#1005: The hope of Cuban boundary! Almost in the murderous intention o terjemahan - #1005: The hope of Cuban boundary! Almost in the murderous intention o Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

#1005: The hope of Cuban boundary!

#1005: The hope of Cuban boundary!

Almost in the murderous intention of this entire stars, instant, on Ninth Mountain that Ji Xiufang covers, spread in ancient to have the tranquil sound, this sound, reverberation Ninth Mountain and Sea.
„Brother Fang ...” This sound suddenly spreads, covers entire Ninth Mountain and Sea all starry skies, when the reverberation, the starry sky shivered, presented the innumerable ripple, resembled the condensation an eye.
When that intraocular, sits cross-legged to sit an old man, this old man is hoary-headed, in a soft voice to open mouth, his right hand lifts slowly, toward Planet East Victory one figure.
Under this figure, the ripple of starry sky sweeps away, covers Planet East Victory, resembles to prevent getting rid of First Generation Patriarch.
„I, take a confession!” From beginning to end has not said words First Generation Patriarch, at this moment hoarse to open mouth, a few words spread, the fluctuation fierce stop of starry sky.
Meanwhile, the Ji Xiufang sad and shrill pitiful yell, suddenly revolves, her head separates with the body instantaneously, her body is direct collapsing, such as by an invisible big hand, crumb.
The whole person, passed away, destroy both body and soul!
Solemn Dao Realm big energy, under the First Generation Patriarch murderous intention, unexpectedly frail collapsing at the first blow!
Almost in the instance of Ji Xiufang death, this murderous intention bang, hit on the seal outside Planet East Victory, maliciously hit, the sound spread immediately, this was collaborated to arrange the seal that by the Ji Clan three Dao Realm powerhouses, loudly collapse.
An inches (2.54 cm) disruption, became one piece by piece, changed to storm, toward with the Planet East Victory opposite direction, suddenly disperses, has torn the nihility, divided cracks, thundered, resembled this starry skies, changed to the spider web to be the same.
But that three Dao Realm powerhouses, this moment soul destroyed, the mind thunders, the facial color changes completely. Has spelled fully, launches the strength of source, the body speeds away Retreats.
But ... Murderous intention from Planet East Victory. As before intense, rumbling goes. Shocks Ninth Mountain and Sea.
„Patriarch saves a life!!” Three Dao Realm powerhouses, this moment scalp must blast out, the intense life and death crisis, is the terror that they have not experienced and felt for a long time, as if ... The murderous intention from Planet East Victory, can them, cancel from Ninth Mountain and Sea directly.
Their any, in Ninth Mountain and Sea. Stamps the feet can make the starry sky shiver, a vision, decides prosperity and decline and destruction Sect, but now, they actually with amazement arrived at peak, trembled to the heart panic-stricken.
They understand, once were cut to kill by Fang Clan First Generation Patriarch, that ... Since then does not enter reincarnation, does not have the possibility of reincarnation, true. Dissipation in society.
Sees this murderous intention, thunders approaches, must cover these three Ji Clan Dao Realm Patriarch. At this moment, suddenly, starry sky ripple fierce dispersing, seemed to be that strength arrival forcefully to murderous intention with three old, changed to an unreal eye.
This eye shows ancient, appears in three old front, gazes at the murderous intention from Planet East Victory.
„Brother Fang, has sufficed, you are not my match.”
The murderous intention stops in the front of this eye. The ray sparkle, condenses an unreal light. First Generation Patriarch, he stands there. The whole body is fuzzy, resembles comprised of innumerable light.
Meanwhile, in this intraocular, sits cross-legged the old man who sits in meditation, has opened both eyes slowly, tranquil gaze First Generation Patriarch.
„Even if could not seal the day, may let the Ninth Mountain and Sea day, cracked.” First Generation Patriarch light to open mouth, the sound spreads over eight sides, on Planet East Victory, when Meng Hao gains ground, by his Cultivation, can see outside, looks at First Generation Patriarch is only the murderous intention, cuts to kill Dao Realm, other three Dao Realm that compels escape, Meng Hao both eyes reveal the strange glow.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
#1005: harapan batas Kuba! Hampir dalam niat pembunuh ini seluruh bintang, instan, di Gunung kesembilan yang mencakup Ji Xiufang, tersebar di kuno untuk memiliki suara tenang, ini suara, gema kesembilan gunung dan laut."Saudara Fang..." Suara ini tiba-tiba menyebar, mencakup seluruh kesembilan gunung dan laut semua langit berbintang, ketika dengung, langit berbintang menggigil, disajikan riak yang tak terhitung, menyerupai kondensasi mata.Ketika itu intraokular, duduk bersila duduk seorang tua, orang tua ini beruban berkepala, dengan suara lembut untuk membuka mulut, tangan kanannya mengangkat perlahan-lahan, menuju Planet Timur kemenangan satu figure.Di bawah angka ini, riak langit berbintang menyapu pergi, mencakup Planet Timur kemenangan, menyerupai untuk mencegah menyingkirkan patriak generasi pertama."Saya, mengambil pengakuan!" Dari awal sampai akhir tidak mengatakan kata-kata patriak generasi pertama, saat ini serak untuk membuka mulut, beberapa kata menyebar, halte sengit fluktuasi langit berbintang.Sementara itu, Ji Xiufang sedih dan melengking menyedihkan berteriak, tiba-tiba berputar, memisahkan dia kepala dengan tubuh seketika, tubuhnya langsung runtuh, seperti seperti oleh tangan besar tak terlihat, remah.Seluruh orang, meninggal dunia, menghancurkan tubuh dan jiwa!Khidmat Dao alam besar energi, di bawah generasi pertama patriak niat pembunuh, tiba-tiba lemah runtuh di pertama!Almost in the instance of Ji Xiufang death, this murderous intention bang, hit on the seal outside Planet East Victory, maliciously hit, the sound spread immediately, this was collaborated to arrange the seal that by the Ji Clan three Dao Realm powerhouses, loudly collapse.An inches (2.54 cm) disruption, became one piece by piece, changed to storm, toward with the Planet East Victory opposite direction, suddenly disperses, has torn the nihility, divided cracks, thundered, resembled this starry skies, changed to the spider web to be the same.But that three Dao Realm powerhouses, this moment soul destroyed, the mind thunders, the facial color changes completely. Has spelled fully, launches the strength of source, the body speeds away Retreats.But ... Murderous intention from Planet East Victory. As before intense, rumbling goes. Shocks Ninth Mountain and Sea.„Patriarch saves a life!!” Three Dao Realm powerhouses, this moment scalp must blast out, the intense life and death crisis, is the terror that they have not experienced and felt for a long time, as if ... The murderous intention from Planet East Victory, can them, cancel from Ninth Mountain and Sea directly.Their any, in Ninth Mountain and Sea. Stamps the feet can make the starry sky shiver, a vision, decides prosperity and decline and destruction Sect, but now, they actually with amazement arrived at peak, trembled to the heart panic-stricken.Mereka mengerti, setelah dipotong untuk membunuh dengan Fang klan generasi pertama patriark, yang... Sejak itu tidak masuk reinkarnasi, tidak memiliki kemungkinan reinkarnasi, benar. Pembuangan dalam masyarakat.Melihat niat ini pembunuh, pendekatan guruh, harus menutupi Ji klan Dao Realm patriak ini tiga. Saat ini, tiba-tiba, riak langit berbintang sengit menyebar, tampaknya bahwa kekuatan kedatangan tegas untuk pembunuh niat dengan tiga tua, berubah menjadi mata nyata.Mata ini menunjukkan kuno, muncul di tiga depan tua, menatap pada niat pembunuh dari Planet Timur kemenangan."Saudara Fang, telah cukup, Anda tidak cocok saya."Niat pembunuh berhenti di depan mata ini. Kilauan ray, mengembun cahaya yang nyata. Patriak generasi pertama, ia berdiri di sana. Seluruh tubuh kabur, menyerupai terdiri dari cahaya tak terhitung.Sementara itu, dalam hal ini intraokular, duduk bersila orang tua yang duduk dalam meditasi, telah membuka kedua mata perlahan-lahan, tenang tatapan patriak generasi pertama."Bahkan jika tidak bisa menutup hari, mungkin membiarkan hari kesembilan gunung dan laut, retak." Patriak generasi pertama cahaya untuk membuka mulut, suara menyebar lebih dari delapan sisi, di Planet Timur kemenangan, ketika Meng Hao perolehan tanah, oleh budidaya nya, dapat melihat di luar, terlihat pada generasi pertama patriak adalah hanya dengan niat pembunuh, luka untuk membunuh Dao alam, lain tiga Dao alam yang memaksa melarikan diri, Meng Hao kedua mata mengungkapkan cahaya aneh.
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