Cang Yue shakes the head gently, bends down the broad and handsome for terjemahan - Cang Yue shakes the head gently, bends down the broad and handsome for Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Cang Yue shakes the head gently, be

Cang Yue shakes the head gently, bends down the broad and handsome forehead on his shoulder, on the face shows the exhausted and satisfied smile. Her Spirit Profound Realm Profound Strength, actually has been facing directly the serious pressure from Feng Hengkong, has not let the tiny step. Leaves when Feng Hengkong, the pressure disappears, she also in flash several near prostrations.
„Well the rest, anything do not think ... Feng Hengkong walked, left behind Xue'er. Our Blue Wind Nation has been all right completely.” Yun Che is fond is hugging her, saying gently.
„Um ...” Cang Yue supple accordingly: „These, are the husband merit, if not for husband ...”
„No,” Yun Che shakes the head: „These, are the Yue´er merit, if not for Yue´er has supported these three years with own shoulder by strenuous efforts, how also to have today's result. Compares in Yue´er these three years, the matter that I did for these days, is nothing to speak of radically.”
„Hee ...” The Cang Yue chuckle, this time laughter, did not have the slight pressure and gloominess again: „The words that my cloud Junior Apprentice Brother, my husband spoke, can always make me happy.”
„... The courage that pain that Yue´er, you receive in the three years, I go to think does not have. I hate Divine Phoenix Empire, but you, will only hate more right than me.” Yun Che asked puzzled in heart: „Why is facing to be willing to accept any sanction Feng Hengkong, you choose is actually this kind of result? Although 50 billion compensations are big, but regarding Divine Phoenix, perhaps continually slight having a fracture is not.”
„Because, what the sanction trades is temporary pleased and elated, but plants, is actually unwilling with the hatred, these unwilling will continue along with the trundle of historical wheel with the hatred, may erupt in some time thoroughly. But relative Divine Phoenix, my Blue Wind potential is extremely weak, once erupts, falls into the disaster, must be Blue Wind. But forgiveness ... Actually is not, after all ...” Cang Yue smiles: „husband and I, but seized Divine Phoenix most precious Princess Xue from Divine Phoenix there!”
„If can make Sister Xue'er marry husband, to the Blue Wind Nation future, than obtaining most Divine Phoenix Empire is also better on does not have the several fold. Regarding me, this should also better result.”
Yun Che caresses her cheeks the palm lightly, lowers the sound saying: „You now are emperor of the country, unexpectedly the driving request marries me other females, moreover with you same is the wife ... Don't you think suffering from injustice?”
The Cang Yue smile, shakes the head slowly: „Once, I, only then in dream, can gather with husband. Now, in Lian Meng looks becomes the reality, I wanted to be happier than and satisfied world person any person, how also to put in great inconvenience.”
„Sister Xue'er is my this whole life has seen, happiest girl. Appearance, personality, family background, status and Profound Strength, all that perfect. But in this world the happiest girl, naturally must belong to my husband. Hee ... I wish one could in the world all finest things to belong to husband to be good.”
„Yue´er ...” Yun Che calls one lightly, warmest air current dissipates slowly in each corner of his soul. He knows, oneself this cannot defeated Cang Yue ... tiny bit unable for a lifetime.
„husband ...” Cang Yue in he cherishes closing one's eyes pupil, gently twittering: „Gives me a child to be good? When he grows up, I can give him the throne, this, I can often accompany the husband body side, person who makes one only to belong to husband.”
Yun Che nods gently, the finger is touching the snow muscle on her nape of the neck slowly, under bends down, says with a smile lightly: „Do we start to be diligently good today?”
Although Cang Yue closing one's eyes pupil, but on the snow face still quietly flood the sunset glow, the broad and handsome forehead deeply lays down, does not dare to lift. Crossed some little time, she sends out a mosquito called the groan: „Um ...”
- - - - - - - -
From the second day that Feng Hengkong leaves, all leaves stationed in Blue Wind Nation Divine Phoenix Army then by relative quick speed rallying, although has not evacuated Blue Wind, but all withdrew the main city range, and was issued cannot have again any invades the people action the strict order.
Invasion of Divine Phoenix Empire to Blue Wind Nation, the way of also by this type no one being able to expect ended suddenly.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Cang Yue shakes the head gently, bends down the broad and handsome forehead on his shoulder, on the face shows the exhausted and satisfied smile. Her Spirit Profound Realm Profound Strength, actually has been facing directly the serious pressure from Feng Hengkong, has not let the tiny step. Leaves when Feng Hengkong, the pressure disappears, she also in flash several near prostrations.„Well the rest, anything do not think ... Feng Hengkong walked, left behind Xue'er. Our Blue Wind Nation has been all right completely.” Yun Che is fond is hugging her, saying gently.„Um ...” Cang Yue supple accordingly: „These, are the husband merit, if not for husband ...”„No,” Yun Che shakes the head: „These, are the Yue´er merit, if not for Yue´er has supported these three years with own shoulder by strenuous efforts, how also to have today's result. Compares in Yue´er these three years, the matter that I did for these days, is nothing to speak of radically.”„Hee ...” The Cang Yue chuckle, this time laughter, did not have the slight pressure and gloominess again: „The words that my cloud Junior Apprentice Brother, my husband spoke, can always make me happy.”„... The courage that pain that Yue´er, you receive in the three years, I go to think does not have. I hate Divine Phoenix Empire, but you, will only hate more right than me.” Yun Che asked puzzled in heart: „Why is facing to be willing to accept any sanction Feng Hengkong, you choose is actually this kind of result? Although 50 billion compensations are big, but regarding Divine Phoenix, perhaps continually slight having a fracture is not.”„Because, what the sanction trades is temporary pleased and elated, but plants, is actually unwilling with the hatred, these unwilling will continue along with the trundle of historical wheel with the hatred, may erupt in some time thoroughly. But relative Divine Phoenix, my Blue Wind potential is extremely weak, once erupts, falls into the disaster, must be Blue Wind. But forgiveness ... Actually is not, after all ...” Cang Yue smiles: „husband and I, but seized Divine Phoenix most precious Princess Xue from Divine Phoenix there!”„If can make Sister Xue'er marry husband, to the Blue Wind Nation future, than obtaining most Divine Phoenix Empire is also better on does not have the several fold. Regarding me, this should also better result.”Yun Che caresses her cheeks the palm lightly, lowers the sound saying: „You now are emperor of the country, unexpectedly the driving request marries me other females, moreover with you same is the wife ... Don't you think suffering from injustice?”The Cang Yue smile, shakes the head slowly: „Once, I, only then in dream, can gather with husband. Now, in Lian Meng looks becomes the reality, I wanted to be happier than and satisfied world person any person, how also to put in great inconvenience.”„Sister Xue'er is my this whole life has seen, happiest girl. Appearance, personality, family background, status and Profound Strength, all that perfect. But in this world the happiest girl, naturally must belong to my husband. Hee ... I wish one could in the world all finest things to belong to husband to be good.”„Yue´er ...” Yun Che calls one lightly, warmest air current dissipates slowly in each corner of his soul. He knows, oneself this cannot defeated Cang Yue ... tiny bit unable for a lifetime.„husband ...” Cang Yue in he cherishes closing one's eyes pupil, gently twittering: „Gives me a child to be good? When he grows up, I can give him the throne, this, I can often accompany the husband body side, person who makes one only to belong to husband.”Yun Che nods gently, the finger is touching the snow muscle on her nape of the neck slowly, under bends down, says with a smile lightly: „Do we start to be diligently good today?”Although Cang Yue closing one's eyes pupil, but on the snow face still quietly flood the sunset glow, the broad and handsome forehead deeply lays down, does not dare to lift. Crossed some little time, she sends out a mosquito called the groan: „Um ...”- - - - - - - -From the second day that Feng Hengkong leaves, all leaves stationed in Blue Wind Nation Divine Phoenix Army then by relative quick speed rallying, although has not evacuated Blue Wind, but all withdrew the main city range, and was issued cannot have again any invades the people action the strict order.Invasion of Divine Phoenix Empire to Blue Wind Nation, the way of also by this type no one being able to expect ended suddenly.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Cang Yue menggeleng lembut, membungkuk dengan dahi yang lebar dan tampan di bahunya, di wajah menunjukkan senyum kelelahan dan puas. Nya Roh mendalam Realm Mendalam Kekuatan, sebenarnya telah menghadap langsung tekanan serius dari Feng Hengkong, tidak membiarkan langkah kecil. Daun ketika Feng Hengkong, tekanan menghilang, dia juga dalam sekejap beberapa dekat sujud.
"Nah sisanya, apa tidak berpikir ... Feng Hengkong berjalan, tertinggal Xue'er. Kami Blue Wind Bangsa telah semua benar-benar. "Yun Che gemar memeluk, mengatakan lembut.
"Um ..." Cang Yue lentur sesuai: "ini, adalah suami jasa, jika tidak untuk suami ..."
"Tidak," Yun Che getar kepala: "ini, adalah jasa Yue'er, jika tidak untuk Yue'er telah mendukung tiga tahun ini dengan bahu sendiri dengan usaha keras, bagaimana juga memiliki hasil hari ini. Membandingkan Yue'er tiga tahun ini, hal itu saya lakukan untuk hari ini, ada yang berbicara tentang radikal. "
" Hee ... "The Cang Yue tertawa, kali ini tawa, tidak memiliki sedikit tekanan dan kelam kabut lagi : "kata-kata yang awan saya SMP Apprentice saudara, suami saya berbicara, selalu bisa membuat saya bahagia."
"... keberanian yang sakit yang Yue'er, Anda terima dalam tiga tahun, aku pergi untuk berpikir tidak memiliki. Aku benci Ilahi Phoenix Empire, tetapi Anda, hanya akan benci lebih benar daripada saya. "Tanya bingung dalam hati Yun Che:" Mengapa menghadapi harus bersedia menerima sanksi apapun Feng Hengkong, Anda memilih sebenarnya semacam ini hasil? Meskipun 50 miliar kompensasi yang besar, tapi mengenai Ilahi Phoenix, mungkin terus sedikit memiliki patah tulang tidak. "
" Karena, apa perdagangan sanksi bersifat sementara senang dan gembira, tapi tanaman, sebenarnya tidak mau dengan kebencian, tidak mau ini akan terus bersama dengan trundle roda sejarah dengan kebencian, mungkin meletus dalam beberapa waktu secara menyeluruh. Tapi relatif Ilahi Phoenix, saya potensi Blue Wind sangat lemah, sekali meletus, jatuh ke dalam bencana, harus Blue Wind. Tapi maaf ... Sebenarnya tidak, setelah semua ... "Cang Yue tersenyum:" Suami dan saya, tetapi menyita Ilahi Phoenix paling berharga Princess Xue dari Divine Phoenix ada "!
" Jika bisa membuat Suster Xue'er menikah suami, untuk masa depan Blue Wind Nation, daripada memperoleh paling Ilahi Phoenix Empire juga lebih baik pada tidak memiliki beberapa kali lipat. . Mengenai saya, harus hasil ini juga lebih baik "
Yun Che membelai pipinya kelapa ringan, menurunkan suara berkata:" Kamu sekarang adalah kaisar dari negara, tiba-tiba permintaan mengemudi menikahi saya perempuan lain, apalagi dengan Anda sama istri. .. Jangan Anda berpikir menderita ketidakadilan "?
The Cang Yue tersenyum, menggeleng perlahan:" Sekali, aku, hanya kemudian dalam mimpi, bisa berkumpul dengan suami. Sekarang, di Lian Meng terlihat menjadi kenyataan, saya ingin menjadi lebih bahagia dari dan puas orang dunia setiap orang, bagaimana juga untuk dimasukkan ke dalam ketidaknyamanan besar. "
" Suster Xue'er adalah seluruh kehidupan ini telah melihat, gadis paling bahagia. Penampilan, kepribadian, latar belakang keluarga, status dan Kekuatan mendalam, semua sempurna itu. Tapi di dunia ini gadis paling bahagia, tentu harus milik suami saya. Hee ... Aku berharap orang bisa di dunia semua hal terbaik milik suami untuk menjadi baik. "
" Yue'er ... "Yun Che panggilan satu ringan, saat udara hangat menghilang perlahan di setiap sudut jiwanya. Dia tahu, diri ini tidak bisa dikalahkan Cang Yue ... sedikit tidak untuk seumur hidup.
"Suami ..." Cang Yue di dia menghargai menutup satu mata murid, lembut berkicau: "Memberi saya seorang anak menjadi baik? Ketika ia tumbuh, saya bisa memberinya takhta, ini, saya sering dapat menemani sisi suami tubuh, orang yang membuat satu-satunya milik suami. "
Yun Che mengangguk lembut, jari menyentuh otot salju di tengkuknya dari leher perlahan-lahan, di bawah lengkungan ke bawah, sambil tersenyum ringan: "Apakah kita mulai untuk menjadi rajin baik hari ini?"
Meskipun Cang Yue menutup satu mata murid, namun pada wajah salju masih diam-diam banjir cahaya matahari terbenam, dahi yang lebar dan tampan dalam menetapkan, tidak berani mengangkat. Menyeberangi beberapa waktu kecil, ia mengirimkan nyamuk disebut erangan yang: "Um ..."
- - - - - - - -
Dari hari kedua yang meninggalkan Feng Hengkong, semua daun ditempatkan di Blue Wind Nation Ilahi Phoenix Army maka dengan relatif kecepatan cepat reli, meskipun belum dievakuasi Blue Wind, tapi semua menarik berbagai kota utama, dan dikeluarkan tidak dapat memiliki lagi setiap menyerang tindakan orang urutan yang ketat.
Invasi Ilahi Phoenix Empire ke Blue Wind Nation, jalan juga oleh jenis tidak ada bisa mengharapkan berakhir tiba-tiba.
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