Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Saat ini, besar ini empat gunung dan laut beralih sudah menyatu dalam satu, besar dan kuat, di bawah arahan Xu Qing, menuju pelopor kelima gunung dan laut, tujuan... Keenam gunung dan laut dan ketujuh gunung dan laut ras alien di kamp hanya saat ini.Seperti untuk kedelapan dengan laut gunung kesembilan, telah menyelesaikan perang yang dipadamkan membunuh ras alien, sudah kental dalam bersama-sama, koordinat dengan gunung dan laut, dari arah lain, serangan ketujuh gunung dan laut.Perang ini, untuk saat ini, terus dalam beberapa bulan, tetapi perubahan bulan ini beberapa, sebenarnya membalikkan Vault surga menjadi biasa, mammoth.Pertempuran menentukan, pada hari ini, di ketujuh gunung dan laut dan Gunung keenam dan laut, benar pecah, ini pertempuran yang menentukan, Meng Hao berpartisipasi, munculnya Paragon wayang, yang memungkinkan ini juga dalam ras alien perlawanan, sedih pada saat yang sama, despairs.Tapi kebanyakan powerhouse di ras alien, baju besi itu emas Dao Senior, pahit dan zat makna, yang tidak terkatakan.Menyapu pergi pegunungan dan laut pesawat beralih yang datang menghadap seperti banjir umumnya, menghadapi Hai Meng Paragon dan menakutkan wayang Paragon, menghadapi kedatangan De Cang serta Meng Hao, menghadap Tuhan yang besar dari gunung dan laut rupa satu demi satu, ketujuh gunung dan laut, keenam gunung dan laut ras alien, benar-benar tidak memiliki kekuatan perang.„Submits, falls from the sky!” When the Meng Hao sound, reverberates in this battlefield, all Mountains and Seas Plane cultivator gradually, no longer act, but shouted such sound completely.This sound, is having the imposing manner of difficult word, is bringing rigid, has the spirit that the race rises, as if returned to once Paragon immortal world, the looking disdainfully world is common.„Submits, falls from the sky!”„Submits, falls from the sky!!” This sound rumbling, in Mountains and Seas Plane, the reverberation was dreadfully unceasing, contained the formidable oppression, caused these alien races, shivered in this moment.Meng Hao had not planned that extinguishes all alien races kills, this is a waste, if the alien race chooses to submit, then imperceptibly causes the Mountains and Seas Plane strength, because of continuing of war, not only has not reduced, instead will increase.But this, same is the war final hope.Regarding Meng Hao these words, Hai Meng Paragon slight bow, if in fact Meng Hao did not say that she also plans to propose this idea, De Cang is also good, other Lord of the Mountain and Sea, although some are having the dissident views, but at this moment, existence of Meng Hao, is in itself the highest will in Mountains and Seas Plane.Even in entire Mountains and Seas Plane intrepid of cultivator mortal body, is related with Meng Hao, they naturally cannot rebel.Not the too long thinking, this moment Seventh Mountain and Sea and in the Sixth Mountain and Sea alien race, that strongest golden armor Dao Senior, mirthless smile, has dispersed Cultivation, toward Mountains and Seas Plane, lowered the head.„Submits to!”Has to submit, must submit, only if ... The entire clan falls from the sky.The voice of this golden armor alien race, reverberates the entire battlefield, spreads to seventh with Sixth Mountain and Sea, after these alien races hear, unexpectedly many relaxing, have dispersed Cultivation, lowered the head.The alien race who may some not be willing to submit, but under sweeping away of mountain and sea cultivator, these attempts the alien race who resists, was extinguished completely directly kills, the blood filled the air, has witnessed win of this Mountains and Seas Plane!This victory, first day collapsing, Paragon was enslaved, the control death, two Great Dao, died, an elephant, the alien race died nearly 70% ...But same, Mountains and Seas Plane, has paid the serious price, mountain and sea cultivator, died nearly 40%, overwhelming majorities, die in the first fight.If were not Meng Hao collapsed first day, awakens spirit that mountain and sea cultivation, then did not give the time that the alien race recovered consciousness, has enslaved Paragon, casualties that then mountain and sea repaired, will be more.The war, comes to the end finally ...
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