This name, will follow eighth eternal untilThis is Meng Hao gives the  terjemahan - This name, will follow eighth eternal untilThis is Meng Hao gives the  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

This name, will follow eighth etern

This name, will follow eighth eternal until
This is Meng Hao gives the Yan Er gift, to these ten years, other Sect challenges the ninth response you to rush to the ninth boundless stage, then I go to your Sect, first takes away the boundless stages of your sect!
Neat, peak counter-attack!
Thunders, in the seventh mainland, in seventh, this moment Spell formation appears, when the innumerable ninth disciple forms arrive, the Meng Hao sound spreads once more.
„Ninth, Fang Mu, rushes to this place boundless stage!” The sound is still spreading, in seventh, even bell sound when the reverberation, Meng Hao was still bringing excited excited Yan Er, stepped the seventh boundless stage.
In the seventh disciple and Chosen shock, bell sound is once more spirited, from the first step to 100,000 steps, from the single layer day to the tenth heavy day, all these appears again, shakes the heavens moves, when lets the seventh disciple looks pale to be bloodless, in seventh always the ten heavy space of boundless stage, big of good fortune Yan Er obtains, was indescribable that her whole body by the baptism, her Cultivation was enlivened in this moment.
Distant place the scenery of world, presents Yan Er again, her within the body has ka the sound reverberation, her Cultivation erupts finally, in this bell sound baptism and good fortune, progresses by leaps and bounds.
On this day, is doomed in boundless faction historical, leaves behind indelible strong one, before having surmounted Meng Hao, founds ten heavy day of miracles in ninth.
Because of this day, Meng Hao has completed the entire boundless faction in history, on the boundless stage, peak of most peak, he must nine big Sect boundless stages, arrange in order the position completely first, starts out ten heavy days completely!
And is not he, but is leading his disciple.
On this day, countless people, knew Yan Er, countless people, to Yan Er here envying, already arrived at peak in life.
In that endless envying, Meng Hao is bringing Yan Er, since seventh went to sixth, after the sixth ten heavy day thunders, went to fifth, fourth, third, second
They have not stopped too for a long time, one after another go, one after another starts out ten heavy days, but Yan Er here Cultivation, in the good fortunes of these boundless stages, even more boundless, the depth of background, surpasses Chosen.
By that first boundless stage, after ten heavy days appears once again, world reacted, the whole world buzz the cry, countless person mind such as the thunder tumbles, the breath shortness, regarding the matter that this day has, is unable to forget for a lifetime slightly.
„Nine large amount completely ten heavy days”
„Fang Mu, Fang Mu, he is my boundless faction innumerable years, first Chosen that deserves!!”
„Was a pity that his Cultivation is also not Dao Realm, otherwise, I anticipated really very much that Fang Mu can arrive at any degree on the Transcendence road, after all Dao Realm following boundless stage, above Dao Realm Transcendence road!”
„His disciple Yan Er, this time by various bell sound baptism, the person of good fortune obtains, is hard to imagine!”
Entire boundless faction in reacted, in an uproar, but the ninth cheers, leapt eighth, seventh, sixth along with Meng Hao all, finally in first, cheers dreadfully.
„Fang Mu Grandmaster brother!” Sound continuously, enormous and powerful boundless.
On this day, reacted that Meng Hao causes, not only makes the innumerable disciples of boundless faction shock, even has also shocked the Dao Realm powerhouse, Dao Lord, Dao Senior, in abundance silent from various appearances, looks at Meng Hao on this day, the miracle of foundation.
After the first ten heavy day also appears, Paragon arrived, Paragon from nine big Sect, although is seven sources, but they also equally changed countenance by the Meng Hao action, although looks in them that Meng Hao differs with them are too too many, but they have to acknowledge that the natural talent or the future potential, this Fang Mu already exceeded them to be too many, even if all goes well, then one day, Fang Mu can stand in their sides, and has the possibility to surmount them very much.
„Paragon seedling!” When first seven source Paragon, muttered to open mouth, these three characters, were paid attention to this all seven source Paragon by nine big Sect at this moment, approved.
Even if that third class said that also has to acknowledge this point.
Indeed, is the Paragon seedling!
Asked to guarantee a minimum
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
This name, will follow eighth eternal untilThis is Meng Hao gives the Yan Er gift, to these ten years, other Sect challenges the ninth response you to rush to the ninth boundless stage, then I go to your Sect, first takes away the boundless stages of your sect!Neat, peak counter-attack!Thunders, in the seventh mainland, in seventh, this moment Spell formation appears, when the innumerable ninth disciple forms arrive, the Meng Hao sound spreads once more.„Ninth, Fang Mu, rushes to this place boundless stage!” The sound is still spreading, in seventh, even bell sound when the reverberation, Meng Hao was still bringing excited excited Yan Er, stepped the seventh boundless stage.In the seventh disciple and Chosen shock, bell sound is once more spirited, from the first step to 100,000 steps, from the single layer day to the tenth heavy day, all these appears again, shakes the heavens moves, when lets the seventh disciple looks pale to be bloodless, in seventh always the ten heavy space of boundless stage, big of good fortune Yan Er obtains, was indescribable that her whole body by the baptism, her Cultivation was enlivened in this moment.Distant place the scenery of world, presents Yan Er again, her within the body has ka the sound reverberation, her Cultivation erupts finally, in this bell sound baptism and good fortune, progresses by leaps and bounds.On this day, is doomed in boundless faction historical, leaves behind indelible strong one, before having surmounted Meng Hao, founds ten heavy day of miracles in ninth.Because of this day, Meng Hao has completed the entire boundless faction in history, on the boundless stage, peak of most peak, he must nine big Sect boundless stages, arrange in order the position completely first, starts out ten heavy days completely!And is not he, but is leading his disciple.On this day, countless people, knew Yan Er, countless people, to Yan Er here envying, already arrived at peak in life.In that endless envying, Meng Hao is bringing Yan Er, since seventh went to sixth, after the sixth ten heavy day thunders, went to fifth, fourth, third, secondThey have not stopped too for a long time, one after another go, one after another starts out ten heavy days, but Yan Er here Cultivation, in the good fortunes of these boundless stages, even more boundless, the depth of background, surpasses Chosen.By that first boundless stage, after ten heavy days appears once again, world reacted, the whole world buzz the cry, countless person mind such as the thunder tumbles, the breath shortness, regarding the matter that this day has, is unable to forget for a lifetime slightly.„Nine large amount completely ten heavy days”„Fang Mu, Fang Mu, he is my boundless faction innumerable years, first Chosen that deserves!!”„Was a pity that his Cultivation is also not Dao Realm, otherwise, I anticipated really very much that Fang Mu can arrive at any degree on the Transcendence road, after all Dao Realm following boundless stage, above Dao Realm Transcendence road!”„His disciple Yan Er, this time by various bell sound baptism, the person of good fortune obtains, is hard to imagine!”Entire boundless faction in reacted, in an uproar, but the ninth cheers, leapt eighth, seventh, sixth along with Meng Hao all, finally in first, cheers dreadfully.„Fang Mu Grandmaster brother!” Sound continuously, enormous and powerful boundless.On this day, reacted that Meng Hao causes, not only makes the innumerable disciples of boundless faction shock, even has also shocked the Dao Realm powerhouse, Dao Lord, Dao Senior, in abundance silent from various appearances, looks at Meng Hao on this day, the miracle of foundation.After the first ten heavy day also appears, Paragon arrived, Paragon from nine big Sect, although is seven sources, but they also equally changed countenance by the Meng Hao action, although looks in them that Meng Hao differs with them are too too many, but they have to acknowledge that the natural talent or the future potential, this Fang Mu already exceeded them to be too many, even if all goes well, then one day, Fang Mu can stand in their sides, and has the possibility to surmount them very much.„Paragon seedling!” When first seven source Paragon, muttered to open mouth, these three characters, were paid attention to this all seven source Paragon by nine big Sect at this moment, approved.Even if that third class said that also has to acknowledge this point.Indeed, is the Paragon seedling!Asked to guarantee a minimum
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Nama ini, akan mengikuti delapan kekal sampai
ini adalah Meng Hao memberikan hadiah Yan Er, sepuluh tahun ini, lainnya Sekte menantang respon kesembilan Anda buru-buru ke tahap yang tak terbatas kesembilan, maka saya pergi ke Sect Anda, pertama menghapus tak terbatas tahap sekte Anda!
Rapi, puncak serangan balik!
Thunders, di daratan ketujuh, di ketujuh, formasi Eja saat ini muncul, ketika bentuk murid kesembilan tak terhitung tiba, suara Meng Hao menyebar sekali lagi.
"kesembilan, Fang Mu, bergegas ke tempat tahap tak terbatas ini! "suara itu masih menyebar, di ketujuh, bahkan suara bel ketika dengung itu, Meng Hao masih membawa gembira bersemangat Yan Er, melangkah tahap tak terbatas ketujuh.
dalam murid ketujuh dan Dipilih shock, bel suara adalah sekali lagi bersemangat, dari langkah pertama untuk 100.000 langkah, dari hari lapisan tunggal untuk hari yang berat kesepuluh, semua muncul ini lagi, getar langit bergerak, ketika memungkinkan murid ketujuh terlihat pucat menjadi berdarah, di ketujuh selalu sepuluh ruang berat panggung tak terbatas, besar keberuntungan Yan Er memperoleh, tak terlukiskan yang seluruh tubuhnya oleh baptisan, Budidaya dia dimeriahkan pada saat ini.
tempat Jauh pemandangan dunia, menyajikan Yan Er lagi, dia dalam tubuh memiliki ka gema suara, meletus Budidaya dia akhirnya, di bel ini baptisan suara dan nasib baik, berlangsung dengan pesat.
pada hari ini, ditakdirkan dalam golongan tak terbatas sejarah, meninggalkan tak terhapuskan satu yang kuat, sebelum setelah diatasi Meng Hao, mendirikan sepuluh berat hari keajaiban di kesembilan.
Karena hari ini, Meng Hao telah menyelesaikan seluruh faksi tak terbatas dalam sejarah, di panggung tak terbatas, puncak yang paling puncak, dia harus sembilan tahap tak terbatas Sekte besar, mengatur agar posisi benar-benar pertama, dimulai sepuluh hari yang berat sekali!
Dan bukan dia, tapi memimpin muridnya.
pada hari ini, banyak orang, tahu Yan Er, tak terhitung orang, untuk Yan Er sini iri, sudah tiba di puncak dalam hidup.
dalam iri hati tak berujung, Meng Hao adalah membawa Yan Er, karena ketujuh pergi ke urutan keenam, setelah keenam sepuluh hari guruh berat, pergi ke kelima, keempat, ketiga, kedua
Mereka tidak berhenti terlalu lama, satu demi satu pergi, satu demi dimulai lagi sepuluh berat hari, namun Yan Er sini Budidaya, dalam nasib baik ini tahap tak terbatas, bahkan lebih tak terbatas, kedalaman latar belakang, melampaui Terpilih.
dengan tahap tak terbatas pertama, setelah sepuluh hari yang berat muncul sekali lagi, dunia bereaksi, seluruh dengungan dunia teriakan, yang tak terhitung jumlahnya pikiran orang seperti guntur Tumbang, sesak napas, mengenai hal yang hari ini memiliki, tidak dapat melupakan untuk seumur hidup sedikit.
"Sembilan jumlah besar benar-benar sepuluh hari yang berat"
"Fang Mu, Fang Mu, ia adalah saya faksi tak terbatas tahun yang tak terhitung banyaknya, pertama Terpilih yang layak !! "
" Apakah disayangkan bahwa Budidaya nya juga tidak Realm Dao, jika tidak, saya perkirakan benar-benar sangat banyak yang Fang Mu dapat tiba di setiap tingkat di jalan Transendensi, setelah semua Dao Realm berikut tahap tak terbatas, di atas Dao Realm Transendensi jalan! "
" murid-Nya Yan Er, kali ini oleh berbagai bell baptisan suara, orang keberuntungan memperoleh, sulit untuk membayangkan! "
faksi tak terbatas Seluruh di bereaksi, gempar, tapi cheers kesembilan, melompat kedelapan, ketujuh, keenam bersama dengan Meng Hao semua, akhirnya pada pertama, cheers amat.
"Fang Mu Grandmaster saudara!" Suara terus menerus, besar dan kuat tak terbatas.
pada hari ini, bereaksi yang Meng Hao menyebabkan, tidak hanya membuat murid-murid tak terhitung tak terbatas kejutan faksi, bahkan juga telah mengejutkan Dao Realm pembangkit tenaga listrik, Dao Tuhan, Dao Senior, dalam kelimpahan diam dari berbagai penampilan, melihat Meng Hao pada hari ini, keajaiban yayasan.
Setelah sepuluh hari yang berat pertama juga muncul, Paragon tiba, Paragon dari sembilan Sekte besar, meskipun tujuh sumber, tetapi mereka juga sama-sama berubah wajah dengan aksi Meng Hao, meskipun tampak pada mereka yang Meng Hao berbeda dengan mereka terlalu terlalu banyak, tetapi mereka harus mengakui bahwa bakat alam atau potensi masa depan, Fang Mu ini sudah melebihi mereka terlalu banyak, bahkan jika semua berjalan dengan baik, maka suatu hari, Fang Mu dapat berdiri di sisi mereka, dan memiliki kemungkinan untuk mengatasi mereka sangat banyak.
"Paragon bibit "Ketika pertama kali tujuh sumber Paragon, gumam membuka mulut, tiga karakter ini, yang memperhatikan ini semua tujuh sumber Paragon oleh sembilan sekte besar pada saat ini, disetujui.
Bahkan jika itu kelas tiga kata yang juga harus mengakui hal ini.
memang, adalah Paragon bibit!
Diminta untuk menjamin minimum
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