“I missed you.” She brushes her chest against mine and I feel like I’m terjemahan - “I missed you.” She brushes her chest against mine and I feel like I’m Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

“I missed you.” She brushes her che

“I missed you.” She brushes her chest against mine and I feel like I’m going to shatter. Both from being turned on and the earlier tension I dealt with over the stupid divorce. I wish he hadn’t called. He ruined my mood. My girl senses it too. Her smile turns into a frown. “What’s wrong?”

I shrug, not wanting to dwell on a bunch of bullshit tonight. I want to focus only on her. “I’m absorbing other people’s problems and stress, which I know is ridiculous but I can’t help it.”

Her frown softens but it’s still there. She probably feels sorry for me and I don’t want her to. I want her free and beautiful and flirtatious. Fable behaving like this makes me feel free. “I can help you with that,” she says, her voice full of promise.

I dip my head to hear her better. “You can?”

“Oh, yeah. You need to learn how to let go of all your troubles.” She whispers the words in my ear, the sound of her sexy voice sending a jolt of lust straight through me. “You chasing me here is the first step.”

I settle my hands on her h*ps and pull her in closer. The music is loud, the room is stifling and the crowd is thick. But with Fable’s arms slung around my neck, her body close to mine, it’s like we’re the only two people in this room. “First step to what?” I ask, confused. My brain literally fries when I’m with her.

She trails her fingers lightly down my nape and I shiver. “First step to acting like two normal people who are madly in love and can’t keep their hands off each other,” she murmurs right before she kisses me.

I drown in the taste of her, in the feel of her sinful body snug against me. I slide my hands back and forth over her ass and she whimpers, the sexy little sound sending a zing straight threw me, making me hard.

Damn. I want out of here. It’s too public, too crazy to indulge like this with her. We’re completely surrounded by people and the song changes yet again, a popular song that’s been overplayed on the radio, though no one here seems to care.

Including my girl. She’s withdrawn completely from my arms, a little smile teasing her kiss-swollen lips, and she starts moving to the beat. “Dance with me,” she shouts over the music.

I slowly shake my head, my gaze dropping to her hips. The way she moves, as if she were born to dance. She knows I’m watching too, and she puts on a show, just for me. The sway of her h*ps in those too-tight jeans she’s wearing, how she thrusts her chest out as she lifts her arms above her head. The white lace of her bra peeks above the neckline of the tank she’s wearing beneath the plaid button-up shirt and without thought I grab her. Let my hands rest on her waist as she moves against me.

“You don’t dance?” She arches a brow and I do the same in return as my answer, standing completely still while she keeps moving. Her h*ps shift beneath my palms and she turns around, brushing her ass against my front, making me harder.

Glancing over her shoulder, she offers me a sultry smile but doesn’t say a word. Just keeps dancing while I keep my hands on her. I pull her closer. Closer still until her back is nestled to my front and I slip my arms completely around her, my hands pressed flat against her stomach. I smooth them down, to the tops of her thighs, and I swear I feel her tremble beneath my touch.

She looks up at me, her eyes gone wide, her lips glistening as if she just licked them. We’ve been playing a game since I got here and I’m ready to claim my prize.

Her. She’s all I want. All I’ll ever want.

I never believed in the fairy tale, even when I was a little kid. My life has been full of tragedy since my mom died. My illusions were shattered completely when I was fifteen years old. I became such a shell of myself, I never believed anyone could truly accept and love me. It sounded pitiful when I admitted to Dr. Harris I firmly believed I would go through my entire life alone, but it was the truth. I felt completely unlovable.

Disgusting. Shameful.

Being with Fable, all of those old, harsh feelings are slowly evaporating. She loves me for me. She knows every single dark and horrible thing that’s happened to me in my life and she doesn’t care. She wants to help me, stand by me, be there for me no matter what.

She flat-out wants…me.

I’m probably thinking too fast, wanting to move way, way too fast for her comfort, but having Fable in my arms at this very moment, smiling up at me from over her shoulder, I know without a doubt that this is the girl I want by my side forever. She’s embedded herself so completely into my life and my heart, I can’t imagine being without her.

It’s just that simple and that complicated, all at once.

“Let’s get out of here,” I whisper in her ear and she nods once, her hair brushing against my face. She smells amazing, her cheeks are flushed and all I can think is how fast can I get her home so I can have her nak*d beneath me.

Taking her hand, I start to guide her off the dance floor, noticing a group of obvious sorority girls watching us as we go. Fable turns and flips them the bird, sticking her tongue out at them, and I yank on her hand hard to get her the hell out of there before she starts a fight.

“What the hell was that for?” I ask her as he walk down the back stairs and push open the door that leads out into the parking lot.

“They were giving me shit. Saying catty stuff about me. Next thing I know, you walk into the room, and they all flipped out.” She smiles and squeezes my hand. “They thought you were smiling at them but really you were smiling at me.”
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
“I missed you.” She brushes her chest against mine and I feel like I’m going to shatter. Both from being turned on and the earlier tension I dealt with over the stupid divorce. I wish he hadn’t called. He ruined my mood. My girl senses it too. Her smile turns into a frown. “What’s wrong?”I shrug, not wanting to dwell on a bunch of bullshit tonight. I want to focus only on her. “I’m absorbing other people’s problems and stress, which I know is ridiculous but I can’t help it.”Her frown softens but it’s still there. She probably feels sorry for me and I don’t want her to. I want her free and beautiful and flirtatious. Fable behaving like this makes me feel free. “I can help you with that,” she says, her voice full of promise.I dip my head to hear her better. “You can?”“Oh, yeah. You need to learn how to let go of all your troubles.” She whispers the words in my ear, the sound of her sexy voice sending a jolt of lust straight through me. “You chasing me here is the first step.”I settle my hands on her h*ps and pull her in closer. The music is loud, the room is stifling and the crowd is thick. But with Fable’s arms slung around my neck, her body close to mine, it’s like we’re the only two people in this room. “First step to what?” I ask, confused. My brain literally fries when I’m with her.She trails her fingers lightly down my nape and I shiver. “First step to acting like two normal people who are madly in love and can’t keep their hands off each other,” she murmurs right before she kisses me.
I drown in the taste of her, in the feel of her sinful body snug against me. I slide my hands back and forth over her ass and she whimpers, the sexy little sound sending a zing straight threw me, making me hard.

Damn. I want out of here. It’s too public, too crazy to indulge like this with her. We’re completely surrounded by people and the song changes yet again, a popular song that’s been overplayed on the radio, though no one here seems to care.

Including my girl. She’s withdrawn completely from my arms, a little smile teasing her kiss-swollen lips, and she starts moving to the beat. “Dance with me,” she shouts over the music.

I slowly shake my head, my gaze dropping to her hips. The way she moves, as if she were born to dance. She knows I’m watching too, and she puts on a show, just for me. The sway of her h*ps in those too-tight jeans she’s wearing, how she thrusts her chest out as she lifts her arms above her head. The white lace of her bra peeks above the neckline of the tank she’s wearing beneath the plaid button-up shirt and without thought I grab her. Let my hands rest on her waist as she moves against me.

“You don’t dance?” She arches a brow and I do the same in return as my answer, standing completely still while she keeps moving. Her h*ps shift beneath my palms and she turns around, brushing her ass against my front, making me harder.

Glancing over her shoulder, she offers me a sultry smile but doesn’t say a word. Just keeps dancing while I keep my hands on her. I pull her closer. Closer still until her back is nestled to my front and I slip my arms completely around her, my hands pressed flat against her stomach. I smooth them down, to the tops of her thighs, and I swear I feel her tremble beneath my touch.

She looks up at me, her eyes gone wide, her lips glistening as if she just licked them. We’ve been playing a game since I got here and I’m ready to claim my prize.

Her. She’s all I want. All I’ll ever want.

I never believed in the fairy tale, even when I was a little kid. My life has been full of tragedy since my mom died. My illusions were shattered completely when I was fifteen years old. I became such a shell of myself, I never believed anyone could truly accept and love me. It sounded pitiful when I admitted to Dr. Harris I firmly believed I would go through my entire life alone, but it was the truth. I felt completely unlovable.

Disgusting. Shameful.

Being with Fable, all of those old, harsh feelings are slowly evaporating. She loves me for me. She knows every single dark and horrible thing that’s happened to me in my life and she doesn’t care. She wants to help me, stand by me, be there for me no matter what.

She flat-out wants…me.

I’m probably thinking too fast, wanting to move way, way too fast for her comfort, but having Fable in my arms at this very moment, smiling up at me from over her shoulder, I know without a doubt that this is the girl I want by my side forever. She’s embedded herself so completely into my life and my heart, I can’t imagine being without her.

It’s just that simple and that complicated, all at once.

“Let’s get out of here,” I whisper in her ear and she nods once, her hair brushing against my face. She smells amazing, her cheeks are flushed and all I can think is how fast can I get her home so I can have her nak*d beneath me.

Taking her hand, I start to guide her off the dance floor, noticing a group of obvious sorority girls watching us as we go. Fable turns and flips them the bird, sticking her tongue out at them, and I yank on her hand hard to get her the hell out of there before she starts a fight.

“What the hell was that for?” I ask her as he walk down the back stairs and push open the door that leads out into the parking lot.

“They were giving me shit. Saying catty stuff about me. Next thing I know, you walk into the room, and they all flipped out.” She smiles and squeezes my hand. “They thought you were smiling at them but really you were smiling at me.”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Aku merindukanmu." Dia sikat dadanya terhadap saya dan saya merasa seperti aku akan menghancurkan. Kedua dari yang diaktifkan dan ketegangan sebelumnya saya berurusan dengan lebih dari perceraian bodoh. Saya berharap dia tidak menelepon. Ia merusak suasana hati saya. Gadis saya merasakan juga. Senyumnya berubah menjadi cemberut. "Apa yang salah?" Aku mengangkat bahu, tidak ingin memikirkan sekelompok omong kosong malam ini. Saya ingin fokus hanya pada dirinya. "Saya menyerap masalah orang lain dan stres, yang saya tahu adalah konyol tapi aku tidak bisa menahannya." cemberut nya melembutkan tapi masih ada. Dia mungkin merasa kasihan padaku dan aku tidak ingin dia. Aku ingin dia bebas dan indah dan genit. Berperilaku Fable seperti ini membuat saya merasa bebas. "Saya dapat membantu Anda dengan itu," katanya, suaranya penuh janji. Aku mencelupkan kepala saya untuk mendengarnya lebih baik. "Kau bisa?" "Oh, ya. Anda perlu belajar bagaimana untuk melepaskan semua masalah Anda. "Dia berbisik kata-kata di telingaku, suara seksi mengirimkan sentakan nafsu langsung melalui saya. "Kau mengejar saya di sini adalah langkah pertama." Saya puas tangan saya pada dirinya h * ps dan menariknya lebih dekat. Musik keras, ruang menyesakkan dan kerumunan tebal. Tapi dengan tangan Fable yang tersampir di leher saya, tubuhnya dekat dengan saya, itu seperti kita hanya dua orang di ruangan ini. "Langkah pertama untuk apa?" Tanyaku, bingung. Otak saya benar-benar goreng saat aku bersamanya. Dia jalur jari-jarinya ringan ke tengkuk saya dan saya menggigil. "Langkah pertama untuk bertindak seperti dua orang normal yang jatuh cinta dan tidak bisa menjaga tangan mereka dari satu sama lain," gumamnya tepat sebelum dia menciumku. Aku tenggelam dalam rasa dia, dalam nuansa nyaman tubuh yang berdosa terhadap saya. Saya geser tangan saya bolak-balik atas pantatnya dan dia merintih, suara sedikit seksi mengirimkan langsung semangat melemparkan saya, membuat saya sulit. Sial. Aku ingin keluar dari sini. Ini terlalu umum, terlalu gila untuk memanjakan seperti ini dengannya. Kami benar-benar dikelilingi oleh orang-orang dan lagu perubahan lagi, lagu populer yang telah dimainkan berlebihan di radio, meskipun tidak ada di sini tampaknya peduli. Termasuk gadis saya. Dia ditarik sepenuhnya dari lengan saya, senyum kecil menggoda bibir ciuman-bengkak, dan dia mulai bergerak untuk mengalahkan. "Tari dengan saya," dia berteriak di atas musik. Aku perlahan-lahan menggelengkan kepala, tatapan saya jatuh ke pinggulnya. Cara dia bergerak, seolah-olah dia dilahirkan untuk menari. Dia tahu aku menonton juga, dan ia menempatkan pada acara, hanya untuk saya. Bergoyang nya h * ps di jins yang terlalu ketat yang dikenakannya, bagaimana dia menyodorkan dadanya keluar saat ia mengangkat kedua tangannya ke atas kepalanya. Renda putih mengintip bra di atas leher tangki dia memakai kemeja kotak-kotak di bawah tombol-up dan tanpa pikir saya meraihnya. Biarkan tangan saya beristirahat di pinggang saat ia bergerak melawan saya. "Anda tidak menari?" Dia lengkungan alis dan saya melakukan hal yang sama sebagai balasannya seperti jawaban saya, berdiri benar-benar masih sementara dia terus bergerak. Nya h * pergeseran ps bawah telapak tanganku dan ia berbalik, menyikat pantatnya melawan depan saya, membuat saya sulit. Melirik atas bahunya, ia menawarkan senyum gerah tapi tidak mengatakan sepatah kata pun. Hanya terus menari sementara aku terus tangan saya pada dirinya. Aku menariknya lebih dekat. Lebih dekat lagi sampai punggungnya terletak untuk depan saya dan saya menyelinap lengan saya benar-benar di sekelilingnya, tangan saya menekan flat terhadap perutnya. Saya halus mereka turun, ke puncak pahanya, dan aku bersumpah aku merasa gemetar nya di bawah sentuhan saya. Dia melihat ke arah saya, matanya sudah lebar, bibirnya berkilau seolah-olah dia hanya menjilat mereka. Kami telah bermain game sejak saya tiba di sini dan aku siap untuk mengklaim hadiah saya. Her. Dia semua yang saya inginkan. Semua saya akan pernah mau. Aku tidak pernah percaya pada dongeng, bahkan ketika aku masih kecil. Hidup saya telah penuh tragedi sejak ibuku meninggal. Ilusi saya hancur sepenuhnya ketika saya berusia lima belas tahun. Saya menjadi shell seperti diriku sendiri, aku tidak pernah percaya ada orang yang benar-benar bisa menerima dan mencintai saya. Kedengarannya menyedihkan ketika saya mengaku Dr. Harris Saya sangat yakin saya akan pergi melalui seluruh hidup saya sendiri, tapi itu kebenaran. Aku merasa benar-benar dicintai. Menjijikkan. Memalukan. Menjadi dengan Fable, semua orang tua, perasaan yang keras secara perlahan menguap. Dia mencintai saya untuk saya. Dia tahu setiap hal gelap dan mengerikan yang terjadi padaku dalam hidup saya dan dia tidak peduli. Dia ingin membantu saya, berdiri di samping saya, ada untukku tidak peduli apa. Dia datar keluar ingin ... aku. Aku mungkin sedang berpikir terlalu cepat, ingin memindahkan cara, terlalu cepat untuk kenyamanan, tapi memiliki Fable di lengan saya pada saat ini, tersenyum ke arahku dari balik bahunya, saya tahu tanpa keraguan bahwa ini adalah gadis yang saya inginkan di sisiku selamanya. Dia tertanam dirinya sehingga benar-benar ke dalam hidup saya dan hati saya, saya tidak bisa membayangkan hidup tanpa dia. Hanya saja sederhana dan rumit, sekaligus. "Mari kita keluar dari sini," bisikku di telinganya dan dia mengangguk sekali , rambutnya menyapu wajahku. Dia bau menakjubkan, pipinya yang memerah dan bisa saya pikirkan adalah seberapa cepat saya bisa mendapatkan rumahnya sehingga saya bisa memiliki dia nak * d bawah saya. Mengambil tangannya, aku mulai membimbingnya dari lantai dansa, melihat sekelompok gadis mahasiswi yang jelas menonton kami saat kami pergi. Ternyata Fable dan membalik mereka burung, menjulurkan lidah pada mereka, dan aku yank di tangannya sulit untuk mendapatkan dia pergi dari sana sebelum ia mulai berkelahi. "Apa itu itu?" tanyaku saat ia berjalan menuruni tangga belakang dan mendorong membuka pintu yang mengarah keluar ke tempat parkir. "Mereka memberi saya omong kosong. Mengatakan hal-hal kati tentang saya. Tahu-tahu, Anda berjalan ke dalam ruangan, dan mereka semua membalik keluar. "Dia tersenyum dan meremas tanganku. "Mereka pikir kau tersenyum pada mereka, tapi Anda benar-benar sedang tersenyum padaku."

Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
Dukungan alat penerjemahan: Afrikans, Albania, Amhara, Arab, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahasa Indonesia, Basque, Belanda, Belarussia, Bengali, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Burma, Cebuano, Ceko, Chichewa, China, Cina Tradisional, Denmark, Deteksi bahasa, Esperanto, Estonia, Farsi, Finlandia, Frisia, Gaelig, Gaelik Skotlandia, Galisia, Georgia, Gujarati, Hausa, Hawaii, Hindi, Hmong, Ibrani, Igbo, Inggris, Islan, Italia, Jawa, Jepang, Jerman, Kannada, Katala, Kazak, Khmer, Kinyarwanda, Kirghiz, Klingon, Korea, Korsika, Kreol Haiti, Kroat, Kurdi, Laos, Latin, Latvia, Lituania, Luksemburg, Magyar, Makedonia, Malagasi, Malayalam, Malta, Maori, Marathi, Melayu, Mongol, Nepal, Norsk, Odia (Oriya), Pashto, Polandia, Portugis, Prancis, Punjabi, Rumania, Rusia, Samoa, Serb, Sesotho, Shona, Sindhi, Sinhala, Slovakia, Slovenia, Somali, Spanyol, Sunda, Swahili, Swensk, Tagalog, Tajik, Tamil, Tatar, Telugu, Thai, Turki, Turkmen, Ukraina, Urdu, Uyghur, Uzbek, Vietnam, Wales, Xhosa, Yiddi, Yoruba, Yunani, Zulu, Bahasa terjemahan.

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