Early LifeBill Gates was born William Henry Gates III on October 28, 1 terjemahan - Early LifeBill Gates was born William Henry Gates III on October 28, 1 Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Early LifeBill Gates was born Willi

Early Life

Bill Gates was born William Henry Gates III on October 28, 1955, in Seattle, Washington. Gates began to show an interest in computer programming at the age of 13 at the Lakeside School. He pursued his passion through college. Striking out on his own with his friend and business partner Paul Allen, Gates found himself at the right place at the right time. Through technological innovation, keen business strategy and aggressive business tactics, he built the world's largest software business, Microsoft. In the process, Gates became one of the richest men in the world.

Bill Gates grew up in an upper middle-class family with two sisters: Kristianne, who is older, and Libby, who is younger. Their father, William H. Gates Sr., was a promising, if somewhat shy, law student when he met his future wife, Mary Maxwell. She was an athletic, outgoing student at the University of Washington, actively involved in student affairs and leadership. The Gates family atmosphere was warm and close, and all three children were encouraged to be competitive and strive for excellence. Bill showed early signs of competitiveness when he coordinated family athletic games at their summer house on Puget Sound. He also relished in playing board games (Risk was his favorite) and excelled at Monopoly.

Bill had a very close relationship with his mother, Mary, who after a brief career as a teacher devoted her time to helping raise the children and working on civic affairs and with charities. She also served on several corporate boards, including those of the First Interstate Bank in Seattle (founded by her grandfather), the United Way and International Business Machines (IBM). She would often take Bill along when she volunteered in schools and at community organizations.

Bill was a voracious reader as a child, spending many hours pouring over reference books such as the encyclopedia. Around the age of 11 or 12, Bill's parents began to have concerns about his behavior. He was doing well in school, but he seemed bored and withdrawn at times. His parents worried he might become a loner. Though they were strong believers in public education, when Bill turned 13, they enrolled him at Seattle's Lakeside School, an exclusive preparatory school. He blossomed in nearly all his subjects, excelling in math and science, but also doing very well in drama and English.

While at Lakeside School, a Seattle computer company offered to provide computer time for the students. The Mother's Club used proceeds from the school's rummage sale to purchase a teletype terminal for students to use. Bill Gates became entranced with what a computer could do and spent much of his free time working on the terminal. He wrote a tic-tac-toe program in BASIC computer language that allowed users to play against the computer.

It was at Lakeside School where Bill met Paul Allen, who was two years his senior. The two became fast friends, bonding on their common enthusiasm over computers, even though they were very different. Allen was more reserved and shy. Bill was feisty and at times combative. They both spent much of their free time together working on programs. Occasionally, they disagreed and would clash over who was right or who should run the computer lab. On one occasion, their argument escalated to the point where Allen banned Gates from the computer lab. On another occasion, Gates and Allen had their school computer privileges revoked for taking advantage of software glitches to obtain free computer time from the company that provided the computers. After their probation, they were allowed back in the computer lab when they offered to debug the program. During this time, Gates developed a payroll program for the computer company the boys hacked into, and a scheduling program for the school.

In 1970, at the age of 15, Bill Gates went into business with his pal, Paul Allen. They developed "Traf-o-Data," a computer program that monitored traffic patterns in Seattle, and netted $20,000 for their efforts. Gates and Allen wanted to start their own company, but Gates's parents wanted him to finish school and go on to college where they hoped he would work to become a lawyer.

Bill Gates graduated from Lakeside in 1973. He scored 1590 out of 1600 on the college SAT test, a feat of intellectual achievement that for several years he boasted about when introducing himself to new people.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Kehidupan awalBill Gates lahir William Henry Gates III pada 28 Oktober 1955, di Seattle, Washington. Gates mulai menunjukkan minat dalam pemrograman pada usia 13 di Lakeside School komputer. Ia mengejar gairah melalui perguruan tinggi. Mencolok pada dirinya sendiri dengan mitra bisnis dan teman Paul Allen, Gates menemukan dirinya di tempat yang tepat pada waktu yang tepat. Melalui inovasi teknologi, strategi bisnis yang tajam dan taktik agresif Bisnis, ia membangun bisnis perangkat lunak terbesar di dunia, Microsoft. Dalam proses, Gates menjadi salah satu orang terkaya di dunia.Bill Gates dibesarkan di sebuah keluarga kelas menengah atas dengan dua sisters: Kristianne, yang lebih tua, dan Libby, yang lebih muda. Ayah mereka, William H. Gates Sr., adalah menjanjikan, jika agak pemalu, mahasiswa hukum ketika ia bertemu dengan istrinya, Mary Maxwell. Dia adalah mahasiswa atletik, keluar di University of Washington, secara aktif terlibat dalam bidang kemahasiswaan dan kepemimpinan. Suasana keluarga Gates adalah hangat dan tutup, dan semua tiga anak didorong untuk menjadi kompetitif dan berusaha. Bill menunjukkan tanda-tanda awal daya saing ketika ia dikoordinasikan keluarga atletik di rumah musim panas mereka di Puget Sound. Dia juga menikmati bermain permainan papan (risiko adalah kesukaannya) dan unggul di monopoli.Bill memiliki hubungan sangat dekat dengan ibunya, Maria, yang setelah karier yang singkat sebagai guru mengabdikan waktunya untuk membantu membesarkan anak-anak dan bekerja pada urusan sipil dan dengan amal. Dia juga disajikan di beberapa papan perusahaan, termasuk First Interstate Bank di Seattle (didirikan oleh kakeknya), United Way dan International Business Machines (IBM). Dia sering akan mengambil tagihan sepanjang ketika dia sukarela di sekolah dan di masyarakat.Bill adalah seorang pembaca rakus sebagai seorang anak, menghabiskan berjam-jam menuangkan di atas buku-buku referensi seperti ensiklopedia. Di sekitar usia 11 atau 12, Bill orangtua mulai mempunyai keprihatinan tentang perilakunya. Ia lakukan baik di sekolah, tetapi dia tampak bosan dan ditarik di kali. Orangtua khawatir ia mungkin menjadi penyendiri. Meskipun mereka orang-orang yang kuat dalam pendidikan publik, ketika Bill 13, mereka terdaftar dia di Seattle Lakeside School, sebuah sekolah persiapan eksklusif. Ia berkembang di hampir semua rakyatnya, unggul dalam matematika dan sains, tetapi juga melakukannya dengan sangat baik dalam drama dan bahasa Inggris.Sementara di Lakeside School, sebuah perusahaan komputer Seattle ditawarkan untuk menyediakan waktu komputer bagi para siswa. Klub ibu yang digunakan berasal dari Obral sekolah untuk membeli teletype terminal untuk siswa untuk menggunakan. Bill Gates menjadi terpesona dengan apa komputer bisa dilakukan dan menghabiskan banyak waktu bekerja pada terminal. Ia menulis tic-tac-toe program dalam bahasa komputer dasar yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk bermain melawan komputer.Itu adalah di Lakeside School mana Bill bertemu Paul Allen, yang dua tahun seniornya. Kedua menjadi teman cepat, ikatan pada antusiasme mereka umum atas komputer, walaupun mereka sangat berbeda. Allen adalah lebih dilindungi dan malu. Bill adalah feisty dan kadang-kadang agresif. Mereka berdua menghabiskan banyak waktu luang mereka bersama-sama bekerja pada program. Kadang-kadang, mereka tidak setuju dan akan bentrok atas yang adalah benar atau yang harus menjalankan lab komputer. Pada satu kesempatan, argumen mereka meningkat ke titik di mana Allen dilarang Gates dari lab komputer. Pada kesempatan lain, Gates dan Allen telah mereka hak istimewa komputer sekolah yang dicabut untuk mengambil keuntungan dari perangkat lunak glitches untuk memperoleh waktu komputer bebas dari perusahaan yang disediakan komputer. Setelah percobaan mereka, mereka diizinkan kembali di lab komputer ketika mereka ditawarkan untuk men-debug program. Selama waktu ini, Gates mengembangkan program penggajian untuk perusahaan komputer anak-anak hack ke, dan program penjadwalan untuk sekolah.Pada tahun 1970, pada usia 15, Bill Gates pergi ke bisnis dengan temannya, Paul Allen. Mereka mengembangkan "Traf-o-Data," sebuah program komputer yang dipantau pola lalu lintas di Seattle, dan jaring $20.000 untuk usaha mereka. Gates dan Allen ingin memulai perusahaan mereka sendiri, tetapi orang tua Gates ingin dia menyelesaikan sekolah dan melanjutkan ke perguruan tinggi yang mana mereka berharap ia akan bekerja untuk menjadi seorang pengacara.Bill Gates lulus dari Lakeside pada tahun 1973. Ia memperoleh nilai 1590 dari 1600 pada perguruan tinggi tes SAT, sebuah prestasi prestasi intelektual bahwa selama beberapa tahun ia membual tentang ketika memperkenalkan dirinya kepada orang-orang baru.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Early Life

Bill Gates was born William Henry Gates III on October 28, 1955, in Seattle, Washington. Gates began to show an interest in computer programming at the age of 13 at the Lakeside School. He pursued his passion through college. Striking out on his own with his friend and business partner Paul Allen, Gates found himself at the right place at the right time. Through technological innovation, keen business strategy and aggressive business tactics, he built the world's largest software business, Microsoft. In the process, Gates became one of the richest men in the world.

Bill Gates grew up in an upper middle-class family with two sisters: Kristianne, who is older, and Libby, who is younger. Their father, William H. Gates Sr., was a promising, if somewhat shy, law student when he met his future wife, Mary Maxwell. She was an athletic, outgoing student at the University of Washington, actively involved in student affairs and leadership. The Gates family atmosphere was warm and close, and all three children were encouraged to be competitive and strive for excellence. Bill showed early signs of competitiveness when he coordinated family athletic games at their summer house on Puget Sound. He also relished in playing board games (Risk was his favorite) and excelled at Monopoly.

Bill had a very close relationship with his mother, Mary, who after a brief career as a teacher devoted her time to helping raise the children and working on civic affairs and with charities. She also served on several corporate boards, including those of the First Interstate Bank in Seattle (founded by her grandfather), the United Way and International Business Machines (IBM). She would often take Bill along when she volunteered in schools and at community organizations.

Bill was a voracious reader as a child, spending many hours pouring over reference books such as the encyclopedia. Around the age of 11 or 12, Bill's parents began to have concerns about his behavior. He was doing well in school, but he seemed bored and withdrawn at times. His parents worried he might become a loner. Though they were strong believers in public education, when Bill turned 13, they enrolled him at Seattle's Lakeside School, an exclusive preparatory school. He blossomed in nearly all his subjects, excelling in math and science, but also doing very well in drama and English.

While at Lakeside School, a Seattle computer company offered to provide computer time for the students. The Mother's Club used proceeds from the school's rummage sale to purchase a teletype terminal for students to use. Bill Gates became entranced with what a computer could do and spent much of his free time working on the terminal. He wrote a tic-tac-toe program in BASIC computer language that allowed users to play against the computer.

It was at Lakeside School where Bill met Paul Allen, who was two years his senior. The two became fast friends, bonding on their common enthusiasm over computers, even though they were very different. Allen was more reserved and shy. Bill was feisty and at times combative. They both spent much of their free time together working on programs. Occasionally, they disagreed and would clash over who was right or who should run the computer lab. On one occasion, their argument escalated to the point where Allen banned Gates from the computer lab. On another occasion, Gates and Allen had their school computer privileges revoked for taking advantage of software glitches to obtain free computer time from the company that provided the computers. After their probation, they were allowed back in the computer lab when they offered to debug the program. During this time, Gates developed a payroll program for the computer company the boys hacked into, and a scheduling program for the school.

In 1970, at the age of 15, Bill Gates went into business with his pal, Paul Allen. They developed "Traf-o-Data," a computer program that monitored traffic patterns in Seattle, and netted $20,000 for their efforts. Gates and Allen wanted to start their own company, but Gates's parents wanted him to finish school and go on to college where they hoped he would work to become a lawyer.

Bill Gates graduated from Lakeside in 1973. He scored 1590 out of 1600 on the college SAT test, a feat of intellectual achievement that for several years he boasted about when introducing himself to new people.
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