worried about the bison. So many of them were being killed. So he bought a herd and they roamed the roads and byways around Kalispell freely all their lives. After the head male died of old age, Father had his head stuffed by my uncle, and his head still hung in the game room.
I floated up to the third floor and sat in one of the wicker chairs as the guide took the guests around to the sewing room, father’s private hideaway, the laundry room, our game room. Alicia ran all around, laughing and stomping her little feet in her cunning sneakers. She flung herself into my lap and we stared happily at one another, giggling together, until her mother came running. “No, no Alicia. Mustn’t touch.”
The tour was nearly over. The group gathered in the back hallway – the Grandmothers hallway – for one last bit of history. The guide showed them the ‘secret’ hiding places in the wall and showed them a note I’d written to my grandmother many years ago. Then they were saying goodbye, and Alicia waved her little hand to me as her parents exited through the door of the gift shop.
“Goodbye Alicia,” I called as her brother walked right through me. That felt strange to me, but worse for him I think. He turned pale and shivered. Then made a bolt for the door.
“Bye-bye,” Alicia called back to me as her brother pushed his father aside and fled out the screen door and down the steps to the drive.
“That place is creepy,” he told his mother as they walked together into the garden. ‘I think it’s haunted!”
Haunted, I thought, amused. By happy memories, certainly. And perhaps occasionally by something else! I leaned out the window and waved once more to little Alicia, though the toddler didn’t see me. Then I vanished.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
it was the sound of laughter and children’s voices that caught my attention. Curious, I materialized in my old bedroom and went out into the hallway to peer over the railing by the grand staircase. The voices had come from the Great Hall, where the house tours gathered. Yes, there were two children scampering about, to the distraction of their parents. An older boy and a tousled haired little toddler who reminded me of my own daughter at that age.
“No, no Alicia. Don’t touch,” her mother agonized at the little girl flung herself onto a rocker by the fireplace.
Alicia. No wonder I had felt compelled to return. There was an Alicia in this house again. How appropriate. There had been an Alicia in every generation of our family from the 1600s to the present. We’d called my little Alicia “Timmie”, I reminisced.
The tour began, and I followed them eagerly, floating down the stairs and hovering in the grandmother’s hallway. Little Alicia was swung up into her father’s arms as the group moved into the library next door. Looking over his shoulder, the tousle-haired youngster saw me. She lifted her hand to me. “Hi!” she piped.
“Hi back,” I returned solemnly. Her father glanced vaguely around, but did not see who his child was addressing. I grinned conspiratorally at the little toddler and winked. She tried to wink back, blinking her blue eyes several times in rapid succession, her face crinkling with the effort. I chuckled softly and followed the group into the dining room.
I swished passed Alicia’s mother and went through the butler’s pantry into the kitchen. Behind me, Alicia’s mother shivered and asked: “Is there a draft in here?” I looked at the picture of my little Timmie on the back of the stove. Yes, this little Alicia resembled her. I perched myself on a table in the corner of the room and listened as the tour guide discussed Father’s obsession with southern biscuits and showed everyone the huge bin of coffee. Alicia waved a hand at me from her father’s shoulder. “Lady,” she said very clearly to her mother, pointing at me. Her mother looked straight at me, seeing nothing but the table. Alicia’s brother turned my way and squinted very hard, as if he might be able to make out my outline if he stared hard enough. I smiled at him.
I floated up and up through the ceiling then and settled myself in the little toy room on the upper landing, waiting for Alicia to come upstairs. I heard her little voice insisting that her father put her “down”. Then the sound of little feet chugging mightily as she climbed the steps. With a smile, the woman looking into the toy room moved aside so Alicia and her brother could take a look. I couldn’t resist. “Peek-a-boo!” I called, appearing suddenly around the doorway. Alicia laughed in delight. “Peek-boo!” she giggled, hiding her eyes behind her hands. Obediently, her big brother did the same. He obviously loved this tiny moppet.
“Come on Peek-a-Boo,” Alicia’s father said indulgently, picking her up again and taking her with him up to the second floor hallway. I went to stand by the grand staircase again, watching the tourists move in and out of the guest rooms. Alicia waved to me as they entered my room, then around to my parents bedroom and out past the bath to the game room. Father had loved playing billiards with his guests, I mused with a smile, touching one of the balls with the tip of my finger. Beside me, the tour guide was telling the visitors about our buffalo herd. Father had been very worried about the bison. So many of them were being killed. So he bought a herd and they roamed the roads and byways around Kalispell freely all their lives. After the head male died of old age, Father had his head stuffed by my uncle, and his head still hung in the game room.
I floated up to the third floor and sat in one of the wicker chairs as the guide took the guests around to the sewing room, father’s private hideaway, the laundry room, our game room. Alicia ran all around, laughing and stomping her little feet in her cunning sneakers. She flung herself into my lap and we stared happily at one another, giggling together, until her mother came running. “No, no Alicia. Mustn’t touch.”
The tour was nearly over. The group gathered in the back hallway – the Grandmothers hallway – for one last bit of history. The guide showed them the ‘secret’ hiding places in the wall and showed them a note I’d written to my grandmother many years ago. Then they were saying goodbye, and Alicia waved her little hand to me as her parents exited through the door of the gift shop.
“Goodbye Alicia,” I called as her brother walked right through me. That felt strange to me, but worse for him I think. He turned pale and shivered. Then made a bolt for the door.
“Bye-bye,” Alicia called back to me as her brother pushed his father aside and fled out the screen door and down the steps to the drive.
“That place is creepy,” he told his mother as they walked together into the garden. ‘I think it’s haunted!”
Haunted, I thought, amused. By happy memories, certainly. And perhaps occasionally by something else! I leaned out the window and waved once more to little Alicia, though the toddler didn’t see me. Then I vanished.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
itu suara tawa dan suara anak-anak yang menarik perhatian saya. Penasaran, saya terwujud di kamar tidur lama saya dan pergi ke lorong untuk mengintip dari pagar oleh grand tangga. Suara-suara itu datang dari Aula Besar, di mana wisata rumah berkumpul. Ya, ada dua anak berlari tentang, dengan gangguan dari orang tua mereka. Seorang anak yang lebih tua dan balita sedikit kusut berambut yang mengingatkan saya pada anak saya sendiri pada usia itu.
"Tidak, tidak Alicia. Jangan sentuh, "ibunya menderita pada gadis kecil melemparkan dirinya ke sebuah rocker oleh perapian.
Alicia. Tidak heran aku merasa terdorong untuk kembali. Ada Alicia di rumah ini lagi. Bagaimana tepat. Telah terjadi Alicia dalam setiap generasi keluarga kami dari tahun 1600-an hingga saat ini. Kami menelepon saya sedikit Alicia "Timmie", aku kenang.
Tur dimulai, dan saya mengikuti mereka bersemangat, mengambang menuruni tangga dan melayang di lorong nenek. Sedikit Alicia berayun ke dalam pelukan ayahnya sebagai kelompok pindah ke perpustakaan sebelah. Mencari atas bahunya, anak muda berambut kusut melihat saya. Dia mengangkat tangannya padaku. "Hai!" Ia pipa.
"Hi kembali," aku kembali dengan sungguh-sungguh. Ayahnya melirik samar-samar di sekitar, tapi tidak melihat siapa anaknya sedang berbicara. Aku menyeringai conspiratorally di balita kecil dan mengedipkan mata. Dia mencoba mengedipkan mata kembali, berkedip mata birunya beberapa kali dalam suksesi cepat, wajahnya berkerut dengan usaha. Aku tertawa pelan dan mengikuti kelompok ke ruang makan.
Aku berdesir melewati ibu Alicia dan pergi melalui dapur 's butler ke dapur. Di belakang saya, ibu Alicia menggigil dan bertanya: "Apakah ada konsep di sini?" Aku melihat gambar Timmie kecil saya di bagian belakang kompor. Ya, Alicia kecil ini mirip dirinya. Aku bertengger sendiri di atas meja di sudut ruangan dan mendengarkan sebagai pemandu wisata dibahas obsesi Bapa dengan biskuit selatan dan menunjukkan semua orang bin besar kopi. Alicia melambaikan tangan pada saya dari bahu ayahnya. "Lady," katanya dengan sangat jelas kepada ibunya, menunjuk ke arahku. Ibunya menatap lurus ke arahku, melihat apa-apa kecuali meja. Kakak Alicia berbalik jalan dan menyipitkan mata sangat keras, seolah-olah ia mungkin bisa membuat keluar garis saya jika dia menatap cukup keras. Aku tersenyum padanya.
Aku melayang naik dan naik melalui langit-langit itu dan menetap diri di ruang mainan kecil mendarat atas, menunggu Alicia datang atas. Aku mendengar suara kecilnya bersikeras bahwa ayahnya memasukkannya ke "bawah". Kemudian suara kaki kecil menenggak mati-matian sambil menaiki tangga. Sambil tersenyum, wanita melihat ke ruang mainan menepi begitu Alicia dan adiknya bisa melihat. Aku tidak bisa menahan. "Peek-a-boo!" Aku menelepon, tiba-tiba muncul di ambang pintu. Alicia tertawa gembira. "Peek-boo!" Dia terkikik, menyembunyikan matanya di balik tangannya. Patuh, kakaknya melakukan hal yang sama. Dia jelas mencintai anak kecil kecil ini.
"Ayo Peek-a-Boo," kata ayah Alicia sabar, menjemputnya lagi dan membawanya dengan dia sampai ke lantai dua lorong. Aku pergi ke berdiri di tangga besar lagi, menonton para wisatawan bergerak masuk dan keluar dari kamar. Alicia melambaikan tangan kepada saya saat mereka memasuki kamar saya, maka sekitar untuk orang tua saya tidur dan keluar melewati mandi ke ruang permainan. Ayah senang bermain biliar dengan tamunya, pikirku sambil tersenyum, menyentuh salah satu bola dengan ujung jari saya. Di samping saya, pemandu wisata mengatakan kepada pengunjung tentang kawanan kerbau kami. Bapa telah sangat khawatir tentang bison. Begitu banyak dari mereka dibunuh. Jadi dia membeli ternak dan mereka berkeliaran di jalan dan byways sekitar Kalispell bebas sepanjang hidup mereka. Setelah kepala laki-laki meninggal karena usia tua, Ayah memiliki kepala boneka oleh paman saya, dan kepalanya masih tergantung di ruang permainan.
Saya melayang ke lantai tiga dan duduk di salah satu kursi rotan sebagai panduan mengambil para tamu sekitar ke ruang jahit, swasta persembunyian ayah, ruang cuci, ruang permainan kami. Alicia berlari di sekitar, tertawa dan menghentak kaki kecilnya di sepatu kets licik nya. Dia melemparkan dirinya ke pangkuanku dan kami menatap bahagia satu sama lain, cekikikan bersama-sama, sampai ibunya berlari. "Tidak, tidak Alicia. Tidak harus menyentuh. "
Tur ini hampir berakhir. Kelompok berkumpul di lorong belakang - the nenek lorong - untuk satu bit terakhir dari sejarah. Panduan menunjukkan mereka 'rahasia' tempat persembunyian di dinding dan menunjukkan mereka catatan yang kutulis untuk nenek saya beberapa tahun yang lalu. Kemudian mereka mengucapkan selamat tinggal, dan Alicia melambaikan tangan kecilnya untuk saya sebagai orang tuanya keluar melalui pintu toko suvenir.
"Selamat tinggal Alicia," Saya dipanggil sebagai kakaknya berjalan menembus saya. Yang merasa aneh bagiku, tapi lebih buruk padanya aku berpikir. Dia menjadi pucat dan menggigil. Kemudian membuat baut untuk pintu.
"Bye-bye," Alicia dipanggil kembali untuk saya sebagai kakaknya mendorong ayahnya ke samping dan melarikan diri keluar pintu kasa dan menuruni tangga ke drive.
"Tempat itu menyeramkan," katanya kepada-Nya Ibu saat mereka berjalan bersama-sama ke kebun. "Saya pikir itu berhantu!"
Haunted, saya pikir, geli. Dengan kenangan indah, tentu. Dan mungkin kadang-kadang oleh sesuatu yang lain! Aku bersandar ke luar jendela dan melambaikan tangan sekali lagi untuk sedikit Alicia, meskipun balita tidak melihat saya. Lalu aku menghilang.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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